otitis externa

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Eczematous external otitis (EEO) is the most difficult-to-treat otitis externa, and characterized by the symptoms of inflammation with hypersensitivity of the external ear canal skin. It is acknowledged as a chronic skin inflammation primarily caused by dermatological and allergic reactions. Food allergens are also considered a cause to induce the inflammation. However, the role of food specific IgG4 in this disease is unclear yet.
    METHODS: A 54-year-old woman complained of recurrent itching of the external auditory meatus for 3 years and nails chapping of hands for 2 years.
    METHODS: She was diagnosed with EEO and underwent the therapeutic strategy as food elimination of egg, milk and wheat, guided by the result of food specific IgG4 together with probiotics on the basis of previous symptom controlling therapy.
    RESULTS: After 17 months\' treatment, she was finally free of all the symptoms and the serum IgG4 specific to all foods are under normal limit.
    CONCLUSIONS: To the best of our knowledge, it is the first report revealing the clinical significance of food specific IgG4 in EEO, and the successful treatment with diet elimination guided by food specific IgG4 threw a new light on the clinical management of refractory EEO.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Necrotizing otitis externa (NOE) is a severe infection primarily affecting the external auditory canal, seen mainly in immunocompromised individuals as patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). This case report highlights unusual complications of NOE: temporal bone and nasopharyngeal abscesses. These complications underscore the severity of NOE, particularly when caused by rare pathogens such as Klebsiella species. We detail the case of a 70-year-old male with uncontrolled DM who presented with severe right ear pain, purulent discharge, and significant postauricular swelling. Laboratory investigations revealed elevated inflammatory markers and poorly controlled diabetes. Cultures confirmed Klebsiella pneumoniae, and imaging showed diffuse edema and abscess formation in the temporal bone and nasopharynx. The patient was treated with intravenous Ceftazidime and ciprofloxacin for 6 weeks, followed by oral ciprofloxacin. Effective management of NOE necessitates a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach. Early intervention, regular monitoring, and imaging are critical for promptly detecting and managing complications.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Relapsing polychondritis (RPC) is a rare autoimmune condition that often mimics recurrent external otitis. This multisystemic disease primarily affects cartilaginous structures in the body, with the ear pinna being the most commonly impacted. RPC is associated with elevated inflammatory markers and antinuclear antibodies (ANA), and it can lead to chondral destruction. Our case is a 74-year-old Caucasian male with a history of peripheral vascular disease (PVD) who presented to the clinic with recurrent, painful swelling of the right upper ear for 14 days despite multiple antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). He had chronic sensorineural hearing loss in the same ear. He was seen multiple times with identical symptoms in the last seven months and was diagnosed with otitis externa. He denied arthritis, fatigue, rash, abrasion, allergies, trauma, or fever. He was prescribed antimicrobials, alternating NSAIDs, and methylprednisolone with temporary relief. He is only on statins and has an unremarkable family history. He was afebrile with normal vital signs. On physical examination, he was not in acute distress and had a normal voice but had a diffusely erythematous, tender, swollen right ear pinna and external canal sparing the lobe. The rest of the physical examination was unremarkable. Laboratory results showed elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) of 100 mg/L (normal range: <3 mg/L) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) of 200 mm/hour (normal range: <20 mm/hour). ANA titer is 1:160 with a homogenous pattern, but other autoantibodies were negative. No red flags were noted on the complete blood count (CBC) or comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), and his rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test was negative. In this patient, prednisone 60 mg daily was initiated as monotherapy, and rheumatology was also consulted. The patient sought consultation due to recurrent and persistent upper ear infections despite antibiotic treatment and was ultimately diagnosed with a rare medical condition called relapsing polychondritis. Following this treatment, the auricular chondritis improved promptly. The steroid dosage was then slowly tapered and maintained at 10 mg daily to prevent flare-ups. Subsequently, after the initiation of corticosteroids, inflammatory markers trended down to normal levels.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Auricular chondritis of unknown cause was suspected in a 10-year-old male Bolognese dog with a five-month history of painful bilateral nodular and ulcerative pyogranulomatous dermatitis of the pinnae with putative auricular cartilage destruction. Pain and lesions resolved with immunosuppressive doses of prednisolone, yet the condition resulted in deformity of both pinnae and external canals.
    Une chondrite auriculaire d’étiologie inconnue est suspectée chez un bichon bolonais mâle de 10 ans qui présente depuis 5 mois une dermatite pyogranulomateuse nodulaire et ulcéreuse bilatérale douloureuse du pavillon de l\'oreille avec une destruction présumée du cartilage auriculaire. La douleur et les lésions disparaissent avec des doses immunosuppressives de prednisolone, mais l\'affection entraîne une déformation des deux pavillons et des conduits auriculaires externes.
    Bei einem 10 Jahre alten männlichen Bologneser mit einer 5 Monate lang andauernden Anamnese einer schmerzhaften bilateralen nodulären und ulzerativen pyogranulomatösen Dermatitis der Pinnae mit vermeintlicher aurikulärer Knorpeldestruktion unbekannter Ursache wurde eine aurikuläre Chondritis vermutet. Die Schmerzen und die Veränderungen verschwanden mit immunsuppressiven Dosen von Prednisolon, aber die Ätiologie verursachte dennoch eine Deformierung beider Pinnae und der äußeren Gehörkanäle.
    Suspeitou‐se de condrite auricular de causa desconhecida em um cão macho Bolonhês de 10 anos de idade com um histórico de cinco meses de dermatite piogranulomatosa ulcerativa e nodular bilateral no pavilhão auricular com suposta destruição de cartilagem auricular. A dor e as lesões resolveram com doses imunossupressoras de prednisolona apesar de a etiologia ter resultado na deformidade de ambas as orelhas e condutos auditivos.
    Se sospechó la existencia de una condritis auricular de causa desconocida en un perro boloñés de 10 años con historia de 5 meses de duración de una dermatitis nodular ulcerativa piogramulomatosa y bilateral en las orejas con posible destrucción del cartílago auricular. El dolor y las lesiones se resolvieron con dosis inmunosupresoras de prednisolona pero la enfermedad produjo deformación de ambas orejas y de los canales auriculares externos.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Otitis externa is an inflammatory and infectious disease that affects the external auditory canal. The term otorrhea refers to the outflow of discharge from the ear which is one of the main symptoms of otitis externa along with inflammation. External ear canal pathology or middle ear illness with tympanic membrane perforation is the etiological factor of otorrhea. Otorrhea is an indication of infection. Antimicrobial agents are the conventional treatment of various bacterial and fungal infections, but they have impediments such as resistance development, side effects, patient affordability, etc. The Gandhak Rasayana formulation mentioned in the Ayurvedic text can be a good option for the treatment of various infectious diseases. Karnasrava is a type of ear disease referred to as Vata predominant Tridoshaja disease and it is curable. The term Karnasrava signifies discharge from ear and is self-explanatory. Karnasrava consists of a wide spectrum of diseases and can have a near correlation with otitis externa as per signs and symptoms. Gandhak Rasayana exhibited significant antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory activity in otitis externa. Evaluating its antibacterial and antifungal activity can provide scientific evidence for the study through the present case report. A 31-year-old male patient registered in OPD at Sane Guruji Hospital, Hadapsar, Pune was clinically diagnosed as Karnasrava (Otitis externa) and pus culture positive for Klebsiella species. We started the treatment with Gandhak Rasayana-an Ayurvedic formulation of 250mg two tablets in the morning and evening with lukewarm water for 21 days. The outcome of the treatment was observed as a reduction in Karnashula (otalgia), Karnasrava (ear discharge), Karnakandu (itching), ear blockage and inflammatory changes. Post-treatment culture was negative for the organism. The improvement was noted in Brighton grading scale from grade III to grade I. Gandhak Rasayana showed significant antibacterial activity in the present case. Evaluating its antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory activity can provide scientific evidence for the study.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 48-year-old man presented with a chief complaint of intermittent right ear otorrhea of several-month duration, occasional otalgia and progressive unilateral hearing impairment. He also reported frequent episodes of headache and pressure in the sinuses and maxilla. Previous systemic treatment with antibiotics failed to alleviate the symptoms. A head/neck CT showed completely normal mastoid, middle ear and external auditory canal regions without any evidence of opacification or bone erosion. Otoscopic examination of the right ear disclosed aggregates of dried, brown, fibrillar material and debris occluding the external auditory canal and obstructing the otherwise intact tympanic membrane. Dilation of the external auditory canal or thickening of the tympanic membrane were not appreciated. The canal was debrided and the fibrillar material was placed in formalin. Histopathologic examination revealed numerous branching, septated fungal hyphae organized in densely-packed clusters. In other areas, the fungal hyphae abutted or were attached to lamellated collections of orthokeratin. As highlighted by GMS staining, the fungi were morphologically compatible with Aspergillus species. The clinicopathologic findings supported a diagnosis of fungal otitis externa, while the numerous anucleate squamous cells were compatible with colonization of an underlying, probably developing, cholesteatoma. Culture of material isolated from the external auditory canal confirmed the presence of Aspergillus flavus. In this illustrative case, we present the main clinical and microscopic characteristics of Aspergillus-related otomycosis developing in the setting of a tautochronous cholesteatoma.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Skull base osteomyelitis is a not commonly encountered but potentially fatal consequence of untreated necrotizing otitis externa. Early recognition and appropriate treatment are crucial to prevent serious complications such as cranial nerve palsies, meningitis, and intracranial abscess formation. The case reports presented in this study provide a rich depiction of the clinical presentation, diagnostic challenges, and interventions employed. Early recognition and appropriate management of skull base osteomyelitis are crucial to prevent complications and improve patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Most of malignant external otitis (MEO) cases reported in the literature are attributed to Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Fungal infections in MEO are also likely but extremely rare. And conventional microbiology tests is difficult to diagnose.
    Two patients were diagnosed with Fungal malignant external otitis (FMEO) due to Aspergillus by metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing (mNGS) and recovered after comprehensive treatment including operation and voriconazole. The antifungal treatment was delayed due to repeated cultures of secretions being negative and pathological examination showed granulation tissue proliferation with extensive neutrophil infiltration.
    mNGS might be helpful for patients suspected with FMEO, especially when conventional microbiology tests were negative.





