post-mortem interval

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Homicide, particularly where a body has been concealed, is uniquely challenging for investigators to estimate the time of occurrence due to the methods employed by perpetrators to hide the body or its constituent parts from detection. The regularity of necrophagous insect lifecycles to determine minimum post-mortem interval (minPMI) is widely employed but remains an unreliable technique if used without a clear understanding of the factors that affect insect access and oviposition behaviour to concealed remains. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of wrapping body parts on fly colonisation and implications for minPMI calculations. Field studies were carried out using four treatments of pork (as surrogate body parts), in five replicates, one unwrapped, the other three wrapped in either a black plastic sack, a small-zipped wash bag (to simulate a suitcase), or a plastic sack further placed in a wash bag. Over a 48-h period all the methods of wrapping significantly disrupted the host-finding process of blowflies to dismembered carcasses, with a delay of initial contact and oviposition of 30+h (dependant on wrapping) and even more in wet conditions (48+ h). Egg numbers were also reduced by as much as 99.1% on wrapped samples compared to unwrapped. These new findings highlight the importance of applying adjustments to minPMI calculations when encountering wrapped remains. Advances in the accuracy of minPMI calculations will prevent the waste of valuable police time and resources and better focus the search for witnesses and suspects in homicide investigations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estimating the post-mortem interval is a fundamental, albeit challenging task in forensic sciences. To this aim, forensic practitioners need to assess post-mortem changes through a plethora of different methods, most of which are inherently qualitative, thus providing broad time intervals rather than precise determinations. This challenging problem is further complicated by the influence of environmental factors, which modify the temporal dynamics of post-mortem changes, sometimes in a rather unpredictable fashion. In this context, the search for quantitative and objective descriptors of post-mortem changes is highly demanded. In this study, we used computed tomography (CT) to assess the post-mortem anatomical modifications occurring in the time interval 0-4 days after death in the brain of four corpses. Our results show that fractal analysis of CT brain slices provides a set of quantitative descriptors able to map post-mortem changes over time throughout the whole brain. Although incapable of producing a direct estimation of the PMI, these descriptors could be used in combination with other more established methods to improve the accuracy and reliability of PMI determination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Common forensic entomology practice has been to collect the largest Diptera larvae from a scene and use published developmental data, with temperature data from the nearest weather station, to estimate larval development time and post-colonization intervals (PCIs). To evaluate the accuracy of PCI estimates among Calliphoridae species and spatially distinct temperature sources, larval communities and ambient air temperature were collected at replicate swine carcasses (N = 6) throughout decomposition. Expected accumulated degree hours (ADH) associated with Cochliomyia macellaria and Phormia regina third instars (presence and length) were calculated using published developmental data sets. Actual ADH ranges were calculated using temperatures recorded from multiple sources at varying distances (0.90 m-7.61 km) from the study carcasses: individual temperature loggers at each carcass, a local weather station, and a regional weather station. Third instars greatly varied in length and abundance. The expected ADH range for each species successfully encompassed the average actual ADH for each temperature source, but overall under-represented the range. For both calliphorid species, weather station data were associated with more accurate PCI estimates than temperature loggers associated with each carcass. These results provide an important step towards improving entomological evidence collection and analysis techniques, and developing forensic error rates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Considering the biogeographical characteristics of forensic entomology, and the recent development of forensic microbiology as a complementary approach for post-mortem interval estimation, the current study focused on characterizing the succession of necrophagous insect species and bacterial communities inhabiting the rectum and mouth cavities of swine (Sus scrofa domesticus) carcasses during a cold season outdoor experiment in an urban natural environment of Bucharest, Romania. We monitored the decomposition process of three swine carcasses during a 7 month period (November 2012-May 2013) corresponding to winter and spring periods of a temperate climate region. The carcasses, protected by wire cages, were placed on the ground in a park type environment, while the meteorological parameters were constantly recorded. The succession of necrophagous Diptera and Coleoptera taxa was monitored weekly, both the adult and larval stages, and the species were identified both by morphological and genetic characterization. The structure of bacterial communities from swine rectum and mouth tissues was characterized during the same time intervals by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequencing of 16S rRNA gene fragments. We observed a shift in the structure of both insect and bacterial communities, primarily due to seasonal effects and the depletion of the carcass. A total of 14 Diptera and 6 Coleoptera species were recorded on the swine carcasses, from which Calliphora vomitoria and C. vicina (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Necrobia violacea (Coleoptera: Cleridae) and Thanatophilus rugosus (Coleoptera: Silphidae) were observed as predominant species. The first colonizing wave, primarily Calliphoridae, was observed after 15 weeks when the temperature increased to 13°C. This was followed by Muscidae, Fanniidae, Anthomyiidae, Sepsidae and Piophilidae. Families belonging to Coleoptera Order were observed at week 18 when temperatures raised above 18°C, starting with Cleridae, Silphidae, and followed by Histeridae, Staphylinidae and Dermestidae. For bacteria, 53 taxa belonging to phyla Proteobacteria (Gammaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria), Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes were identified from the mouth cavity (36 OTUs) and rectum cavity (17 OTUs). These shifts in insect and bacterial communities indicated their complementary role in the carcass decomposition process. These results represent the first forensic entomological and microbiological survey in Romania. This study shows the value of forensic entomology as a tool for forensic investigations in Romania and neighboring areas with similar biogeographical characteristics. Moreover, this study represents a novel approach for understanding taphonomy and estimating post-mortem interval during cold season by combining entomological and microbiological methods.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present a forensic case associated with skeletonized human remains found inside a cistern in a coastal town located in the eastern Iberian Peninsula (Valencian Regional Government, Spain). In order to analyse the particular environmental conditions that occurred during oviposition and development of the collected insects, estimated temperatures at the crime scene were calculated by a predictive mathematical model. This model analyses the correlation between the variability of the internal temperature depending on the variability of the external ones. The amplitude of the temperature oscillations inside the tank and the containment of the enclosure is reduced by the presence of water. Such variation occurred within about 2h due to the time required for heat exchange. The differential equations employed to model differences between outdoor and indoor temperatures were an essential tool which let us estimate the post-mortem interval (PMI) that was carried out by the study of the insect succession and the development time of the collected Diptera specimens under the adjusted temperatures. The presence of live larvae and pupae of Sarcophagidae and empty pupae of Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Fanniidae, Muscidae, Phoridae and Piophilidae and the decomposition stage suggested the possibility that the remains were in the tank at least a year. We highlight the absence of Calliphora and Lucilia spp., and the first occurrence of the phorid Conicera similis in a human cadaver among the entomological evidence.





