
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of very high-resolution (VHR) optical satellites is gaining momentum in the field of wildlife monitoring, particularly for whales, as this technology is showing potential for monitoring the less studied regions. However, surveying large areas using VHR optical satellite imagery requires the development of automated systems to detect targets. Machine learning approaches require large training datasets of annotated images. Here we propose a standardised workflow to annotate VHR optical satellite imagery using ESRI ArcMap 10.8, and ESRI ArcGIS Pro 2.5., using cetaceans as a case study, to develop AI-ready annotations.•A step-by-step protocol to review VHR optical satellite images and annotate the features of interest.•A step-by-step protocol to create bounding boxes encompassing the features of interest.•A step-by-step guide to clip the satellite image using bounding boxes to create image chips.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this research was to evaluate the sensory expectation and buying intention of consumers from different Brazilian regions for skyr-type yogurt based on the colors and sweetener on its label. Ten images of skyr mango yogurt labels were created varying in color (orange, white, yellow, blue, and green) and sweetening agent (sucrose and natural sweeteners). Consumers (151 consumers) were asked to rate their expectation for the ideal of sweetness, healthiness, acceptance, and buying intention. Labels containing the information \"sweetened with sucrose\" had a higher percentage of expectation of sweeter than ideal. Label color and sweetening agent had a significant effect on the expectation of acceptance, with a higher percentage for yogurt sweetened with natural sweeteners. There were not statistical differences (p > 0.05) between the labels regarding expected healthiness. Results also showed that consumers had a low level of familiarity with skyr-type yogurts, but it is presented as a healthy yogurt alternative.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The overall quality of frozen hake fillets in the Portuguese market was evaluated. Physical, biochemical, microbiological, and sensory analysis in 20 brands revealed several non-conformities. Hake was identified in 19 brands, although two mislabeled the species. Lower net weight than labeled was evidenced in ca. one-third of brands. TVB-N in ca. one-third of the samples presented high values, although within legal limit. Almost all brands presented excessive amount of ice glaze, low levels of WHC (raw/cooked), low levels of soluble protein, and undue thaw-drip loss, thus reflecting the poor quality of fillets. Added phosphates were below the legal limit in all samples; however, they were used in glaze ice in three brands, and only labeled in one. Overall microbiological quality of frozen fillets was good, though yeasts and molds detected in six samples indicate poor hygienic conditions in some facilities. Labels comply with legal requisites, however, need improvement, namely the \'best before\' periods. In general, packaging was efficient regarding presence of ice crystals and dehydration signs. Concerning sensory analysis of cooked fillets, 63% of the brands had bad to poor quality and 37% fair quality. Merluccius productus revealed the worst quality, namely regarding thaw drip loss, thaw drip loss protein, M/P ratio, pH and sensory evaluation. Overall results show that a significant part of the hake fillets business operators are still failing in relation with best practices.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Negative symptoms in schizophrenia show striking similarities to some depressive symptoms. Different terms are often used for these phenomenologically similar symptoms depending on the context, such as avolition (most often used in the context of schizophrenia) and lack of drive (most often used in the context of depression). To test whether clinicians assign different symptom labels to the same clinical picture based on the cued diagnosis, 98 clinical psychologists and psychiatrists were presented with two case studies that were randomly framed as characterizing an individual with either depression or schizophrenia. An interaction of the symptom label group selected by the clinicians with the framing condition confirmed our hypothesis: despite identical content, clinicians favored different clinical terms depending on the cued diagnosis (p = .025, η2partial = 0.054). This result was supported by the suspected diagnosis suggested by the clinicians; numerically, they more often confirmed than rejected the cued diagnosis. The present study is in line with earlier findings indicative of strong overlap pertaining to the phenomenology of negative symptoms in schizophrenia and depressive symptoms that suggest that clinical terminology should be streamlined. The hypothesis that core symptoms of both syndromes tap largely the same construct should be further pursued. If true, the concept of negative symptoms, currently used to describe schizophrenia alone, should be opened up for describing symptoms in other disorders. This could help to gain a deeper understanding of the transdiagnostic appearances of the negative syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glycan interactions with glycan-binding proteins (GBPs) play essential roles in a wide variety of cellular processes. Currently, the glycan specificities of GBPs are most often inferred from binding data generated using glycan arrays, wherein the GBP is incubated with oligosaccharides immobilized on a glass surface. Detection of glycan-GBP binding is typically fluorescence-based, involving the labeling of the GBP with a fluorophore or with biotin, which binds to fluorophore-labeled streptavidin, or using a fluorophore-labeled antibody that recognizes the GBP. While it is known that covalent labeling of a GBP may influence its binding properties, these effects have not been well studied and are usually overlooked when analyzing glycan array data. In the present study, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) was used to quantitatively evaluate the impact of GBP labeling on oligosaccharide affinities and specificities. The influence of three common labeling approaches, biotinylation, labeling with a fluorescent dye and introducing an iodination reagent, on the affinities of a series of human milk and blood group oligosaccharides for a C-terminal fragment of human galectin-3 was evaluated. In all cases labeling resulted in a measurable decrease in oligosaccharide affinity, by as much as 90%, and the magnitude of the change was sensitive to the nature of the ligand. These findings demonstrate that GBP labeling may affect both the absolute and relative affinities and, thereby, obscure the true glycan binding properties. These results also serve to illustrate the utility of the direct ESI-MS assay for quantitatively evaluating the effects of protein labeling on ligand binding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Foods with Function Claims are allowed to label health claims based on scientific evidence evaluated by the manufacturers. To prevent health problems caused by inadequate use, the manufacturers should label proper safety information. To evaluate whether safety information is sufficiently provided, we conducted the adverse event review focused on popular functional ingredients using the database; Information system on safety and effectiveness for health food. The data suggested that causal factor of adverse events related to products containing soy isoflavone, ginkgo biloba extract and docosahexaenoic acid/eicosapentaenoic acid were overdose intake, concomitant use with certain medicines, and use by whom with an allergic predisposition. However, the safety information on the label was insufficient to prevent adverse events on each products\' label. It is important not only to encourage food manufacturers to provide sufficient information based on safety review, but also to inform consumers about adverse events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regulatory developments and clinical implementation, or the lack thereof, are primary clinchers, in the enduring endeavors to realize the translational quality of pharmacogenetics. Here, we present the case of amitriptyline, an established drug with pharmacogenetic implications. The integration of pharmacogenetic information in the official product literature and throughout the evaluation of safety concerns is considered. In our opinion, apart from emboldening genomic research in drug development and the valid pursuit towards global harmonization in the field, it is rational to look into the applicability of the data we have today.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the field of genomics uncovers the etiology and pathophysiological mechanisms of disease, we will gain a greater understanding of the causes of disease, leading to preventive interventions, early diagnoses and new and improved treatments. Although understanding the specific roles of environment and genetics in disease onset and development will most likely improve health outcomes, the impact of this information for the individual and public remains to be seen. Understanding what factors influence individual and public perceptions and behavioral consequences related to genome-based disease labels and attributions will be critical to a successful transition for personalized medicine. To better understand the impact of genomic-based disease labeling and attribution, social scientists need to be involved in clinical genomics studies to assess the consequences of the use of and response to new personalized diagnoses and treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies have pointed to a trend in Western societies toward the normalization of homosexuality and emerging \"post-gayness\" among young people, who no longer consider their sexual identity meaningful in defining themselves. This article takes a closer look at the Dutch case where tolerance is regarded as a national virtue, while society remains heteronormative. In 38 interviews with Dutch same-sex-attracted young people, we investigated the labels they used to describe their sexual orientation to reveal what they can tell us about normalization, tolerance, and heteronormativity. In their labeling strategies, participants de-emphasized their sexual identity, othered, and reinforced the hetero/homo binary. They preferred labels without connotations to gender expression. While post-gay rhetoric was ideologically appealing, its use was not an outcome of their sexual orientation having become insignificant; it rather enabled them to produce normality. We discuss the findings against the backdrop of \"Dutch tolerance,\" which rests on an ideology of normality.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    This paper investigates German-speaking paleontologists\' reception of Darwin\'s thought and the ways in which they negotiated their space of knowledge production accordingly. In German-speaking regions, the majority of paleontologists welcomed Darwin\'s magnum opus, since it granted paleontology an independent voice within biology, and thus a new institutional setting. However, in the process of negotiating the features of paleontology within the Darwinian framework, German paleontologists constrained their practices too narrowly, for fear of leaving open possible results at odds with the burgeoning Darwinian biological community. In doing so, they also limited the further development of German paleontology. In other words, paleontologists Karl Alfred von Zittel (1839-1904) and Melchior Neumayr (1845-1890) advocated for a handmaid\'s role for paleontology, which increased biologists\' dependence on paleontologists for empirical evidence, but which limited paleontologists\' theoretical autonomy. By analyzing both the institutional strategies and the methodology of German-speaking paleontology at the end of the nineteenth century, this paper shows the importance of scientists\' ability to enter into and negotiate their place within the broader biological community.





