hip joint

  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The clinical significance of an isolated hip click remains unclear. The rates of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in those referred for hip click vary from 0% to 28%. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the rate of DDH in patients prospectively referred for isolated hip click.
    METHODS: We prospectively enrolled patients referred to a single pediatric orthopaedic center with concern for DDH secondary to isolated hip click felt by the pediatrician on examination. Patients with known sonographic abnormalities or risk factors for DDH (breech presentation or positive family history) were excluded. Ultrasounds were obtained upon initial presentation and defined as abnormal if alpha angle <60 degrees and/or femoral head coverage (FHC) <50%. Mild dysplasia, analogous to Graf IIa physiological immaturity, was defined as alpha angle 50<α<60 and/or <50% FHC in a patient <3 months age. Severe dysplasia was defined as ≤33% FHC, which has been proposed to be sonographically consistent with a hip dislocation.
    RESULTS: Two hundred fifty-five children were referred for isolated hip click. One hundred eighty-nine patients (74%) had normal ultrasound whereas 66 patients (26%) had sonographic abnormalities (mean age 6.5±6.2 wk at initial ultrasound). Fifty patients (19.6%) demonstrated physiological immaturity, 3 patients (1.2%) demonstrated moderate sonographic dysplasia, and 13 patients (5.1%) had sonographic findings consistent with severe dysplasia or dislocated hip. Hips with severe dysplasia were younger than the remaining population (2.8±2.4 wk vs. 6.6±6.2 wk, P <0.001) with no difference in sex distribution ( P =0.07) or first-born birth order ( P =0.36). For those with sonographic abnormality, 18 (27%) patients were treated with Pavlik harness, 1 (2%) was treated with abduction orthosis, and the remainder (71%) were observed for resolution of physiological immaturity.
    CONCLUSIONS: Infants with isolated hip click identified by their pediatrician may have higher rates of dysplasia than previously reported. We recommend screening ultrasound and/or orthopaedic referral for all infants with isolated hip click.
    METHODS: Level II-prospective prognostic study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hip developmental disorders are the most common musculoskeletal disease in newborns in Central Europe. The definition of hip developmental disorder includes both dysplastic and dislocated joints. In a dysplastic joint, shearing forces induce a growing disorder in the acetabulum. If this growing disorder persists, the femoral head first displaces the acetabular cartilage cranially and finally the femoral head dislocates posteriorly into the gluteal fossa - progressively losing contact to the acetabulum. Therefore nowadays there is general support for the concept of a developmental instead of a congenital dislocation of the hip. From the first day of life, the different stages of hip developmental disorder be exactly classified by an ultrasound examination of the infant hip joint according to Graf. Therefore the Graf hip ultrasound examination has been an integral part of the paediatric guidelines in Germany since 1996. All newborns must receive Graf hip ultrasound screening examination, ideally at the age of 4-5 (maximal 8) weeks as part of the U3 screening examination. Newborns with historical or clinical risk factors must receive an ultrasound examination in the first week of life, additionally to the clinical examination of the hip joints of all newborns according to the second screening examination U2. In the case of pathological results, therapy should be initiated according to measured hip type within one week. Dislocated joints need reduction and as soon as the contact between the femoral head and the acetabulum has been restored, the head should be retained securely within the acetabulum. This phase of retention is followed by the maturation phase for dislocated joints, which is also sufficient therapy for dysplastic joints. In order to avoid femoral head necrosis as an early complication or as a new hip developmental disorder in the course of further growth, the femoral head during the retention phase and the maturation phase should be placed deeply into the socket. This can be achieved by retaining hip flexion of 100-110° with simultaneous hip abduction of 50° to a maximum of 60°.
    Hüftreifungsstörungen stellen in Mitteleuropa die häufigste muskuloskelettale Erkrankung im Neugeborenalter dar. Der Begriff Hüftreifungsstörung umfasst dabei sowohl dysplastische als auch luxierte Gelenke. Bei einem dysplastischen Gelenk kommt es aufgrund von Scherkräften zu einer Wachstumsstörung im Bereich der Hüftpfanne. Bei einem Fortbestehen der Wachstumsstörung im Bereich der Hüftpfanne verdrängt der Hüftkopf den knorpelig präformierten Anteil der Gelenkpfanne erst nach kranial und luxiert schlussendlich nach dorsal in die Fossa glutealis. Der Hüftkopf verliert bei der Luxation zunehmend den Kontakt zur Pfanne. Wir sprechen dementsprechend heute von einer Developmental Dislocation of the Hip und nicht mehr von einer Congenital Dislocation of the Hip. Die verschiedenen Stadien der Hüftreifungsstörung lassen sich anhand einer Ultraschalluntersuchung des Säuglingshüftgelenks nach Graf ab dem 1. Lebenstag exakt klassifizieren. Die Hüftultraschalluntersuchung nach Graf ist daher seit 1996 in Deutschland fester Bestandstandteil der Kinderrichtlinie. Alle Neugeborenen müssen im Rahmen der 3. Vorsorgeuntersuchung U3 idealerweise im Alter von 4–5 (maximal 8) Wochen einer Hüftultraschalluntersuchung nach Graf unterzogen werden. Bei Neugeborenen mit anamnestischen oder klinischen Risikofaktoren muss darüber hinaus bereits bei der 2. Vorsorgeuntersuchung U2 in der 1. Lebenswoche neben einer klinischen Untersuchung der Hüftgelenke auch eine Ultraschalluntersuchung erfolgen. Basierend auf dieser Frühestdiagnostik sollte bei pathologischen Befunden möglichst innerhalb 1 Woche eine dem Befund entsprechende Therapie eingeleitet werden. Luxierte Gelenke werden reponiert. Nach Wiederherstellen des Kontakts von Hüftkopf und Pfanne ist es zwingend erforderlich, dass der Kopf sicher in der Pfanne gehalten wird. Nach dieser Phase der Retention schließt sich bei luxierten Gelenken die für dysplastische Gelenke als Therapie ausreichende Nachreifungsphase an. Um eine Hüftkopfnekrose als Frühkomplikation oder eine erneute Hüftreifungsstörung im weiteren Wachstum zu vermeiden, wird der Hüftkopf sowohl während der Retentionsphase als auch während der Nachreifungsphase tief in die Pfanne eingestellt. Dies gelingt bei Sicherstellung einer Hüftflexion von 100–110° bei gleichzeitiger Hüftabduktion von 50° bis maximal 60°.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to explore the feasibility to determine regional diagnostic reference levels (RDRLs) for paediatric conventional and CT examinations using the European guidelines and to compare RDRLs derived from weight and age groups, respectively.
    METHODS: Data were collected from 31 hospitals in 4 countries, for 7 examination types for a total of 2978 patients. RDRLs were derived for each weight and age group, respectively, when the total number of patients exceeded 15.
    RESULTS: It was possible to derive RDRLs for most, but not all, weight-based and age-based groups for the seven examinations. The result using weight-based and age-based groups differed substantially. The RDRLs were lower than or equal to the European and recently published national DRLs.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is feasible to derive RDRLs. However, a thorough review of the clinical indications and methodologies has to be performed previous to data collection. This study does not support the notion that DRLs derived using age and weight groups are exchangeable.
    CONCLUSIONS: Paediatric DRLs should be derived using weight-based groups with access to the actual weight of the patients. DRLs developed using weight differ markedly from those developed with the use of age. There is still a need to harmonize the method to derive solid DRLs for paediatric radiological examinations.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    The management of the capsule during hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement syndrome has been in the spotlight during the last decade. Although there is robust biomechanical evidence that preserving the anatomic integrity of the iliofemoral ligament is important for the stability of the hip joint, the effect of capsular management on patient outcomes is often debated in clinical studies. Mid-term and long-term follow-up studies have shown that capsular closure is associated with decreased risk of hip arthroscopy failure, but no difference in patient outcomes based on capsular management has been found by some case series studies. What is driving the controversy in the literature? It seems to stem from the variation in surgical techniques used to perform hip capsulotomy or capsular repair, worldwide. Given that improvement in patient outcomes must be prioritized, it is time to use the existing knowledge appropriately to establish evidence-based guidelines for the management of hip capsule during hip arthroscopy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Abductor tendon tears are increasingly recognised as a common cause of lateral hip pain. Surgical treatment of these tears has been recommended, but the indications and types of open surgery have not been precisely elucidated yet. This manuscript aimed to critically review the literature concerning all open treatment options for this condition while identifying knowledge gaps and introducing a treatment algorithm.
    METHODS: Literature search was conducted, including PubMed, Cochrane library, ScienceDirect and Ovid MEDLINE from 2000 to May 2020. Inclusion criteria were set as: (i) clinical studies reporting outcomes following open surgical treatment of acute or chronic hip abductor tendon tears, (ii) studies reporting an open direct or augmented suturing or muscle transfer procedure, (iii) acute or chronic tears found in native or prosthetic hips.
    RESULTS: A total of 34 studies published between 2004 and 2020 were included. The vast majority of studies were uncontrolled case series of a single treatment method. A total of 970 patients (76% women) with an age range between 48 and 76 years were involved. Women between 60 and 75 years old were most commonly treated. Preoperative evaluation of patients and reporting of open surgical technique and outcomes are inconsistent. All studies reported variable improvement of pain, functional outcomes and gait of patients. Overall, complication rates ranged from 0 to 31.2%.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current literature on this topic is highly heterogeneous, and the overall level of the available evidence is low. A roadmap to develop practical guidelines for open surgery of acute and chronic tears of abductor tendons is provided. The anatomy and chronicity of the lesion, the extent of fatty infiltration and neurologic integrity of hip abductor muscles may influence both treatment choice and outcome. Further high-quality studies with standardisation of preoperative evaluation of patients and reporting of outcomes will help delineate best treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article







  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    The 1st International Hip-related Pain Research Network meeting discussed four prioritised themes concerning hip-related pain in young to middle-aged adults: (1) diagnosis and classification of hip-related pain; (2) patient-reported outcome measures for hip-related pain; (3) measurement of physical capacity for hip-related pain; (4) physiotherapist-led treatment for hip-related pain. Thirty-eight expert researchers and clinicians working in the field of hip-related pain attended the meeting. This manuscript relates to the theme of physiotherapist-led treatments for hip-related pain. A systematic review on the efficacy of physiotherapist-led interventions for hip-related pain (published separately) was conducted and found that strong evidence for physiotherapist-led treatments was lacking. Prior to the meeting, draft consensus recommendations for consideration in the meeting were also developed based on the systematic review. The draft consensus recommendations were presented to all of the meeting participants via email, at least 1 week prior to the meeting. At the meeting, these recommendations were discussed, revised and voted on. Six recommendations for clinical practice and five recommendations for research were included and all gained consensus. Recommendations for clinical practice were that (i) Exercise-based treatments are recommended for people with hip-related pain. (ii) Exercise-based treatment should be at least 3 months duration. (iii) Physiotherapist-led rehabilitation after hip surgery should be undertaken. (iv) Patient-reported outcome measures, measures of physical impairment and measures of psychosocial factors should be used to monitor response to treatment. (v) Physical activity (that may include sport) is recommended for people with hip-related pain. (vi) Clinicians should discuss patient expectations, use shared-decision making and provide education. Recommendations for research were (i) Reporting of exercise programmes: Exercise descriptors such as load magnitude, number of repetitions and sets, duration of whole programme, duration of contractile element of exercise, duration of one repetition, time under tension, rest between repetitions, range of motion through which the exercise is performed, and rest between exercise sessions should be reported. (ii) Research should investigate the optimal frequency, intensity, time, type, volume and progression of exercise therapy. (iii) Research should examine the effect of patient education in people with hip-related pain. (iv) Research should investigate the effect of other treatments used in people with hip-related pain (for example: manual therapy, medications, injections). (v) Research should examine the impact of comorbidities and social determinants on treatment effectiveness in people with hip-related pain. Clinicians and researchers working with young to middle-aged active adults with hip-related pain may use these consensus recommendations to guide, develop, test and implement individualised, evidence-based physiotherapist-led rehabilitation programmes.





