
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Bone is one of the common sites of metastasis in lung cancer. Pathological fractures of the femur significantly reduce patients\' quality of life and increase the risk of death. However, there is still no consensus on the optimal treatment of pathological femoral fractures. The authors\' report provides a treatment method for a patient with pathological fracture of lung cancer with preoperative HIFU lesion ablation followed by combined intramedullary nail fixation.
    UNASSIGNED: A 61-year-old Chinese woman was hospitalized with severe pain in her right thigh. X-ray and CT examination at admission considered pathological fracture of the right femur. MRI showed a comminuted fracture of the middle and lower part of the right femur, swelling of the surrounding soft tissue, and effusion. WBS showed an abnormal concentration of imaging agent at the right femoral fracture end and abnormal bone metabolism. After a lung biopsy, it was diagnosed as lung cancer with femoral metastasis and pathological fracture.
    UNASSIGNED: The patient underwent HIFU ablation before surgery to reduce the lesion, and a re-examination MRI showed that the signal at the lesion was significantly reduced, and the lesion volume was significantly reduced. The operation was performed by open reduction and intramedullary nail fixation, focal excision, and bone cement filling. After 6 months of follow-up, the patient\'s bone metastasis was not aggravated, and there was no loosening or fracture of the right femoral intramedullary nail.
    UNASSIGNED: This is a case of pathological fracture of the femur caused by bone metastases from pulmonary cancer. The patient used HIFU to reduce the lesion before the operation and combined it with intramedullary nail internal fixation to treat the pathological fracture. A satisfactory therapeutic effect was obtained. The authors believe that this is a safe and effective treatment. This case may be beneficial to the treatment of pathological fracture of bone metastasis of lung cancer.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Endovascular treatment of the common femoral artery (CFA) and its branches is often challenging. Sometimes, stent placement cannot be avoided. Furthermore, stent placement in this area carries several risks for complications. We present a challenging case in which we used a rotational atherectomy device percutaneously in cross-over-technique to recanalize the external iliac artery in combination with the femoral bifurcation, all in one session - and - without the need for a femoral stent in a multimorbid patient. We also tried to gain more insights in the patient\'s perspective and we took a validated health status evaluation into account.
    METHODS: The patient was presented due to chronic open wounds on the left foot for months (Stadium Fontaine IV). Duplex sonography and CT angiography showed a complete occlusion of the left external iliac artery with involvement of the left common femoral artery. Due to the pre-existing chronic diseases and the high risk of prolonged anesthesia, the patient was not suitable for open reconstruction of the common femoral artery. We aimed for endovascular therapy using a crossover maneuver to minimize anesthesia time as much as possible. The percutaneous treatment was performed with a rotational atherectomy device and drug-coated balloon angioplasty with satisfying angiographic results and complete blood-flow restoration. No peri-procedural complications occurred. We gained experience with this endovascular-treatment-device in our teaching hospital and more difficult cases can now be treated. The patient\'s perspective and health status were assessed during follow-up visit.
    CONCLUSIONS: The endovascular treatment of severe calcifications in peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) seems to be a good solution for selected patients, significantly minimizing surgical trauma. The newly combined rotational atherectomy and thrombectomy devices have demonstrated positive outcomes in areas where conventional treatment has traditionally been the standard. The groin types of peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) are quite often challenging to operate. Open treatment of the common femoral artery has been the standard procedure until modern endovascular possibilities provide a new concept in this treatment, emphasizing a minimal invasive approach in multi morbid patients. The case description results in an illustrated follow up period of 6 months and is presented in line with the recommendations of the consensus-based surgical case reporting guideline development.
    CONCLUSIONS: Managing peripheral arterial occlusive disease in the groin region poses a continual challenge. Traditionally, open treatment of the common femoral artery has been - and is - the established procedure. However, contemporary endovascular options now introduce a new paradigm in this treatment, highlighting minimally invasive approaches in multi morbid patients and its patient satisfaction.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Reactivation of the varicella zoster virus (VZV) results in herpes zoster (HZ), which is a painful unilateral rash with a typical dermatomal distribution. HZ may be followed by postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), vasculopathy, myelopathy, retinal necrosis, and cerebellitis. Vasculopathy can cause ischemic stroke, aneurysms, arterial dissection, transient ischemic attack, and rarely, peripheral arterial disease (PAD). The possible mechanism is that the VZV travels to the arteries through the sensory ganglia, leading to inflammation and pathological vascular remodeling, which result in vasculopathy.
    METHODS: Here, we describe a rare case of femoral artery occlusion induced vasculopathy 5 years after HZ. A 65-year-old woman visited our pain clinic with persistent pain following HZ that occurred 3 months earlier. She had several rash scars on the right thigh along with a continuous throbbing, shooting, and sharp pain. The patient was diagnosed with PHN and prescribed with medications that relieved the leg pain. The symptoms remained stationary for almost 5 years. She presented again with complaints of a paroxysmal tingling sensation in the right thigh and claudication due to increased pain, which had begun 6 months prior. She reported leg pain after walking for 10 minutes. Lumbar spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed foraminal stenosis at the level of right L2, with no abnormality below L2. Subsequently, the patient was evaluated for vascular diseases. Lower extremity ultrasonography and computed tomography (CT) angiography revealed stenosis and thrombotic occlusions in the right superficial femoral and tibial arteries as well as the left middle femoral and tibial arteries. Surgical revascularization via percutaneous angioplasty was performed bilaterally. The leg pain was relieved after the procedure and the claudication improved.
    CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral artery occlusion is a rare phenomenon following HZ. In cases involving changes in HZ symptoms, further evaluation is required for potential vasculopathy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Schwannomas are benign usually encapsulated nerve sheath tumors derived from the Schwann cells, and affecting single or multiple nerves. The tumors commonly arise from the cranial nerves as acoustic neurinomas but they are extremely rare in the pelvis and the retroperitoneal area. Retroperitoneal pelvic schwannomas often present with non-specific symptoms leading to misdiagnosis and prolonged morbidity.
    METHODS: We report the case of a 59-year-old woman presenting with a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen who was found to have a retroperitoneal pelvic schwannoma originating from the right femoral nerve. She had a history of two resections of peripheral schwannomas at four different sites of limbs. After conducting magnetic resonance imaging, this pelvic schwannoma was misdiagnosed as a gynecological malignancy. The tumor was successfully removed by laparoscopic surgery. Pathological analysis of the mass revealed a benign schwannoma of the femoral nerve sheath with demonstrating strong, diffuse positivity for S-100 protein.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although retroperitoneal pelvic schwannoma is rare, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pelvic masses, especially in patients with a history of neurogenic mass or the presence of neurogenic mass elsewhere.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a case of \"De Garengeot\'s hernia\" (DGH), a rare condition that occurs when the inflamed appendix is localized inside a femoral hernia. The appendix may be involved in inflammatory or necrotic processes and the treatment is emergency surgery. It is usually discovered by chance during surgery. It occurs in 0.5%-5% of all femoral hernias. In 0.08%-0.13% of cases, the appendix can present inflammatory or necrotic processes due to the narrowness of the neck of the femoral canal; in these cases, an emergency surgery is required through a no standard surgical procedure. In the other cases, it is usually found accidentally during surgical repair of the hernia or more rarely diagnosed preoperatively by CT. Therefore, the purpose of our study is to report a case of DGH describing CT main findings in order to improve the preoperative diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Non-union is a prevalent complication of scaphoid fractures. Late diagnosis is common and has a clinical impact due to functional limitations for the patient. Multiple treatments have been proposed to manage this complication, ranging from conservative (i.e., orthopedic) to surgical treatment. The vascularized medial femoral condyle technique has shown satisfactory clinical and paraclinical results, mainly in presence of avascular necrosis of the proximal pole but data regarding functional outcomes and patient satisfaction is scarce. This case series aims to describe the clinical and patient-reported outcomes in a consecutive series of patients with non-union of the proximal third of the scaphoid treated with vascularized medial femoral condyle technique.
    METHODS: Case series reporting results for a consecutive - initial cohort of patients who presented with a non united fracture of the proximal pole of the scaphoid, avascular necrosis of the proximal pole was documented by CT od MRI imaging preoperatively in all patients. Measurement instruments include the q-DASH and PRWE questionnaires, radiographic images, goniometry, and assessment of grip strength.
    RESULTS: Twelve consecutive patients are included and they represent the initial cases for all surgeons involved; bone union was obtained in 10 patients (83%) after a mean follow-up time of 31 months (6-72), successful improvement in the range of motion and grip strength was documented. A high rate of satisfaction expressed by the patient was obtained, with an average score in Q-DASH of 17.3 and 20.1 in PRWE.
    CONCLUSIONS: The vascularized medial condyle technique in cases of nonunion of scaphoid fracture is a reproducible treatment in clinical terms, both in imaging and functional terms, and in patient satisfaction. The learning curve is flat for a dedicated multi surgeon team.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    An obturator hernia is a rare pelvic hernia with high mortality. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to reduce postoperative complications. The treatment of choice for obturator hernias is surgery. In an emergency, laparotomy to resolve herniated viscera and complications is often the choice. However, some researchers have shown the feasibility of laparoscopy. The laparoscopic approach has several benefits over the open approach, including reduced postoperative pain, early mobilization, shorter length of stay, and lower postoperative morbidity rates. We report the case of an 81-year-old woman with a right-side obstructed obturator hernia. The patient was hospitalized with an acute onset of inner thigh pain and bowel obstruction. The obturator hernia was diagnosed preoperatively by an abdominopelvic CT scan with the image of protrusion of an ileal loop in the right obturator foramen. The patient was treated by an emergency laparoscopy. The right obturator hernia and a concurrent right femoral hernia were confirmed during the operation. The hernia defect was repaired with a mesh large enough to cover all hernia foramen. The patient recovered without any complications. Emergency laparoscopic repair for obstructed obturator hernia was safe and effective.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Bilateral concomitant inguinal and femoral hernias are an uncommon presentation clinically. If not managed in time, femoral hernias may be associated with incarceration or even strangulation.
    METHODS: We report the case of a 75-year-old male who presented with bilateral inguinal and femoral swellings which were diagnosed clinically and by ultrasound scan as uncomplicated inguinal and femoral hernias. Surgical management was done using the inguinal approach. His postoperative period was uneventful and was discharged without any complaint on the 4th post-operative day.
    UNASSIGNED: Bilateral concomitant inguinal and femoral hernias are a rare presentation. Surgery was done as the best option to prevent complications. The literature suggests that it remains the gold standard of management in groin hernias in adults.
    CONCLUSIONS: We present a rare condition in a 75-year-old male with uncomplicated bilateral concomitant inguinal and femoral hernias.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: The increasing number of primary total hip replacements means that there is an increased need for hip arthroplasty revisions. The periprosthetic fractures which cause bone defects can occur during removal of the femoral component and healing of these fractures can be delayed. In femoral bone defects during revisions, there are no metal augments for filling these defects.
    UNASSIGNED: Fifty-nine-year-old female presented with infected loosening of the left hip non-cemented endoprosthesis 5 years after surgery. The patient underwent removal of endoprosthesis. In 2 months, re-implantation of non-cemented endoprosthesis was performed and biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) ceramic granules with hydroxyapatite/β-tricalcium phosphate (HAp/β-TCP) were implanted in the femoral bone defects. Eleven months following the arthroplasty patient had periprosthetic fracture of the distal third of the left femur. The osteosynthesis was performed and BCP ceramic granules with HAp/β-TCP were used to fill the bone defect. Long-term follow-up showed very good functional outcome and bone defect healing.
    UNASSIGNED: The BCP ceramic granules with HAp/β-TCP material adjusted to the bone defect anatomy, showed effective femoral bone defect and periprosthetic fracture healing in a patient with hip arthroplasty revision and periprosthetic fracture.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Femoral hernias account for 8%-11% of all groin hernias and 3%-5% of all anterior abdominal wall hernias. While groin hernias are more common in males, femoral hernias are developed more commonly in female, accounting for 22%-34% of all groin hernias compared with 1.1% in male. The lifetime risk of developing groin hernia in male is approximately 25% but in female less than 5%, so in all female patients with groin hernias, femoral hernias should be included in the differential diagnosis until proven otherwise. The main concern of a femoral hernia is the higher risk of bowel strangulation, presenting emergently in 32%-39% of patients. We report a case of strangulated femoral hernia in a 78-year-old female who was presented to emergency department with groin abscess based on ultrasound image; patient was then diagnosed as having strangulated femoral hernia and taken to the operating theater, where she was found having strangulated segment of small intestine, so the patient underwent bowel resection and anastomosis with repair of the defect extraperitoneally, and ultimately, the patient improved and discharged from the hospital. Strangulated femoral hernia can present with groin abscess. Furthermore, femoral hernia should be ruled out in elderly patient presented with groin abscess, especially female patients.





