
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    It is unusual to see complications with the preparation of ear mold in order to get hearing aids for children who are in need. However, we came across 2 cases who had a foreign body retained in the middle ear after a long period of time from taking silicon mold impression for hearing aid fitting. One patient presented after 2 years, and the other patient presented after 10 years of hearing aid fitting. We are reporting 2 cases with silicon impression material left in the middle ear for a long period of time after taking an impression for hearing aid fitting and found unexpectedly during exploratory tympanotomy. These reported cases are among the few cases reported worldwide without clear known incidence. This necessitates proper examination by otolaryngologists and the audiologists who are responsible for taking the impression to prevent such complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    METHODS: A 64-year-old man presented with a 3-year history of right wrist pain and swelling 33 years after a silicone scaphoid arthroplasty for chronic scaphoid nonunion. Radiographs demonstrated a deformed scaphoid implant, carpal and distal radius cysts, and mild carpal collapse. He elected to undergo a wrist arthrodesis with a dorsal fusion plate after failing conservative management.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although carpal bone silicone implant arthroplasties of the wrist have long been abandoned, our patient was pain free and fully functional for 3 decades. He was pleased to undergo serial examinations with radiographs for 30 years without any therapeutic intervention.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The two patients included in the study had mixed and refractory post-tuberculosis tracheobronchial stenosis (PTTS), having experienced unsuccessful interventional therapies such as balloon dilation and V-shaped stent placement before the operation. Following the secure placement of L-shaped silicone stents, examinations with a fiberbronchoscope during the first and third months post-operation revealed a significant reduction in bronchial mucosa inflammation for both patients. Additionally, the opening diameter of the upper and lower branch segments increased, and chest CT scans indicated a noticeable absorption of left pulmonary lesions. Three months post-operation, fiberbronchoscopy confirmed the stable fixation of the stent without any movement. The patients exhibited substantial improvements in pulmonary function, dyspnea index, and blood gas analysis, with no reported adverse complications. After 7 months, a follow-up fiberbronchoscope for one case revealed excellent stent fixation. Simultaneously, the chest CT scan indicated favorable re-expansion. The placement of L-shaped silicone stents proves effective in preventing displacement, alleviating airway stenosis or obstruction, and ensuring the safety and efficacy of PTTS treatment - particularly in cases where V-shaped silicone stent placement has failed. To our knowledge, this is the first study describing the L-shaped silicone stent in two patients with PTTS.
    Successful treatment of severe airway narrowing due to tuberculosis using special L-shaped silicone stentsThis article tells the story of two patients who suffered from a complex lung condition called post-tuberculosis tracheobronchial stenosis (PTTS). Imagine your airways - the tubes that carry air to your lungs - getting severely scarred and narrowed due to a past bout with tuberculosis. These two patients had tried previous treatments like balloon dilation (where a small balloon is inflated inside the narrowed airway to widen it) and using V-shaped stents (flexible supports placed in the airway to keep it open), but these methods didn’t provide lasting relief. In this innovative approach, doctors used L-shaped silicone stents specifically designed to fit in the affected parts of the patients’ airways. After placing these stents, regular checks showed remarkable improvements. The swelling in the airway lining reduced significantly, and the openings leading to the upper and lower parts of the lungs got wider. Chest X-rays (CT scans) even showed that the patient’s left lung was healing well. Three months later, the stents stayed firmly in place, and neither patient experienced any problems. Breathing became easier, lung function tests improved, and blood tests showed better oxygen levels. Seven months down the line, one patient continued to do extremely well, with the stent securely fixed and the chest scan showing good lung expansion. This groundbreaking study shows that using L-shaped silicone stents can effectively treat PTTS when other methods fail. Not only do they stay in place, preventing blockages, but they also safely and effectively alleviate narrowing of the airways. It’s the first time such L-shaped stents have been used successfully in PTTS patients, offering new hope for those facing similar challenges.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case study delineates the proficient creation of a silicone finger prosthesis, tailored for a patient contending with partial digit amputation. The prosthesis was devised with the overarching goal of reinstating not only the physiological dexterity of the hand but also its aesthetic integrity and the patient\'s psychological equilibrium. The crafting process entailed a meticulous technique to replicate the intricate texture of the skin in order to guarantee a near normal appearance. Post-prosthesis integration, the patient exhibited enhancements in manual functionality and articulated a heightened self-assuredness because of the indiscernible prosthesis. This illustrative case underscores the efficacy of silicone finger prosthetics in conferring both functional and aesthetic restitution to those afflicted with partial digit amputations.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Orbital exenteration performed to treat various neoplasms or nonmalignant diseases results in functional, aesthetic, and psychological issues for the patients. If reconstructive surgery is not possible or not desired by the patient, an orbital prosthesis is an excellent choice for cosmetic and psychological rehabilitation. An orbital prosthesis is aesthetic, durable, long lasting, cost-effective, and most importantly retentive. The present case report describes the rehabilitation of an orbital exenteration postsquamous cell carcinoma using a two-part prosthesis, in which retention is achieved by a combination of relining of anatomic undercuts and magnets.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case report concerns a patient suffering from traumatic spinal cord injury with severe spasticity treated with intrathecal baclofen therapy. After revision surgery for a confirmed catheter obstruction, progressive spasticity reappeared. Diagnostics demonstrated signs of catheter fracture or disconnection adjacent to the pump. During revision surgery, the silicone layer surrounding the sutureless pump connector was shown to be curled up, revealing the cause of dysfunction. As far as we know, this form of malconnection has not been reported before. Therefore, surgeons must be aware of this complication and additional inspection of the silicone connector prior to definite connection is advised.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: A 42-year-old woman with severe pulmonary and mediastinal inflammatory involvement, secondary to infiltration of a silicone-related allogenic material with systemic migration.
    UNASSIGNED: The patient developed esophageal and bronchial stenosis, recurrent infections, malnutrition, and respiratory deterioration, making surgical removal of the allogenic material impossible.
    UNASSIGNED: Clinical and radiological improvement was achieved after treatment with multiple intravenous and oral immunomodulators.
    UNASSIGNED: Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) is a heterogeneous disease resulting from exposure to allogenic substances in a susceptible subject. These substances cause autoimmune or autoinflammatory phenomena. Since ASIA was described ten years ago, its diagnostic criteria are still under discussion, with an uncertain prognosis. The ideal therapy is based on eliminating the causative substance, but this is not always possible. Therefore, it is necessary to start an immunomodulatory treatment, using it in this patient, a scheme that had not been previously reported in the literature.
    UNASSIGNED: Mujer de 42 años con compromiso inflamatorio pulmonar y mediastinal severo, secundario a infiltración de un material alogénico relacionado con la silicona con migración sistémica.
    UNASSIGNED: La paciente desarrolló estenosis esofágica y bronquial, infecciones recurrentes, desnutrición y deterioro respiratorio, imposibilitando la extracción quirúrgica del material alogénico.
    UNASSIGNED: Mejoría clínica y radiológica lograda tras un tratamiento con múltiples inmunomoduladores intravenosos y orales.
    UNASSIGNED: El síndrome autoinmune / inflamatorio inducido por adyuvantes (ASIA) es una enfermedad heterogénea que resulta de la exposición a sustancias alógenas en un sujeto con susceptibilidad genética. Estas sustancias inducen fenómenos autoinmunitarios o autoinflamatorios. Desde que ASIA fue descrito hace 10 años, sus criterios diagnósticos continúan en discusión, con un pronóstico incierto. El tratamiento idóneo se basa en eliminar la sustancia causante, pero no siempre es posible, por lo cual se hace necesario iniciar un tratamiento inmunomodulador, empleándose en esta paciente un esquema que no había sido reportado previamente en la literatura.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: The indiscriminate application of substances for aesthetic purposes, such as silicone in breast implants, leads to the production of common local signs such as inflammation, skin irregularities, edema, erythema, vascular neoformations, and ulcers, which can evolve into general symptoms such as fever, asthenia, weakness, arthralgia or activate the immune system abnormally, causing the appearance of autoimmune diseases. This set of signs and symptoms is called adjuvant-induced autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome.
    UNASSIGNED: We present the case of a 50-year-old woman with a history of silicone-based breast implants who spontaneously developed a hemorrhagic coagulopathy, type A acquired hemophilia was documented, that is, autoantibodies against coagulation factor VIII. Thanks to the work of a multidisciplinary team, it is possible to successfully diagnose and treat the patient with bridging agents, implant removal and management of associated symptoms.
    UNASSIGNED: the importance of knowing the pathology is recognized, which, although it is rare, when it occurs has a high mortality rate if it is not diagnosed and treated on time.
    UNASSIGNED: la aplicación de sustancias con fines estéticos de forma indiscriminada, como es el caso de la silicona en los implantes mamarios, llevan a la producción de signos locales comunes como: inflamación, irregularidad en la piel, edema, eritema, neoformaciones vasculares y úlceras, que pueden evolucionar a síntomas generales como la fiebre, astenia, adinamia, artralgias o a activar, de manera anómala, el sistema inmunitario, causando la aparición de enfermedades autoinmunitarias. A este conjunto de signos y síntomas se le denomina síndrome autoinmunitario/inflamatorio inducido por adyuvantes.
    UNASSIGNED: presentamos el caso de una mujer de 50 años con antecedente de implantes mamarios a base de silicona que desarrolla, de manera espontánea, una coagulopatía hemorrágica, se documenta hemofilia tipo A adquirida, es decir, autoanticuerpos contra el factor VIII de la coagulación. Gracias al trabajo de un equipo multidisciplinario se consigue diagnosticar y tratar de manera exitosa a la paciente con agentes de puente, remoción de los implantes y manejo de los síntomas asociados.
    UNASSIGNED: se reconoce la importancia de conocer la patología que, si bien es rara, cuando se presenta tiene alta tasa de mortalidad si no se diagnostica y trata a tiempo.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Gunshot wounds in the maxillofacial region may cause serious defects that result in functional and esthetic disabilities. A 14-year-old male patient was referred to the prosthodontics clinic for provisional prosthetic restoration 5 months after an injury involving the midline midfacial region. An interim extraoral silicone maxillofacial prosthesis (MFP), also known as an epithesis, replacing the nose and upper lip, was fabricated to enhance appearance and speech intelligibility. The effect of the prosthesis insertion on speech outcome was assessed over 6 months. Blood pulse oxygen saturation levels and heart rate were monitored to assess ventilation following the prosthesis insertion. Results of the Assessment of Articulation Subtest revealed the patient produced the target speech sounds of 31 more words correctly at 6 months follow-up. Bilabial, labiodental, and postalveolar speech sounds in the phonetic inventory improved. Fabrication of an extraoral silicone MFP, modifying substructure design, and prosthesis usage over time contributed to the significant enhancement of speech intelligibility and did not significantly change the blood pulse oxygen saturation levels and heart rate. It led to an improvement in overall aesthetic outcomes and was a useful tool for the patient\'s social integration.





