
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The invasion of bivalves by parasitic microalgae Coccomyxa is widespread and causes pathologies and dysfunctions of the organs, especially in the most valuable products: the mantle and the muscle. The pathogenesis of the disease remains completely unknown. In this study, based on a macroscopic examination of Modiolus kurilensis and microalgae count in each infected individual, four stages of disease development with characteristic pathognomonic symptoms were described. During the progression of the disease, the concentration of alkaline phosphatase, glucose, calcium, hemolytic and agglutinating activities, number of basophils, eosinophils, phagocytes, and cells with reactive oxygen species increased in the hemolymph, while number of agranulocytes, cells with lysosomes, dead hemocytes, total protein concentration, as well as the weight of mollusks decreased. In the nephridia and digestive gland, necrosis, invasion of Nematopsis sp., hemocyte infiltration, and fibrosis increased. The ratio of changed tubules and occurrence of granulocytomas increased in the digestive gland, while the base membrane, nephrocytes and concretions changed in the nephridia. This study helps establish the variability of these parameters under normal conditions and their alteration during the disease. Moreover, these findings can be used for veterinary monitoring of the state of bivalves in natural and aquaculture populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One-third of humanity harbors a lifelong infection with Toxoplasma gondii, and probably about 80% are infected with human cytomegalovirus (CMV). This study aims to delineate the associations between toxoplasmosis and cognitive abilities and compare these to the associations with CMV. We evaluated the cognitive performance of 557 students, who had been examined for Toxoplasma and CMV infections, using intelligence, memory, and psychomotor tests. The results indicated cognitive impairments in seropositive individuals for both pathogens, with variations in cognitive impact related to sex and the Rh factor. Specifically, Toxoplasma infection was associated with lower IQ in men, whereas CMV was predominantly associated with worse performance by women when testing memory and reaction speeds. Analysis of the antibody concentrations indicated that certain Toxoplasma-associated cognitive detrimental effects may wane (impaired intelligence) or worsen (impaired reaction times) over time following infection. The findings imply that the cognitive impairments caused by both neurotropic pathogens are likely due to pathological changes in the brain rather than from direct manipulative action by the parasites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is recommended by the World Health Organization for the sub-Sahel region in sub-Saharan Africa for preventing malaria in children 3 months old to younger than 5 years. Since 2016, the Malian National Malaria Control Program has deployed SMC countrywide during its high malaria transmission season at a rate of 4 monthly cycles annually. The standard SMC regimen includes sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) plus amodiaquine (AQ). Resistance against SP is suspected to be rising across West Africa; therefore, assessing the effectiveness of an alternative antimalarial drug for SMC is needed to provide a second-line regimen when it is ultimately needed. It is not well understood whether SMC effectively prevents malaria in children aged 5 years or older.
    OBJECTIVE: The primary goal of the study is to compare 2 SMC regimens (SP-AQ and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine [DHA-PQ]) in preventing uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children 3 months to 9 years old. Secondly, we will assess the possible use of DHA-PQ as an alternative SMC drug in areas where resistance to SP or AQ may increase following intensive use.
    METHODS: The study design is a 3-arm cluster-randomized design comparing the SP-AQ and DHA-PQ arms in 2 age groups (younger than 5 years and 5-9 years) and a control group for children aged 5-9 years. Standard SMC (SP-AQ) for children younger than 5 years was provided to the control arm, while SMC with SP-AQ was delivered to children aged 3 months to 9 years (arm 2), and SMC with DHA-PQ will be implemented in study arm 3 for children up to 9 years of age. The study was performed in Mali\'s Koulikoro District, a rural area in southwest Mali with historically high malaria transmission rates. The study\'s primary outcome is P falciparum incidence for 2 SMC regimens in children up to 9 years of age. Should DHA-PQ provide an acceptable alternative to SP-AQ, a plausible second-line prevention option would be available in the event of SP resistance or drug supply shortages. A significant byproduct of this effort included bolstering district health information systems for rapid identification of severe malaria cases.
    RESULTS: The study began on July 1, 2019. Through November 2022, a total of 4556 children 3 months old to younger than 5 years were enrolled. Data collection ended in spring 2023, and the findings are expected to be published later in early 2024.
    CONCLUSIONS: Routine evaluation of antimalarial drugs is needed to establish appropriate SMC age targets. The study goals here may impact public health policy and provide alternative therapies in the event of drug shortages or resistance.
    BACKGROUND: NCT04149106,
    UNASSIGNED: DERR1-10.2196/51660.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Lophomonas blattarum is a rare protozoan that causes opportunistic infections, and the co-infection of lophomonas with tuberculosis and human hydatidosis is a serious public problem in the co-endemic areas of developing countries.
    METHODS: We presented a 58-year-old female with fever, losing weight, and cough with whitish-yellow sputum that started one month ago. Increasing inflammatory markers and hypereosinophilia in laboratory tests, and a cavity with thick, regular walls and undulating air-fluid levels measuring 43 × 30, evident in the upper segment of the right lower lobe (RLL), along with consolidation and the ground glass opacity of the upper segment and posterior basal of the RLL is apparent in CT scan were reported. Then, a bronchoscopy was requested, and the BAL specimen reported a negative fungal and bacterial infection in the samples. Several live and oval flagellated lophomonas protozoa, hydatid cyst protoscoleces (the larval forms of the parasites), and M. tuberculosis were observed in microscopic evaluation. The patient was treated with metronidazole, oral albendazole, and a combination of TB regimen.
    CONCLUSIONS: Physicians should always consider the possibility of co-infections of lophomonas with tuberculosis and human hydatidosis and investigate patients with risk factors such as immunodeficiency conditions or treated with immunosuppressive medications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Diets and parasites influence the gut bacterial symbionts of bumble bees, but potential interactive effects remain overlooked. The main objective of this study was to assess the isolated and interactive effects of sunflower pollen, its phenolamides, and the widespread trypanosomatid Crithidia sp. on the gut bacterial symbionts of Bombus terrestris males.
    RESULTS: Bumble bee males emerged in microcolonies fed on either (i) willow pollen (control), (ii) sunflower pollen, or (iii) willow pollen spiked with phenolamide extracts from sunflower pollen. These microcolonies were infected by Crithidia sp. or were pathogen-free. Using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing (V3-V4 region), we observed a significant alteration of the beta diversity but not of the alpha diversity in the gut microbial communities of males fed on sunflower pollen compared to males fed on control pollen. Similarly, infection by the gut parasite Crithidia sp. altered the beta diversity but not the alpha diversity in the gut microbial communities of males, irrespective of the diet. By contrast, we did not observe any significant alteration of the beta or alpha diversity in the gut microbial communities of males fed on phenolamide-enriched pollen compared to males fed on control pollen. Changes in the beta diversity indicate significant dissimilarities of the bacterial taxa between the treatment groups, while the lack of difference in alpha diversity demonstrates no significant changes within each treatment group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Bumble bees harbour consistent gut microbiota worldwide, but our results suggest that the gut bacterial communities of bumble bees are somewhat shaped by their diets and gut parasites as well as by the interaction of these two factors. This study confirms that bumble bees are suitable biological surrogates to assess the effect of diet and parasite infections on gut microbial communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objectives of the present study were: (a) to describe the prevalence of helminth infections from pooled faecal samples from goat herds across Greece, (b) to evaluate herd-related factors potentially associated with the presence of these infections in the herds and (c) to compare the findings to those of a previous relevant study performed in sheep flocks. A cross-sectional study was carried out in 119 goat herds around Greece. Helminths were recovered from samples from 93.3% of herds: Dicrocoelium dendriticum (from 15.1% of herds), Paramphistomum cervi (from 0.8% of herds), Moniezia spp. (from 25.2% of herds), Trichostrongylidae (from 89.1% of herds), Nematodirus spp. (from 16.8% of herds), Strongyloides papillosus (from 5.0% of herds), Trichuris spp. (from 18.5% of herds) and lungworms (from 23.5% of herds). Mean epg counts in all herds in the study were 219 epg. In multivariable analyses, for \'high (> 300) epg counts in faecal samples\' the age of kid removal from their dams (p = 0.045) was found to be a significant factor, for \'high proportion (> 64%) of Teladorsagia spp. in faecal samples\' the month of the start of the kidding season (p = 0.045) was a significant factor, for \'high proportion (> 27%) of Haemonchus contortus in faecal samples\' nutritional modifications during gestation (p = 0.002) and application of reproductive control practices in the farm (p = 0.013) were the significant factors and for \'presence of D. dendriticum in faecal samples\' the number of veterinary visits to the farm annually (p = 0.040) was found to be significant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To date, 41 species of Gyrodactylus have been described from Africa. However, none of these have been reported in Morocco. After identifying and examining 738 cyprinid host specimens, 26 specimens belonging to Gyrodactylus were found to parasitize the gills of nine species of Luciobarbus, Carasobarbus, and Pterocapoeta. The current study provides new information about the presence of a new parasitic species in Morocco, the first to be characterized on a species level in the Maghreb region. It describes in detail 12 specimens of Gyrodactylus isolated from the gills of Luciobarbus pallaryi (Pellegrin, 1919) and Luciobarbus ksibi (Boulenger, 1905). Based on morphoanatomical observations, the characterization of the specimens collected indicates a species of Gyrodactylus that is new to science, described here as Gyrodactylus nyingiae n. sp. The new species is different from previously described gyrodactylids infecting African cyprinid hosts because it has a longer hamulus total length, a longer hamulus root, a downward projecting toe of the marginal hook, and a trapezium-shaped ventral bar membrane with a slightly striated median portion and small rounded anterolateral processes. This study increases the total number of Gyrodactylus spp. found in African cyprinids to four.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Considerable evidence points to a dominant role of inflammation in tumor pathology. The biological response of the immune system can be triggered by Toxoplasma gondii as a common brain-tropic parasite. The aim of this study was to investigate an association between Toxoplasma infection and brain tumors. This case-control study was performed on sera of brain tumor patients (n = 124) and age- and sex-matched control subjects (n = 124) in Southern Iran. Data related to tumor site and type were collected during sample collection. Anti-Toxoplasma IgG was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Seroprevalence anti-Toxoplasma IgG was significantly higher in brain tumor patients 30.6% (38/124) compared with 12.1% (15/124) of the healthy controls (OR 3.211; 95% CI 1.658 to 6.219; p = 0.001). The highest seroprevalence was detected in patients with ependymoma (100%), followed by glioblastoma (83%), pituitary adenoma (47.3%), astrocytoma (27.2%), schwannoma (23%), and meningioma (22.6%). The parasite infection was correlated to brain tumor\'s location i.e., the patients with frontal lobe and sella region tumors had higher seropositivity compared with others (P < 0.05). The higher prevalence of Toxoplasma infection among patients with brain tumor compared with the control group indicates a probable association between the infection and brain tumors.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Amoebic liver abscess (ALA) is the fourth cause of mortality by parasitic infection. This study aimed to assess clinical, radiological and therapeutic characteristics of patients admitted for amoebic liver abscess compared to pyogenic abscess in a French digestive tertiary care-centre.
    METHODS: The charts of patients hospitalized for a liver abscess between 2010 and 2020 were retrospectively assessed then separated in two groups: amoebic liver abscess and pyogenic liver abscess from portal underlying cause. Clinical and radiological data were collected for univariate comparison.
    RESULTS: Twenty-one patients were hospitalized during the time of the study for ALA, and 21 patients for pyogenic liver abscess with a portal mechanism. All patients hospitalized for ALA lived in and/or had travelled recently in an endemic area. In comparison with patients hospitalized for pyogenic abscess, patients admitted for ALA were younger (44years old vs. 63years old, P<0.001), had less comorbidities (5% vs. 43% of patients with at least one comorbidity, P<0.01), a longer median duration of symptoms (10days vs. 3days, P=0.015), abdominal pain (86% vs. 52%, P=0.019), and a slighter leucocytosis (9600G/L vs. 15,500G/L, P=0.041) were more frequent. On the abdominal tomodensitometry, density of ALA was higher (34 vs. 25 UH, P<0.01), associated with a focal intra-hepatic biliary dilatation and less often multiloculated.
    CONCLUSIONS: While rare in western countries, amoebic liver abscess care should not be underestimated. The presence of a solitary liver abscess of intermediate density on computed tomography, occurring on a patient returning from an endemic zone should lead the physician to a possible diagnosis of ALA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Basic knowledge on the biology and epidemiology of equine strongylid species still needs to be improved to contribute to the design of better parasite control strategies. Nemabiome metabarcoding is a convenient tool to quantify and identify species in bulk samples that could overcome the hurdle that cyathostomin morphological identification represents. To date, this approach has relied on the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS-2) of the ribosomal RNA gene, with a limited investigation of its predictive performance for cyathostomin communities. Using DNA pools of single cyathostomin worms, this study aimed to provide the first elements to compare performances of the ITS-2 and a cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) barcode newly developed in this study. Barcode predictive abilities were compared across various mock community compositions of two, five and 11 individuals from distinct species. The amplification bias of each barcode was estimated. Results were also compared between various types of biological samples, i.e., eggs, infective larvae or adults. Bioinformatic parameters were chosen to yield the closest representation of the cyathostomin community for each barcode, underscoring the need for communities of known composition for metabarcoding purposes. Overall, the proposed COI barcode was suboptimal relative to the ITS-2 rDNA region, because of PCR amplification biases, reduced sensitivity and higher divergence from the expected community composition. Metabarcoding yielded consistent community composition across the three sample types. However, imperfect correlations were found between relative abundances from infective larvae and other life-stages for Cylicostephanus species using the ITS-2 barcode. While the results remain limited by the considered biological material, they suggest that additional improvements are needed for both the ITS-2 and COI barcodes.





