seborrheic keratosis

  • 文章类型: Review
    UNASSIGNED: Der Tumor des follikulären Infundibulums (TFI) wurde als Neoplasie - isoliert und multipel - und in Assoziation mit anderen epithelialen Läsionen beschrieben. Seine endgültige histopathologische Definition wird kontrovers diskutiert.
    UNASSIGNED: Wir präsentieren eine retrospektive Serie von 28 Patienten mit TFI beziehungsweise TFI-ähnlichen Veränderungen. Ergänzend wurde die in MEDLINE aufgeführte Literatur zum Thema TFI recherchiert und die darin publizierten Abbildungen interaktiv diskutiert und analysiert.
    UNASSIGNED: Unsere Patienten waren 16 Frauen und 12 Männer. TFI-ähnliche Veränderungen fanden sich bei fünf Patienten mit Nävus sebaceus, zwei Trichofollikulomen, einer erweiterten Pore Winer, acht Virusakanthomen, einem Dermatofibrom, sechs seborrhoischen Keratosen, drei aktinischen Keratosen, einem invasiven Plattenepithelkarzinom und einem Basalzellkarzinom in Kombination mit Plattenepithelkarzinom/aktinischer Keratose. Nach Sichtung der Literatur, insbesondere von solitären Fällen von TFI, betrachten wir diese größtenteils als Variante von seborrhoischen Keratosen mit variablem Ausmaß von infundibulärer, isthmischer und/oder sebazärer Differenzierung mit oder ohne Regression.
    UNASSIGNED: Wir werten TFI insgesamt als ein epitheliales Wachstumsmuster, das bei hamartomatösen, entzündlichen inkludierend infektiösen, reaktiven oder neoplastischen Prozessen auftreten und in den meisten solitären Formen am ehesten innerhalb des histologischen Spektrums seborrhoischer Keratosen eingeordnet werden kann.






  • 文章类型: Review
    OBJECTIVE: Tumor of follicular infundibulum (TFI) has been described as a neoplasm - isolated and multiple - and in association with other lesions. Its histopathologic definition is controversial.
    METHODS: We present a histopathologically analyzed series of 28 patients with TFI features. This has been supplemented by a search in MEDLINE on the literature on this subject. The corresponding figures given in these articles have been discussed and analyzed.
    RESULTS: Patients comprised 16 women and twelve men. TFI features were seen in five patients with nevus sebaceous, two trichofolliculomas, one dilated pore Winer, eight viral warts, one dermatofibroma, six seborrheic keratoses, three actinic keratoses, one invasive squamous cell carcinoma, and one basal cell carcinoma in association with a squamous cell carcinoma/actinic keratosis. After study of the literature especially of solitary cases of TFI, we interpret such cases mostly as variants of seborrheic keratoses with variable degree of infundibular, isthmic and/or sebaceous differentiation with or without regression.
    CONCLUSIONS: We regard TFI as an epithelial growth pattern which may occur in hamartomatous, inflammatory, infectious, reactive, or neoplastic conditions, in most solitary forms likely best classified within the histopathological spectrum of seborrheic keratoses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seborrheic keratoses (SKs) are benign epidermal neoplasms presenting as waxy, brown to black papules and plaques. Patients often seek removal for cosmetic reasons or irritation. The objective of this systematic review is to assess the efficacy and safety of topical treatments for SKs. Studies involving any topical medication indicated for SK removal were retrieved from Embase, Scopus, PubMed, and Cochrane. The final search was conducted on November 9, 2021, and 26 reports met inclusion criteria. A quality rating scheme was utilized to assess evidence quality. Heterogeneity of treatments and outcome measures precluded meta-analysis. Topical treatments that yielded a good-to-excellent response include hydrogen peroxide, Maxacalcitol 25 µg/g, BID Tazarotene 0.1% cream, 5% potassium dobesilate cream, 1% diclofenac sodium solution, urea-based solution, and 65% and 80% trichloroacetic acid. Local skin reactions were often mild and transient. Topical hydrogen peroxide showed the greatest evidence for clinical clearance of SKs, although there are no studies to our knowledge that directly compared hydrogen peroxide to current first-line treatments (e.g. cryotherapy or shave excision). The results of this review suggest viable and safe treatment of SK with topical therapies; however, there remains demand for topical treatments that reliably equate or exceed the efficacy of current first-line therapies.Key PointsQuestion: Are safe and efficacious topical treatments for seborrheic keratoses available?Findings: Topical treatments for seborrheic keratoses yield different responses and may be associated with local skin reactions. Topical hydrogen peroxide shows the greatest evidence for clinical clearance of seborrheic keratoses and may be a viable option for patients requesting noninvasive removal. No studies to our knowledge directly compare hydrogen peroxide to current first-line treatments.Meaning: There remains demand for topical treatments that reliably equate or exceed the efficacy of current first-line therapies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Seborrheic keratoses (SK) are the most common acquired benign tumor that affects middle-aged or older adults with great cosmetic concern. Clinical and histopathological similarities of SK and common warts have been addressed by investigating the possible presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA in SK. Previous studies suggested the association between α-genus HPV and SK located on genital skin, whereas the causal relationship between α-HPV and non-genital SK remains controversial.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to clarify the pathogenic involvement of α-HPV in the development of non-genital SK.
    METHODS: We analyzed α-HPV DNA prevalence and HPV genotypes using a PCR-based microarray on 51 skin samples presenting with histologically confirmed SK without any malignant changes. Correlation between the histological subtype of SK and their HPV DNA-positive reactivity was also evaluated.
    RESULTS: Of 51 non-genital SK, two (3.9%) skin samples were positive for α-HPV DNA; high-risk HPV 31 and low-risk HPV 42 were found. Evaluation of HPV prevalence in different histological types of SK showed that both HPV-positive cases were acanthotic type; 14.3% of acanthotic SK lesions were positive, while all of the other types were negative for α-HPV.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that α-HPV positivity is very rare in common non-genital SK. The rare α-HPV-positive SK lesions histologically belonged to the acanthotic type, implying a potential impact of HPV infection on epidermal hyperproliferation. Although a possible association cannot be excluded, our findings suggest that α-HPV is not a major causative factor for non-genital SK.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seborrheic keratosis (SK) is a common epidermal tumor, consisting of a benign proliferation of immature keratinocytes. The natural history of SK is a slow progression over time and complete remission is not expected. The article presents the first case of a complete resolution of a large (2.5 cm diameter) SK lesion after hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). In addition to the case presentation, the pathophysiology of SK and the potential beneficial physiological effects of HBOT are reviewed and discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The incidence of seborrheic keratosis (SK) generally increases with age and are mostly localized on the trunk, face and neck, especially on sun-exposed areas. The association between SK and skin malignancies appears to be accidental, but in situ transformation occurs more frequently in sun-exposed areas. Histopathological examination of all SK cases should be considered, especially when SK lesions exhibit atypical clinical manifestations, such as ulceration and cresting, as they may herald malignant transformation. In addition, other features associated with malignant transformation include excoriations or hemorrhages identified on the lesion, modification and evolution of the macroscopic characteristics, and the presence of local erythema or pruritus. Immunocompromised patients exhibit an increased risk of malignant transformation, even when radiation is involved.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There is lack of uniformity in reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) terminology for nonmelanocytic lesions (NMLs).
    OBJECTIVE: To review published RCM terms for NMLs and identify likely synonymous terms.
    METHODS: We conducted a systematic review of original research articles published up to August 19, 2017, adhering to Preferred Reporting Items for Systemic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Two investigators gathered all published RCM terms used to describe basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and seborrheic keratosis/solar lentigo/lichen planus-like keratosis (SK/SL/LPLK). Synonymous terms were grouped on the basis of similarity in definition and histopathologic correlates.
    RESULTS: The inclusion criteria was met by 31 studies. Average frequency of use per term was 1.6 (range 1-8). By grouping synonymous terms, the number of terms could be reduced from 58 to 18 for BCC, 58 to 36 for SCC, 23 to 12 for SK/SL/LPLK, and from 139 to 66 terms (52.5% reduction) in total. The frequency of term usage stratified by anatomic layer (suprabasal epidermis vs epidermal basal layer, dermoepidermal junction, and superficial dermis) was 27 (25.7%) versus 78 (74.2%) for BCC; 60 (64.5%) versus 33 (34.5%) for SCC, and 15 (45.4%) versus 18 (54.5%) for SK/SL/LPLK, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Articles that were not peer reviewed were excluded.
    CONCLUSIONS: Systematic review of published RCM terms provides the basis for future NMLs terminology consensus.







  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 79-year-old Japanese woman presented with an ulcerated, brown-red nodule in the center of a sharply demarcated, tan-brown plaque situated on the left side of her right breast. Histologically, the plaque demonstrated an acanthosis with an intraepidermal epithelioma of Borst-Jadassohn. Small oval nests of bland-appearing basophilic cells in the periphery gradually enlarged into nests of various sizes and irregular shapes, composed of densely cohesive, atypical basophilic cells above the central nodule. The atypical keratinocytes shifted to atypical spindle cells beneath the acanthotic epidermis, penetrating deep into the subcutaneous tissue. In addition to vimentin and p63, the spindle cells were positive for several cytokeratin (CK) markers, including AE1/AE3, 34βE12 and CK5/6, which showed more intense signals closer to the epidermis. Basophilic cells in the clonal nests were positive for p63, AE1/AE3, 34βE12 and CK5/6. The MIB-1 index was estimated at approximately 40-50% in both the bland-appearing and the atypical basophilic cells. We describe the first case of spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma arising in an intraepidermal epithelioma expressed by clonal Bowen\'s disease, which was difficult to differentiate from clonal seborrheic keratosis.





