occupational stress

  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to predict employees\' long-term sick leave due to psychiatric disorders using the national psychological stress screening program.
    METHODS: University employees who took long-term psychiatric sick leave in 2016-2018 were assigned as cases. Those who were present at work and matched for sex, age, and occupation type were assigned as controls. Answers in a 57-item questionnaire were analyzed by multivariable regression, and a prediction model was developed. It was validated in cases and matched controls in 2019.
    RESULTS: Six items were identified as independent predictors by multivariable regression and included in a prediction model. The area under the receiver-operating characteristics curve was 0.768 (95% confidence interval: 0.723-0.813). This finding was similar to that in the validation sample.
    CONCLUSIONS: The performance of the prediction model was modest and the national Stress Check Program should be further refined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Those in administrative positions in adult education are more likely to suffer from stress because of the hard work they do, long hours in the office, a lack of adequate medical and welfare packages, and a lack of financial aid. In this study, adult education workers in Nigeria were assessed on the effectiveness of a cognitive and behavioral approach to managing occupational stress in public administration.
    METHODS: This study was a group-randomized trial in which 94 adult education workers occupy public administrative positions within Enugu State, Nigeria, participated. Data were collected using 2 instruments, the Perceived Stress Scale, and the Workplace Stress Scale, which were validated by cognitive and behavioral psychologists at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The instruments contained internal construct and content validity as determined by Cronbach alpha. ANCOVA was employed to test for hypotheses and answer research questions.
    RESULTS: This study demonstrates that cognitive and behavioral approaches are significantly effective in managing occupational stress among adult education workers who work for public agencies.
    CONCLUSIONS: To improve stress management capacity among adults in public administration positions, researchers recommend frequent exposure to cognitive and behavioral approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Work-related stress and burnout remain common problems among employees, leading to impaired health and higher absenteeism. The use of mobile health apps to promote well-being has grown substantially; however, the impact of such apps on reducing stress and preventing burnout is limited.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the effectiveness of STAPP@Work, a mobile-based stress management intervention, on perceived stress, coping self-efficacy, and the level of burnout among mental health employees.
    METHODS: The study used a single-case experimental design to examine the use of STAPP@Work among mental health employees without a known diagnosis of burnout (N=63). Participants used the app for 1 week per month repeatedly for a period of 6 months. Using a reversal design, the participants used the app 6 times to assess replicated immediate (1 week after use) and lasting (3 weeks after use) effects. The Perceived Stress Scale, the Coping Self-Efficacy Scale, and the Burnout Assessment Tool were used to measure the outcomes. Linear mixed models were used to analyze the data.
    RESULTS: After 6 months of app use for 1 week per month, the participants showed a statistically significant decrease in perceived stress (b=-0.38, 95% CI -0.67 to -0.09; P=.01; Cohen d=0.50) and burnout symptoms (b=-0.31, 95% CI -0.51 to -0.12; P=.002; Cohen d=0.63) as well as a statistically significant improvement in problem-focused coping self-efficacy (b=0.42, 95% CI 0-0.85; P=.049; Cohen d=0.42). Long-term use of the app provided consistent reductions in burnout symptoms over time, including in the level of exhaustion and emotional impairment.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of an app-based stress management intervention has been shown to reduce burnout symptoms and enhance coping self-efficacy among mental health workers. Prevention of burnout and minimization of work-related stress are of utmost importance to protect employee health and reduce absenteeism.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can induce an elevation in sympathetic tone; however, research pertaining to the cardiac cycle in patients with PTSD is limited.
    METHODS: A literature review was conducted with PubMed, MEDLINE and Web of Science. Articles discussing changes and associations in echocardiography and PTSD or related symptoms were synthesized for the current review. We have also included data from a case report of a male participant aged 33 years experiencing potentially psychologically traumatic events, who wore a noninvasive cardiac sensor to assess the timing intervals and contractility parameters of the cardiac cycle using seismocardiography. The intervals included systolic time, isovolumic contraction time (IVCT) and isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT). Calculations of systolic (IVCT/systole), diastolic (IVRT/systole) and myocardial [(IVCT+IVRT)/systole] performance indices were completed.
    RESULTS: The review identified 55 articles, 14 of which assessed cardiac function using echocardiography in patients with PTSD symptoms. Cardiac dysfunction varied across studies, with diastolic and systolic impairments found in patients with PTSD. Our case study showed that occupational stress elevated cardiac performance indices, suggesting increased ventricular stress and supporting results in the existing literature.
    CONCLUSIONS: The literature review results suggest that a controlled approach to assessing cardiac function in patients with PTSD is required. The case study results further suggest that acute bouts of stress can alter cardiac function, with potential for sustained occupational stress to induce changes in cardiac function. Cardiac monitoring can be used prospectively to identify changes induced by potentially psychologically traumatic event exposures that can lead to the development of PTSD symptoms.
    BACKGROUND: Alors qu’on sait que le trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT) peut entraîner une augmentation du tonus sympathique, ses effets sur le cycle cardiaque ont été peu étudiés.
    UNASSIGNED: Nous avons réalisé une revue de la littérature en interrogeant les bases de données PubMed, MEDLINE et Web of Science. Les articles traitant des modifications de nature échocardiographique en lien avec le TSPT ou des symptômes connexes et traitant des associations entre les deux ont été synthétisés pour cette revue de la littérature. Nous avons également inclus les données d’une étude de cas dans laquelle les intervalles de temps et les paramètres de contractilité du cycle cardiaque ont été évalués par séismocardiographie chez un participant âgé de 33 ans qui portait un capteur cardiaque non invasif et qui a été exposé à des événements potentiellement traumatiques sur le plan psychologique. Les intervalles évalués étaient le temps de systole, le temps de contraction isovolumique (TCIV) et le temps de relaxation isovolumique (TRIV). Nous avons calculé les indices de performance systolique (TCIV/systole), diastolique (TRIV/systole) et myocardique [(TCIV+TRIV)/systole].
    UNASSIGNED: La revue de la littérature a permis de recenser 55 articles, dont 14 portant sur l’évaluation de la fonction cardiaque par échocardiographie chez des patients présentant des symptômes de TSPT. La dysfonction cardiaque variait selon les études, avec la présence d’atteintes diastoliques et systoliques chez des patients ayant un TSPT. L’étude de cas montre que le stress lié au travail augmente les indices de performance cardiaque, ce qui évoque un stress ventriculaire accru et vient confirmer les résultats dont on dispose dans la littérature.
    CONCLUSIONS: D’après les résultats de notre revue de la littérature, l’évaluation de la fonction cardiaque chez les patients atteints de TSPT devrait faire l’objet d’une approche contrôlée. Quant à l’étude de cas, les résultats laissent penser que les épisodes de stress aigu peuvent altérer la fonction cardiaque et que le stress prolongé lié au travail pourrait induire des changements dans la fonction cardiaque. Il est possible d’utiliser la surveillance cardiaque de façon prospective pour déceler les changements provoqués par une exposition à des événements potentiellement traumatiques sur le plan psychologique, cette exposition pouvant conduire au développement de symptômes de TSPT.
    Research on cardiac cycle timing intervals and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is very limited. Systolic and diastolic dysfunction is documented in PTSD; however, there is much variation in the literature on cardiac function in PTSD. Potentially psychologically traumatic events (PPTE) can increase myocardial performance index, in part due to shortened systolic time. PPTE can result in elevated cardiac stress, and this can be easily and noninvasively monitored using seismocardiography.
    Il y a peu de recherche sur les intervalles de temps du cycle cardiaque et le trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT). Des dysfonctions systoliques et diastoliques ont été observées en lien avec un TSPT, mais la littérature s’intéressant à la fonction cardiaque en contexte de TSPT est très hétéroclite. L’exposition à des événements potentiellement traumatiques sur le plan psychologique peut entraîner une augmentation de l’indice de performance myocardique, laquelle relève en partie d’une réduction du temps de systole. L’exposition à des événements potentiellement traumatiques sur le plan psychologique est susceptible de mener à une hausse du stress cardiaque, ce que la séismocardiographie permet de surveiller facilement et de manière non invasive.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dyslipidemia is one of the known risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and its prevalence is increasing worldwide. At present, the study of dyslipidemia has gradually shifted from simple environmental or genetic factors to environment-gene interactions. In order to further explore the etiology and mechanism of dyslipidemia, we used occupational stress(OS) and LYPLAL1, APOC3 and SOD2 gene as research variables to explore their association with dyslipidemia.Here we used a case-control study to include Han workers from a coal mining enterprise in China to determine the association between study variables and dyslipidemia. Monofactor analysis showed that smoking, drinking, physical activity level, DASH diet score, sleep quality, BMI, hypertension, hyperuricemia, shift work, OS were significantly different between the two groups (P < 0.05). In the APOC3 rs2854116 dominant model, patients with CT/CC genotype had a higher risk of dyslipidemia than those with TT genotype. In SOD2 rs4880 recessive model, patients with GG genotype had a lower risk of dyslipidemia than those with AA/AG genotype, and the difference was statistically significant. We found that rs12137855 and OS, rs2854116 and OS, rs4880 and OS had joint effects, but no interaction based on the multiplication and addition model was found (Pinteraction > 0.05). GMDR model showed that the rs12137855-rs2854116-rs4880-OS four-factor model had the highest cross-validation consistency and training-validation accuracy (P < 0.05), suggesting that there was a high-order interaction between them associated with dyslipidemia. We found that dyslipidemia in coal miners was related to OS and genetic factors. Through this study, we revealed the dual regulation of environmental factors and genetic factors on dyslipidemia. At the same time, this study provides clues for understanding the etiology and mechanism of dyslipidemia.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The COVID-19 pandemic caused an increasing number of corporate layoffs and downsizing, as well as causing many employees to be absent due to illness, with inevitable consequences on the health of active workers both from a physical point of view, due to the need to make up for staff and organizational shortages, and from a mental point of view, due to the inevitable consequences related to the uncertainty of the social context. This context has certainly caused an increase in work-related stress, which is the pathological outcome of a process that affects workers who are subjected to excessive (emotional-relational or high or low or inadequate activity) or improper work loads. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the main aspects of this issue, through the analysis proposed by two case reports, both of which occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, in which occupational stress emerged as an etiological agent in the determinism of death.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The main objective of the present study is to examine the impact of job stress, role ambiguity, work-life imbalance and burnout on employee turnover intention. Moreover, the mediating role of burnout between job stress, role ambiguity, work-life imbalance and turnover intention is also examined. The data collection for this quantitative research was conducted through the \"Questionnaire\" technique. The questionnaire was developed based on previously established questions available in the literature. The data were collected using simple random sampling from the healthcare workers of KSA. From the distributed questionnaire, 73.5% of the usable questionnaires were returned. This study used SPSS and PLS for the analysis of the data to highlight the most significant variables that impact the employees\' turnover intentions among KSA health workers. The findings show that job burnout is clearly related to turnover intentions and is positively affected by both role stress and role ambiguity. Moreover, a statistically positive association is found between work-life imbalance and burnout among the healthcare workers in KSA. Furthermore, the mediating role of burnout is also confirmed in this study. The study also indicates that role ambiguity and role stress due to COVID-19 may create burnout among employees, which may lead to turnover intention among healthcare workers. There is a lack of research on the assessment of the impact of the novel COVID-19-related job stress, role ambiguity and work-life imbalance on the medical staff\'s turnover intentions in hospitals. This study fills the gap of the limited studies conducted regarding the identification of the factors that can create turnover intention among healthcare workers of KSA by providing empirical evidence from a Gulf country, Saudi Arabia. This study provides managerial implications for hospital management and health policymakers to develop a strategy to retain the employees. Furthermore, healthcare administrators need to pay close attention to front line workers\' turnover intentions as these medical heroes are the vital part of our society who assist patients to receive their initial treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This qualitative study is intended to explore the factors that contribute to the occupational stress suffered by Chinese doctoral supervisors and the kind of measures needed to effectively address the issue. Through purposive and snowballing sampling, 30 Chinese doctoral supervisors in different disciplines of natural science and social science were selected. A semi-structured interview protocol was used, and the data were analyzed based on grounded theory methodology. Chinese doctoral supervisors experienced varied stressors of nuanced nature, which could be categorized into two core categories, i.e., performance-appraisal-related factors and Ph.D. student-related factors, which were further divided into 18 subcategories and 10 higher-level categories. Chinese doctoral supervisors are under various sources of stress, corroborating with and reinforcing previous research findings in respect to occupational stress worldwide. Through the analysis of the stress triggers, suggestions are presented in regard to what mental health professionals and educational policy makers can do to address the issue of concern for doctoral supervisors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent studies on burnout (BO) have included both individual and situational factors, referred to as job-person fit (JPF). The present study aimed to evaluate the prevalence rate of BO in the hospital staff working at a tertiary referral hospital in southwest Iran and then to highlight the importance of the person in the context of his/her work life. This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2020 on all hospital staff using a three-part questionnaire comprised of personal and work-situational factors, the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and the Psychological Empowerment Scale (PES). The partial least squares (PLS) path modelling and the neural network (NN) model were used to identify the significant variables within the BO dimensions. A total of 358 staff completed the questionnaire and were recruited for the study. Emotional exhaustion (EE) was seen in 137 medical staff (38.3%) and depersonalization (DP) was observed in 75 individuals (20.1%). Thinking about job change was the most important factor positively correlated with EE. Positive stress and work experience were among the most significant factors negatively associated with PA and DP, respectively. The hospital staff experienced BO in a way comparable to the national results. Work-situational and personal variables interacted with the three dimensions of BO in the hospital staff. More experienced staff also felt more accomplished and successful, resulting in the identification of a decreased level of DP and elevated PA.





