reconstructive surgical procedures

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The eyes are the central aesthetic unit of the face. Maxillofacial trauma can alter facial proportions and affect visual function with varying degrees of severity. Conventional approaches to reconstruction have numerous limitations, making the process challenging. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the application of three-dimensional (3D) navigation in complex unilateral orbital reconstruction.
    METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted over 19 months (January 2020 to July 2021), with consecutive enrollment of 12 patients who met the inclusion criteria. Each patient was followed for a minimum period of 6 months. The principal investigator carried out a comparative analysis of several factors, including fracture morphology, orbital volume, globe projection, diplopia, facial morphic changes, lid retraction, and infraorbital nerve hypoesthesia.
    RESULTS: Nine patients had impure orbital fractures, while the remainder had pure fractures. The median orbital volume on the normal side (30.12 cm3; interquartile range [IQR], 28.45-30.64) was comparable to that of the reconstructed orbit (29.67 cm3; IQR, 27.92-31.52). Diplopia improved significantly (T(10) = 2.667, p = 0.02), although there was no statistically significant improvement in globe projection. Gross symmetry of facial landmarks was achieved, with comparable facial width-to-height ratio and palpebral fissure lengths. Two patients reported infraorbital hypoesthesia at presentation, which persisted at the 6-month follow-up. Additionally, five patients developed lower lid retraction (1-2 mm), and one experienced implant impingement at the infraorbital border.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides level II evidence supporting the use of 3D navigation to improve surgical outcomes in complex orbital reconstruction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pectoralis major muscle flaps are considered versatile and allow large reconstructions of anatomical defects within a single surgical procedure. Considered a \"workhorse\" due to these characteristics, the pectoralis major muscle is an excellent option for surgical reconstruction. Several uses of this flap are described in the literature, such as protection of the jugulocarotid system after cervical lymph node dissection, oral, cervical, breast, diaphragmatic, hypopharyngeal, pharyngeal, laryngeal, and esophageal reconstructions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The osteocutaneous radial forearm (OCRFF) is a versatile free flap option for bony defects of the head and neck, given the thinness and pliability of the forearm cutaneous paddle, pedicle length, reliability, lack of atherosclerosis, and functional concerns common to other osseous donor sites. The OCRFF was once associated with a high risk of radial fracture, in addition to concerns about the quality and durability of bone stock for osseous reconstruction, particularly for the mandible. Following the introduction of prophylactic plating of the radius, the incidence of symptomatic radial fracture has drastically decreased. Furthermore, modifications of the bony osteotomies and other evolutions of this flap harvest have increased the use of the OCRFF throughout the head and neck. Despite these advantages, the OCRFF is not widely utilized by microvascular reconstructive surgeons due to perceived limitations and risks. Herein, we present a multidisciplinary, contemporary review of the harvest technique, outcomes, and perioperative management for the OCRFF.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reconstruction of craniomaxillofacial bone defects using 3D-printed hydroxyapatite (HA) bioceramic patient-specific implants (PSIs) is a new technique with great potential. This study aimed to investigate the advantages, disadvantages, and clinical outcomes of these implants in craniomaxillofacial surgeries. The PubMed and Embase databases were searched for patients with craniomaxillofacial bone defects treated with bioceramic PSIs. Clinical outcomes such as biocompatibility, biomechanical properties, and aesthetics were evaluated and compared to those of commonly used titanium or poly-ether-ether-ketone (PEEK) implants and autologous bone grafts. Two clinical cases are presented to illustrate the surgical procedure and clinical outcomes of HA bioceramic PSIs. Literature review showed better a biocompatibility of HA PSIs than titanium and PEEK. The initial biomechanical properties were inferior to those of autologous bone grafts, PEEK, and titanium but improved when integrated. Satisfactory aesthetic results were found in our two clinical cases with good stability and absence of bone resorption or infection. Radiological signs of osteogenesis were observed in the two clinical cases six months postoperatively. HA bioceramic PSIs have excellent biocompatible properties and imitate natural bone biomechanically and radiologically. They are a well-suited alternative for conventional biomaterials in the reconstruction of load-sharing bone defects in the craniomaxillofacial region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The use of bone morphogenic protein and mesenchymal stem cells has shown promise in promoting bone regeneration in calvarial defects. However, a systematic review of the available literature is needed to evaluate the efficacy of this approach.
    METHODS: We comprehensively searched electronic databases using MeSH terms related to skull defects, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, and bone morphogenic proteins. Eligible studies included animal studies that used BMP therapy and mesenchymal stem cells to promote bone regeneration in calvarial defects. Reviews, conference articles, book chapters, and non-English language studies were excluded. Two independent investigators conducted the search and data extraction.
    RESULTS: Twenty-three studies published between 2010 and 2022 met our inclusion criteria after a full-text review of the forty-five records found in the search. Eight of the 23 studies used mice as models, while 15 used rats. The most common mesenchymal stem cell was bone marrow-derived, followed by adipose-derived. BMP-2 was the most popular. Stem cells were embedded in Scaffold (13), Transduction (7), and Transfection (3), and they were delivered BMP to cells. Each treatment used 2 × 104-1 × 107 mesenchymal stem cells, averaging 2.26 × 106. Most BMP-transduced MSC studies used lentivirus.
    CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review examined BMP and MSC synergy in biomaterial scaffolds or alone. BMP therapy and mesenchymal stem cells in calvarial defects, alone, or with a scaffold regenerated bone. This method treats skull defects in clinical trials. The best scaffold material, therapeutic dosage, administration method, and long-term side effects need further study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Migraine surgery at 1 of 6 identified \"trigger sites\" of a target cranial sensory nerve has rapidly grown in popularity since 2000. This study summarizes the effect of migraine surgery on headache severity, headache frequency, and the migraine headache index score which is derived by multiplying migraine severity, frequency, and duration. Materials and Methods: This is a PRISMA-compliant systematic review of 5 databases searched from inception through May 2020 and is registered under the PROSPERO ID: CRD42020197085. Clinical trials treating headaches with surgery were included. Risk of bias was assessed in randomized controlled trials. Meta-analyses were performed on outcomes using a random effects model to determine the pooled mean change from baseline and when possible, to compare treatment to control. Results: 18 studies met criteria including 6 randomized controlled trials, 1 controlled clinical trial, and 11 uncontrolled clinical trials treated 1143 patients with pathologies including migraine, occipital migraine, frontal migraine, occipital nerve triggered headache, frontal headache, occipital neuralgia, and cervicogenic headache. Migraine surgery reduced headache frequency at 1 year postoperative by 13.0 days per month as compared to baseline (I2 = 0%), reduced headache severity at 8 weeks to 5 years postoperative by 4.16 points on a 0 to 10 scale as compared to baseline (I2 = 53%), and reduced migraine headache index at 1 to 5 years postoperative by 83.1 points as compared to baseline (I2 = 2%). These meta-analyses are limited by a small number of studies that could be analyzed, including studies with high risk of bias. Conclusion: Migraine surgery provided a clinically and statistically significant reduction in headache frequency, severity, and migraine headache index scores. Additional studies, including randomized controlled trials with low risk-of-bias should be performed to improve the precision of the outcome improvements.
    Historique: Le traitement de la migraine à l’une des six « zones gâchettes » établies d’un nerf crânien sensoriel cible ont rapidement gagné en popularité depuis 2000. La présente étude résume l’effet du traitement chirurgical de la migraine sur la gravité et la fréquence des céphalées et sur le score de migraine obtenu par la multiplication de la gravité, de la fréquence et de la durée des migraines. Matériel et méthodologie: La présente analyse systématique de cinq bases de données fouillées depuis leur création jusqu’à mai 2020 respecte la liste PRISMA et est enregistrée sous le numéro d’identification CRD42020197085 de PROSPERO. Les chercheurs ont retenu les études cliniques sur le traitement des céphalées par des interventions chirurgicales. Ils ont évalué le risque de biais des études aléatoires et contrôlées. Ils ont également effectué des méta-analyses des résultats au moyen d’un modèle à effets aléatoires pour déterminer le changement moyen regroupé par rapport à l’état de référence et, dans la mesure du possible, pour comparer des sujets traités à des sujets témoins. Résultats: Au total, 18 études respectaient les critères, y compris six études aléatoires et contrôlées, une étude clinique contrôlée, et 11 études non contrôlées auprès de 1 143 patients ayant des pathologies incluant la migraine, la migraine occipitale, la migraine frontale, la céphalée occipitale, la céphalée frontale, la névralgie occipitale et la céphalée cervicogénique. Par rapport à l’état de départ, le traitement chirurgical de la migraine avait réduit la fréquence des céphalées de 13,0 jours par mois (I2 = 0%) un an après l’opération, la gravité des céphalées de 4,16 points sur une échelle de 0 à 10 de huit semaines à cinq ans après l’opération (I2 = 53%) et le score de migraine de 83,1 points de un à cinq ans après l’opération (I2 = 2%). Ces méta-analyses sont limitées par le petit nombre d’études pouvant être analysées, y compris des études comportant de forts risques de biais. Conclusion: Le traitement chirurgical de la migraine assure une diminution cliniquement et statistiquement significative de la fréquence et de la gravité des céphalées, ainsi que des scores de migraine. D’autres études, y compris des études aléatoires et contrôlées comportant un faible risque de biais, devront être exécutées pour mieux préciser les améliorations aux résultats cliniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Craniomaxillofacial surgery has been experiencing a deep conceptual change in surgical planning over the last decade, with virtual reality technologies becoming widely adopted. The high demand has led to an exponential increase in available software. The aim of this review was to outline the current literature and provide evidence on the most used software for virtual surgical planning (VSP), and also to define contemporary knowledge on which procedures are more ready candidates for VSP. A search was performed in the major databases, and screening of the results according to the PRISMA statement identified 535 articles reporting the implementation of preoperative VSP during the years 2010-2020. A total of 77 different software programs were identified. The surgical procedures were assigned a standardized nomenclature and further simplified into 10 categories for analysis: temporomandibular joint (TMJ), implants (IMPL), malformations (MALF), reconstruction (REC), oncology (ONCO), oral surgery (ORAL), orthognathic surgery (ORTH), cranial surgery (CRANIO), trauma (TRAUMA), miscellaneous (OTHER). The journals they were reported in and the sample size of each study were also investigated. The results showed that the Materialise suite was the most widespread tool for VSP, with a prevalence of 36.3%, followed by the Geomagic family. Several packages were found to be associated with a specific type of surgical procedure. This review offers a synopsis of the array of VSP software reported in the literature and sets the basis for an informed, evidence-based use of this software in craniomaxillofacial surgery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Nasal CSF leakage is the most common complication after transsphenoidal surgery, especially in case of extended transsphenoidal access. It is one of the main and obvious risk factors of meningitis. Introduction of effective reconstructive techniques made it possible to reduce the incidence of postoperative CSF leakage. Fibrin glue is one of the main components in transsphenoidal surgery for skull base defect closure. The use of autologous fibrin glue excludes immune response due to its biocompatibility. Modern technologies of preparation of autologous fibrin glue make it possible to obtain a large volume of glue that ensures complete sealing of skull base defect. At the same time, autologous glue contains factors promoting rapid tissue regeneration. It is of great importance for engraftment of autologous transplants in the area of skull base defect.
    Назальная ликворея после эндоскопических транссфеноидальных операций — наиболее частое осложнение транссфеноидальной хирургии, особенно в случаях использования расширенного транссфеноидального доступа, и один из основных и очевидных факторов риска развития менингита. Внедрение эффективных реконструктивных методик позволило снизить частоту послеоперационной ликвореи. Фибриновый клей в транссфеноидальной хирургии является одним из основных препаратов, используемых для пластики дефекта основания черепа. Применение аутологичного фибринового клея исключает аллоиммунизацию в связи с его биосовместимостью. Современные технологии приготовления аутологичного фибринового клея позволяют получить достаточно большой его объем, что обеспечивает полноценную герметизацию дефекта основания черепа. При этом аутологичный клей содержит факторы, которые способствуют быстрой регенерации тканей, что имеет большое значение для приживления аутотрансплантатов в области дефекта основания черепа.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    The posterior interosseous flap (PIOF), as fasciocutaneous flap, represents an interesting option in reconstructive surgery of the upper limb. The PIOF allows coverage of losses of substance of the dorsal side of the hand and, with technical modifications, up to the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint without any need of microsurgical technique or the sacrifice of the main vascular axes for the hand. Its dimensions can reach up to 22 cm x12 cm and have excellent versatility since it can incorporate vascularized bone grafts and tendon grafts for complex substance losses. Despite the above-mentioned advantages, among the factors that limit its diffusion, indeed, there is the complex dissection technique originally described. Several authors also report a variable incidence of venous congestion, attributing it to the reverse flow vascularity of the flap. However, in the hands of experienced surgeons, this flap has a negligible incidence of complications. For these reasons, the authors performed a systematic review of the literature to organize the various technical updates over the years to extend the indications of the PIOF and reduce the incidence of complications, thus providing a valuable tool for reconstructive surgeons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of implantoplasty (IP) with or without regenerative procedures on treatment outcomes of peri-implantitis.
    METHODS: Electronic and manual literature searches were conducted for clinical trials published up to October 2020 that evaluated clinical outcomes (at least 6-month follow-up) after peri-implantitis treatment involving IP. The implant survival rate and clinical parameters (eg, probing depth [PD], bleeding on probing [BOP], marginal bone loss [MBL], clinical attachment level [CAL], and mucosal recession [REC]) at baseline and follow-ups were extracted from original articles for qualitative analyses. Risk ratio and weighted mean difference with 95% CI were calculated using a random-effects model.
    RESULTS: Out of 322 studies, 17 (9 randomized controlled trials, 4 controlled clinical trials, and 4 case series) were included in the present study. The regeneration group presented a 97% (95% CI: 0.95 to 1.00) implant survival rate, and the nonregeneration group showed a 94% (95% CI: 0.90 to 0.98) survival rate. Both groups revealed similar outcomes in PD and BOP reductions and soft tissue REC. However, the regeneration group had more favorable results in MBL.
    CONCLUSIONS: Data from this study suggested that applying implantoplasty during a regeneration or nonregeneration surgical approach resulted in a high implant survival rate and peri-implantitis resolution. Although no differences were found in the majority of clinical parameters in both groups, the regenerative approach resulted in more radiographic bone fill than the nonregenerative treatment.





