
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To achieve consensus on the knowledge and skills that undergraduate/pre-licensure nursing students require to steward healthcare towards a more sustainable future.
    METHODS: A two-phase real-time Delphi study.
    METHODS: Phase 1 included the generation of Planetary Health, climate change and sustainability knowledge and skill statements based on a review of relevant literature. Phase 2 consisted of a real-time Delphi survey designed to seek consensus on the proposed statements from a panel of 42 international experts.
    RESULTS: Of the 49 survey statements, 44 (90%) achieved ≥75% consensus and 26 (53%) achieved ≥80% consensus. Three were removed and 32 were modified to improve clarity of language.
    CONCLUSIONS: The knowledge and skills statements that emerged through this Delphi study can serve as a guide for incorporating Planetary Health, climate change and sustainability into nursing education programs.
    UNASSIGNED: Incorporating Planetary Health and climate change education into nursing programs has the potential to produce more environmentally conscious and socially responsible nurses.
    CONCLUSIONS: The absence of consensus on the essential knowledge and skills expected of nursing students has hindered the advancement of curricula and impacted educators\' confidence in teaching Planetary Health and climate change. This study has resulted in a meticulously crafted framework of knowledge and skill statements that will be beneficial to educators, the future nursing workforce, and, ultimately, the individuals and communities whom nurses serve.
    UNASSIGNED: This paper adheres to the Conducting and REporting DElphi Studies (CREDES) reporting guideline.
    UNASSIGNED: No patient or public contribution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Basic-Trauma Management (BTM) course has been taught to third-year medical students in small groups for many years without substantial changes. With the introduction of a new curriculum for Swiss medical students, it was necessary to revise the BTM content and re-align it. Our aim was to identify core competencies for the revised BTM course.
    METHODS: We applied a three-round step-wise Delphi consensus. First, we asked open-ended questions on what were the most important competencies to be taught for BTM; the second round used Likert scales to ensure agreement on the competencies; and the final round reached out for consensus on these BTM competencies. Stakeholders were selected based on their long-standing experience in teaching BTM and in managing trauma patients.
    RESULTS: Consensus was found on 29 competencies out of an initial 130 proposals. \"Human Factors\", which had not been taught previously, scored relatively high, at 22%. The sole specific trauma skill agreed upon was the use of tourniquets.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is an example of curricular revision of a clinical skills course after the introduction of a regulatory framework for undergraduate medical education. The revised course curriculum tailors the concepts and skills in trauma that fulfill stakeholder needs, and are in agreement with the new Swiss learning outcomes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to establish a consensus on Fundamental Endovascular Skills (FES) for educational purposes and development of training curricula for endovascular procedures. The term \"Fundamental Endovascular Skills\" is widely used; however, the current literature does not explicitly describe what skills are included in this concept. Endovascular interventions are performed by several specialties that may have opposing perspectives on these skills.
    METHODS: A two round Delphi questionnaire approach was used. Experts from interventional cardiology, interventional radiology, and vascular surgery from the United States and Europe were invited to participate. An electronic questionnaire was generated by endovascular therapists with an appropriate educational background but who would not participate in subsequent rounds. The questionnaire consisted of 50 statements describing knowledge, technical, and behavioral skills during endovascular procedures. Experts received the questionnaires by email. They were asked to rate the importance of each skill on a Likert scale from 1 to 5. A statement was considered fundamental when more than 90% of the experts rated it 4 or 5 out of 5.
    RESULTS: Twenty-three of 53 experts invited agreed to participate: six interventional radiologists (2 USA, 4 Europe), 10 vascular surgeons (4 USA, 6 Europe), and seven interventional cardiologists (4 USA, 3 Europe). There was a 100% response rate in the first round and 87% in the second round. Results showed excellent consensus among responders (Cronbach\'s alpha = .95 first round; .93 second round). Ninety percent of all proposed skills were considered fundamental. The most critical skills were determined.
    CONCLUSIONS: A transatlantic multispecialty consensus was achieved about the content of \"FES\" among interventional radiologists, interventional cardiologists, and vascular surgeons from Europe and the United States. These results can serve as directive principles for developing endovascular training curricula.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    OBJECTIVE: The importance of the acquisition of practical medical skills during medical school is increasing. With the consensus statement \"Practical Skills,\" developed by the GMA as part of the National Competency-Based Learning Objective Catalogue for Medicine (NKLM), a reference frame was created for the procurement of such skills. This frame consists of 290 learning objectives divided by \"organ system,\" type (core or elective learning objective), current stage of medical education and level of instruction. By comparing a large and well evaluated range of student tutorials with the consensus statement, one can analyze the practical benefit of the statement, as well as evaluate the tutorial program for completeness.
    METHODS: In the first stage, four evaluators in two groups independently classified all consensus statement\'s learning objectives by each of the 48 tutorials currently offered. The inter-rater reliability among the evaluators of each group was calculated both collectively, and according to each organ system. In the second stage, disagreements in the classification were resolved through discussion and consensus decision-making. The coverage of the learning objectives by the tutorials, in the required level of instruction, was then analyzed separately by learning objective type and organ system. Reasons for any initial dissent were recorded and grouped thematically.
    RESULTS: The correlation between the classifications of the two evaluators was moderately significant. The strength of this correlation, and thus the precision of individual learning goals wording, varied according to organ system. After a consensus was reached, the results show that the offered tutorials covered 66% of all learning objectives, as well as 74% of the core objectives. The degree of coverage differed according to organ system and stage of medical education.
    CONCLUSIONS: The consensus statement is suitable to systematically analyze and develop teaching units. The comparison with established curricula also offers possibilities for further development of the consensus statement, and therefore also of the NKLM.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    BACKGROUND: Encouraged by the change in licensing regulations the practical professional skills in Germany received a higher priority and are taught in medical schools therefore increasingly. This created the need to standardize the process more and more. On the initiative of the German skills labs the German Medical Association Committee for practical skills was established and developed a competency-based catalogue of learning objectives, whose origin and structure is described here. Goal of the catalogue is to define the practical skills in undergraduate medical education and to give the medical schools a rational planning basis for the necessary resources to teach them.
    METHODS: Building on already existing German catalogues of learning objectives a multi-iterative process of condensation was performed, which corresponds to the development of S1 guidelines, in order to get a broad professional and political support.
    RESULTS: 289 different practical learning goals were identified and assigned to twelve different organ systems with three overlapping areas to other fields of expertise and one area of across organ system skills. They were three depths and three different chronological dimensions assigned and the objectives were matched with the Swiss and the Austrian equivalent.
    CONCLUSIONS: This consensus statement may provide the German faculties with a basis for planning the teaching of practical skills and is an important step towards a national standard of medical learning objectives.
    UNASSIGNED: The consensus statement may have a formative effect on the medical schools to teach practical skills and plan the resources accordingly.





