giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCTTS), also termed Tenosynovial giant cell tumor (TGCT), is a locally aggressive tumor which originates from tendon sheaths or bursas. Around 3-5% of these tumors arise from foot and ankle. Localized lesions in this area are often manifested as firm masses or nodules with slow but continuous progression through months and years. Pain associated with weight-bearing, as well as limitations in joint motions, may be reported, depending on tumor\'s location. Surgery is the treatment of choice for the definitive removal of GCTTSs with the aim to eradicate the neoplasm and restore the lower limb\'s functionality.
    UNASSIGNED: Thirteen cases suffering from GCTTS of the foot and ankle underwent surgical resection at our institution between 2017 and 2022. For each case we recorded pre-operative and post-operative symptoms, as well as their pre-operative and post-operative functional status according to both MSTS and AOFAS scores. Eventual complications and local recurrences were reported.
    UNASSIGNED: Each patient experienced an at least mild pain before surgical treatment. The mean pre-operative MSTS and AOFAS scores were 22.8 and 70.7, respectively. The mean tumor size was 17.7 mm. Each patient received a resection with wide margins. Two cases (15.4%) had local recurrences. None had major complications at their latest follow-up. After the surgery, the mean post-operative MSTS and AOFAS scores increased to 28.3 and 92.2, respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: Resection with wide margins for foot and ankle GCTTS is effective in restoring the patients\' lower limb functionality and is associated with reasonable local recurrence rates.
    UNASSIGNED: Gigantiniᶙ ląsteliᶙ sausgysliᶙ apvalkalo navikas (trumpinys GCTTS), kuris taip pat vadinamas tenosinoviniu gigantiniᶙ ląsteliᶙ naviku (trumpinys TGCT), yra lokalus agresyvus navikas, visᶙ pirma pasireiškiantis sausgyslės apvalkale arba bursoje. Maždaug 3–5 % šiᶙ navikᶙ atsiranda pėdoje arba kulkšnyje. Lokalūs šios srities pažeidimai dažnai pasireiškia susidarančia kieta mase arba gumbeliais, kuriᶙ lėtas, tačiau nuolatinis progresavimas gali trukti mėnesius ar net metus. Pacientᶙ galimi nusiskundimai – skausmas, atsiradęs nešant svorį, ir sąnariᶙ judesiᶙ ribotumas; tai priklauso nuo naviko vietos. GCTTS užtikrintai pašalinti būtina operacija. Tokiu būdu sunaikinama neoplazma ir atkuriamas apatinės galūnės funkcionalumas.
    UNASSIGNED: Mūsᶙ institucijoje nuo 2017 iki 2022 metᶙ buvo nustatyta 13 GCTTS atvejᶙ pėdoje ar kulkšnyje, kai prireikė chirurginės rezekcijos. Kiekvienu atveju registravome priešoperacinius ir pooperacinius simptomus. Taip pat fiksavome priešoperacinį ir pooperacinį funkcinį statusą pagal tiek MSTS, tiek ir AOFAS skaliᶙ vertinimus. Pateikėme ataskaitą apie vėlesnes komplikacijas ir vietinį išplitimą.
    UNASSIGNED: Prieš chirurginį gydymą kiekvienas pacientas patyrė bent jau nestiprᶙ skausmą. Vidutiniai priešoperaciniai MSTS ir AOFAS skaliᶙ vertinimai buvo atitinkamai 22,8 ir 70,7. Vidutinis naviko dydis – 17,7 mm. Kiekvienam pacientui buvo atlikta rezekcija su didelėmis pakraščio zonomis. Dviem atvejais (15,4 %) navikai vėl susiformavo. Nė vienam pacientui vėlesnio stebėjimo laikotarpiu nepasireiškė jokiᶙ sudėtingesniᶙ komplikacijᶙ. Atlikus operaciją, vidutiniai pooperaciniai MSTS ir AOFAS skaliᶙ balai išaugo atitinkamai iki 28,3 ir 92,2.
    UNASSIGNED: Rezekcija su didelėmis pakraščio zonomis pėdos ar kulkšnies GCTTS atveju efektyviai padeda atkurti pacientᶙ apatiniᶙ galūniᶙ funkcionalumą ir yra susijusi su priimtinai nežymiu naviko išplitimo procentu.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCTTS) is commonly seen in the appendicular skeleton, and rarely arises from the axial skeleton. We describe a rare case of GCTTS in an adolescent in the upper cervical spine.
    UNASSIGNED: A previously healthy 16-year-old boy presented with a 6-month history of numbness of right upper extremity, and had experienced a neck pain 4 months ago. Spinal MRI demonstrated a small syrinx at C2 level and a well-circumscribed extradural mass with contrast enhancement extending from the posterior arch of C1 to C2. The extradural mass was totally resected, and the syrinx underwent clinical and imaging surveillance.
    UNASSIGNED: GCTTS should be considered in the differential diagnosis of the axial skeletal lesion although very rare. Gross-total resection is advocated in GCTTS of the upper cervical spine, and subtotal resection with meticulous lesion monitoring should be performed in unresectable cases.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCTTS) is one of the common tumors of the hand, second only to a simple ganglionic cyst. It can arise from the synovium of joint, bursa, or tendon sheath. Two-thirds of the tumors occur on the volar aspect of fingers. GCTTS in palm is extremely rare. Recurrence of GCTTS is also rare.
    UNASSIGNED: We report a 22-year-old female patient who presented to us with palmar swelling on the right hand for 6 years and operated with excision 4 years ago and having a recurrent larger swelling 8 months after the surgery. She was operated with tumor excision supported with marginal excision of the tumor. Follow-up at 1 year showed no recurrence with satisfactory outcome.
    UNASSIGNED: GCTTS of the palm is rare. GCTTS recurrences are rarer. This was a recurrence of the rare palmar GCTTS of an unusually large size with secondary contracture which was successfully managed without recurrence and improvement from pre-operative hand functions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Tenosynovial giant cell tumor (TSGCT) represents a family of benign tumors that arise from the synovial tissue of a joint, tendon sheath, or bursa. It usually involves the joints of the extremities and rarely occurs in the head and neck region. Here, we describe a case of a 32-year-old man with a submucosal mass bulging in the posterior pharyngeal wall since one month. The lesion was removed and diagnosed with localized type of TSGCT based on histopathological investigations and clinical presentation. It is very rare that TSGCT occurs in the retropharynx, which reminds clinicians to consider this entity as a possible diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCTTS) predominantly occurs in the tendon sheaths of the hand, but rarely in those of the knee. The current study reports the case of a 36-year-old male patient presenting with anterior knee pain. The patient was ultimately diagnosed with GCTTS in the knee mimicking patellar tendinopathy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of its kind. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a well-defined oval intra-articular lesion located at the proximal segment of the infrapatellar fat pad. The lesion was completely excised under arthroscopy and pathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of GCTTS. There was no evidence of recurrence at the 2-year follow-up examination. The findings of the present study suggest that, despite its rarity, GCTTS should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patellar tendinopathy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study presents the case of a 25-year-old male who developed tumor recurrence of the proximal phalange of the ring finger on the right hand 4 years after partial tumor resection surgery. An X-ray of the right hand showed that the distal bone of the proximal phalange on the ring finger was destroyed. An artificial finger joint replacement was performed using a silicone joint for this unusual tumor recurrence. The pathological findings were indicative of a giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath. As a result of surgery, the patient\'s proximal interphalangeal point motion recovered to the pre-operative level. The pre-operative and post-operative disabilities of the arm, at shoulder and hand and total activity measurement values were 1.67 and 3.33, and 255 and 243°, respectively. Complications such as tumor recurrence, joint dislocation and the requirement for prosthetic training were not observed during the 5-year follow-up period.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current report presents the case of a 41-year-old male exhibiting a giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCT-TS) arising from the patellar tendon sheath. Plain radiography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a well-localized mass that wrapped around the patellar tendon, and extended from the subcutis into the infrapatellar fat pad and tibia. Following histopathological determination of the diagnosis, a piecemeal resection was performed. Nodular-type GCT-TS occurs less frequently in large joints compared with the small joints of the fingers and toes. The current report presents the unique features of a case of GCT-TS extending around the patellar tendon, and invading into the knee joint and proximal tibia bone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCTTS) is a benign proliferative lesion of synovial origin that may affect the joints, bursae and tendon sheaths. We report the case of a giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath arising from the carpal tunnel of the wrist in a 47-year-old woman. The patient underwent ultrasound (US) examination and subsequently magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
    SommarioIl tumore gigantocellulare delle guaine tendinee (GCTTS) è una lesione benigna di tipo proliferativo che origina dalla sinovia e che coinvolge le articolazioni, le borse e le guaine sinoviali. Il caso descritto è quello di un tumore gigantocellulare delle guaine tendinee localizzato a livello del canale del carpo riscontrato in una donna di 47 anni. La paziente ha eseguito esame Ecografico e successivamente esame di Risonanza Magnetica.





