
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This single-participant case study examines the feasibility of using custom virtual reality (VR) gaming software in the home environment for low-dose Hand Arm Bimanual Intensive Training (HABIT). A 10-year-old with right unilateral cerebral palsy participated in this trial. Fine and gross motor skills as well as personal goals for motor outcomes were assessed before and after the intervention using the Box and Blocks Test, Nine-Hole Peg Test, and Canadian Occupational Performance Measure. Movement intensities collected via the VR hardware accelerometers, VR game scores, and task accuracy were recorded via the HABIT-VR software as indices of motor performance. The child and family were instructed to use the HABIT-VR games twice daily for 30 minutes over a 14-day period and asked to record when they used the system. The child used the system and completed the 14-hour, low-dose HABIT-VR intervention across 22 days. There was no change in Box and Blocks Test and Nine-Hole Peg Test scores before and after the intervention. Canadian Occupational Performance Measure scores increased but did not reach the clinically relevant threshold, due to high scores at baseline. Changes in motor task intensities during the use of VR and mastery of the VR bimanual tasks suggested improved motor efficiency. This case study provides preliminary evidence that HABIT-VR is useful for promoting adherence to HABIT activities and for the maintenance of upper extremity motor skills in the home setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Control of the hand muscles during fine digit movements requires a high level of sensorimotor integration, which relies on a complex network of cortical and subcortical hubs. The components of this network have been extensively studied in human and non-human primates, but discrepancies in the findings obtained from different mapping approaches are difficult to interpret. In this study, we defined the cortical and connectional components of the hand motor network in the same cohort of 20 healthy adults and 3 neurosurgical patients. We used multimodal structural magnetic resonance imaging (including T1-weighted imaging and diffusion tractography), as well as functional magnetic resonance imaging and navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (nTMS). The motor map obtained from nTMS compared favourably with the one obtained from functional magnetic resonance imaging, both of which overlapped well within the \'hand-knob\' region of the precentral gyrus and in an adjacent region of the postcentral gyrus. nTMS stimulation of the precentral and postcentral gyri led to motor-evoked potentials in the hand muscles in all participants, with more responses recorded from precentral stimulations. We also observed that precentral stimulations tended to produce motor-evoked potentials with shorter latencies and higher amplitudes than postcentral stimulations. Tractography showed that the region of maximum overlap between terminations of precentral-postcentral U-shaped association fibres and somatosensory projection tracts colocalizes with the functional motor maps. The relationships between the functional maps, and between them and the tract terminations, were replicated in the patient cohort. Three main conclusions can be drawn from our study. First, the hand-knob region is a reliable anatomical landmark for the functional localization of fine digit movements. Second, its distinctive shape is determined by the convergence of highly myelinated long projection fibres and short U-fibres. Third, the unique role of the hand-knob area is explained by its direct action on the spinal motoneurons and the access to high-order somatosensory information for the online control of fine movements. This network is more developed in the hand region compared to other body parts of the homunculus motor strip, and it may represent an important target for enhancing motor learning during early development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Motor difficulties are common in many, but not all, autistic individuals. These difficulties can co-occur with other problems, such as delays in language, intellectual, and adaptive functioning. Biological mechanisms underpinning such difficulties are less well understood. Poor motor skills tend to be more common in individuals carrying highly penetrant rare genetic mutations. Such mechanisms may have downstream consequences of altering neurophysiological excitation-inhibition balance and lead to enhanced behavioral motor noise.
    METHODS: This study combined publicly available and in-house datasets of autistic (n = 156), typically-developing (TD, n = 149), and developmental coordination disorder (DCD, n = 23) children (age 3-16 years). Autism motor subtypes were identified based on patterns of motor abilities measured from the Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2nd edition. Stability-based relative clustering validation was used to identify autism motor subtypes and evaluate generalization accuracy in held-out data. Autism motor subtypes were tested for differences in motor noise, operationalized as the degree of dissimilarity between repeated motor kinematic trajectories recorded during a simple reach-to-drop task.
    RESULTS: Relatively \'high\' (n = 87) versus \'low\' (n = 69) autism motor subtypes could be detected and which generalize with 89% accuracy in held-out data. The relatively \'low\' subtype was lower in general intellectual ability and older at age of independent walking, but did not differ in age at first words or autistic traits or symptomatology. Motor noise was considerably higher in the \'low\' subtype compared to \'high\' (Cohen\'s d = 0.77) or TD children (Cohen\'s d = 0.85), but similar between autism \'high\' and TD children (Cohen\'s d = 0.08). Enhanced motor noise in the \'low\' subtype was also most pronounced during the feedforward phase of reaching actions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The sample size of this work is limited. Future work in larger samples along with independent replication is important. Motor noise was measured only on one specific motor task. Thus, a more comprehensive assessment of motor noise on many other motor tasks is needed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Autism can be split into at least two discrete motor subtypes that are characterized by differing levels of motor noise. This suggests that autism motor subtypes may be underpinned by different biological mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research aims to study the factors contributing to Long COVID and its effects on motor and cognitive brain regions using population surveys and brain imaging. The goal is to provide new insights into the neurological effects of the illness and establish a basis for addressing neuropsychiatric symptoms associated with Long COVID. Study 1 used a cross-sectional design to collect data on demographic characteristics and factors related to Long COVID symptoms in 551 participants. In Study 2, subjects with Long COVID and SARS-CoV-2 uninfected individuals underwent fNIRS monitoring while performing various tasks. Study 1 found that gender, age, BMI, Days since the first SARS-CoV-2 infection, and Symptoms at first onset influenced Long COVID performance. Study 2 demonstrated that individuals in the SARS-CoV-2 uninfected group exhibited greater activation of cognitive function-related brain regions than those in the Long COVID group while performing a level walking task. Furthermore, individuals in the Long COVID group without functional impairment displayed higher activation of brain regions associated with motor function during a weight-bearing walking task than those with functional impairment. Among individuals with Long COVID, those with mild symptoms at onset exhibited increased activation of brain regions linked to motor and cognitive function relative to those with moderate symptoms at onset. Individuals with Long COVID exhibited decreased activation in brain regions associated with cognitive and motor function compared to SARS-CoV-2 uninfected individuals. Moreover, those with more severe initial symptoms or functional impairment displayed heightened inhibition in these brain regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Dual task paradigms are thought to offer a quantitative means to assess cognitive reserve and the brain\'s capacity to allocate resources in the face of competing cognitive demands. The most common dual task paradigms examine the interplay between gait or balance control and cognitive function. However, gait and balance tasks can be physically challenging for older adults and may pose a risk of falls.
    OBJECTIVE: We introduce a novel, digital dual-task assessment that combines a motor-control task (the \"ball balancing\" test), which challenges an individual to maintain a virtual ball within a designated zone, with a concurrent cognitive task (the backward digit span task [BDST]).
    METHODS: The task was administered on a touchscreen tablet, performance was measured using the inertial sensors embedded in the tablet, conducted under both single- and dual-task conditions. The clinical use of the task was evaluated on a sample of 375 older adult participants (n=210 female; aged 73.0, SD 6.5 years).
    RESULTS: All older adults, including those with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer disease-related dementia (ADRD), and those with poor balance and gait problems due to diabetes, osteoarthritis, peripheral neuropathy, and other causes, were able to complete the task comfortably and safely while seated. As expected, task performance significantly decreased under dual task conditions compared to single task conditions. We show that performance was significantly associated with cognitive impairment; significant differences were found among healthy participants, those with MCI, and those with ADRD. Task results were significantly associated with functional impairment, independent of diagnosis, degree of cognitive impairment (as indicated by the Mini Mental State Examination [MMSE] score), and age. Finally, we found that cognitive status could be classified with >70% accuracy using a range of classifier models trained on 3 different cognitive function outcome variables (consensus clinical judgment, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test [RAVLT], and MMSE).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the dual task ball balancing test could be used as a digital cognitive assessment of cognitive reserve. The portability, simplicity, and intuitiveness of the task suggest that it may be suitable for unsupervised home assessment of cognitive function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes is one of the most prevalent and preventable diseases worldwide and impulsivity, a psychological trait characterized by making quick decisions without forethought, has been suggested as a key feature for health-related conditions. However, there have been no studies examining the relationships between impulsivity and the incidence of type 2 diabetes and our aim was to assess the prospective association between trait impulsivity and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
    METHODS: A prospective observational study design was conducted between May 2014 and February 2023 within the NutriNet-Santé cohort. A web-based platform was used to collect data from the French adult population, with voluntary enrollment and participation. Of the 157,591 adults (≥ 18 years old) participating in the NutriNet-Santé study when impulsivity was assessed, 109,214 participants were excluded due to prevalent type 1 or 2 diabetes or missing data for impulsivity or follow-up data for type 2 diabetes. Trait impulsivity, and the attention, motor, and non-planning subfactors, were assessed at baseline using the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale 11. Incident type 2 diabetes was ascertained through follow-up. Medical information was reviewed by NutriNet-Santé physician experts to ascertain incident diabetes cases based on the ICD-10. Cox regression models, using hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals (HR [95% CI]), were performed to evaluate associations between impulsivity per 1 standard deviation increment and type 2 diabetes risk, adjusting by recognized confounders.
    RESULTS: Of the 48,377 individuals studied (women 77.6%; age at baseline = 50.6 year ± 14.5 years), 556 individuals developed type 2 diabetes over a median follow-up of 7.78 (IQR: 3.97-8.49) years. Baseline impulsivity was associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes incidence (HR = 1.10 [1.02, 1.20]). The motor impulsivity subfactor was positively associated with type 2 diabetes risk (HR = 1.14 [1.04, 1.24]), whereas no associations were found for attention and non-planning impulsivity subfactors.
    CONCLUSIONS: Trait impulsivity was associated with an increased type 2 diabetes risk, mainly driven by the motor impulsivity subfactor. If these results are replicated in other populations and settings, trait impulsivity may become an important psychological risk factor to be considered in the prevention of type 2 diabetes.
    UNASSIGNED: Name of registry: The NutriNet-Santé Study. A Web-based Prospective Cohort Study of the Relationship Between Nutrition and Health and of Dietary Patterns and Nutritional Status Predictors. Cohort registration number: NCT03335644. Date of registration: October 11, 2017. URL:






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD) is characterised by difficulties in motor control and coordination from early childhood. While problems processing facial identity are often associated with neurodevelopmental conditions, such issues have never been directly tested in adults with DCD. We tested this possibility through a range of tasks, and assessed the prevalence of developmental prosopagnosia (i.e., lifelong difficulties with faces), in a group comprising individuals who self-reported a diagnosis of, or suspected that they had, DCD. Strikingly, we found 53% of this probable DCD group met recently recommended criteria for a diagnosis of prosopagnosia, with 22% acquiring a diagnosis using traditional cognitive task-based methods. Moreover, their problems with faces were apparent on both unfamiliar and familiar face memory tests, as well as on a facial perception task (i.e., could they tell faces apart). Positive correlations were found between self-report measures assessing movement and coordination problems, and objective difficulties on experimental face identity processing tasks, suggesting widespread neurocognitive disruption in DCD. Importantly, issues in identity processing in our probable DCD group remained even after excluding participants with comorbid conditions traditionally associated with difficulties in face recognition, i.e., autism and dyslexia. We recommend that any diagnostic test for DCD should include an assessment for prosopagnosia. Given the high prevalence of prosopagnosia in our probable DCD group, and the positive correlations between DCD and prosopagnosia symptoms, there may be a stronger link between movement and facial identity abilities than previously thought.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is a paradox of neurological rehabilitation that, in an era in which preclinical models have produced significant advances in our mechanistic understanding of neural plasticity, there is inadequate support for many therapies recommended for use in clinical practice. When the goal is to estimate the probability that a specific form of therapy will have a positive clinical effect, the integration of mechanistic knowledge (concerning \'the structure or way of working of the parts in a natural system\') may improve the quality of inference. This is illustrated by analysis of three contemporary approaches to the rehabilitation of lateralized dysfunction affecting people living with stroke: constraint-induced movement therapy; mental practice; and mirror therapy. Damage to \'cross-road\' regions of the structural (white matter) brain connectome generates deficits that span multiple domains (motor, language, attention and verbal/spatial memory). The structural integrity of these regions determines not only the initial functional status, but also the response to therapy. As structural disconnection constrains the recovery of functional capability, \'disconnectome\' modelling provides a basis for personalized prognosis and precision rehabilitation. It is now feasible to refer a lesion delineated using a standard clinical scan to a (dis)connectivity atlas derived from the brains of other stroke survivors. As the individual disconnection pattern thus obtained suggests the functional domains most likely be compromised, a therapeutic regimen can be tailored accordingly. Stroke is a complex disorder that burdens individuals with distinct constellations of brain damage. Mechanistic knowledge is indispensable when seeking to ameliorate the behavioural impairments to which such damage gives rise.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Nerve conduction studies ease the understanding of the various pathologies of the peripheral nervous system. It helps physicians to delineate between the two principal types of peripheral etiologies: axonal degeneration and demyelination. An increase in weight in the form of excessive fat deposition or obesity could have a worrisome effect on nerve conduction. So, to find the association of various anthropometric parameters (age, gender, height, weight, waist-hip ratio and body mass index) with motor and sensory median nerve conduction parameters (latency, amplitude and velocity) this cross-sectional study was conducted. Materials and method A total of 87 subjects were taken and their height, weight, waist-hip ratio and body mass index were measured using standard techniques. Motor and sensory nerve conduction parameters were measured on an electromyography machine. Data was stored, tabulated and analyzed. Results The average height of male and female subjects ± SD was 1.699 ± 0.072 m and 1.589 ± 0.067 m respectively. The average weight of male and female subjects ± SD was 64.089 ± 11.497 kg and 52.949 ± 8.404 kg, respectively. The average BMI of normal, underweight and overweight subjects ± SD was 21.668 ± 2.048 kg/m2, 17.074 ± 0.794 kg/m2 and 26.595 ± 0.915 kg/m2 respectively. Weight showed a significant (p = 0.0025) correlation with the latency of motor median nerve conduction. Waist-hip ratio showed a significant (p = 0.042 and p = 0.036) correlation with motor median nerve conduction velocity in both male and female subjects, respectively. BMI in the overweight category showed a significant (p = 0.0156 and p = 0.0290) correlation with latency and amplitude of motor median nerve conduction study, respectively. Conclusions This study exemplifies that an increase in BMI of our body can affect nerve conduction. This could serve as a preliminary study to assess the effect of obesity on peripheral nerve conduction, especially in the Indian population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CTNNB1 syndrome is a rare monogenetic disorder caused by CTNNB1 de novo pathogenic heterozygous loss-of-function variants that result in cognitive and motor disabilities. Treatment is currently lacking; our study addresses this critical need. CTNNB1 encodes β-catenin which is essential for normal brain function via its dual roles in cadherin-based synaptic adhesion complexes and canonical Wnt signal transduction. We have generated a Ctnnb1 germline heterozygous mouse line that displays cognitive and motor deficits, resembling key features of CTNNB1 syndrome in humans. Compared with wild-type littermates, Ctnnb1 heterozygous mice also exhibit decreases in brain β-catenin, β-catenin association with N-cadherin, Wnt target gene expression, and Na/K ATPases, key regulators of changes in ion gradients during high activity. Consistently, hippocampal neuron functional properties and excitability are altered. Most important, we identify a highly selective inhibitor of glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)3α,β that significantly normalizes the phenotypes to closely meet wild-type littermate levels. Our data provide new insights into brain molecular and functional changes, and the first evidence for an efficacious treatment with therapeutic potential for individuals with CTNNB1 syndrome.





