genetic monitoring

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Laboratory animal research involving mice, requires consideration of many factors to be controlled. Genetic quality is one factor that is often overlooked but is essential for the generation of reproducible experimental results. Whether experimental research involves inbred mice, spontaneous mutant, or genetically modified strains, exercising genetic quality through careful breeding, good recordkeeping, and prudent quality control steps such as validation of the presence of mutations and verification of the genetic background, will help ensure that experimental results are accurate and that reference controls are representative for the particular experiment. In this review paper, we will discuss various techniques used for the generation of genetically altered mice, and the different aspects to be considered regarding genetic quality, including inbred strains and substrains used, quality check controls during and after genetic manipulation and breeding. We also provide examples for when to use the different techniques and considerations on genetic quality checks. Further, we emphasize on the importance of establishing an in-house genetic quality program.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular approaches to calculate effective population size estimates (Ne) are increasingly used as an alternative to long-term demographic monitoring of wildlife populations. However, the complex ecology of most long-lived species and the consequent uncertainties in model assumptions means that effective population size estimates are often imprecise. Although methods exist to incorporate age structure into Ne estimations for long-lived species with overlapping generations, they are rarely used owing to the lack of relevant information for most wild populations. Here, we performed a case study on an elusive woodland bat, Myotis bechsteinii, to compare the use of the parentage assignment Ne estimator (EPA) with the more commonly used linkage disequilibrium (LD) Ne estimator in detecting long-term population trends, and assessed the impacts of deploying different overall sample sizes. We used genotypic data from a previously published study, and simulated 48 contrasting demographic scenarios over 150 years using the life history characteristics of this species The LD method strongly outperformed the EPA method. As expected, smaller sample sizes resulted in a reduced ability to detect population trends. Nevertheless, even the smallest sample size tested (n = 30) could detect important changes (60%-80% decline) with the LD method. These results demonstrate that genetic approaches can be an effective way to monitor long-lived species, such as bats, provided that they are undertaken over multiple decades.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small, isolated populations are constantly threatened by loss of genetic diversity due to drift. Such situations are found, for instance, in laboratory culturing. In guarding against diversity loss, monitoring of potential changes in population structure is paramount; this monitoring is most often achieved using microsatellite markers, which can be costly in terms of time and money when many loci are scored in large numbers of individuals. Here, we present a case study reducing the number of microsatellites to the minimum necessary to correctly detect the population structure of two Drosophila nigrosparsa populations. The number of loci was gradually reduced from 11 to 1, using the Allelic Richness (AR) and Private Allelic Richness (PAR) as criteria for locus removal. The effect of each reduction step was evaluated by the number of genetic clusters detectable from the data and by the allocation of individuals to the clusters; in the latter, excluding ambiguous individuals was tested to reduce the rate of incorrect assignments. We demonstrate that more than 95% of the individuals can still be correctly assigned when using eight loci and that the major population structure is still visible when using two highly polymorphic loci. The differences between sorting the loci by AR and PAR were negligible. The method presented here will most efficiently reduce genotyping costs when small sets of loci (\"core sets\") for long-time use in large-scale population screenings are compiled.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The potential of genetic, genomic, and phenotypic metrics for monitoring population trends may be especially high in isolated regions, where traditional demographic monitoring is logistically difficult and only sporadic sampling is possible. This potential, however, is relatively underexplored empirically. Over eleven years, we assessed several such metrics along with traditional ecological knowledge and catch data in a socioeconomically important trout species occupying a large, remote lake. The data revealed largely stable characteristics in two populations over 2-3 generations, but possible contemporary changes in a third population. These potential shifts were suggested by reduced catch rates, reduced body size, and changes in selection implied at one gene-associated single nucleotide polymorphism. A demographic decline in this population, however, was ambiguously supported, based on the apparent lack of temporal change in effective population size, and corresponding traditional knowledge suggesting little change in catch. We illustrate how the pluralistic approach employed has practicality for setting future monitoring efforts of these populations, by guiding monitoring priorities according to the relative merits of different metrics and availability of resources. Our study also considers some advantages and disadvantages to adopting a pluralistic approach to population monitoring where demographic data are not easily obtained.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow persists as a remnant population in a highly fragmented and regulated arid-land river system. The species is subject to dramatic annual fluctuations in density. Since 2003, the wild population has been supplemented by hatchery-reared fish. We report on a 12-year (1999-2010) monitoring study of genetic diversity and effective population size (N(e)) of wild and hatchery stocks. Our goals were to evaluate how genetic metrics responded to changes in wild fish density and whether they corresponded to the number and levels of diversity of hatchery-reared repatriates. Genetic diversity and all measures of N(e) in the wild population did not correlate with wild fish density until hatchery supplementation began in earnest. Estimates of variance and inbreeding effective size were not correlated. Our results suggest source-sink dynamics where captive stocks form a genetically diverse source and the wild population behaves as a sink. Nevertheless, overall genetic diversity of silvery minnow has been maintained over the last decade, and we attribute this to a well-designed and executed propagation management plan. When multiple factors like environmental fluctuation and hatchery supplementation act simultaneously on a population, interpretation of genetic monitoring data may be equally complex and require considerable ecological data.





