skin prick test

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A 14-year-old girl presented to our hospital with food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (FDEIA), possibly caused by rice. Despite experiencing four previous episodes of suspected FDEIA, she did not seek medical attention at her own discretion. On the fifth occurrence of symptoms, the general practitioner suspected FDEIA and referred the patient to our hospital. The only common factor in all five episodes was the consumption of rice, leading to the examination of the patient under suspicion of FDEIA caused by rice. Skin prick test results were positive for bran and polished rice, and exercise after consumption of polished rice resulted in anaphylaxis. Therefore, we diagnosed FDEIA caused by polished rice. Immunoblotting confirmed the presence of immunoglobulin E reacting with 14-16kDa rice bran protein in the patient\'s serum. The immunoblot inhibition test suggested that the rice bran protein to which the patient\'s serum reacted was also present in polished rice and no wash rice. As the patient may experience FDEIA after ingestion of no wash rice or rice flour, she was advised to eliminate these from her diet, treating them similarly to brown rice or polished rice.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Fluoroquinolones are a commonly prescribed class of antibiotics due to their broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity, favorable pharmacokinetic properties, ability to switch from parenteral to oral administration, and global availability. After beta-lactams, they are the second most common antibiotic class associated with drug allergies. The mechanism of fluoroquinolone-induced hypersensitivity reactions has not yet been fully understood, so the true incidence of hypersensitivity reactions remains unknown. Cross-reactivity between fluoroquinolones has been the subject of conflicting and limited clinical research. Due to their similar chemical structure, some argue for close cross-reactivity within the group. However, recent studies have produced contradictory results. We present the case of a young patient who had an anaphylactic reaction to ciprofloxacin but was tolerant to levofloxacin, as determined via a skin prick test followed by a drug provocation test. Our findings support the notion that there is little cross-reactivity between fluoroquinolones. Consequently, exposure to another fluoroquinolone in a hospital setting may be beneficial, particularly for patients who lack adequate antibiotic alternatives. However, additional research on this subject is required.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pollen food allergy syndrome (PFAS) is a food allergy that manifests as hypersensitivity symptoms of the oropharyngeal mucosa on ingesting specific foods, and findings resemble herpetic gingivostomatitis. Few reports of PFAS caused by consuming radishes are found in the literature. A 31-year-old man presented to our department with stomatitis and pharyngeal pain. He had no history of allergies. Herpetic gingivostomatitis was suspected. He was admitted to the emergency room a few days later complaining of oral and epigastric pain. Symptoms were similar to those reported previously. He reported frequently consuming raw Japanese radish (Raphans sativus L.) which gave rise to his symptoms. Japanese radish was suspected as the allergen. The skin-prick test confirmed the diagnosis of PFAS. PFAS can be diagnosed easily once the food-causing symptoms are identified. Upon encountering widespread erosion in the oral cavity, it is essential to consider PFAS as the possible cause.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Occupational asthma resulting from workplace exposure to chemical respiratory allergens is an important disease. No widely accepted or formally validated tests for the identification of chemical respiratory sensitizers. Consequently, there is a heavy reliance on human data from clinical examinations. Unfortunately, however, although such investigations are critical for the diagnosis of occupational asthma, and in guiding remedial actions, they do not reliably identify specific chemicals within the workplace that are the causative agents. There are several reasons for this, including the fact that specific inhalation tests conducted as part of clinical investigations are frequently performed with complex mixtures rather than single substances, that sometimes inhalation challenges are conducted at concentrations above the OEL and STEL, where effects may be confounded by irritation, and that involvement of immune mechanisms cannot be assumed from the observation of late asthmatic reactions. Further, caution should be taken when implicating substances on lists of \"recognised\" asthmagens unless they have undergone a formal weight of evidence assessment. Here the limitations of clinical investigations as currently performed for the purposes of regulatory classification and decision making are explored by reference to previously published case studies that implicate 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) and/or 2-hydroxypropylmethacrylate (HPMA) as respiratory allergens.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    Erythritol is widely used as an additive in foods and pharmaceuticals. We present the case of a 6-year-old boy who developed an allergy to erythritol. He showed a positive skin prick test result and a negative basophil activation test result. In cases involving allergens with low molecular weights, the test results should be carefully interpreted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is the only disease-modifying treatment for allergic disorders that induces immunological tolerance through administration of specific allergens. Studies on AIT for subcutaneous route are in abundance; however, the efficacy of AIT in tablet form through sublingual route has not been well elucidated. The present prospective, parallel-group, controlled study sought to compare the efficacy of sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) tablets with pharmacotherapy (PT) in 332 house dust mite (HDM)-specific allergic asthma and/or rhinitis patients over a period of 3 years. Patients were followed up for a 6-month run-in period and then randomly stratified as those who would receive SLIT, SLIT in addition to PT (SLIT+PT), and PT alone. AIT was administered in the form of sublingual tablets. Symptom and medication scores were measured every 3 months. In vitro evaluation of serum total and HDM specific immunoglobulin E (HDM sIgE) levels was carried out every 3 months, whereas in vivo skin prick test was performed annually for 3 years. Our study demonstrated sustained clinical improvement, reduction in inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) dose and duration as well as prevention from development of neosensitization to other aero allergens in HDM-allergic asthmatics and/or rhinitis patients treated with 3 years SLIT. Despite a remarkable clinical improvement with AIT, we observed that SLIT did not significantly change the skin reactivity to HDM at 3 years and there was no significant change in the ratio of serum total and HDM sIgE. Given the immune and disease modifying effects of AIT in allergic diseases, the present study supports the notion of its sublingual mode being an effective long-term immunomodulator in HDM-sensitized nasobronchial allergies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Jellyfish stings are known to induce allergic skin reactions; however, case reports of anaphylaxis after jellyfish ingestion have been increasing, especially in Asian countries. Some cases of anaphylaxis after jellyfish ingestion have been reported in patients with a previous history of frequent jellyfish stings. Herein, we report a pediatric patient with anaphylaxis after jellyfish ingestion with no history of jellyfish stings.
    METHODS: A 14-year-old girl developed two episodes of anaphylaxis, and her diet diaries revealed that edible jellyfish was common to the meals in both the anaphylaxis events. A skin prick test using five types of edible jellyfish products revealed a positive reaction to some jellyfish, and anaphylaxis was observed after the ingestion of jellyfish in an oral food challenge test. She had no history of jellyfish stings or frequent swimming in the ocean. The basophil activation test showed positive results on stimulation with extracts from various types of edible jellyfish. We observed serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) reactivity to purified jellyfish collagen and jellyfish acid-soluble extracts. Moreover, immunoblotting analysis showed IgE reactivity to two bands at approximately 40 and 70 kDa using purified jellyfish collagen, which may be a causative antigen.
    CONCLUSIONS: Edible salted jellyfish can be one of the causative foods of anaphylaxis. Clinicians should be aware of the possibility of anaphylactic reactions due to jellyfish ingestion even without a history of jellyfish stings.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: It is recommended that a skin test be performed 4-6 weeks after anaphylaxis. However, there is little evidence about the timing of the skin test when there is a need to identify the cause within 4-6 weeks.
    METHODS: A 57-year-old woman was scheduled to undergo surgery via a sphenoidal approach to remove a pituitary macroadenoma. Immediately after the administration of rocuronium, pulse rate increased to 120 beats/min and blood pressure dropped to 77/36 mmHg. At the same time, generalized urticaria and tongue edema were observed. Epinephrine was administered and the surgery was postponed. Reoperation was planned two weeks after the event. Four days after the anaphylactic episode, rocuronium was confirmed to be the cause by the skin prick test. Cisatracurium, which showed a negative reaction, was selected as an alternative agent for future procedures. Two weeks later, the patient underwent reoperation without any adverse events.
    CONCLUSIONS: The early skin test can be performed if there is a need even earlier than 4-6 weeks after anaphylaxis.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Neuromuscular blocking agents are frequently a cause of anaphylaxis that occurs in the perioperative period, and a skin prick test is an examination for definite diagnosis.
    METHODS: We report our experience of a patient with rocuronium-induced anaphylaxis who was scheduled to undergo open-heart surgery. After induction of anesthesia, anaphylaxis was suspected because the patient\'s blood pressure decreased, airway pressure increased, and skin flushing and edema were observed on her neck and arms. With rapid treatment, good progress was seen without complications. About 5 weeks later, skin prick tests were performed for rocuronium and vecuronium. She was positive for rocuronium and negative for vecuronium. Seven weeks after anaphylaxis, vecuronium was used for the surgery and she had no symptoms that indicated anaphylaxis. The operation was completed uneventfully.
    CONCLUSIONS: We experienced a case of anaphylaxis caused by rocuronium. After a definite diagnosis had been made by a skin prick test, safe anesthesia management was possible using vecuronium during the reoperation.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Natural rubber latex (NRL) allergy is one of the most important causes of severe anaphylaxis during medical intervention. We report a pediatric case of latex allergy with multiple surgical histories. A 12-year-old girl developed anaphylactic shock during the pyeloplasty for ureteropelvic junction restenosis. Latex gloves or medications used during the surgery were suspected to be the cause of anaphylactic shock. We diagnosed her latex allergy on the basis of the results that serum latex-specific IgE, skin prick tests of extract from NRL gloves and recombinant Hev b 6.02 solution were positive. Basophil activation test of NRL gloves was also positive, supporting the diagnosis of immediate allergic reactions caused by NRL. It was speculated that a history of multiple surgeries in infancy became a trigger of sensitization to latex in this patient. Reoperation after the diagnosis of NRL allergy was carried out in a latex-free environment and completed without any allergic symptoms. It would be necessary to perform the pre-screening of latex allergy to prevent the onset of latex allergy especially in the patients with multiple surgical histories. J. Med. Invest. 65:292-295, August, 2018.





