
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Mantle cell lymphoma is a rare lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract that may present as multiple lymphomatous polyposis. We report a case of lymphomatous polyposis with a review of the literature.
    METHODS: A 56-year-old man of Black ethnicity and Ivorian nationality with no relevant past medical history, consulted for a sudden onset symptoms of gastrointestinal obstruction, which evolved over 2 days. Macroscopic examination revealed the presence of multiple polyploid formations of the colonic mucosa. Histology showed diffuse lymphomatous proliferation of submucosa consisting off small lymphoid cells with a hyperchromatic crenelated nucleus, suggesting lymphomatous polyposis. Immunohistochemical examination showed expression by the tumor cells of antibodies to CD20, CD5, Bcl2, and cyclin D1. They did not express antibodies to CD10 and CD23. The Ki67 proliferation index was 25%. We have thus retained the diagnosis of mantle cell lymphomatous polyposis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Multiple lymphomatous polyposis is a rare entity characterized by the presence of numerous gastrointestinal polyploid lesions sometimes involving several segments of the gastrointestinal tract. Typical lymphoma presenting as lymphomatous polyposis is mantle cell lymphoma; although, other tumors may have this aspect.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Cronkhite-Canada syndrome (CCS) is an extremely rare non-inherited syndrome first described in 1955 with only about 500 more cases reported so far. Since the aetiology of the disease remains unknown, there were no specific treatments in consensus. In many countries, CCS is a completely new condition that may confuse physicians at first encounter. Lessons should be learned from these cases by gastrointestinal specialists to be aware of this condition in any circumstances.
    UNASSIGNED: The authors reported a case study of a 45-year-old Vietnamese male with CCS diagnosis, which encountered at our centre for the first time.
    UNASSIGNED: The definitive diagnosis was provided by combining clinical characteristics, and endoscopic and histopathologic features, after excluding other causes of gastrointestinal polyposis. The patient responds to corticosteroids, proton pump inhibitors, and nutritional support right after treatment. After 1 year of treatment, his symptoms ameliorated completely although colon polyps insignificantly reduced.
    UNASSIGNED: Gastroenterologists should always be aware of patients with CCS with the following symptoms: gastrointestinal hamartomatous polyps, diarrhoea, and the dermatologic triad of alopecia, hyperpigmentation, and onychodystrophy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Here we reported a particular case of MUTYH-associated polyposis (MAP) that had only one rare heterozygous variant, but some particular clinical manifestations contributed to occur in this male patient by only one defective MUTYH allele were worth of further investigation. We reported a case of MAP. It is about a 33-year-old man with chief complaints of hematochezia who had multiple polyps that were found in his colon via colonoscopy. He followed his doctor\'s advice and performed a genetic analysis examination. Germline test was positive for a major heterozygous variant: chr1:45800165 on the MUTYH gene. MUTYH gene sequence analysis confirmed the following heterozygous variant: c.55CT (p.R19X) in exon 2 (ClinVar NM_001128425). Unfortunately, his mother and daughter have the ILK variant according to genetic analysis. However, this variant at the site was not detected in his father. Various types of polyps were found on repeated colonoscopy, which tended to become latent cancerous in the future. This case indicated that awareness of the risk of carcinogenesis of polyps in carriers of monoallelic variants might accordingly increase, and our understanding of the type of genetically related disease will be enhanced by us.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Pyloric outflow obstructions can be caused by several types of lesions. When a thickened gastric wall and pyloric mass are detected, malignant neoplasia must be differentiated from chronic hypertrophic pyloric gastropathy. CT can characterize gastric tumors. However, based on the authors\' review of the literature, there is limited information about the CT findings of pyloric lesions. The purpose of this retrospective case series study was to assess the CT findings of canine pyloric lesions. The following CT parameters were recorded: anatomical area, involved area, lesion shape, growth patterns of wall thickening lesions, enhancement pattern of the lesion in the early and delayed phases, lymphomegaly, and pulmonary metastasis. Seventeen dogs were included in this study and had the following final diagnoses: hyperplasia (five dogs), adenoma (five dogs), adenocarcinoma (three dogs), gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST; two dogs), polyposis (one dog), and pyogenic granuloma (one dog). Hyperplasia, adenoma, and polyposis formed mass lesions that involved the mucosal layer. Lymphomegaly was detected in two Jack Russell terriers with hyperplasia; however, the causes were unknown because we did not perform biopsies. All adenocarcinomas formed wall-thickened lesion that involved the outer layer, with lymphomegaly. All GISTs formed mass lesion that involved the outer layer. The pyogenic granulomas formed symmetric wall-thickened lesion that involved the mucosal and outer layers. CT facilitated the characterization of canine pyloric lesions using contrast enhancement, based on the involved area and lesion shape. However, polyposis may require caution in diagnosis based on CT findings alone.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    NTHL1-associated tumor syndrome (NATS) is an autosomal recessive condition characterized by an increased risk for colorectal polyposis and colorectal cancer (CRC). Only 46 case reports have been previously published. In a retrospective review, we analyzed the clinical histories of six patients found to have NATS after genetic counseling and testing. NATS appears to be associated with an increased risk for colorectal polyposis, CRC, female breast cancer, meningiomas, and endometrial cancer. Although research is limited, prior publications have reported a multi-tumor predisposition for individuals with biallelic pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in NTHL1. Additional data are necessary to further define the cancer risks so affected individuals can be appropriately managed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Typically, in cases of adenomatous polyposis, colorectal cancer develops in the third or fourth decade of life. We report the case of a female patient with colorectal polyposis who developed adenocarcinoma at 8 years of age.
    METHODS: An 8-year-old girl was admitted with a 4-year history of occasional bloody stools. Colonoscopy revealed colon polyposis and histopathological assessment confirmed a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma in the adenomatous polyps, so laparoscopy-assisted proctocolectomy was performed in the lithotomy position by a simultaneous abdominal and anal approach. To completely resect the rectal mucosa, excision was commenced just distal to the dentate line. After the mucosal resection up to the peritoneal reflection level, an inverted muscular cuff was cut circumferentially, and the terminal ileum was pulled through the muscular cuff and anastomosed to the anal canal. Histopathology revealed multiple adenomatous polyps and scattered well-differentiated tubular adenocarcinomas (tub1) in the adenomatous polyps and the non-polypoid mucosal lesions. Because complete resection was achieved, additional adjuvant chemotherapy was not administered. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-direct sequencing of the entire coding region and the exon-intron junctions, and real-time PCR of DNA extracted from blood cells, revealed no mutations of either APC or MUTYH. No deletions, duplications, translocations or inversions of APC, MUTYH and GREM1 genes were found using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) and G-banding analysis. Multi-gene panels sequencing for polyposis syndromes or hereditary colorectal cancers, and trio-whole exome sequencing was conducted. However, no candidate pathogenic variants of genes were detected in de novo dominant or autosomal recessive model. Somatic mutation of APC was not detected in 4 polyps by loss of heterozygosity analysis at a single nucleotide polymorphism in intron 14. The patient has remained disease-free for 5 years. Currently, the patient is on loperamide and passes stool 5 times/day without any soiling.
    CONCLUSIONS: The genetic analysis suggests that she may have a germline mutation at unscreened region of these genes or in unidentified FAP gene. The patient will be carefully followed up for residual rectal carcinoma and for the development of other cancers.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    There is a wide differential diagnosis within polyposis syndromes. Our case represents an interesting and diagnostically challenging diagnosis involving a 41-year-old male who presented with an incidental gastric mass on imaging and a colonic mass seen on colonoscopy. Following multiple endoscopic evaluations, histological analysis, and genetic testing, the patient was ultimately diagnosed with juvenile polyposis syndrome (JPS)/hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) despite the initial suspicion for Ménétrier\'s disease. His disease course was complicated by an acute upper extremity thrombus and diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma. This case highlights the importance of a thorough evaluation when polyposis syndromes are suspected. Prompt and accurate diagnosis can aid in the treatment, surveillance, and prevention of colorectal carcinoma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Primary nasopharyngeal amyloidosis is a rare entity of localised amyloidosis. Patients usually present with symptoms that mimic other common nasal diseases. We report an unusual case of nasopharyngeal amyloidosis that co-exist with nasal polyposis at the same time.
    METHODS: We described a 72-year-old gentleman who presented with left-sided nasal obstruction, rhinorrhoea and hyposmia and right-sided hearing loss. Examination revealed bilateral intranasal polyposis with right lobular swelling at torus tubarius and right sided middle ear effusion. Biopsy revealed inflammatory nasal polyps with nasopharyngeal amyloidosis. Patient was treated successfully with functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) for nasal polyposis and an en bloc wide local excision of the torus tubarius with no signs of recurrence at one year follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should have raised index of suspicion of a possible primary nasopharyngeal amyloidosis in patients presenting with nasopharyngeal mass with co-existing nasal polyposis to avoid delay in diagnosis and treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Severe eosinophilic asthma (SEA) is characterized by high eosinophilia, severe symptoms, important comorbidities, frequent exacerbations, and poor asthma control. Benralizumab, targeting the interleukin-5 receptor alpha, proved effective in inducing rapid eosinophil depletion and amelioration of symptoms and lung function; it also allowed to reduce exacerbations and the use of oral corticosteroids (OCS). The present case series, spanning different subtypes of SEA, aimed at expanding the real-world experience with benralizumab in Italy.
    METHODS: We collected data from SEA patients treated with benralizumab, at baseline and during treatment. We focused on the effects of benralizumab in the following conditions and endpoints: i) overlap between high-IgE and high-eosinophilic asthma; ii) presence of nasal polyposis as comorbidity; iii) corticosteroid-sparing effect; iv) patient perception.
    RESULTS: Ten SEA patients (females: N=7; age range: 19-70 years) referred to 8 Italian Centers and treated with benralizumab were included, presenting with several comorbidities such as non-allergic disease (8/10), atopy (3/10), high IgE (5/10) and nasal polyposis (6/10). Overall, benralizumab yielded optimal disease control in all patients, particularly in terms of rapid clinical and functional improvement, decreased systemic steroid need (OCS therapy was completely discontinued in 7 cases) and amelioration of patient quality of life, except for 1 case, in whom other conditions not related to benralizumab therapy interfered with the patient perception.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings further support the efficacy and safety of benralizumab observed in randomized clinical trials, providing even better results for lung function improvement.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is a very rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder characterized by hamartomatous polyps in the gastrointestinal tract and hyperpigmentation of the lips, hands, and feet. The hamartomatous polyps in the small intestine often cause intussusception and bleeding.
    METHODS: A 62-year-old male was hospitalized for treatment of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. In the small intestine, computed tomography showed three small polyps with intussusceptions. Since the patient had gastrointestinal polyposis and pigmentation of his lips, fingers, and toes, he was diagnosed with PJS. After an inferior vena cava filter was placed, he underwent laparoscopic-assisted surgery. The polyps causing intussusception were resected as far as possible without intestinal resection, since they had caused progressive anemia and might cause intestinal obstruction in the future. The patient was discharged from the hospital on postoperative day 9 without complications.
    CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic-assisted disinvagination and polypectomy is a useful, minimally invasive treatment for multiple intussusceptions caused by small intestinal polyps in patients with PJS.






