oral surgery

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    文章类型: Case Reports
    The objective of this article is to report the clinical case and 4-year follow-up of a 5-year-old child with multiple dental anomalies, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and use of combined pediatric surgery and orthodontic approaches. A 5-year-old boy, accompanied by his mother, sought dental care for dental caries and tooth pain. Clinical and radiographic examinations revealed active caries, a supernumerary primary tooth in the region of the mandibular right second premolar, and severe ankylosis of the primary mandibular right second molar. The treatment plan involved extraction of the supernumerary tooth as well as sectioning and extraction of the ankylosed molar. When the patient was 6 years old, the permanent mandibular right first molar showed signs of an altered eruptive process, and orthodontic treatment was initiated. A unilateral band-and-loop space maintainer with coil springs designed to move the permanent first molar was placed on the primary first molar. A new panoramic radiograph, obtained when the patient was aged 7 years, suggested the presence of an odontoma in the apical region of the primary maxillary right canine. Surgical removal and histopathologic examination of the lesion confirmed that it was a developing odontoma. After surgery, due to occlusal anomalies that included transverse maxillary deficiency, deep overbite, and midline deviation, the patient underwent rapid maxillary expansion therapy with a Haas-type appliance. When the patient was 8 years old, orthodontic treatment continued with a removable palatal Hawley expander and a orthodontic mandibular lingual arch. Currently, at the age of 9 years, the child is still undergoing fixed orthodontic treatment after surgical exposure of the impacted permanent maxillary right canine and bonding of an orthodontic attachment to enable traction. A multidisciplinary approach to the management of dental anomalies promotes a favorable prognosis and ensures comprehensive treatment of young patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case report presents a 59-year-old female patient with mandibular gingival metastasis from adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid part of the colon, who underwent radical colectomy with simultaneous hysterectomy involving and left oophorectomy (due to tumor involvement) eight years ago. Because of metastatic spread to the liver, a partial left lateral lobectomy was performed, and because of a metastatic lesion in the left adrenal gland, the latter was excised and a partial resection of the left kidney was performed. The patient was given a number of courses of chemotherapy, target therapy, and immunotherapy. In 2024, because of a tumor mass in the oral cavity that was growing and interfering with normal nutrition and speech, she was hospitalized and a radical resection of the lesion was performed along with the involved underlying bone of the lower jaw on the right. The morphological analysis revealed metastasis from large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma and the immunohistochemical stains verified the gastrointestinal origin of the lesion. The lesion was accepted as being a result of the phenotypical transformation of the primary adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon. The patient had a normal postoperative period and a smoothly healing wound and continued to be under the management of clinical oncologists supporting chemo-, targeted, and immunotherapy. However, five months after the appearance of the lesion and three months after its surgical removal, after a serious deterioration of her general condition, she passed away at home.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background/Objectives: Implant treatment in patients who require teeth extraction due to periodontitis presents a significant challenge. The consideration of peri-implantitis is crucial when planning the placement of dental implants. The predictability of implant treatment relies on the suitability of both hard and soft tissue quality. The aim of this article is to present a case report demonstrating a secure treatment protocol for implant procedures in patients with periodontitis requiring the extraction of all teeth, soft tissue management targeted at increasing the keratinized mucosa zone, and the provision of a reliable prosthetic solution. The secondary objective is to review the relevant literature regarding the significance of keratinized mucosa surrounding dental implants and its association with the occurrence of peri-implantitis. Case presentation: A 65-year-old female with generalized periodontitis, stage IV grade C and very poor oral hygiene came for treatment and rehabilitation of the lower jaw. CBCT revealed periodontal lesions and labio-lingual ridge dimensions in the region of teeth 34-44 from 8.0 to 10.2 mm. The first surgery included teeth extraction and periodontal lesions enucleation with simultaneous placement of four implants in the positions of teeth 32, 34, 42, 44. The second-stage surgery involved increasing the keratinized mucosa using two free gingival grafts. Conclusions: The present case report described the treatment process of the patient with periodontitis, including immediate implantation in the infected region, soft tissue augmentation using free gingival grafts and the ultimate placement of a bar-retained overdenture for final restoration. After two years of observation, despite questionable hygiene, no symptoms of gingival inflammation were detected. Furthermore, there is limited information in the literature regarding the correlation between inadequate keratinized gingiva and the occurrence of peri-implantitis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After dental extraction, a physiological phenomenon of reabsorption of the dentoalveolar process is triggered, especially if periradicular lesions are present, which can sometimes be associated with oroantral communication in the upper posterior maxilla. To investigate a minimally invasive approach, 19 patients undergoing tooth extraction in the posterosuperior maxilla were recruited. All cases presented an oroantral communication with a diameter of 2-5 mm after tooth extraction and the alveolar process and, in some cases, with a partial defect of 1 or more bony walls. In these cases, a single surgical procedure was used to preserve the alveolar ridge using an open barrier technique with an exposed dense polytetrafluoroethylene membrane. The bottom of the extraction socket was filled with a collagen fleece. The residual bone process was reconstructed using a biomaterial based on carbonate-apatite derived from porcine cancellous bone. After 6 months, all patients were recalled and subjected to radiographic control associated with an implant-prosthetic rehabilitation plan. Data relating to the sinus health status and the average height and thickness of the regenerated bone were collected. Radiographic evaluation verified the integrity of the maxillary sinus floor with new bone formation, detecting a vertical bone dimension between 3.1 mm and 7.4 mm (average 5.13 ± 1.15 mm) and a horizontal thickness between 4.2 mm and 9.6 mm (average 6.86 ± 1.55 mm). The goal of this study was to highlight the advantage of managing an oroantral communication and, simultaneously, obtain the preservation and regeneration of the alveolar bone crest. The open barrier technique appears to be effective for the minimally invasive management of oroantral communication up to 5 mm in diameter in postextraction sites, with a good regeneration of hard and soft tissue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isolated coronoid process fractures are uncommon, and iatrogenic isolated fractures are extremely rare. This case describes a displaced fracture of an isolated coronoid process thought to be due to excessive force applied by a dentist that had been overlooked and left untreated for about a month. The patient was a woman in her late 50\'s and she had undergone a molar extraction. Her dentist had confused her symptoms of trismus, pain, and facial oedema with the complex tooth extraction procedure. Following a cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan we showed that the mandibular coronoid process on her right side had suffered a longitudinal fracture, and the fractured fragment had rotated upwards and inwards. Following successful surgical elimination of the fragmented coronoid process, the patient received targeted physiotherapy sessions that yielded excellent results. At the five-month follow-up, the ability of the patient to open her mouth had improved enormously, and her facial appearance almost recovered to its original state.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Introduction and importance: Langerhans cell histiocytosis is a rare disorder characterized by the proliferation of Langerhans cells in various tissues. While it commonly affects bones, skin, and other organs, oral manifestations are less frequent but can be diagnostically challenging.
    METHODS: we present a clinical case of LCH with an oral manifestation in a 14-year-old adolescent. The patient presented with progressive jaw pain for approximately two months.
    METHODS: Intraoral examination revealed vestibular swelling at the mandibular angle, with painful vestibular palpation. However, the adjacent teeth to the lesion were not mobile, and the vitality test was positive. Radiographic examination showed an inhomogeneous hypodense osteolytic lesion at the left mandibular angle. Histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of LCH with diffuse infiltration of Langerhans cells in the gingival tissue. The patient was referred to Hospital in Marseille and therapeutic abstention is chosen, clinical and radiological follow-up is established every 6 months for 5 years. At 6 weeks, a significant decrease in the lesion and an osteoperiosteal reconstruction phenomenon are observed. After one year, the lesion has spontaneously resolved. Clinical discussion: The disease activity score allows defining the severity and activity of the disease and determine the treatment. The clinical presentation of Langerhans cell histiocytosis is highly variable. The severe form of the disease occurs before the age of 2 and is characterized by multi-system involvement and neurodegenerative involvement.
    CONCLUSIONS: The lesion resolved spontaneously after the biopsy was performed. Prompt diagnosis and multidisciplinary management are crucial for successful treatment outcomes in such cases. This case highlights the importance of recognizing oral manifestations of LCH in dental practice for early diagnosis and appropriate management.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case report describes the treatment of a 9-year-old boy with impacted maxillary central incisors due to 2 supernumerary teeth. A sequential approach comprising of surgical removal of the supernumerary teeth and 2 stages of surgical exposure and orthodontic traction of the impacted teeth resulted in correct repositioning of incisors. Close monitoring and multidisciplinary cooperation during various stages of treatment led to a successful esthetic outcome, with optimal periodontal health and functional occlusion.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    An 8-year-old male intact mixed breed dog was treated for a 3.7×3×3.6 cm grade 1 multilobular osteochondrosarcoma (MLO) arising from the dorsal aspect of the right coronoid process with a coronoidectomy, a zygomectomy, and a caudal maxillectomy. Ten months later, the dog presented for a swelling near the right angular process, which was presumed to be a locoregional recurrence. Blood work and initial staging tests (abdominal ultrasound) had mild abnormalities of no clinical concern/significance. The dog was hospitalized with a plan for computed tomographic (CT) scan of skull and chest the following day. Overnight, the swelling rapidly increased, and the dog became laterally recumbent, febrile, and hypotensive. Laboratory evaluation revealed hypoglycemia, elevated lactate, and elevated band neutrophils with moderate toxicity, most consistent with sepsis. The dog was stabilized with fluid resuscitation, intravenous (IV) antibiotics, IV dextrose, and pressor support. Once stabilized, a contrast CT scan was performed, which revealed evidence of an infected parotid gland sialocele. To our knowledge, this is the first veterinary case that describes sepsis secondary to an infected protracted parotid sialocele.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Schwannomas are not uncommon in the maxillofacial region; however, those with intraoral localization and, in particular, the hard palate are among the least frequently described. In the current case report, we present a 17-year-old girl with a histologically verified schwannoma of the hard palate on the right, originating from the right greater palatine nerve. In her case, despite the lysis of the palatine bone from the tumor compression, the disease is asymptomatic, causing only a weak sensation of local discomfort. The lesion was removed surgically under general anesthesia and the resulting defect of the palatal mucosa was compensated by plastic reconstruction with a lingual mucosal flap on a posterior feeding base. The recovery period was uneventful.





