health inequality

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the burden of kidney dysfunction (KD), assess socioeconomic inequalities, and project trends in the future.
    METHODS: Data on deaths, disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), years lived with disability (YLDs), and years of life lost (YLLs) were from Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Joinpoint regression model was utilized to analyze the temporal trend by the annual percentage change (APC). The slope index and concentration index were employed to evaluate cross-country disparities. The future trend was predicted using an age-period-cohort analysis.
    RESULTS: In the past three decades, the death numbers of KD increased from 1,571,720 to 3,161,552, DALYs from 42,090,331 to 76,486,945, YLDs from 5,003,267 to 11,282,484, and YLLs from 37,087,065 to 65,204,461, respectively. The age-standardized rate (ASR) of deaths, DALYs, and YLLs exhibited a declining trend. The ASR of YLDs increased until 2017, then decreased. The slope index and concentration index for DALYs increased from 248.1 to 351.9 and from 40.70 to 57.8. In the future, the ASR of deaths, DALYs, YLDs, and YLLs will remain stable, while their numbers will continue to rise, except for YLLs.
    CONCLUSIONS: The disease burden of KD remained serious. Tailored interventions should be developed based on national contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This cross-sectional study examines associations between the race-migration nexus, cumulative exposure to intersectional discrimination (2 years before and during the COVID-19 pandemic), and long-term conditions.
    METHODS: A nationwide self-selected sample (n = 32,605) was obtained from a Statistics Canada\'s Crowdsourcing online survey from August 4 to 24, 2020. Binary and multinomial logistic regression models were used to examine disparities by the race-migration nexus in accumulative experiences of multiple situations- and identity-based discrimination and their relations with long-term conditions, after controlling for sociodemographic covariates.
    RESULTS: During the pandemic, discrimination stemming from racialization - such as race/skin color (24.4% vs 20.1%) and ethnicity/culture (18.5% vs 16.5%) - and cyberspace (34.1% vs 29.8%) exaggerated relative to pre-pandemic period; compared to Canadian-born (CB) whites, the likelihood of experiencing multiple discrimination increased alongside the domains of discrimination being additively intersected (e.g., identity-based, all p\'s < 0.001) among CB racialized minorities (ORs 2.08 to 11.78), foreign-born (FB) racialized minorities (ORs 1.99 to 12.72), and Indigenous populations (ORs 1.62 to 8.17), except for FB whites (p > 0.01); dose-response relationships were found between cumulative exposure to multiple discrimination and odds of reporting long-term conditions (p\'s < 0.001), including seeing (ORs 1.63 to 2.99), hearing (ORs 1.83 to 4.45), physical (ORs 1.66 to 3.87), cognitive (ORs 1.81 to 3.79), and mental health-related impairments (ORs 1.82 to 3.41).
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite a universal health system, Canadians who are CB/FB racialized and Indigenous populations, have a higher prevalence of cumulative exposure to different aspects of discrimination that are associated with multiple long-term conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Equity-driven solutions are needed to tackle upstream determinants of health inequalities through uprooting intersectional discrimination faced by racialized and immigrant communities.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: During the COVID-19 pandemic, single parents and their children were particularly exposed to stress due to the containment measures and to limited resources. We analyzed differences in the social and health situation of children and adolescents in one-parent households and two-parent households at the end of the pandemic.
    METHODS: The analysis is based on data from the KIDA study, in which parents of 3‑ to 15-year-old children as well as 16- to 17-year-old adolescents were surveyed in 2022/2023 (telephone: n = 6992; online: n = 2896). Prevalences stratified by family type were calculated for the indicators psychosocial stress, social support, health, and health behavior. Poisson regressions were adjusted for gender, age, level of education, and household income.
    RESULTS: Children and adolescents from one-parent households are more likely to be burdened by financial restrictions, family conflicts, and poor living conditions and receive less school support than peers from two-parent households. They are more likely to have impairments in health as well as increased healthcare needs, and they use psychosocial services more frequently. Furthermore, they are less likely to be active in sports clubs, but they take part in sporting activities at schools as often as minors from two-parent households. The differences are also evident when controlling for income and education.
    CONCLUSIONS: Children and adolescents from one-parent households can be reached well through exercise programs in a school setting. Low-threshold offers in daycare centers, schools, and the community should therefore be further expanded. Furthermore, interventions are needed to improve the socioeconomic situation of single parents and their children.
    UNASSIGNED: EINLEITUNG: In der COVID-19-Pandemie waren Alleinerziehende und ihre Kinder durch die Eindämmungsmaßnahmen und aufgrund oftmals geringer Ressourcen in besonderem Maße Belastungen ausgesetzt. Es wird analysiert, inwieweit sich zum Ende der Pandemie Unterschiede in der sozialen und gesundheitlichen Lage von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Ein-Eltern- und Zwei‑Eltern-Haushalten zeigen.
    METHODS: Die Analyse basiert auf Daten der KIDA-Studie, in der 2022/2023 Eltern von 3‑ bis 15-Jährigen und 16- bis 17-Jährige befragt wurden (telefonisch: n = 6992; online: n = 2896). Für die Indikatoren psychosoziale Belastungen, soziale Unterstützung, Gesundheit und Gesundheitsverhalten wurden nach Familienform stratifizierte Prävalenzen berechnet. In Poisson-Regressionen wurde für Geschlecht, Alter, Bildung und Haushaltseinkommen adjustiert.
    UNASSIGNED: Heranwachsende aus Ein-Eltern-Haushalten sind häufiger durch finanzielle Einschränkungen, familiäre Konflikte und beengte Wohnverhältnisse belastet und erfahren weniger schulische Unterstützung als Gleichaltrige aus Zwei‑Eltern-Haushalten. Sie haben häufiger gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen sowie einen erhöhten Versorgungsbedarf und nehmen häufiger psychosoziale Angebote in Anspruch. Sie sind zwar seltener in Sportvereinen aktiv, nehmen jedoch gleich häufig an Sport-AGs in Schulen teil wie Gleichaltrige aus Zwei-Eltern-Haushalten. Die Unterschiede zeigen sich auch bei Kontrolle für Einkommen und Bildung.
    CONCLUSIONS: Kinder und Jugendliche aus Ein-Eltern-Haushalten können über Bewegungsangebote im schulischen Setting gut erreicht werden. Niedrigschwellige Angebote in Kita, Schule und Kommune sollten daher weiter ausgebaut werden. Weiterhin bedarf es Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der sozioökonomischen Lage von Alleinerziehenden und ihren Kindern.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Our previous analysis showed how in-hospital mortality of intubated patients with COVID-19 in Greece is adversely affected by patient load and regional disparities.
    UNASSIGNED: We aimed to update this analysis to include the large Delta and Omicron waves that affected Greece during 2021-2022, while also considering the effect of vaccination on in-hospital mortality.
    UNASSIGNED: Anonymized surveillance data were analyzed from all patients with COVID-19 in Greece intubated between September 1, 2020, and April 4, 2022, and followed up until May 17, 2022. Time-split Poisson regression was used to estimate the hazard of dying as a function of fixed and time-varying covariates: the daily total count of intubated patients with COVID-19 in Greece, age, sex, COVID-19 vaccination status, region of the hospital (Attica, Thessaloniki, or rest of Greece), being in an intensive care unit, and an indicator for the period from September 1, 2021.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 14,011 intubated patients with COVID-19 were analyzed, of whom 10,466 (74.7%) died. Mortality was significantly higher with a load of 400-499 intubated patients, with an adjusted hazard ratio (HR) of 1.22 (95% CI 1.09-1.38), rising progressively up to 1.48 (95% CI 1.31-1.69) for a load of ≥800 patients. Hospitalization away from the Attica region was also independently associated with increased mortality (Thessaloniki: HR 1.22, 95% CI 1.13-1.32; rest of Greece: HR 1.64, 95% CI 1.54-1.75), as was hospitalization after September 1, 2021 (HR 1.21, 95% CI 1.09-1.36). COVID-19 vaccination did not affect the mortality of these already severely ill patients, the majority of whom (11,944/14,011, 85.2%) were unvaccinated.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results confirm that in-hospital mortality of severely ill patients with COVID-19 is adversely affected by high patient load and regional disparities, and point to a further significant deterioration after September 1, 2021, especially away from Attica and Thessaloniki. This highlights the need for urgent strengthening of health care services in Greece, ensuring equitable and high-quality care for all.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: As a specific group with high health inequality, it is crucial to improve the health status and health inequalities of rural-to-urban migrant workers. This study aimed to evaluate the health inequality of migrant and urban workers in China and decompose it.
    UNASSIGNED: A cross-sectional study was carried out, using a standardized questionnaire to obtain basic information, self-rated health to evaluate health status, concentration index to measure health inequalities, and WDW decomposition to analyze the causes of health inequalities.
    UNASSIGNED: The concentration index of health for migrants was 0.021 and 0.009 for urban workers. The main factors contributing to health inequality among rural-to-urban migrant workers included income, exercise, and age. In contrast, the main factors of health inequality among urban workers included income, the number of chronic diseases, social support, and education.
    UNASSIGNED: There were health inequalities in both rural-to-urban migrant and urban workers. The government and relevant authorities should formulate timely policies and take targeted measures to reduce income disparities among workers, thereby improving health inequality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There is significant health inequity in the United Kingdom (U.K.), with different populations facing challenges accessing health services, which can impact health outcomes. At one London National Health Service (NHS) Trust, data showed that patients from deprived areas and minority ethnic groups had a higher likelihood of missing their first outpatient appointment. This study\'s objectives were to understand barriers to specific patient populations attending first outpatient appointments, explore systemic factors and assess appointment awareness.
    METHODS: Five high-volume specialties identified as having inequitable access based on ethnicity and deprivation were selected as the study setting. Mixed methods were employed to understand barriers to outpatient attendance, including qualitative semi-structured interviews with patients and staff, observations of staff workflows and interrogation of quantitative data on appointment communication. To identify barriers, semi-structured interviews were conducted with patients who missed their appointment and were from a minority ethnic group or deprived area. Staff interviews and observations were carried out to further understand attendance barriers. Patient interview data were analysed using inductive thematic analysis to create a thematic framework and triangulated with staff data. Subthemes were mapped onto a behavioural science framework highlighting behaviours that could be targeted. Quantitative data from patient interviews were analysed to assess appointment awareness and communication.
    RESULTS: Twenty-six patients and 11 staff were interviewed, with four staff observed. Seven themes were identified as barriers - communication factors, communication methods, healthcare system, system errors, transport, appointment, and personal factors. Knowledge about appointments was an important identified behaviour, supported by eight out of 26 patients answering that they were unaware of their missed appointment. Environmental context and resources were other strongly represented behavioural factors, highlighting systemic barriers that prevent attendance.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study showed the barriers preventing patients from minority ethnic groups or living in deprived areas from attending their outpatient appointment. These barriers included communication factors, communication methods, healthcare the system, system errors, transport, appointment, and personal factors. Healthcare services should acknowledge this and work with public members from these communities to co-design solutions supporting attendance. Our work provides a basis for future intervention design, informed by behavioural science and community involvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A low socioeconomic status is associated with a vulnerable health status (VHS) through the accumulation of health-related risk factors, such as poor lifestyle behaviors (eg, inadequate nutrition, chronic stress, and impaired health literacy). For pregnant women, a VHS translates into a high incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes and therefore pregnancy-related inequity. We hypothesize that stimulating adequate pregnancy preparation, targeting lifestyle behaviors and preconception care (PCC) uptake, can reduce these inequities and improve the pregnancy outcomes of women with a VHS. A nudge is a behavioral intervention aimed at making healthy choices easier and more attractive and may therefore be a feasible way to stimulate engagement in pregnancy preparation and PCC uptake, especially in women with a VHS. To support adequate pregnancy preparation, we designed a mobile health (mHealth) app, Pregnant Faster, that fits the preferences of women with a VHS and uses nudging to encourage PCC consultation visits and engagement in education on healthy lifestyle behaviors.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to test the feasibility of Pregnant Faster by determining usability and user satisfaction, the number of visited PCC consultations, and the course of practical study conduction.
    METHODS: Women aged 18-45 years, with low-to-intermediate educational attainment, who were trying to become pregnant within 12 months were included in this open cohort. Recruitment took place through social media, health care professionals, and distribution of flyers and posters from September 2021 until June 2022. Participants used Pregnant Faster daily for 4 weeks, earning coins by reading blogs on pregnancy preparation, filling out a daily questionnaire on healthy lifestyle choices, and registering for a PCC consultation with a midwife. Earned coins could be spent on rewards, such as fruit, mascara, and baby products. Evaluation took place through the mHealth App Usability Questionnaire (MAUQ), an additional interview or questionnaire, and assessment of overall study conduction.
    RESULTS: Due to limited inclusions, the inclusion criterion \"living in a deprived neighborhood\" was dropped. This resulted in the inclusion of 47 women, of whom 39 (83%) completed the intervention. In total, 16 (41%) of 39 participants visited a PCC consultation, with their main motivation being obtaining personalized information. The majority of participants agreed with 16 (88.9%) of 18 statements of the MAUQ, indicating high user satisfaction. The mean rating was 7.7 (SD 1.0) out of 10. Points of improvement included recruitment of the target group, simplification of the log-in system, and automation of manual tasks.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nudging women through Pregnant Faster to stimulate pregnancy preparation and PCC uptake has proven feasible, but the inclusion criteria must be revised. A substantial number of PCC consultations were conducted, and this study will therefore be continued with an open cohort of 400 women, aiming to establish the (cost-)effectiveness of an updated version, named Pregnant Faster 2.
    UNASSIGNED: RR2-10.2196/45293.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To describe the burden and examine transnational inequities in overall cardiovascular disease (CVD) and ten specific CVDs across different levels of societal development.
    Estimates of disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for each disease and their 95% uncertainty intervals (UI) were extracted from the Global Burden of Diseases (GBD). Inequalities in the distribution of CVD burdens were quantified using two standard metrics recommended absolute and relative inequalities by the World Health Organization (WHO), including the Slope Index of Inequality (SII) and the relative concentration Index.
    Between 1990 and 2019, for overall CVD, the Slope Index of Inequality changed from 3760.40 (95% CI: 3758.26 to 3756.53) in 1990 to 3400.38 (95% CI: 3398.64 to 3402.13) in 2019. For ischemic heart disease, it shifted from 2833.18 (95% CI: 2831.67 to 2834.69) in 1990 to 1560.28 (95% CI: 1559.07 to 1561.48) in 2019. Regarding hypertensive heart disease, the figures changed from-82.07 (95% CI: -82.56 to-81.59) in 1990 to 108.99 (95% CI: 108.57 to 109.40) in 2019. Regarding cardiomyopathy and myocarditis, the data evolved from 273.05 (95% CI: 272.62 to 273.47) in 1990 to 250.76 (95% CI: 250.42 to 251.09) in 2019. Concerning aortic aneurysm, the index transitioned from 104.91 (95% CI: 104.65 to 105.17) in 1990 to 91.14 (95% CI: 90.94 to 91.35) in 2019. Pertaining to endocarditis, the figures shifted from-4.50 (95% CI: -4.64 to-4.36) in 1990 to 16.00 (95% CI: 15.88 to 16.12) in 2019. As for rheumatic heart disease, the data transitioned from-345.95 (95% CI: -346.47 to-345.42) in 1990 to-204.34 (95% CI: -204.67 to-204.01) in 2019. Moreover, the relative concentration Index for overall CVD and each specific type also varied from 1990 to 2019.
    There\'s significant heterogeneity in transnational health inequality for ten specific CVDs. Countries with higher levels of societal development may bear a relatively higher CVD burden except for rheumatic heart disease, with the extent of inequality changing over time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The digital health divide for socioeconomic disadvantage describes a pattern in which patients considered socioeconomically disadvantaged, who are already marginalized through reduced access to face-to-face health care, are additionally hindered through less access to patient-initiated digital health. A comprehensive understanding of how patients with socioeconomic disadvantage access and experience digital health is essential for improving the digital health divide. Primary care patients, especially those with chronic disease, have experience of the stages of initial help seeking and self-management of their health, which renders them a key demographic for research on patient-initiated digital health access.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to provide comprehensive primary mixed methods data on the patient experience of barriers to digital health access, with a focus on the digital health divide.
    METHODS: We applied an exploratory mixed methods design to ensure that our survey was primarily shaped by the experiences of our interviewees. First, we qualitatively explored the experience of digital health for 19 patients with socioeconomic disadvantage and chronic disease and second, we quantitatively measured some of these findings by designing and administering a survey to 487 Australian general practice patients from 24 general practices.
    RESULTS: In our qualitative first phase, the key barriers found to accessing digital health included (1) strong patient preference for human-based health services; (2) low trust in digital health services; (3) high financial costs of necessary tools, maintenance, and repairs; (4) poor publicly available internet access options; (5) reduced capacity to engage due to increased life pressures; and (6) low self-efficacy and confidence in using digital health. In our quantitative second phase, 31% (151/487) of the survey participants were found to have never used a form of digital health, while 10.7% (52/487) were low- to medium-frequency users and 48.5% (236/487) were high-frequency users. High-frequency users were more likely to be interested in digital health and had higher self-efficacy. Low-frequency users were more likely to report difficulty affording the financial costs needed for digital access.
    CONCLUSIONS: While general digital interest, financial cost, and digital health literacy and empowerment are clear factors in digital health access in a broad primary care population, the digital health divide is also facilitated in part by a stepped series of complex and cumulative barriers. Genuinely improving digital health access for 1 cohort or even 1 person requires a series of multiple different interventions tailored to specific sequential barriers. Within primary care, patient-centered care that continues to recognize the complex individual needs of, and barriers facing, each patient should be part of addressing the digital health divide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Bladder, kidney and prostate cancers make significant contributors to cancer burdens. Exploring their cross-country inequalities may inform equitable strategies to meet the 17 sustainable development goals before 2030.
    METHODS: We analyzed age-standardized disability-adjusted life-years (ASDALY) rates for the three cancers based on Global Burden of Diseases Study 2019. We quantified the inequalities using slope index of inequality (SII, absolute measure) and concentration index (relative measure) associated with national sociodemographic index.
    RESULTS: Varied ASDALY rates were observed in the three cancers across 204 regions. The SII decreased from 35.15 (95% confidence interval, CI: 29.34 to 39.17) in 1990 to 15.81 (95% CI: 7.99 to 21.79) in 2019 for bladder cancers, from 78.94 (95% CI: 75.97 to 81.31) in 1990 to 59.79 (95% CI: 55.32 to 63.83) in 2019 for kidney cancer, and from 192.27 (95% CI: 137.00 to 241.05) in 1990 to - 103.99 (95% CI: - 183.82 to 51.75) in 2019 for prostate cancer. Moreover, the concentration index changed from 12.44 (95% CI, 11.86 to 12.74) in 1990 to 15.72 (95% CI, 15.14 to 16.01) in 2019 for bladder cancer, from 33.88 (95% CI: 33.35 to 34.17) in 1990 to 31.13 (95% CI: 30.36 to 31.43) in 2019 for kidney cancer, and from 14.61 (95% CI: 13.89 to 14.84) in 1990 to 5.89 (95% CI: 5.16 to 6.26) in 2019 for prostate cancer. Notably, the males presented higher inequality than females in both bladder and kidney cancer from 1990 to 2019.
    CONCLUSIONS: Different patterns of inequality were observed in the three cancers, necessitating tailored national cancer control strategies to mitigate disparities. Priority interventions for bladder and kidney cancer should target higher socioeconomic regions, whereas interventions for prostate cancer should prioritize the lowest socioeconomic regions. Additionally, addressing higher inequality in males requires more intensive interventions among males from higher socioeconomic regions.





