• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bighead carps of the genus Hypophthalmichthys (H. molitrix and H. nobilis) are important aquaculture species. They were subjected to extensive multidisciplinary research, but with cytogenetics confined to conventional protocols only. Here, we employed Giemsa-/C-/CMA3- stainings and chromosomal mapping of multigene families and telomeric repeats. Both species shared (i) a diploid chromosome number 2n = 48 and the karyotype structure, (ii) low amount of constitutive heterochromatin, (iii) the absence of interstitial telomeric sites (ITSs), (iv) a single pair of 5S rDNA loci adjacent to one major rDNA cluster, and (v) a single pair of co-localized U1/U2 snDNA tandem repeats. Both species, on the other hand, differed in (i) the presence/absence of remarkable interstitial block of constitutive heterochromatin on the largest acrocentric pair 11 and (ii) the number of major (CMA3-positive) rDNA sites. Additionally, we applied here, for the first time, the conventional cytogenetics in H. harmandi, a species considered extinct in the wild and/or extensively cross-hybridized with H. molitrix. Its 2n and karyotype description match those found in the previous two species, while silver staining showed differences in distribution of major rDNA. The bighead carps thus represent another case of taxonomic diversity not associated with gross karyotype differentiation, where 2n and karyotype structure cannot help in distinguishing between genomes of closely related species. On the other hand, we demonstrated that two cytogenetic characters (distribution of constitutive heterochromatin and major rDNA) may be useful for diagnosis of pure species. The universality of these markers must be further verified by analyzing other pure populations of bighead carps.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wertheimerinae is a small subfamily of thorny catfish composed of two species found in eastern Brazilian coastal drainages: Wertheimeria maculata and Kalyptodoras bahiensis. According to molecular phylogenetic analysis, Franciscodoras marmoratus an endemic species of the São Francisco River is also a member of this subfamily. Even though both phylogenetic approaches suggest that this group is one of the oldest lineages of the Doradidae, a disagreement remains about the constitution of Wertheimerinae. Hence, cytogenetic analysis is important to understand the karyotypic evolution of thorny catfish and can be a useful cytotaxonomic tool to clarify the relationships between these species. All Wertheimerinae species, and F. marmoratus here analyzed, shared 2n = 58 chromosomes, karyotypic formulas (24m+12sm +8st +14a), and nucleolus organizer region (NOR) pattern (terminal 18S rDNA sites on pair 22). Differences were noted in heterochromatin and 5S rDNA site distribution. The chromosomal markers here applied added to the molecular data, reinforcing that these three species actually represent a well-resolved taxonomic unit. Our results represent one more evidence of the ancient connectivity between eastern coastal drainages and São Francisco River, whose separation represented an important event for the allopatric speciation that produced the current forms of Wertheimerinae subfamily.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The giant thorny-headed worm Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus is a zoonotic acanthocephalan species with a worldwide distribution. Its natural definitive hosts are primarily pigs and wild boars (Sus scrofa), and scarabaeid beetles serve as the intermediate host. To date, there has only been one record of this acanthocephalan in Japan: a Ryukyu wild boar (Sus scrofa riukiuanus) hunted in 1973 on Amami Island, faraway from the Japanese mainland. The present study reports the second case of this acanthocephalan in Japan: a Japanese wild boar (Sus scrofa leucomystax) hunted in May 2017 in Yamaguchi Prefecture, the westernmost part of the Japanese mainland (Honshu). More than a dozen acanthocephalans (123 to 233 mm in length and 5 to 6 mm in width) were found with their proboscides inserted deeply into the intestinal wall, forming grossly visible nodules on the external surface. Isolated worms underwent a molecular genetic characterization of the ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene (cox-1). Long rDNA nucleotide sequences (5870 to 5890 bp) spanning the beginning of the 18S rDNA through to the 28S rDNA, including the internal transcribed spacer regions, and 1384-bp cox-1 nucleotide sequences were obtained. In the future, in conjunction with the accumulation of molecular genetic data of multiple M. hirudinaceus isolates from different endemic localities abroad, our data may help to postulate the origin or present transmission status of this extremely rarely encountered acanthocephalan in Japan.





