event-related potential

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: It is broadly acknowledged that children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) show verb-related limitations. While most previous studies have focused on tense, the mastery of lexical aspect-particularly telicity-has not been the primary focus of much research. Lexical aspect refers to whether an action has a defined endpoint (telic verbs) or not (atelic verbs).
    OBJECTIVE: This study investigates the effect of telicity on verb recognition in Chilean children with DLD compared to their typically developing (TD) peers using the Event-Related Potential (ERP) technique.
    METHODS: The research design is a mixed factorial design with between-group factors of 2 (DLD/TD) and within-group factors of 2 (telic/atelic verbs) and 2 (coherent/incoherent sentences). The participants were 36 school-aged children (18 DLD, 18 TD) aged 7 to 7 years and 11 months. The task required subjects to listen to sentences that either matched or did not match an action in a video, with sentences including telic or atelic verbs.
    RESULTS: The study found notable differences between groups in how they processed verbs (N400 and post-N400 components) and direct objects (N400 and P600 components).
    CONCLUSIONS: Children with DLD struggled to differentiate telic and atelic verbs, potentially because they employed overgeneralization strategies consistent with the Event Structural Bootstrapping model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Neural efficiency refers to the brain\'s ability to function with reduced resource expenditure while maintaining high performance levels. Previous research has demonstrated that table tennis athletes have greater neural efficiency at the conscious level. However, it is unknown whether they exhibit greater neural efficiency at the unconscious level. Therefore, this study aims to investigate unconscious perceptual processing and neural efficiency in elite table tennis athletes through tasks involving the judgment of spin serves.
    METHODS: Fifty healthy, right-handed individuals participated in this study, including 25 elite table tennis athletes and 25 control participants without professional training experience. To evaluate the unconscious perceptual characteristics of both groups, we used a combination of masked priming paradigm and event-related potential techniques.
    RESULTS: The behavioral results reveal that, compared to the control group, the table tennis athletes displayed reduced reaction times (p < 0.001) and increased priming effects (p < 0.001) under unconscious conditions. The electrophysiological findings indicated that both groups elicited N1, N2, and P2 components. Notably, compared to the control group, the table tennis athletes exhibited significantly lower amplitude responses at the occipital lobe electrodes PO3, POz, PO4, O1, Oz, and O2 (p < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: These results further support the neural efficiency hypothesis, indicating that prolonged professional training enhances athletes\' capacities for specialized unconscious cognitive processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed at developing a noncontact authentication system using event-related pupillary response (ErPR) epochs in an augmented reality (AR) environment. Thirty participants were shown in a rapid serial visual presentation consisting of familiar and unknown human photographs. ErPR was compared with event-related potential (ERP). ERP and ErPR amplitudes for familiar faces were significantly larger compared with those for stranger faces. The ERP-based authentication system exhibited perfect accuracy using a linear support vector machine classifier. A quadratic discriminant analysis classifier trained using ErPR features achieved high accuracy (97%) and low false acceptance (0.03) and false rejection (0.03) rates. The correlation coefficients between ERP and ErPR amplitudes were 0.452-0.829, and the corresponding Bland-Altman plots showed a fairly good agreement between them. The ErPR-based authentication system allows noncontact authentication of persons without the burden of sensor attachment via low-cost, noninvasive, and easily implemented technology in an AR environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Using event-related potentials (ERPs), we aimed to investigate audiovisual integration neural mechanisms during a letter identification task in the left and right sides. Unimodal (A,V) and bimodal (AV) stimuli were presented on either side, with ERPs from unimodal (A,V) stimuli on the same side being compared to those from simultaneous bimodal stimuli (AV). Non-zero results of the AV-(A + V) difference waveforms indicated audiovisual integration on the left/right side.
    RESULTS: When spatially coherent AV stimuli were presented on the right side, two significant ERP components in the integrated differential wave were noted. The N134 and N262, present in the first 300 ms of the AV-(A + V) integration difference wave, indicated significant audiovisual integration effects. However, when these stimuli were presented on the left side, there were no significant integration components. This audiovisual integration difference may stem from left/right asymmetry of cerebral hemisphere language processing.
    CONCLUSIONS: Audiovisual letter information presented on the right side was easier to integrate, process, and represent. Additionally, only one significant integrative component peaked at 140 ms in the parietal cortex for spatially non-coherent AV stimuli and provided audiovisual multisensory integration, which could be attributed to some integrative neural processes that depend on the spatial congruity of the auditory and visual stimuli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study aims to investigate the unknown relationship between inhibitory control and repetitive subconcussion induced by the indirect brain impacts. We enrolled 28 parachuters exposed to repetitive subconcussion (SC) and 27 matched health controls (HC). Parachuters who have completed at least 70 actual parachuting (71-112 times) and at least 1500 simulated platform jumps (1500-4500 times) were included in the SC group. The SC group had a reduced accuracy rate in both the Stroop congruent and incongruent conditions. Larger N2 and N450 amplitudes were elicited in the frontal regions of the SC group, which indicate compensatory adaptations to the deficit in conflict monitoring. The reduced frontal resting-state EEG complexity in full-band (1-40 Hz) may demonstrate the frontal structural damage following the indirect brain impacts of repetitive subconcussion. Pearson correlation analysis showed that in the SC group, the frontal beta-band sample entropy values are positively correlated with the accuracy rate of the Stroop incongruent condition, suggesting the frontal beta-band sample entropy values may serve as potential electrophysiological markers of impaired inhibitory control after indirectly repetitive brain impacts. This study provides the robust evidence that repetitive subconcussion resulting from indirect brain impacts may lead to impairment of inhibitory control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Feline osteoarthritis (OA) leads to chronic pain and somatosensory sensitisation. In humans, sensory exposure can modulate chronic pain. Recently, electroencephalography (EEG) revealed a specific brain signature to human OA. However, EEG pain characterisation or its modulation does not exist in OA cats, and all EEG were conducted in sedated cats, using intradermal electrodes, which could alter sensory (pain) perception.
    METHODS: Cats (n=11) affected by OA were assessed using ten gold-plated surface electrodes. Sensory stimuli were presented in random orders: response to mechanical temporal summation, grapefruit scent and mono-chromatic wavelengths (500 nm-blue, 525 nm-green and 627 nm-red light). The recorded EEG was processed to identify event-related potentials (ERP) and to perform spectral analysis (z-score).
    RESULTS: The procedure was well-tolerated. The ERPs were reported for both mechanical (F3, C3, Cz, P3, Pz) and olfactory stimuli (Cz, Pz). The main limitation was motion artifacts. Spectral analysis revealed a significant interaction between the power of EEG frequency bands and light wavelengths (p<0.001). All wavelengths considered, alpha band proportion was higher than that of delta and gamma bands (p<0.044), while the latter was lower than the beta band (p<0.016). Compared to green and red, exposure to blue light elicited distinct changes in EEG power over time (p<0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first demonstration of EEG feasibility in conscious cats with surface electrodes recording brain activity while exposing them to sensory stimulations.
    CONCLUSIONS: The identification of ERPs and spectral patterns opens new avenues for investigating feline chronic pain and its potential modulation through sensory interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the peripheral nervous system lacks a dedicated receptor, the brain processes temporal information through different sensory channels. A critical question is whether temporal information from different sensory modalities at different times forms modality-specific representations or is integrated into a common representation in a supramodal manner. Behavioral studies on temporal memory mixing and the central tendency effect have provided evidence for supramodal temporal representations. We aimed to provide electrophysiological evidence for this proposal by employing a cross-modality time discrimination task combined with electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings. The task maintained a fixed auditory standard duration, whereas the visual comparison duration was randomly selected from the short and long ranges, creating two different audio-visual temporal contexts. The behavioral results showed that the point of subjective equality (PSE) in the short context was significantly lower than that in the long context. The EEG results revealed that the amplitude of the contingent negative variation (CNV) in the short context was significantly higher (more negative) than in the long context in the early stage, while it was lower (more positive) in the later stage. These results suggest that the audiovisual temporal context is integrated with the auditory standard duration to generate a subjective time criterion. Compared with the long context, the subjective time criterion in the short context was shorter, resulting in earlier decision-making and a preceding decrease in CNV. Our study provides electrophysiological evidence that temporal information from different modalities inputted into the brain at different times can form a supramodal temporal representation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Neurobiological models of addiction posit that addiction manifests through an amplified salience towards addiction-associated stimuli and a diminished responsiveness to non-addiction-related incentives. However, existing research on reward processing in individuals with problematic pornography use (PPU) has primarily been limited to sexual cue reactivity.
    UNASSIGNED: In this event-related potential (ERP) study, we employed a risky decision-making task involving 30 individuals with PPU and 33 healthy controls (HCs) to examine the effects of PPU on non-pornographic (money) reward valuation.
    UNASSIGNED: Compared to HCs, individuals with PPU exhibited compromised sensitivity to monetary rewards. Specifically, while the HC group demonstrated a differential response in late positive potential (LPP) amplitude to various expected value (EV) levels, this pattern was absent in the PPU group. This impairment was associated with poorer adaptive decision-making, as evidenced by PPU participants\' inability to adjust risk choices based on changes in EV, leading to a propensity for riskier decisions in disadvantageous situations.
    UNASSIGNED: The findings of impaired monetary evaluation in individuals with PPU may potentially explain why they continually pursue pornographic rewards while showing insensitivity to other rewards in daily life. Consequently, treatment development strategies may prioritize improving sensitivity to non-pornographic rewards within this population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The way people imagine greatly affects performance of brain-computer interface (BCI) based on motion imagery (MI). Action sequence is a basic unit of imitation, learning, and memory for motor behavior. Whether it influences the MI-BCI is unknown, and how to manifest this influence is difficult since the MI is a spontaneous brain activity. To investigate the influence of the action sequence, this study proposes a novel paradigm named action sequences observing and delayed matching task to use images and videos to guide people to observe, match and reinforce the memory of sequence. Seven subjects\' ERPs and MI performance are analyzed under four different levels of complexities or orders of the sequence. Results demonstrated that the action sequence in terms of complexity and sequence order significantly affects the MI. The complex action in positive order obtains stronger ERD/ERS and more pronounced MI feature distributions, and yields an MI classification accuracy that is 12.3% higher than complex action in negative order (p < 0.05). In addition, the ERP amplitudes derived from the supplementary motor area show a positive correlation to the MI. This study demonstrates a new perspective of improving imagery in the MI-BCI by considering the complexity and order of the action sequences, and provides a novel index for manifesting the MI performance by ERP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past decade, there has been extensive research on the mismatch negativity (MMN) and its promise as a biomarker of illness in people with schizophrenia (SZ). Nevertheless, when attempting to assess the early stages of illness progression, the utility of MMN has been inconsistent. Recently, researchers have been investigating a more advanced MMN paradigm (the complex MMN [cMMN]) which is believed to index higher-order cognitive processing and has been suggested to be a more effective indicator of the early phases of SZ. The cMMN is defined as a paradigm that relies on alterations within a pre-established pattern of stimuli. In this meta-analysis, we investigated cMMN deficits in individuals with SZ, including an analysis involving those in the first 5 years of illness. Our search also included individuals with bipolar disorder who experience psychosis; however, no related papers were found and thus, no findings are reported. Our findings indicate a small/moderate effect (d = 0.47), suggesting that individuals with SZ exhibit reduced cMMN amplitudes compared to individuals without SZ. Interestingly, this effect seems to be more pronounced in individuals within the first 5 years of their illness (d = 0.58), suggesting that cMMN might be a more sensitive biomarker in the early phases of SZ compared to traditional paradigms.





