
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can result in alterations of natural hormones in the body. The aim of this review article is to highlight the knowledge about EDCs and obesity.
    METHODS: A scoping review of the electronic literature was performed using PubMed platform for studies on EDCs and obesity published between the years 2013-2023. A total of 10 systematic reviews and meta-analysis studies met our inclusion criteria on more prominent EDCs focusing mainly on bisphenols, including parabens, triclosan, and phthalates, and their association with obesity.
    METHODS: Scoping review.
    RESULTS: EDCs, mostly bisphenols and phthalates, are related to health effects, while there is less information on the impact of parabens and triclosan. A series of negative physiological effects involving obesogenic, diabetogenic, carcinogenic, and inflammatory mechanisms as well as epigenetic and microbiota modulations was related to a prolonged EDCs exposure. A more profound research of particular pollutants is required to illuminate the accelerating effects of particular EDCs, mixtures or their metabolites on the mechanism of the development of obesity.
    CONCLUSIONS: Considering the characteristics of EDCs and the heterogeneity of studies, it is necessary to design specific studies of effect tracking and, in particular, education about daily preventive exposure to EDCs for the preservation of long-term public health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) may impact children\'s health, with medicines as a possible exposure source. Objective: to assess the potential impact of substances in paediatric medications and essential oils on children as EDC. It is a systematic review of five databases including Medline following the PECOT approach. The review focused on publications about children exposed to medication (active ingredients or excipients of interest) and having developed clinical signs of endocrine dysfunction. Out of 946 studies identified, 28 studies were included. They revealed that parabens, lavender essential oils and anti-epileptics are the most identified pharmaceutical products. The reported outcomes relate to puberty, thyroid disorders, obesity and growth. The evidence indicates potential risks, but the overall quality of available data is limited. This systematic review exposes a lack of robust evidence linking paediatric medication exposure to EDC, predominantly relying on case reports. It cautions about potential conflicts of interest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parabens have been used as antimicrobial preservatives since the 1920s. The prevalent use of parabens increases their detection in the environment and in women\'s biological samples including reproductive tissues. Recent studies suggest parabens may alter endocrine function and thus female reproductive health may be affected. In this literature review, we summarize findings on parabens and female reproduction while focusing on epidemiological and rodent-based studies. The topics reviewed include paraben effects on cyclicity, pregnancy, newborn and pubertal development, reproductive hormones, and ovarian and uterine specific outcomes. Overall, the scientific literature on paraben effects on female reproduction is limited and with some conflicting results. Yet, some epidemiological and/or rodent-based experimental studies report significant findings in relation to paraben effects on cyclicity, fertility, gestation length, birth weight, postnatal development and pubertal onset, hormone levels, and hormone signaling in reproductive tissues. Future epidemiological and experimental studies are needed to better understand paraben effects on female reproduction while focusing on human related exposures including mixtures, physiologic concentrations of parabens, and multi-generational studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans are nowadays exposed to numerous chemicals in our day-to-day life, including parabens, UV filters, phosphorous flame retardants/plasticizers, bisphenols, phthalates and alternative plasticizers, which can have different adverse effects to human health. Estimating human\'s exposure to these potentially harmful substances is, therefore, of paramount importance. Human biomonitoring (HBM) is the existing approach to assess exposure to environmental contaminants, which relies on the analysis of specific human biomarkers (parent compounds and/or their metabolic products) in biological matrices from individuals. The main drawback is its implementation, which involves complex cohort studies. A novel approach, wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE), involves estimating exposure from the analysis of biomarkers in sewage (a pooled urine and feces sample of an entire population). One of the key challenges of WBE is the selection of biomarkers which are specific to human metabolism, excreted in sufficient amounts, and stable in sewage. So far, literature data on potential biomarkers for estimating exposure to these chemicals are scattered over numerous pharmacokinetic and HBM studies. Hence, this review provides a list of potential biomarkers of exposure to more than 30 widely used chemicals and report on their urinary excretion rates. Furthermore, the potential and challenges of WBE in this particular field is discussed through the review of pioneer WBE studies, which for the first time explored applicability of this novel approach to assess human exposure to environmental contaminants. In the future, WBE could be potentially applied as an \"early warning system\", which could promptly identify communities with the highest exposure to environmental contaminants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. CVDs are promoted by the accumulation of lipids and immune cells in the endothelial space resulting in endothelial dysfunction. Endothelial cells are important components of the vascular endothelium, that regulate the vascular flow. The imbalance in the production of vasoactive substances results in the loss of vascular homeostasis, leading the endothelial dysfunction. Thus, endothelial dysfunction plays an essential role in the development of atherosclerosis and can be triggered by different cardiovascular risk factors. On the other hand, the 17β-estradiol (E2) hormone has been related to the regulation of vascular tone through different mechanisms. Several compounds can elicit estrogenic actions similar to those of E2. For these reasons, they have been called endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs). This review aims to provide up-to-date information about how different EDCs affect endothelial function and their mechanistic roles in the context of CVDs.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: From menarche until menopause, the average menstruator will use over 11 000 tampons or sanitary pads. Vaginal and vulvar tissue is highly permeable, and chemicals are absorbed without undergoing first-pass metabolism.
    OBJECTIVE: To conduct a review of the literature to determine exposure to environmental chemicals in menstrual products.
    METHODS: This review identified 15 papers over the past 10 years.
    METHODS: Papers that measured chemicals in menstrual products and that measured human biomarkers of chemical exposure were included. Papers had to also be available in English.
    METHODS: Reviewers assessed the articles and data provided. Multiple chemical groups were found.
    RESULTS: Phthalates, volatile organic compounds, parabens, environmental phenols, fragrance chemicals, dioxins and dioxin-like compounds were detected in menstrual products. Research gaps were identified, including the lack of studies on newer products such as menstrual underwear and cups/discs. In addition to measuring chemicals in these products, future research should focus on clarifying the exposure per menstrual cycle to these chemicals to understand how menorrhagia and cycle length influence exposure from menstrual products.
    CONCLUSIONS: Menstrual products contained measurable levels of a range of endocrine disrupting chemicals including phthalates, phenols and parabens. This reflects a potentially important route of exposure to chemicals that can impact women\'s reproductive health.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Bisphenols, parabens (PBs), and benzophenones (BPs) are widely used environmental chemicals that have been linked to several adverse health effects due to their endocrine disrupting properties. However, the cellular pathways through which these chemicals lead to adverse outcomes in humans are still unclear, suggesting some evidence that inflammation might play a key role. Thus, the aim of this study was to summarize the current evidence on the relationship between human exposure to these chemicals and levels of inflammatory biomarkers. A systematic review of peer-reviewed original research studies published up to February 2023 was conducted using the MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Scopus databases. A total of 20 articles met the inclusion/exclusion criteria. Most of the reviewed studies reported significant associations between any of the selected chemicals (mainly bisphenol A) and some pro-inflammatory biomarkers (including C-reactive protein and interleukin 6, among others). Taken together, this systematic review has identified consistent positive associations between human exposure to some chemicals and levels of pro-inflammatory biomarkers, with very few studies exploring the associations between PBs and/or BPs and inflammation. Therefore, a larger number of studies are required to get a better understanding on the mechanisms of action underlying bisphenols, PBs, and BPs and the critical role that inflammation could play.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Do-it-yourself methods have been used in many fields (cooking, home improvement, decoration, gardening, etc.) for a long time, but their application to the cosmetics sector is relatively recent and seems to be linked to a number of health scandals. The objective of this work is to analyse homemade cosmetics based on a study of blogs and their authors. We made a study of 150 blogs advocating homemade cosmetics. With only one exception, the blog authors were women, mostly in their thirties, with no specific qualifications or knowledge in the fields of cosmetic formulation or chemistry. The most highly qualified of them (with at least a Master\'s degree) had studied marketing and management. So, the situation is an illustration of the Dunning-Kruger effect, with authors believing themselves to be qualified in a field wholly outside their own. This leads to scientific falsehoods about, for example, preservatives like parabens and phenoxyethanol. On the contrary, the relevance of the ecological motivation frequently mentioned in these blogs is undeniable.
    L\'étude de 150 blogs prônant le DIY cosmétique nous a permis de mettre en évidence, qu\'à une exception près, les auteurs étaient des femmes, des trentenaires pour la plupart, sans qualification particulière ni connaissance dans le domaine de la formulation cosmétique, ni dans celui de la chimie. Les plus diplômées (niveau Master minimum) ont suivi des formations orientées vers le marketing et le management. Nous avons donc ici une illustration de l\'effet Dunning-Kruger, les auteurs s\'estimant qualifiées dans un domaine qui n\'est pas du tout le leur. Cela se traduit par des contre-vérités scientifiques sur les conservateurs, les parabens et le phénoxyéthanol, par exemple. Il ne faut, en revanche, pas nier la pertinence des motivations écologiques qui sont fréquemment évoquées dans ces blogs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A scoping review was conducted to identify interventions that successfully alter biomarker concentrations of phenols, glycol ethers, and phthalates resulting from dietary intake and personal care product (PCPs) use.
    Twenty-six interventions in populations ranging from children to older adults were identified; 11 actively removed or replaced products, 9 provided products containing the chemicals being studied, and 6 were education-only based interventions. Twelve interventions manipulated only dietary intake with a focus on bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates, 8 studies intervened only on PCPs use and focused on a wider range of chemicals including BPA, phthalates, triclosan, parabens, and ultraviolet absorbers, while 6 studies intervened on both diet and PCPs and focused on phthalates, parabens, and BPA and its alternatives. No studies assessed glycol ethers. All but five studies reported results in the expected direction, with interventions removing potential sources of exposures lowering EDC concentrations and interventions providing exposures increasing EDC concentrations. Short interventions lasting a few days were successful. Barriers to intervention success included participant compliance and unintentional contamination of products. The identified interventions were generally successful but illustrated the influence of participant motivation, compliance, ease of intervention adherence, and the difficulty of fully removing exposures due their ubiquity and the difficulties of identifying \"safer\" replacement products. Policy which reduces or removes EDC in manufacturing and processing across multiple sectors, rather than individual behavior change, may have the greatest impact on population exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parabens are alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid that are commonly used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. Humans are exposed to parabens when they use these products and through diet. There are growing concerns that paraben exposure can adversely impact human health. The endocrine-disrupting and obesogenic properties of parabens have been observed in animal studies and in vitro, prompting the increase in population-based studies of paraben exposure and adiposity-related endpoints. In this review, we summarize epidemiological studies published between 2017 and 2022 that examined paraben exposure in utero, between birth and adolescence, and in adulthood, in relation to adiposity-related measures. Overall, these studies provide some evidence that suggests that paraben exposure, especially during critical development windows, is associated with adiposity-related measures. However, we have noted several limitations in these studies, including the predominance of cross-sectional studies, inconsistent sample collection procedures, and small sample sizes, which should be addressed in future studies.





