
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Growth and reproductive performance traits are important economic indicators for analyzing the overall performance of breeding systems. This study aims to evaluate the comparative performance of two Algerian sheep (Rumbi and Hamra) in terms of growth and reproductive performance, and the effect of factors such as breed, season of birth, mode of birth and age of the mother on this performance in a semi-intensive breeding system. The reproductive performance of 577 Rumbi ewes and 1328 Hamra ewes bred at the Tiaret and Saïda experimental stations respectively, was analyzed using performance monitoring data. Fertility rates for the Rumbi and Hamra breeds of 87.14% and 78.8% respectively were practically similar (p > 0,05). Litter size at birth and weaning was significantly higher in the Hamra breed than in the Rumbi breed (p < 0,05). Weaning mortality was significantly higher in the Hamra breed than in the Rumbi breed, with an average of 22.60% versus 14.94% (p < 0,05). The effect of factors showed that there was a highly significant effect of the mother\'s age and season of birth on the reproductive performance of the Hamra and Rumbi breeds with a p < 0.0001 on fertility, litter size at birth, litter size at weaning and fertility. There was a significant effect of the year factor on reproductive performance with p = 0,013 for the Hamra breed and p = 0,031 for the Rumbi breed. The results of this study showed that Rumbi lambs were heavier at birth than Hamra lambs. The values observed were 4,86 kg versus 3,10 kg for the Hamra breed, with a highly significant difference (p < 0,0001), so that the average daily pre-weaning weight gains of Rumbi lambs were higher than those of Hamra lambs, at 0,195 kg/day versus 0,113 kg/day for Hamra lambs, with a high significance (p < 0,0001). The effect of factors showed that there was a significant effect of the mother\'s age on the ADGs (0-30), (30-70) and (70-90) of the Hamra and Rumbi breeds with a p = 0,034 and p = 0,02 respectively. There was also a highly significant effect of the birth mode effect on ADGs (0-30), (30-70) and (70-90) only for the Hamra breed with a p = 0,004. The effect of the birth weight on ADGs was not significant for both Hamra and Rumbi breeds with a p > 0,05. According to the findings of this study, the Hamra breed had superior reproductive potential and the Rumbi breed had superior growth. The Hamra breed showed better maternal skills in terms of fertility and prolificacy, while the Rumbi breed showed better lamb growth performance. Consequently, these results could be used for selective sheep breeding, taking into account the random effects of the environment and the potential of each breed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Considering that follicular development is an energy-dependent process, supplementation of the culture medium with energy substrates, such as lactose, would improve follicle viability and growth. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of lactose on morphology, development, glutathione (GSH) concentration, mitochondrial activity, DNA fragmentation, and meiotic resumption of oocytes from sheep secondary follicles cultured in vitro. Secondary follicles were isolated from the cortex of ovine ovaries and cultured individually for 18 days in α-MEM supplemented with bovine serum albumin (BSA), insulin, glutamine, hypoxanthine, transferrin, selenium and ascorbic acid (control medium: α-MEM+) or in α-MEM+ plus different concentrations of lactose (0.025, 0.05 and 0.1 M). After culture, some of the oocytes were subjected to TUNEL assay and in vitro maturation (IVM). Follicular morphology, glutathione (GSH) concentration and mitochondrial activity were evaluated at the end of the culture. At the day 18, the percentage of morphologically normal follicles was greater (P<0.05) in the treatment of 0.025 M lactose (92.5 %) compared to the control group (75.55 %). In addition, GSH concentrations increased (P<0.05) in treatment containing 0.025 M lactose compared to the other treatments. Furthermore, oocytes cultured in 0.025 M lactose had greater (P<0.05) mitochondrial activity levels than in α-MEM+ and 0.1 M lactose. The group α-MEM+ presented a increase of TUNEL-positive oocytes (35.09 %) compared to 0.025 lactose (9.09 %). The percentage of meiotic resumption was greater (P<0.05) in oocytes from secondary follicles cultured in 0.025 M lactose (54.5 %) than in α-MEM+ (45.5 %). In conclusion, 0.025 M lactose improved survival, GSH and active mitochondria levels and meiotic resumption of oocytes from in vitro cultured secondary follicles. Supplementation of the culture medium of preantral follicles with lactose can gradually provide energy to follicular cells, potentially enhancing the production of viable oocytes for biotechniques such as IVM and in vitro fertilization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In premature births, deficiency and/or inactivation of surfactant and incomplete development of lung occur, leading to pulmonary complications and greater need for ventilatory interventions. Prenatal corticosteroid therapy is used to improve neonatal lung function and, thus, may reduce mortality and lower incidence and severity of lung injury. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the need for ventilatory support in preterm lambs subjected or not to prenatal betamethasone treatment, and to evaluate the effectiveness on neonatal survival. Lambing was induced and 13 premature lambs were assigned to Corticosteroid Group (n = 8; lambs from ewes subjected previously to 0.5 mg/kg betamethasone, IM, at 133 days of pregnancy) and Control Group (n = 5; non-treated lambs). Lambs were evaluated for vitality, neurologic reflexes, vital functions and birth weight. Three ventilatory modalities were preconized for critical lambs, according to specific criteria: mask oxygen therapy, self-inflating bag with tracheal tube and mechanical ventilation. Non-treated lambs had lower vitality score, muscle tonus and respiratory rate compared to Corticosteroid Group. Ventilatory support was needed for 3 Control lambs and only 1 Corticosteroid neonate. Corticosteroid lamb required significant less time-frame between birth and onset of ventilatory assistance and remained under ventilation for a shorter time. Percentage of ventilated non-treated lambs correlated negatively with birth weight, muscle tone, heart and respiratory rate. In conclusion, antenatal betamethasone treatment reduces the need for ventilatory assistance in premature lambs. Additionally, mortality is low when a protocol for inducing pulmonary maturity (maternal corticosteroid therapy) and/or ventilatory interventions are employed, ensuring the survival of premature lambs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to investigate if washing ram sperm from seminal plasma (SP) could be an effective tool to extend sperm lifespan in medium-term preservation in liquid form to optimize ovine artificial insemination protocols. To this end, in Experiment 1 SP was added to a sperm model without previous contact with this substance (ram epididymal sperm) at the beginning or the end of a 48-hour preservation protocol at 5 °C (n = 13). Sperm motility and kinetic parameters and sperm functionality in terms of sperm viability, apoptosis, mitochondrial activity and reacted acrosomes were assessed after 6 h of storage at 15 °C (standard liquid preservation method) and 24 and 48 h at 5 °C. Extended sperm showed better results after 48 h when stored in the absence than in the presence of SP in most sperm quality parameters. Moreover, the final SP supplementation of this experimental group resulted in the highest sperm motility and kinetic parameters, viability and mitochondrial activity. These results suggested that initial SP deprivation could be beneficial in a medium-term ram sperm preservation protocol in liquid form, as well as a final supplementation. Therefore, we conducted Experiment 2 to evaluate the effect of SP removal from freshly ejaculated ram semen under the same storage conditions as in Experiment 1 (n = 12). Surprisingly, SP withdrawal impaired sperm functionality, leading to increased apoptosis and decreased mitochondrial activity after 24 and 48 h at 5 °C. Conversely, SP supplementation at the end of the preservation protocol of the ejaculate processed as usual had a positive effect on sperm quality and fertility. To summarize, SP absence was beneficial for a medium-term preservation protocol (up to 48 h at 5 °C) of ram epididymal sperm, but the same preservation protocol for ram ejaculated sperm revealed a possible failure of the SP removal method in avoiding the sperm-SP interaction effect. Meanwhile, SP supplementation of ram semen at the end of the preservation protocol increased in vitro sperm quality and fertility after artificial insemination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) hold promise for tendon repair, even if their tenogenic plasticity and underlying mechanisms remain only partially understood, particularly in cells derived from the ovine animal model. This study aimed to characterize oADSCs during in vitro expansion to validate their phenotypic properties pre-transplantation. Moreover, their tenogenic potential was assessed using two in vitro-validated approaches: (1) teno-inductive conditioned media (CM) derived from a co-culture between ovine amniotic stem cells and fetal tendon explants, and (2) short- (48 h) and long-term (14 days) seeding on highly aligned PLGA (ha-PLGA) electrospun scaffold. Our findings indicate that oADSCs can be expanded without senescence and can maintain the expression of stemness (Sox2, Oct4, Nanog) and mesenchymal (CD29, CD166, CD44, CD90) markers while remaining negative for hematopoietic (CD31, CD45) and MHC-II antigens. Of note, oADSCs\' tendon differentiation potential greatly depended on the in vitro strategy. oADSCs exposed to CM significantly upregulated tendon-related genes (COL1, TNMD, THBS4) but failed to accumulate TNMD protein at 14 days of culture. Conversely, oADSCs seeded on ha-PLGA fleeces quickly upregulated the tendon-related genes (48 h) and in 14 days accumulated high levels of the TNMD protein into the cytoplasm of ADSCs, displaying a tenocyte-like morphology. This mechano-sensing cellular response involved a complete SOX9 downregulation accompanied by YAP activation, highlighting the efficacy of biophysical stimuli in promoting tenogenic differentiation. These findings underscore oADSCs\' long-term self-renewal and tendon differentiative potential, thus opening their use in a preclinical setting to develop innovative stem cell-based and tissue engineering protocols for tendon regeneration, applied to the veterinary field.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cardiac congenital defects related to inheritance and teratogenesis have been reported in veterinary species and humans worldwide. Among these, ectopia cordis (EC), characterized by an externalized heart through a cleft, is extremely rare in sheep. This report presents the diagnostic features of two cases of complete thoracic EC in newborn lambs. Clinical findings in the lambs, aside from the EC, were unremarkable. Both animals exhibited exteriorized hearts without pericardial coverage, delineated in the thoracic cleft by a fibrous ring of the pericardium and adjacent skin. Histologically, the epicardium was thickened by fibrous tissue in both lambs, with one animal also showing marked edema, hemorrhage, and neutrophilic inflammatory infiltration. The prognosis of EC in the lambs of this study was poor, with fatal outcomes despite attempts at surgical correction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This prospective anatomical study aimed to establish an ultrasound-guided technique to the quadratus lumborum (QL) plane in sheep cadavers. Thirteen cadavers, weighing less than 117 kg, were included. In phase 1, one cadaver underwent dissection and two cadavers underwent 3D computed tomographic reconstruction for anatomical evaluation of the thoracolumbar region. In phase 2, two cadavers were used to compare two ultrasound techniques to the QL plane: lateral to the QL muscle with a transversal approach (LQL) and transmuscular between QL and psoas muscles with a longitudinal approach (TQL). For LQL, the reference was the first lumbar transverse process, whereas for TQL, it was the intertransverse region between the first and second lumbar vertebrae. The needle was advanced in-plane towards the specific target for each technique and a total of four injections were performed using 0.4 ml kg-1 of a dye-lidocaine solution. In phase 3, 10 cadavers received bilateral LQL injections (n = 20). All cadavers were then dissected to evaluate spread of dye. In phase 2, following LQL injections, no dye was observed in undesired locations; however, the dye was noted in the retroperitoneal space (1/2) after TQL injections. In phase 3, the 13th thoracic, first, second, third lumbar nerves, and sympathetic trunk segments were stained in 80%, 95%, 100%, 45% and 35% of the injections, respectively. In conclusion, the LQL technique was feasible, allowing staining of the spinal nerves innervating the cranial abdomen in sheep cadavers. Further studies in live animals are warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    目的:先前的临床前和临床研究表明阴部神经是恢复膀胱控制的有希望的目标。阴部神经及其伴随的血管在阴部管中的空间接近性为血管内神经刺激提供了机会,与传统的长期植入电极相比,这是一种侵入性较小的方法。在这项研究中,我们研究了使用支架安装的电极阵列对绵羊的复合阴部神经进行兴奋刺激和千赫频率阻滞的可行性。 方法:在一组急性动物实验中,在单侧阴部内动脉中引入市售六极电极导管,对邻近的复合阴部神经进行双极电刺激.用定制的支架安装电极阵列替换导管电极,并重复刺激疗程。同时记录尿道外括约肌的全局肌电图(EMG)活动。&#xD;主要结果:我们证明了两种电极类型对阴部神经传出进行血管内刺激的可行性。血管内刺激的阈值电流受电极-神经距离和电极方向的影响。增加轴向电极间距离显著降低阈值电流。使用电极导管可以进行血管内千赫频率神经阻滞。&#xD;意义:本研究表明,使用支架安装的电极阵列对阴部神经进行血管内刺激可能是传统植入式电极的一种有希望的侵入性较小的替代方法,尿失禁的治疗具有重要的临床意义。阴部神经传出的血管内阻断可能为脊髓损伤患者的膀胱管理中的膀胱括约肌协同失调问题提供替代解决方案。 .
    Objective. Previous preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated that pudendal nerve is a promising target for restoring bladder control. The spatial proximity between the pudendal nerve and its accompanying blood vessels in the pudendal canal provides an opportunity for endovascular neurostimulation, which is a less invasive approach compared to conventional chronically implanted electrodes. In this study, we investigated the feasibility of excitatory stimulation and kilohertz-frequency block of the compound pudendal nerve in sheep using a stent-mounted electrode array.Approach. In a set of acute animal experiments, a commercially available hexapolar electrode catheter was introduced in the unilateral internal pudendal artery to deliver bipolar electrical stimulation of the adjacent compound pudendal nerve. The catheter electrode was replaced with a custom-made stent-mounted electrode array and the stimulation sessions were repeated. Global electromyogram activity of the pelvic floor and related sphincter muscles was recorded with a monopolar electrode placed within the urethra concurrently.Main results. We demonstrated the feasibility of endovascular stimulation of the pudendal nerve with both electrode types. The threshold current of endovascular stimulation was influenced by electrode-nerve distance and electrode orientation. Increasing the axial inter-electrode distance significantly decreased threshold current. Endovascular kilohertz-frequency nerve block was possible with the electrode catheter.Significance. The present study demonstrated that endovascular stimulation of the pudendal nerve with the stent-mounted electrode array may be a promising less invasive alternative to conventional implantable electrodes, which has important clinical implications in the treatment of urinary incontinence. Endovascular blocking of pudendal nerve may provide an alternative solution to the bladder-sphincter dyssynergia problem in bladder management for people with spinal cord injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intermediate filaments (IFs) are key molecular factors of the cell and have been reported to play an important role in maintaining the structural integrity and functionality of the abomasum. This study was designed to determine the regional distribution, cellular localization and expression of several IFs, including CK8, CK18, CK19, vimentin, desmin, peripherin and nestin, as well as the connective tissue component laminin, in the bovine, ovine and caprine abomasa. Immunohistochemical analyses demonstrated varying levels of expression of CK8, CK18, CK19, vimentin, desmin, nestin, peripherin and laminin in the bovine, ovine and caprine abomasa. CK8 immunoreactions were particularly evident in the luminal and glandular epithelia of the glands found in the abomasal cardia, fundus and pylorus in all three species. In the bovine abomasum, CK18 immunoreactions were stronger in the parietal cells, compared to the chief cells. In the abomasum of all three species, the smooth muscle as well as the smooth muscle cells of the vascular media in the cardiac, fundic and pyloric regions showed strong immunoreactivity. In all three species, the cardiac, fundic and pyloric regions of the abomasum showed strong peripherin and nestin immunoreactions in the luminal and glandular epithelial cells, stromal and smooth muscle cells, nervous plexuses and blood vessels. The expression patterns of IFs and laminin in the ruminant abomasum suggest that these proteins play a structural role in the cytoskeleton and are effective in maintaining abomasal tissue integrity and stability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Titanium-based implants can be used to fill voids in bone reconstruction surgery. Through additive manufacturing (AM), it is possible to produce titanium implants with osteoconductive properties such as high porosity and low stiffness. AM facilitates a level of design flexibility and personalization that is not feasible with traditional techniques. Methods: In this study, osseointegration into titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) lattices was investigated for 12 weeks post-implantation using a novel bicortical load-bearing ovine model. The objective was to assess the safety and efficacy of AM-fabricated implants using two lattice structures of contrasting stiffness spanning the full width of the femoral condyle. Results: This was achieved by evaluating implant osseointegration and bone-implant contact properties by histomorphometry, scoring local implant tissue responses via histopathology, and micro-computed tomography reconstruction. Discussion: We found that Ti-6Al-4V implants facilitated widespread and extensive osseointegration, with bone maturation ongoing at the conclusion of the trial period. Following the implantation period, no adverse clinical indications that could be directly ascribed to the presence of the implanted device were identified, as determined by macroscopic and microscopic observation.





