
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The most common benign laryngeal neoplasm in children is a papilloma. Laryngeal papillomatosis is a chronic disease and is rare in children. We report the case of a four-year-old Malay girl in whom chronic laryngeal papillomatosis, most likely acquired vertically during labor, was detected. She presented with hoarseness of voice for three years, and a flexible laryngoscopy examination revealed features of papilloma in the glottis area. The patient underwent direct laryngoscopy followed by excision of mass using the cold instrument. Surgical intervention is the primary treatment modality for laryngeal papillomatosis to maintain airway patency and voice quality.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Mucor and Rhizopus species are recognized as the primary culprits responsible for mucormycosis, a severe fungal infection known for its opportunistic nature. This infection primarily targets individuals with compromised immune systems, including those with diabetes mellitus and patients undergoing glucocorticoid therapy, where the immune response is weakened. This article aims to underscore the pivotal role of prompt diagnosis and intensive treatment in managing mucormycosis, particularly in pediatric patients, as it can avert death and mitigate serious morbidity. This case report emphasizes the urgency of identifying fungal infections in patients with diabetes early on and subsequently treating them aggressively to prevent adverse outcomes. It highlights the potential for excellent treatment outcomes when mucormycosis is promptly diagnosed and managed with intensive therapy. By doing so, significant morbidity and mortality associated with this condition can be effectively prevented, underscoring the importance of vigilance and proactive management in patients with predisposing factors for fungal infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This retrospective cohort study assessed the efficacy and safety of Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors, tofacitinib and baricitinib, in 14 patients with refractory dermatomyositis (DM), a multisystemic autoimmune disorder with limited therapeutic options. Results demonstrated a significant median decrease of 21 points and a 76% reduction in the Cutaneous Dermatomyositis Disease Area and Severity Index (CDASI) scores, along with a complete resolution of muscular symptoms in 64% of the patients. JAK inhibitors were effective in managing refractory DM across various subtypes with mild and manageable adverse events.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    BACKGROUND: Juvenile idiopathic recurrent parotitis (JIRP) in children is a condition characterized with recurrent episodes of idiopathic parotid gland inflammation. Since there are no definitive guidelines for diagnosis and management of this condition, we present a consecutive case series of patients with more than one decade follow up and their dramatic response to short course treatment by prednisolone.
    METHODS: We conducted this study by retrospectively reviewed medical charts of children who were diagnosed with JIRP, from 1 January 2002 to 29 February 2023. We performed usual serological tests to exclude some possible background. We administered short course prednisolone on first day of episode as divided dosage (0.5 mg /kg).
    RESULTS: In this case series of 10 patients (70%) were male, median age of onset was 5 years, duration of episodes 5 days, and the mean course of disease were 3.8 years. The average follows up of patients was near 10 years. In comparison with their natural course of disease all patients showed a dramatic response to treatment on the first day of administration of prednisolone (P Value 0.005). For ten years follow up there was not any additional accompanying autoimmune disorder.
    CONCLUSIONS: Short course prednisolone on first day of each episode and its dramatic and meaningful response in our patients, introduce a new, effective, fast, and inexpensive regimen of therapy in patients with JIRP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To document a case of spontaneous regeneration of the mandibular body following subtotal mandibulectomy in a juvenile dog.
    UNASSIGNED: A 3-month-old male intact French bulldog was presented with papillary oral squamous cell carcinoma located at the dorsal aspect of the molar region of the left mandible. Initial biopsy of the mass was performed by the primary care veterinarian. Complete clinical staging revealed no signs of metastasis. Computed tomographic images of the head showed minimal contrast enhancement of the mass with no signs of periosteal or bone involvement. Subtotal mandibulectomy was performed. Histopathology indicated complete excision of the tumor. The patient returned 8-weeks later for follow up and cleft palate surgical repair, at which time bone was noted in the mandibulectomy area on palpation. Repeat computed tomography of the head revealed complete regeneration of the left mandibular body from the level of the ramus to the mandibular symphysis. No treatment for malocclusion was necessary due to the reformation of a functional mandible.
    UNASSIGNED: The present case demonstrates that spontaneous regeneration of the mandibular body is possible following subtotal mandibulectomy in immature dogs. Subtotal mandibulectomy is a radical procedure that can lead to long term complications including mandibular drift, malocclusion, and oral pain. This case report provides evidence that these sequelae may be mitigated or eliminated in young patients undergoing this procedure.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Stellate nonhereditary idiopathic foveomacular retinoschisis (SNIFR) is a rare type of retinoschisis with a spoke-like splitting that occurs in the outer plexus layer. We present a case of stellate nonhereditary idiopathic foveomacular retinoschisis in a juvenile, in which two eyes show different development trends and macular retinoschisis could be associated with mechanical force in the Henle fibre layer. The removal of mechanical force can partially restore vision.
    METHODS: A 14-year-old girl with bilateral SNIFR was diagnosed and followed up with spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). During the two follow-up visits, vitreous adhesion was released in the left eye, and visual acuity improved. Neuroepithelial detachment was aggravated in the right eye, and visual acuity decreased. Therefore, vitrectomy was performed on the right eye. After surgery, the patient\'s retina was reattached, and her vision was partially restored.
    CONCLUSIONS: We reported a juvenile with bilateral SNIFR. Each of her eyes showed different development trends, so we adopted different treatment methods for each eye. Vitrectomy was performed on the patient to address progressive vision loss, which improved the patient\'s vision. It was further confirmed that the Henle layer of SNIFR patients was susceptible to posterior vitreous membrane adhesion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reactive arthritis is an acute inflammatory aseptic arthritis that is preceded by an infectious process in genetically predisposed individuals. It has been associated with gastrointestinal or genitourinary infection. Reactive arthritis is rare in children. In this review, we present two index cases that need biologic treatment followed by a thorough review of reactive arthritis in children and adolescents with proposed treatment algorithm.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is an autoimmune connective tissue disorder characterized by an inflammation of proximal muscles of both upper and lower limbs in children below the age of 18 years. The condition mainly involves the proximal muscles and skin but extra-muscular involvement such as the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and heart are also common.
    UNASSIGNED: We present a case of a 12-year-old south Asian male who developed weakness and muscular pain in all 4 extremities at 3 years of age. The condition gradually worsened recently, and the patient developed tender ulcerated skin nodules. Power in all 4 limbs was decreased and the patient was not able to perform his routine work such as combing of hair, closing a shirt button, and walking. Laboratory investigations revealed raised total leukocyte count (TLC) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and biopsy of the proximal muscles and skin lesions showed focal mild necrotic infiltrate involving nonnecrotic muscle fibers and calcinosis cutis respectively. A diagnosis of JDM was made and the patient was started on immunosuppressive therapy (steroids) and diltiazem.
    UNASSIGNED: JDM shares clinical features with other autoimmune, genetic, and inflammatory conditions. Proper history, thorough clinical examination, and laboratory workup is needed to rule out other masquerading conditions. This case report also highlighted the importance of diltiazem in the treatment of calcinosis cutis which is more commonly seen in patients with dermatomyositis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Takayasu arteritis (TA) is a chronic granulomatous vasculitis with unknown pathophysiology. TA with severe aortic obstruction has a poor prognosis. However, the efficacy of biologics and appropriate timing of surgical intervention remain controversial. We report a case of tuberculosis (TB)-associated TA with aggressive acute heart failure (AHF), pulmonary hypertension (PH), thrombosis, and seizure, who failed to survive after surgery.
    UNASSIGNED: A 10-year-old boy who developed a cough with chest tightness, shortness of breath, hemoptysis with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, PH, and increased C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate was hospitalized at the pediatric intensive care unit of our hospital. He had strongly positive purified protein derivative skin test and interferon-gamma release assay result. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) showed occlusion of proximal left subclavian artery and stenosis of descending aorta and upper abdominal aorta. His condition did not improve after administration of milrinone, diuretics, antihypertensive agents, and intravenous methylprednisolone pulse followed by oral prednisone. Intravenous tocilizumab was administered for five doses, followed by two doses of infliximab, but his HF worsened, and CTA on day 77 showed complete occlusion of the descending aorta with large thrombus. He had a seizure on day 99 with deterioration of renal function. Balloon angioplasty and catheter-directed thrombolysis were performed on day 127. Unfortunately, the child\'s heart function continued to deteriorate and died on day 133.
    UNASSIGNED: TB infection may be related to juvenile TA. The biologics, thrombolysis, and surgical intervention failed to achieve the anticipated effect in our case with aggressive AHF due to severe aortic stenosis and thrombosis. More studies are needed to determine the role of biologics and surgery in such dire cases.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    Suboptimal conditions during development can shorten telomeres, the protective DNA caps on the end of chromosomes. Shorter early-life telomere length (TL) can indicate reduced somatic maintenance, leading to lower survival and shorter lifespan. However, despite some clear evidence, not all studies show a relationship between early-life TL and survival or lifespan, which may be due to differences in biology or study design (e.g., survival period measured). In superb fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus), we assessed whether early-life TL predicts mortality across different life-history stages (fledgling, juvenile, adult). However, in contrast to a similar study on a congener, early-life TL did not predict mortality across any life stage in this species. We then performed a meta-analysis including 32 effect sizes from 23 studies (15 birds and three mammals) to quantify the effect of early-life TL on mortality whilst taking into consideration potential sources of biological and methodological variation. Overall, the effect of early-life TL on mortality was significant, corresponding to a 15% reduction in mortality risk with each standard deviation increase in TL. However, the effect became weaker when correcting for publication bias. Contrary to our predictions, there was no evidence that effects of early-life TL on mortality varied with species lifespan or the period over which survival was measured. However, negative effects of early-life TL on mortality risk were pervasive throughout life. These results imply that effects of early-life TL on mortality are more likely to be context-dependent than age-dependent, although substantial power and publication bias issues highlight the need for more research.





