lie detection

  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    The Complex Trial Protocol (CTP) is an EEG-based Concealed Information Test (CIT). Depth of processing influences memorability where deeper processing increases recollection. The CTP\'s performance as a function of shallow versus deep levels of processing has not been explored. Two experiments were conducted, one with verbal stimuli and the other with their pictorial referents. In both experiments, participants were randomly assigned to three groups, Innocent Control (Control) condition, Guilty Immediate Shallow Processing (Shallow) condition, and Guilty Immediate Deep Processing (Deep) condition. Shallow and Deep participants from both experiments underwent the same mock theft scenario and all three groups were later exposed to either a verbal (N = 41) or pictorial (N = 43) stimulus on a computer monitor. In the word study, no differences in CIT effect were found between any of the groups. Areas under the curve (AUCs) did not differ from chance (.624 and .679 for Shallow and Deep groups respectively). In the image study, the CIT effect for the Shallow and Deep groups differed from the Control one. The AUCs (.755 and .943 for the Shallow and Deep groups respectively) differed significantly from each other. Levels of Processing (LOP) did not appear to have any bearing on CTP performance when words were used as probes but did have an effect when images were used. The findings may hint at some of the limitations of the CTP and fail to replicate similar experiments, especially when words are used as probes, from the late Peter Rosenfeld\'s laboratory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We conducted (I) 18 event-related potential (ERP) field tests to detect concealed information regarding major terrorist crimes and other real-world crimes and (II) 5 ERP tests regarding participation in a classified counterterrorism operation. This study is a test of the brain fingerprinting scientific standards hypothesis: that a specific set of methods for event-related potential (ERP) concealed information tests (CIT) known as the brain fingerprinting scientific standards provide the sufficient conditions to produce less than 1% error rate and greater than 95% median statistical confidence for individual determinations of whether the tested information is stored in each subject\'s brain. All previous published results in all laboratories are compatible with this hypothesis. We recorded P300 and P300-MERMER ERP responses to visual text stimuli of three types: targets contain known information, irrelevants contain unknown/irrelevant information, and probes contain the situation-relevant information to be tested, known only to the perpetrator and investigators. Classification CIT produced significantly better results than comparison CIT, independent of classification criteria. Classification CIT had 0% error rate; comparison CIT had 6% error rate. As in previous studies, classification-CIT median statistical confidences were approximately 99%, whereas comparison CIT statistical confidences were no better than chance for information-absent (IA) subjects (who did not know the tested information). Over half of the comparison-CIT IA determinations were invalid due to a less-than-chance computed probability of being correct. Experiment (I) results for median statistical confidence: Classification CIT, IA subjects: 98.6%; information-present (IP) subjects (who know the tested information): 99.9%; comparison CIT, IA subjects: 48.7%; IP subjects: 99.5%. Experiment (II) results (Classification CIT): error rate 0%, median statistical confidence 96.6%. Countermeasures had no effect on the classification CIT. These results, like all previous results in our laboratory and all others, support the brain fingerprinting scientific standards hypothesis and indicate that the classification CIT is a necessary condition for a reliable, accurate, and valid brainwave-based CIT. The comparison CIT, by contrast, produces high error rates and IA statistical confidences no better than chance.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11571-022-09795-1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thus far, when deception behaviors occur, the connectivity patterns and the communication between different brain areas remain largely unclear. In this study, the most important information flows (MIIFs) between different brain cortices during deception were explored. First, the guilty knowledge test protocol was employed, and 64 electrodes\' electroencephalogram (EEG) signals were recorded from 30 subjects (15 guilty and 15 innocent). Cortical current density waveforms were then estimated on the 24 regions of interest (ROIs). Next, partial directed coherence (PDC), an effective connectivity (EC) analysis was applied in the cortical waveforms to obtain the brain EC networks for four bands: delta (1-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha (8-13 Hz) and beta (13-30 Hz). Furthermore, using the graph theoretical analysis, the network parameters with significant differences in the EC network were extracted as features to identify the two groups. The high classification accuracy of the four bands demonstrated that the proposed method was suitable for lie detection. In addition, based on the optimal features in the classification mode, the brain \"hub\" regions were identified, and the MIIFs were significantly different between the guilty and innocent groups. Moreover, the fronto-parietal network was found to be most prominent among all MIIFs at the four bands. Furthermore, combining the neurophysiology significance of the four frequency bands, the roles of all MIIFs were analyzed, which could help us to uncover the underlying cognitive processes and mechanisms of deception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Innocent subjects who are knowledgeable of crime-related information will often be misclassified as \"guilty\" in P300-based complex trial protocol (CTP). Therefore, it is necessary to develop a more rigorous CTP that can effectively discriminate the guilty from both the knowledgeable and the unknowledgeable innocents. Sometimes the guilty and the knowledgeable innocents possess the same item memories but different source memories. The present study designed a novel item-source complex trial protocol based on the differences of source memory among the three kinds of individuals. Either the crime-related probe (e.g., the stolen ring) or one of the crime-unrelated stimuli (e.g., watch, earring, bracelet, or bangle) (item memory) was presented in the first part of each trail, and either a stealing-source word (e.g., stole) or other-source word (e.g., fetched) (source memory) was presented in the second part of each trail. The results showed that: (1) the P300 evoked by item memory could effectively discriminated the guilty from the unknowledgeable innocent (AUC = 0.76) but failed to effectively discriminate the guilty from the knowledgeable innocent (AUC = 0.60); (2) the late positive component evoked by source memory could effectively discriminated the guilty from both the knowledgeable innocent (AUC = 0.94) and the unknowledgeable innocent (AUC = 0.84) in one test.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study applied a countermeasure-resistant version of the Concealed Information Test - the Complex Trial Protocol (CTP) - in an information recognition scenario. We replicated and extended the effects of a novel countermeasure developed by Lukács et al., (2016) on both Semantic and Episodic CTPs. We measured participants\' response time and P300 event-related potential to rare, crime-relevant probe stimuli, or frequent, non-crime-relevant irrelevant stimuli in two ways: 1) probe vs the average of all irrelevants (PvIall), and 2) probe vs the maximum irrelevant (PvImax). We hypothesized that countermeasure use would only impair information recognition (as indexed by P300) when participants had practiced the countermeasure beforehand. We further hypothesized that recognition of less salient, Episodic information (i.e., jewelry items from a mock crime) would be impaired by countermeasure use more than the recognition of highly salient, Semantic information (i.e., birthdates). Individual diagnostics based on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (Semantic CTP: practice n = 22, non-practice n = 23; Episodic CTP: practice n = 19, non-practice n = 18) revealed that the Semantic CTP was affected by the novel countermeasure, but both PvIall and PvImax analyses remained diagnostically useful. The Episodic CTP\'s performance, however, was reduced to chance, regardless of practice or analysis type. These results are important for both the field of deception detection and the CTP literature. Research on improvements to the Episodic CTP is required.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Complex Trial Protocol (CTP) is a P300-based Concealed Information Test (CIT). The theoretical underpinnings of the CIT in the context of law enforcement usage are sound. The CTP is said to effectively discriminate individuals who recognize novel and meaningful stimuli and to be countermeasure resistant. Forty-five undergraduate students were assigned to three groups and instructed to perform a computer task using autobiographical data in connection to a mock burglary script. P300 peak-to-peak amplitude differences between probe (surname) and irrelevant (patronymic foils) items accurately identified 100% (14/14) of Innocent Controls (IC), 94% (15/16) of Simply Guilty (SG) participants, and 93% (14/15) of Guilty Countermeasure (GCM) subjects who were asked to counter all stimuli by mentally counting backwards continuously during their test presentation. Increased number of mistakes during the test, from combined cognitive erroneous responses to pop quizzes and behavioral errors with button presses, significantly discriminated GCM from IC and SG individuals. GCM participants committed more errors than IC and SG which did not differ from one another. Reaction Time (RT) was only significant between GCM and IC groups. Implications for forensic issues are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A century ago, Janet was the first to conceptualize conversion reactions as having a neurocognitive component, as disorders of memory processing that arise in the wake of trauma. The available evidence suggests that this impairment might arise from dysfunction in the fronto-subcortical circuits. Our aim was to examine the cognitive functions regulating deception in patients with functional motor symptoms (FMS), using a computerised task, the Guilty Knowledge Task (GKT). We also tested a group of healthy subjects (HS) as a control group.
    METHODS: Thirteen patients affected by FMS and 14 HS underwent a modified version of the GKT, a computer-controlled procedure used to detect truthful and deceptive responses. All participants were also screened for depression, anxiety, alexithymia and for moral sense (moral judgment task).
    RESULTS: The reaction times (RTs) were significantly longer for lie responses than for true responses (F(1,26) = 50.47; p < 0.001) in the two groups. Total RTs were significantly longer for patients with FMS than for HS, in true responses (F(1,25) = 4,36; p = 0.047) and lie responses (F(1,25) = 4.26; p = 0.05). No differences were found between the two groups for accuracy in producing true responses (F(1,25) = 0.09, p = 0.77), and lie responses (F(1,25) = 0,12, p = 0.73.
    CONCLUSIONS: When tested with the GKT, patients with FMS were slower than HS in producing truthful and lying responses. Current knowledge along with our new findings in patients with FMS - possibly arising from individually unrecognised extremely mild, cognitive difficulties - should help in designing specific rehabilitative programmes to improve cognitive and behavioural disturbances in these patients.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Some studies have shown a superiority of visual vs. auditory item presentation in the Complex Trial Protocol (CTP), which is a countermeasure-resistant version of the P300-based Concealed Information Test (CIT). But those studies used elaborately- rehearsed autobiographical information as stimuli, instead of incidentally-acquired crime-related information. Thus, the relative superiority of the visual as opposed to the auditory modality in detecting episodic crime-related information is still unknown. The present study also improved on the usual mock crime scenario by adding a mock disposal task between a mock theft and administration of a CTP test to increase stimulus saliency. In this CTP, the probe and the irrelevant items were presented visually or acoustically on alternating trials, while target and non-target stimuli were simultaneously presented in visual and auditory modalities. The results showed that the P300 amplitude differences of probe minus irrelevant items presented in the visual modality were significantly larger compared to the auditory modality, and the detection rate of the guilty participants was also significantly higher for the visual (14/16) versus auditory modality (5/16). These results suggest a superiority of visual vs. auditory presentation when a CTP is used to detect crime-related information in a mock crime scenario.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous research indicated that the skin conductance response (SCR) of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) in the Concealed Information Test (CIT) is typically increased in subjects who are financially and otherwise incentivized to defeat the CIT (the paradoxical \"motivational impairment\" effect). This is not the case for RT-based CITs, nor for P300 tests based on the 3-stimulus protocol or Complex Trial Protocol for detection of cognitive malingering (although these are not the same as forensic CITs). The present report extends earlier studies of malingerers by running five groups of subjects (15-16 per group yielding 78 total) in a mock crime (forensic) scenario: paid (to beat the test) and unpaid, instructed and uninstructed, and simply guilty. There was no evidence that the \"CIT effect\" (probe-minus-irrelevant P300 differences) differed among groups, although behavioral differences among groups were seen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous research has shown that inconsistencies across repeated interviews do not indicate deception because liars deliberately tend to repeat the same story. However, when a strategic interview approach that makes it difficult for liars to use the repeat strategy is used, both consistency and evasive answers differ significantly between truth tellers and liars, and statistical software (binary logistic regression analyses) can reach high classification rates (Masip et al., 2016b). Yet, if the interview procedure is to be used in applied settings the decision process will be made by humans, not statistical software. To address this issue, in the current study, 475 college students (Experiment 1) and 142 police officers (Experiment 2) were instructed to code and use consistency, evasive answers, or a combination or both before judging the veracity of Masip et al.\'s (2016b) interview transcripts. Accuracy rates were high (60% to over 90%). Evasive answers yielded higher rates than consistency, and the combination of both these cues produced the highest accuracy rates in identifying both truthful and deceptive statements. Uninstructed participants performed fairly well (around 75% accuracy), apparently because they spontaneously used consistency and evasive answers. The pattern of results was the same among students, all officers, and veteran officers only, and shows that inconsistencies between interviews and evasive answers reveal deception when a strategic interview approach that hinders the repeat strategy is used.





