gingival enlargement

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Gingival enlargement (GE) can result from gingival inflammation, fibrous overgrowth, or a combination of both factors. Various etiological factors contribute to GE, including low-grade trauma, iatrogenic causes, drug-induced effects, systemic diseases, plaque accumulation, hormonal influences, vitamin deficiencies, genetic predispositions, and idiopathic reasons. Effective treatment in clinical practice hinges on accurately diagnosing the underlying cause. Among these, plaque-induced inflammation is the most common, driven by the accumulation of plaque and calculus. One challenge in maintaining oral hygiene is orthodontic treatment, which can impact speech, chewing, aesthetics, and psychological well-being. In this case report, a 21-year-old female patient developed GE associated with orthodontic appliance use. To address this, excess gingival tissue was surgically removed under local anesthesia using gingivectomy and gingivoplasty procedures, and the excised tissue was sent for histopathological examination. Following the surgery, a periodontal dressing (GC Coe Pack™) was applied to protect the tissue and aid in healing. The case underscores that enlarged gingival tissue, covering nearly half of the dental crowns, led to plaque accumulation and aesthetic concerns. Post-procedure, achieving a proper gingival contour eliminated suprabony pockets and enhanced the aesthetic appearance. The patient showed positive outcomes with no remaining suprabony pockets, resulting in a natural gingival contour, improved aesthetics, and reduced plaque retention. Surgical gingivectomy and gingivoplasty proved to be successful interventions in this case.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Gingival inflammation and fibrous type of overgrowth, or a combination of both can lead to gingival enlargement (GE), and this negatively affects mainly masticatory function and esthetics, and sometimes causes psychological issues in patients. A typical characteristic of gingival diseases is gingival overgrowth, which can be brought on by fibrous overgrowth, gingival inflammation, or a combination of the two. It is a complex ailment arising from interactions between the environment and the host or different stimuli. Patients frequently have misaligned teeth, which encourages the buildup of bacterial plaque and unintentionally fuels gingival inflammation. Fixed orthodontic equipment can rectify this misalignment but they may also promote plaque buildup and the ensuing development of GE, gingival invaginations, and generalized hyperplastic gingivitis. The attachment of application and the rise in the amount of discernible supra- and subgingival plaque cause changes in microbial growth. Moreover, the force used in the treatment tends to activate the gingival soft tissue response. Clinical consequences such as persistent infection, inflammatory hyperplasia, gingival recession, attachment loss, or gingival overgrowth may arise after the device is placed. \'Plaque-induced\' and \'non-plaque-induced\' gingival disorders, such as gingival overgrowth, can be distinguished; however, a more precise fundamental etiology is frequently discernible. Several hereditary, systemic, or infectious diseases do not depend on plaque induction. Accompanying plaque accumulation in certain circumstances may make the clinical appearance worse. The case described here is of a 21-year-old female patient presenting with anterior maxillary GE associated with lateral incisors with orthodontic therapy. Surgical therapy was carried out to provide an excellent esthetic outcome for the patient.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Beta-thalassemia major is a blood disorder caused by impaired synthesis of hemoglobin beta chain. Oral manifestations of beta-thalassemia major in pregnancy have rarely been reported.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to describe a case of oral manifestations in a pregnant woman with beta-thalassemia major for multidisciplinary management.
    UNASSIGNED: A 27-year-old woman, suffering from beta thalassemia major who is undergoing therapy in the form of routine blood transfusions every month and taking anti-chelation drugs but is currently stopping this because she is pregnant, currently 16 weeks pregnant, complains complained of swollen gums, bleeding, and bad breath. Extraoral examination revealed dry, exfoliative lips. Intraoral examination revealed gingival hyperplasia with erythema, soft consistency, dark red rounded gingival margins, bleeding, true pockets and pain throughout the labial, buccal, palatal, and lingual. There was no history of systemic disease in this patient. Patient has never visited a dentist, either before or now, with complaints about her oral cavity. Hematological parameters showed abnormalities, and peripheral blood examination revealed an infection. The oral diagnoses included gingival enlargement and chronic periodontitis associated with pregnancy and β- thalassemia major.
    UNASSIGNED: Dental management consisted of spooling with 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) spooling, chlorine dioxide spray mouthwash, antibiotics, calculus removal, and oral hygiene instructions. Blood transfusions were administered once a month, and anti-chelation therapy was stopped during pregnancy. After three months of multidisciplinary management, the results were satisfactory.
    UNASSIGNED: Multidisciplinary, collaborative dental and medical management with non-surgical therapy of oral manifestations in pregnant women with beta-thalassemia major showed satisfactory results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Resveratrol is a natural polyphenolic compound with biological activities such as anti-inflammation and antioxidation. Its anti-fibrotic effect has been experimentally demonstrated in the pancreas and liver. This study aims to determine the anti-proliferative effect of resveratrol on fibroblasts obtained from hyperplastic gingival tissues from a patient diagnosed with Juvenile Hyaline Fibromatosis (JHF).
    METHODS: Primary gingival fibroblast cell lines were obtained from gingival growth tissues by the gingivectomy of a patient with JHF. Gingival fibroblasts were treated with or without 3 different doses of resveratrol (50, 100, 200 µM). Cytotoxicity and cell proliferation were evaluated after 24, 48, and 72 h. Collagen, TGF, and CTGF were analyzed by ELISA in the 48-hour supernatants.
    RESULTS: All three doses of resveratrol suppressed the proliferation of JHF gingival fibroblasts at 24 and 48 h without showing any cytotoxic effect compared to the control group (p < 0.0001). At 72 h, 100 and 200 µM resveratrol showed significantly less proliferation (p < 0.0001), less collagen, CTGF, and TGF- β (p < 0.001) than the control group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Resveratrol had a profound anti-proliferative effect on gingival fibroblasts obtained from gingival enlargements with JHF, suggesting that it can be used as a therapeutic to prevent excessive cell growth by suppressing collagen, CTGF, and TGF- β synthesis in the pathogenesis of hyperplasia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the antiproliferative properties of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on gingival fibroblasts obtained from calcium channel blocker-induced gingival overgrowth (GO). Gingival fibroblasts of patients with GO were compared to healthy gingival fibroblasts (H). Both cells were exposed to LLLT (685 nm wavelength, 25mW power, diode laser) and compared to those not treated with LLLT. Cell proliferation and viability were measured with MTT assay at baseline and after 24 and 72 h. TGF-β1, CTGF, and collagen Type 1 levels were evaluated with Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). LLLT significantly decreased the proliferation of GO fibroblasts (p < 0.05) while leading to a significantly higher proliferation in H fibroblasts compared to the untreated cells (p < 0.05). GO cells showed significantly higher CTGF, TGF-β, and collagen Type 1 expression than the H cells (p < 0.05). LLLT significantly reduced CTGF levels in GO cells compared to the control group (p < 0.05). In H cells, CTGF and TGF-β levels were also significantly decreased in response to LLLT compared to the control group (p < 0.05). While LLLT significantly reduced collagen expression in the H group (p < 0.05), it did not significantly impact the GO cells. LLLT significantly reduced the synthesis of the growth factors and collagen in both groups with an antiproliferative effect on the gingival fibroblasts from calcium channel blocker-induced GO, suggesting that it can offer a therapeutic approach in the clinical management of drug-induced GO, reversing the fibrotic changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article\'s goal is to describe a case of oral contraceptives-related drug-induced gingival hypertrophy that was treated with nonsurgical and surgical periodontal therapy. The most prevalent negative side effect of systemic medicine on the periodontal tissues continues to be drug-induced gingival overgrowth. Specific regulatory molecules known as hormones control a variety of bodily processes. Gingival hypertrophies are sometimes linked to oral contraceptives that contain oestrogen and/or progesterone. A 32-year-old female presented with a complaint of swelling of the gingiva with spontaneous bleeding in the maxillary right quadrant region for a period of two months. The medical history documented the use of contraceptives for three months, and a clinical examination revealed the existence of poor oral hygiene and enlarged painful gingival tissues that bled when touched. Intraoral examination revealed that there was unilateral, generalized, diffuse gingival enlargement with pseudo pockets. Patient was diagnosed with gingival fibromatosis a based on the clinical, histological, and radiographic findings. The gingival enlargement was treated by conventional gingivectomy under local anaesthesia. The postoperative result was uneventful. Women who use oral contraceptives are a \"risk group\" for periodontal infections. On oral contraceptives, not every female reacts the same way. In periodontal therapy, plaque management is the most crucial step. Patient compliance is another element that affects a therapy\'s response. The patient demonstrated appropriate oral hygiene practices and adhered to home care guidelines adequately.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a rare, complex genetic disorder characterized by hamartomas and neoplastic lesions in various organ systems. With the development of radiology and gene testing, the diagnostic criteria for TSC were updated in 2012 at the International Consensus Conference. Intraoral fibromas have long been associated with TSC. However, the incidence of giant cell angiofibroma (GCA) in TSC patients is extremely rare. Here, we report the first case of GCA in the gingival tissue of a patient with TSC.
    METHODS: A 41-year-old woman first visited the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Chonnam National University Dental Hospital, complaining of gingival enlargement. Clinical examination revealed several manifestations associated with TSC, including intraoral fibromas, facial angiofibromas, dental enamel pits, ungual fibromas, \"confetti\" skin lesions, hypomelanotic macules, and a shagreen patch. Intraoral examination revealed a 6.0 × 5.0 cm gingival overgrowth on the left mandible. Surgical excision was performed, and subsequent histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of GCA. There was no evidence of recurrence within the 24- months of surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: We report the first case of GCA in the gingival tissue of a patient with TSC. This report would contribute to an improved understanding of this rare disease. However, further case reports are necessary to clarify the relationship between GCA and TSC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate and compare the reliability and quality of the information about gingival enlargements on YouTube and TikTok.
    METHODS: Two popular video sites, YouTube and TikTok, were searched for gingival enlargement and gingival hyperplasia. The reliability and quality of the first 300 videos for each search term, which is 1200 videos in total, were evaluated by social media video content evaluation tools: Global Quality Score (GQS) for quality and modified DISCERN for reliability.
    RESULTS: Health professionals uploaded 68.6% of the videos on YouTube and 54.5% on TikTok. It was observed that 50% of TikTok videos and 65.9% of YouTube videos were educational. In terms of quality, 2.7% of the videos on YouTube are of excellent quality, while in TikTok there are no videos of perfect quality. TikTok videos had considerably more views, likes, viewing rates, and interaction index scores than YouTube videos (P < 0.01).
    CONCLUSIONS: The videos and pieces of information on YouTube are more reliable and accurate in terms of gingival enlargement when compared to TikTok. Nevertheless, it was discovered that videos on both platforms were of poor reliability and quality in general.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Zimmermann-Laband Syndrome (ZLS) and infantile systemic hyalinosis (ISH) are rare genetic disorders. They are characterized by various spectrum manifestations. In spite of other case reports, this case with features of both syndromes was reported by oral medicine specialists and oral and maxillofacial surgeons.
    In this study, we reported an 18-months old female patient with gingival overgrowth. This phenomenon completely embedded all the erupted teeth. In this case, the presence of multiple papulonodular cutaneous lesions is a newly observed aspect that has rarely been reported in the existing literature. Gingival overgrowth was excised under general anesthesia. At six months of follow-up after surgery, mastication and breathing problems were improved. Aesthetic aspects were ameliorated in terms of gingival appearance.
    To date, due to the ambiguous presentations, both syndromes remain an enigma for specialists. A timely diagnosis could be crucial for prognosis and preventing severe further surcharge. Dentists could play an important role in the diagnosis of rare disorders.





