pork meat

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to human health has prompted many countries to adopt national action plans to reduce antimicrobial use (AMU) in farm animals. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to gain a deeper understanding of the factors driving AMU in farm animals. While previous research has focused on gaining a better understanding of AMU from the perspective of farmers and veterinarians, less emphasis has been placed on examining the systemic and contextual factors that influence AMU from multiple viewpoints within the food supply chain. To this end, this paper describes a participatory approach involving multiple stakeholders from two distinct livestock sectors to identify the underlying drivers of AMU and explore their case-specificity. For each sector, we identified causes of AMU during four online focus groups, by co-creating a \"problem tree\", which resulted in the identification of over 50 technical, economic, regulatory, and sociocultural causes per sector and exploration of causal links. Following this, we analysed the focus group discussion through a content analysis and clustered causes of AMU that were related into 17 categories (i.e. main drivers of AMU), that we then classified as drivers of AMU at sector level or drivers of AMU at farm level. Finally, we compared the two sectors by assessing whether the generated categories (i.e. main drivers for AMU) had been discussed for both sectors and, if so, whether they involved the same causes and had the same implications. Through our analysis, we gained a better understanding of several main drivers of AMU at sector level, that result from systemic and/or contextual causes. As these cannot always be addressed by farmers and/or their veterinarian, we suggest that interventions should also target other actors related to these causes or consider them to help implement certain strategies. Furthermore, based on the results of our comparative analysis, we suggest that systemic structural differences, such as size and level of supply chain integration/fragmentation, may lead to differences in how animal health management is approached. This in turn may influence AMU\'s decision-making and the effectiveness of interventions, if they are generic and not tailored to the specificities of the sector.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Food supply chains are constantly challenged by food safety hazards entering the chain. The ability of the supply chain to provide safe food within a reasonable time after such a food safety threat or shock can be investigated with the concept of resilience using food safety as an indicator. Resilience is then defined as the food safety performance deviation due to the shock and takes both the severity of the shock as well as the time to fully recover or reach a new equilibrium into account. This study developed a stochastic simulation model to evaluate the resilience of the Dutch pork supply chain to dioxin contamination in the feed. The resilience of the supply chain as well as the potential costs associated with the contamination are compared between several monitoring strategies with the aim to determine the optimal control points for dioxin monitoring. Model results show that collecting and analyzing samples at more than one control point along the pork supply chain, in particular at feed mills and fat melting facilities, resulted in the highest resilience and the lowest costs after a shock. This model and these results can be used by public and private decision makers to make proactive and informed decisions on the monitoring strategies to control dioxins in the pork supply chain that result in optimal resilience to a dioxin crises.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research on animal health economics has emphasised the importance of accounting for the indirect economic effects of animal disease outbreaks. Although recent studies have advanced in this direction by assessing consumer and producer welfare losses due to asymmetric price adjustments, potential over-shifting effects along the supply chain and spill-overs to substitute markets have been under-examined. This study contributes to this field of research by assessing the direct and indirect effects of the African swine fever (ASF) outbreak on the pork market in China. We employ impulse response functions estimated by local projection to calculate the price adjustments for consumers and producers, as well as the cross-effect in other meat markets. The results show that the ASF outbreak led to increases in both farmgate and retail prices but the rise in retail prices exceeded the corresponding change in farmgate prices. Furthermore, beef and chicken prices also rose, demonstrating the spill-over impacts of the outbreak to other markets. Overall, the evidence illustrates that a disruption in one part of a food system can have significant ripple effects across other parts of the system.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cat-pork syndrome is a rare condition, with few cases reported in the literature. This syndrome is justified by the homology between serum albumins from cat and pork. Evidence suggests that a primary sensitization to cat serum albumin Fel d 2 occurs, followed by allergic reactions after ingestion of pork meat containing serum albumin Sus s 1. Due to homology between other mammalian serum albumins, reactions with other meats can also be present. We report a well-documented case report of a patient with cat-pork syndrome, with initial mild and non-specific manifestations to well-cooked pork that were overlooked. Component resolved diagnosis was essential to establish the diagnosis, which confirmed the involvement of Fed 2 and Sus s 1, but less relevant in helping to define avoidance diets, since the sensitization profile was not in accordance with clinical manifestations.
    A síndrome do gato-porco é rara, com poucos casos relatados na literatura. Esta patologia é justificada pela homologia entre albuminas séricas de gato e de porco. A evidência sugere que ocorre uma sensibilização primária à albumina sérica de gato Fel d 2, seguida por reações alérgicas após a ingestão de carne de porco contendo albumina sérica Sus s 1. Devido à homologia com outras albuminas séricas de mamíferos, reações com outras carnes também podem ocorrer. Reportamos um caso clínico bem documentado de uma doente com síndrome do gato-porco, com sintomas clínicos ligeiros e inespecíficos com ingestão de carne de porco cozinhada, que foram desvalorizados. O diagnóstico por componentes moleculares foi fundamental para estabelecer o diagnóstico, confirmando o envolvimento do Fed 2 e do Sus s 1, mas foi, no entanto, menos relevante na definição de dietas e evicção, uma vez que o perfil de sensibilização não se mostrou concordante com as manifestações clínicas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), there were short-term uncertainties in China\'s live pig industry supply chain. Due to the insufficient supply of pork, the price of pork rose from 33.21 yuan/kg at the end of 2019 to 37.46 yuan/kg in mid-February and fell to 26.41 yuan/kg in mid-May. To restore pig supply and stabilise prices, China issued relevant policies. Given the current effective control of COVID-19 in China, this paper constructed an evolutionary game model of China\'s pork supply and demand stakeholders under normalisation of COVID-19 prevention and control, analysed the behavioural strategies of consumers, government, and pig farmers, used MATLAB software for data simulation, and expounded on the evolution path and the characteristic rule of tripartite decision-making behaviours. The results showed that government supervision costs, evaluation of government by consumers and pig farmers, government subsidies to pig farmers and consumers, and the proportion of stakeholder behaviours affected the formation of tripartite relationships. The results provide a useful reference for the government to formulate effective policies, increase pig supply, and stabilise pork prices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In life cycle assessments of livestock systems, toxicity-related impacts are not commonly considered or only specific aspects (such as pesticides, manufacturing of inputs) are assessed. In this context, the aim of this study was to define a framework for assessing toxicity-related impacts and to characterize human toxicity and freshwater ecotoxicity for a livestock product based on applying the state-of-the-art models PestLCI Consensus and USEtox. Furthermore, methodological gaps were discussed and ways forward were suggested. The case study focused on Danish pork production and the toxicity results were reported per kg \'meat\' (the parts of pig used for human consumption) leaving the slaughterhouse. The assessment framework included the use of pesticides and heavy metals in feed production, the use of veterinary pharmaceuticals in pig production, and the manufacturing of inputs. The use of cleaning agents could not be assessed with the currently available methods. New characterization factors were calculated for 35 chemicals not available in USEtox. For Danish pork production, feed production was the main contributor to the analyzed toxicity impacts. The use of pesticides was the main driver for organic substances while heavy metal emissions related to the application of pig manure to fields were the hotspot for metal-based substances. The use of veterinary pharmaceuticals contributed only to freshwater ecotoxicity by 3%. PestLCI Consensus estimates were compared with different approaches. The impact of metabolites of pesticides and veterinary pharmaceuticals was assessed and discussed. Methodological gaps and research needs were identified regarding the assessment of pesticides, veterinary pharmaceuticals, metal-based substances, inorganic substances, and combined exposure to multiple chemicals. Better data related to the use and chemical properties of substances are needed to reduce uncertainty in toxicity modeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Growing population demands more animal protein products. Pork remains one of the traditional and relatively sustainable types of meats for human consumption. In this paper, life-cycle assessment was performed using data from 12 pig farms. In parallel, a survey on the consumption of pork meat products was conducted analyzing responses from 806 pork meat consumers. The study aims to provide a quantitative calculation of six environmental footprints associated with the consumption of pork meat products in Serbia by analyzing data from pig farms and a pork meat consumption survey.
    RESULTS: Results revealed that pork meat production is responsible for the emission of 3.50 kg CO2e kg-1 live weight, 16.1 MJe kg-1 , 0.151 mg R11e kg-1 , 31.257 g SO2e kg-1 , 55.030 g PO4e kg-1 and 3.641 kg 1.4 dBe kg-1 . Further calculations reveal that weekly emissions of various environmental potentials associated with an average consumer of pork meat products in Serbia are estimated at values of 4.032 kg CO2e week-1 , 18.504 MJe week-1 , 0.17435 mg R11e week-1 , 35.972 g SO2e week-1 and 63.466 g PO4e week-1 .
    CONCLUSIONS: Results show that, on the one hand, pork products are responsible for environmental production impacts that mainly occur on farms while, on the other hand, consumption is characterized with high meat inclusion rates. As a leverage strategy it is recommended for producers to concentrate on lowering the production impacts rather than trying to reach consumers for sustainability conciseness. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    is missing (Short communication).






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Streptococcus suis is an emerging zoonotic human pathogen, which is a causative agent of invasive infections in people who are in close contact with infected pigs or contaminated pork products. It is associated with severe systemic infections, most commonly meningitis and sepsis, which may lead to high rates of morbidity and mortality. Serotype 2 is the most prevalent type in S. suis infections in humans. We have reported a case of a very rapidly proceeding fatal human S. suis infection in a splenectomized, but otherwise immunocompetent patient in Hungary. We would like to highlight the attention for this pathogen for the risk group patients, not only pig breeders, veterinarians, abattoir workers, meat processing and transport workers, butchers and cooks, that those persons who are immunocompromised including those with spleen removed, persons with diabetes mellitus, cancer and alcoholism, are also at greater risk of infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spanish consumers have a strong preference for Iberian meat products, as they perceive them to be of extra sensorial and nutritional quality. The production of these meat products depends on multiple variables, such as genetics, livestock production systems and, above all, the feed provided. The aim of this paper is to study the preferences of Spanish consumers for the various types of Iberian dry-cured ham, analysing whether they are willing to pay the premium required by the highest-quality products. The methodological approach combined a sensory analysis and a choice-based conjoint experiment with obtained through tasting sessions in Extremadura (SW of Spain). Findings of the sensory test have shown that there are significant differences in odour, texture and taste, explained mainly by the type of feed pigs were fed. The main results of the choice experiment have also shown that the type of feed is the most preferred attribute by consumers, in line with the sensory analysis.





