hereditary angioedema

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The role of psychotherapy in the management of chronic conditions has been widely explored and supported. The current approach to the utilization of family-oriented psychotherapy in treatment plans is individualized to the patient and focused on the development of personal coping skills alongside identifying and changing negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Alleviation of symptom burden, improvement in psychiatric co-morbidities like anxiety and depression, and enhancement of quality of life have all been found to be associated with incorporating family-oriented psychotherapy in the management of chronic conditions. In contrast, heritable conditions, such as hereditary angioedema (HAE), have not been the center of extensive research. Heritable conditions introduce a new category of stressors that require management like the anxiety of a parent, a sibling, a child, or another family member decompensating at the same time as oneself. Family-centered psychotherapy focuses on discussing the stressors of the family unit and the development of coping strategies to prevent the time course of one family member\'s condition from exacerbating another family member\'s condition. This model has been utilized for families with separate chronic conditions, but its role and effectiveness in managing inherited conditions have room for investigation. This paper presents a case series on a family engaging in family-centered psychotherapy for HAE.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of localized edema caused by a deficiency or dysfunction of C1 inhibitor (C1-INH). This case report presents the clinical features, diagnostic evaluation, and management of a 23-year-old man with HAE. We discuss the challenges of diagnosing and treating this condition, emphasizing the importance of early recognition and appropriate therapeutic interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare and potentially life-threatening disease that manifests clinically as recurrent episodes of swelling affecting multiple anatomical locations. Long-term prophylaxis (LTP) aims to control the disease by preventing HAE attacks. Previously, treatments such as attenuated androgens have been used for LTP, but they have an unfavorable adverse effect profile. Today, these limitations may be overcome by patients transitioning to newer, targeted therapies including oral berotralstat and subcutaneous lanadelumab. This case series reports the transition process between different prophylactic therapies in a family with HAE in a real-world setting.
    RESULTS: Four adult patient cases from the same family who underwent transitions in HAE prophylaxis are presented. Three were female and one male. Two patients who transitioned to berotralstat were initially prescribed attenuated androgens. Two patients were not taking LTP at the time of initiating targeted treatment but had previously been prescribed tranexamic acid. The length of transition varied between the patients, with the longest time taken to stabilize on new therapy being 26 months. All patients received regular follow-up in person or by telephone and all four required an adjustment from their initial treatment plan.
    CONCLUSIONS: Transitioning between LTP in HAE may help improve control of attacks, avoid unwanted adverse effects, or better cater to individual patient preferences. Newer targeted therapies have been shown to be effective and should be discussed with patients. Shared decision-making is a tool that can aid these discussions. The transition journey between LTP therapies in HAE may not be straightforward and is specific to each patient. Physicians should consider complicating factors such as patient anxieties around changing treatment, adverse effects, preferred routes of administration, and speed of transition. Following patients closely during the transition period helps identify any issues, including difficulties with treatment adherence, and may allow the transition plan to be adapted when necessary.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Hereditary angioedema (HAE), a genetic disorder caused by C1-inhibitor deficiency or dysfunction, may cause mucosal edema in the upper airway during tracheal intubation and extubation.
    METHODS: A 57-year-old man with HAE and a history of laryngeal edema, scheduled to undergo cervical laminoplasty under general anesthesia. General anesthesia was induced by continuous injection of remimazolam and remifentanil, during which manual mask ventilation and intubation were performed without difficulty. The patient was extubated under deep anesthesia. After emergence from general anesthesia, he had no significant upper airway edema and was treated with a C1-inhibitor seven hours post-surgery because of slight tongue swelling. No additional airway edema was observed, and the patient was discharged from the intensive care unit the following day.
    CONCLUSIONS: Deep anesthesia tracheal extubation with remimazolam may be effective in preventing upper airway edema during anesthetic management in patients with HAE. J. Med. Invest. 71 : 184-186, February, 2024.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) is a rare disease characterized by episodes of swelling, HAE crisis could cause death by suffocation, and also affect the quality of life in these patients. There exists an important disparity of HAE specific treatments between countries, inclusive in the same region, currently in Perú we use moderate and high doses of Tranexamic Acid (TA) in prophylaxis therapy and in acute HAE crisis respectively.
    OBJECTIVE: To report our experience with TA in three types of HAE patients and be a guide to other countries with this therapy, where HAE specific treatments are not registered.
    METHODS: Patient 1: Woman. 49 years old. HAE-1. Symptoms began at the age of 12. Her final diagnosis was at age 45. Usually presents an acute crisis every two months approximately, she receives 2 g IV of TA when lips, tongue, facial episodes is beginning, eventually she needed other 1 - 2 g IV (after 4 hours). She receives Long-Term Prophylaxis (LTP) with TA (500 - 750 mg)/12 h. Patient 2: Woman 47 years old, HAE nC1INH-FXII. Symptoms began at the age of 19, during her first pregnancy, her definitive diagnosis was at the age of 41 years. She maintains a prophylaxis treatment of TA (750 mg-1,5 g)/daily; upper airway attacks are treated immediately with TA doses (1 - 2 g) when the crisis is beginning. Patient 3: Woman 43 years old, HAE-nC1INH-U. Genetic study did not recognize SERPING1, PLG1, ANGPT1, KNG1, FXII, mutations. Symptoms began at age 4, and her final diagnosis was at age 36. When the attack is beginning, she immediately receives TA (500 - 750 mg) orally / 12 hours during 2 to 3 days with acceptable tolerance and control of the HAE episodes. While the patients receive TA prophylaxis treatment doses (500 - 750 mg) every 8 or 12 hours respectively, the HAE episodes are less symptomatic and resolve in a few days.
    CONCLUSIONS: We found this systematic review, used TA orally, on-demand and prophylaxis therapy, maximum cumulative dose 3 g/24 h1. In our HAE patients, we used TA up to 4 g (2 g - 2 g) intravenous for control of acute crisis in a interval of 4 hours, when decreases the reaction, the orally maintenance dose should be prescribed, 1 g/8 h with a progressive decrease of the dose in the next days. Tranexamic Acid treatment was useful in our different types of HAE patients. Most of our patients use high doses of TA to slow down and stop slowly the HAE crisis. TA is probably an option in countries where specific treatments are not registered, it could be administered orally and/or intravenous. High doses of TA were well tolerated and with acceptable response in HAE attacks.
    BACKGROUND: El Angioedema Hereditario (AEH) se caracteriza por episodios de hinchazón a niveles cutáneo y submucoso, una crisis podría causar muerte por asfixia. Además, afecta la calidad de vida de las personas que la padecen. Existe una disparidad importante de medicamentos específicos para el AEH entre países, inclusive en nuestra misma región. En Perú donde no son viables estos tratamientos, se utiliza el Ácido Tranexámico (AT) para las Profilaxis de Largo y Corto Plazo (PLP / PCP), y para las crisis agudas de AEH.
    OBJECTIVE: Reportar la experiencia con el tratamiento de AT en tres tipos de pacientes con AEH, para que pueda ser usada como referencia en otros países en los que aún no se cuenta con medicamentos específicos para la enfermedad.
    UNASSIGNED: Paciente 1: Mujer de 49 años, AEH Tipo 1. Inició síntomas a los 12 años de edad. Diagnóstico definitivo a los 45 años. Actualmente, presenta crisis cada dos meses. Se le administran dosis de 2 g por IV de AT, cuando empieza crisis en cara, lengua y labios. Eventualmente ha necesitado entre 1 y 2 g por IV (después de cuatro horas), ella recibe PLP con AT (500 – 750 mg) cada 12 horas. Paciente 2: Mujer de 47 años, AEH-nC1INH-FXII. Inició síntomas a los 19 años durante su primer embarazo. Diagnóstico definitivo a los 41 años. Ella mantiene PLP con AT (750 mg – 1,5 g) diariamente. Los ataques de vía respiratoria alta son tratados inmediatamente con AT cuando la crisis inicia, con dosis de 1 a 2 g por IV. Paciente 3: Mujer de 43 años, AEH-nC1INH-D. Estudio genético no detecta mutación en SERPING1, PLG1, ANGPT1, KNG1 y FXII. Inició síntomas a los 4 años. Diagnóstico definitivo a los 36 años. Al iniciar las crisis, se administra AT por VO, entre 500 a 750 mg/12 horas durante dos o tres días con aceptable respuesta y tolerancia a los episodios de AEH. Mientras las pacientes reciban dosis de mantenimiento de AT, entre 500 y 750 mg cada 8 o 12 horas, las crisis suelen ser de menor intensidad y se resuelven en menos días.
    CONCLUSIONS: En esta revisión sistemática, utilizaron AT vía oral, a demanda y en tratamiento profiláctico, dosis máxima acumulada 3 g/24 h1. En nuestros pacientes con AEH, hemos utilizado AT hasta 4 g vía intravenosa en un intervalo de cuatro horas (2 g - 2 g); para el control de crisis agudas, cuando la reacción está cediendo, prescribimos la dosis de mantenimiento, 1 g/8 h con disminución progresiva de la dosis en los días siguientes. El tratamiento con ácido tranexámico ha sido de utilidad en nuestros pacientes con los distintos tipos de AEH. La mayoría de ellos utilizan altas dosis de AT para disminuir lentamente las crisis agudas de AEH. Se puede administrar vía oral o intravenosa. Es un medicamento que puede ser de ayuda en países donde no se tiene registro de tratamientos específicos para la enfermedad. Las dosis de AT han sido bien toleradas y con una respuesta aceptable en las crisis de estos pacientes con AEH.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by potentially life-threatening episodes of swelling. Most HAE cases are caused by deficient (type I) or dysfunctional (type II) C1-esterase inhibitor (C1-INH) protein. However, some patients present with a subtype of HAE that is associated with normal plasma levels of functional C1-INH protein and complement component 4 (HAE-nC1INH). Treatment of HAE-nC1INH is driven by clinical experience as robust clinical trial data to inform treatment decisions are lacking in this population. This retrospective case series assessed clinical features and treatment outcomes in 15 patients with HAE-nC1INH who initiated long-term prophylaxis with oral berotralstat 150 mg once daily as part of their disease management pathway. Most patients were female (93%), with a median age of 49 years. All patients experienced abdominal swelling attacks. On average, patients tried a mean of 4 different treatments for their HAE, including berotralstat. Although most patients associated prophylactic and on-demand medications that target the bradykinin pathway with improvements in the frequency and/or severity of attacks, treatment outcomes varied considerably between patients, highlighting the importance of a personalized approach to disease management. In this case series, berotralstat was an effective prophylactic treatment option in most patients with HAE-nC1INH. Further studies are required to demonstrate the potential efficacy, safety, and impact on quality of life of currently approved HAE therapies in patients with HAE-nC1INH.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: To describe a rare case of vision loss due to bilateral edema of the optic nerve in a patient with Hereditary Angioedema, treated with prophylactic C1-esterase inhibitor.
    METHODS: A 60-year-old Caucasian male affected by Hereditary Angioedema with unknown genetic defect (HAE- UNK) was admitted to our hospital presenting bilateral vision loss (best corrected visual acuity of 20/32 in the right eye and hand motion in the left eye) during an HAE attack. Intravenous administration of C1- esterase inhibitor (C1-INH, 1500 IU, Berinert, CSL Behring) determined the resolution of facial and periorbital swelling, however visual impairment persisted, in contrast with previous attacks experienced by the patient. Fundus examination revealed a vital optic disc without papilledema in both eyes. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head and orbits showed bilateral edema of the optic nerve sheath. Treatment with intravenous and oral steroids was ineffective. Subsequently, a prophylactic treatment strategy with subcutaneous C1-esterase inhibitor was started (7000 IU every four days).
    RESULTS: Complete regression of edema of the optic nerves was observed by imaging at two months of follow-up after chronic treatment with C1-esterase inhibitor (7000 IU every four days). Complete restoration of visual acuity was achieved (BCVA 20/20 in both eyes) and multimodal imaging of the optic nerves demonstrated the absence of anatomical and functional damage.
    CONCLUSIONS: Patients affected by HAE may show atypical presentation with edema of the optic nerves without involvement of the optic nerve head. They may significantly benefit from prophylactic and chronic treatment with C1-esterase inhibitor.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare condition characterized by recurrent episodes of angioedema without urticaria or pruritus. Untreated angioedema can cause significant work absenteeism and, in rare cases, be lethal due to laryngeal involvement and suffocation. The authors report a case of a patient with laryngeal involvement who was unaware of the severity of their condition. Effective medical training in patient empowerment is essential, and it is an irreplaceable element in healthcare, as it contributes to therapeutic success.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is frequently misdiagnosed as drug allergy. It is essential to differentiate HAE from allergy. Diagnosing HAE-normal-C1INH (conventional HAE type III), presenting normal C1-INH, is even more difficult. Here, we report a case of a 17-year-old female diagnosed with HAE and having labeled wheat and multiple drug allergies. She had been suffering from skin edema and abdominal symptoms since childhood. After taking wheat at 13 years old, she had multiple episodes of the same symptoms. Wheat allergy was suspected, and she started eliminating wheat. Multiple attacks were observed after several drug use, and drug allergy was labeled. However, her attacks did not improve after eliminating wheat and the suspected drugs. Her C4 and C1-INH activity was normal, but we diagnosed her with HAE-normal-C1INH based on her family history, multiple attacks after dental procedures, ineffective antihistamines, and significant efficacy of C1-INH infusion. A double-blind, placebo-controlled wheat challenge test at our hospital was negative, and wheat removal was lifted. Drugs could be de-labeled by allergic tests and history. Repeated attacks of unexplained edema and abdominal pain should be differentiated from HAE and lead to an appropriate diagnosis.





