dosage compensation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Changes in gene dosage can have tremendous evolutionary potential (e.g. whole-genome duplications), but without compensatory mechanisms, they can also lead to gene dysregulation and pathologies. Sex chromosomes are a paradigmatic example of naturally occurring gene dosage differences and their compensation. In species with chromosome-based sex determination, individuals within the same population necessarily show \'natural\' differences in gene dosage for the sex chromosomes. In this Review, we focus on the mammalian X chromosome and discuss recent new insights into the dosage-compensation mechanisms that evolved along with the emergence of sex chromosomes, namely X-inactivation and X-upregulation. We also discuss the evolution of the genetic loci and molecular players involved, as well as the regulatory diversity and potentially different requirements for dosage compensation across mammalian species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heteromorphic sex chromosomes (XY or ZW) present problems of gene dosage imbalance between sexes and with autosomes. A need for dosage compensation has long been thought to be critical in vertebrates. However, this was questioned by findings of unequal mRNA abundance measurements in monotreme mammals and birds. Here, we demonstrate unbalanced mRNA levels of X genes in platypus males and females and a correlation with differential loading of histone modifications. We also observed unbalanced transcripts of Z genes in chicken. Surprisingly, however, we found that protein abundance ratios were 1:1 between the sexes in both species, indicating a post-transcriptional layer of dosage compensation. We conclude that sex chromosome output is maintained in chicken and platypus (and perhaps many other non therian vertebrates) via a combination of transcriptional and post-transcriptional control, consistent with a critical importance of sex chromosome dosage compensation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chondrichthyes is an important lineage to reconstruct the evolutionary history of vertebrates. Here, we analyzed genome synteny for six chondrichthyan chromosome-level genomes. Our comparative analysis reveals a slow evolutionary rate of chromosomal changes, with infrequent but independent fusions observed in sharks, skates, and chimaeras. The chondrichthyan common ancestor had a proto-vertebrate-like karyotype, including the presence of 18 microchromosome pairs. The X chromosome is a conversed microchromosome shared by all sharks, suggesting a likely common origin of the sex chromosome at least 181 million years ago. We characterized the Y chromosomes of two sharks that are highly differentiated from the X except for a small young evolutionary stratum and a small pseudoautosomal region. We found that shark sex chromosomes lack global dosage compensation but that dosage-sensitive genes are locally compensated. Our study on shark chromosome evolution enhances our understanding of shark sex chromosomes and vertebrate chromosome evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The XX/XY sex chromosome system is deeply conserved in therian mammals, as is the role of Sry in testis determination, giving the impression of stasis relative to other taxa. However, the long tradition of cytogenetic studies in mammals documents sex chromosome karyotypes that break this norm in myriad ways, ranging from fusions between sex chromosomes and autosomes to Y chromosome loss. Evolutionary conflict, in the form of sexual antagonism or meiotic drive, is the primary predicted driver of sex chromosome transformation and turnover. Yet conflict-based hypotheses are less considered in mammals, perhaps because of the perceived stability of the sex chromosome system. To address this gap, we catalogue and characterize all described sex chromosome variants in mammals, test for family-specific rates of accumulation, and consider the role of conflict between the sexes or within the genome in the evolution of these systems. We identify 152 species with sex chromosomes that differ from the ancestral state and find evidence for different rates of ancestral to derived transitions among families. Sex chromosome-autosome fusions account for 80% of all variants whereas documented sex chromosome fissions are limited to three species. We propose that meiotic drive and drive suppression provide viable explanations for the evolution of many of these variant systems, particularly those involving autosomal fusions. We highlight taxa particularly worthy of further study and provide experimental predictions for testing the role of conflict and its alternatives in generating observed sex chromosome diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dosage compensation complex (DCC), which consists of five proteins and two non-coding RNAs roX, specifically binds to the X chromosome in males, providing a higher level of gene expression necessary to compensate for the monosomy of the sex chromosome in male Drosophila compared to the two X chromosomes in females. The MSL2 protein contains the N-terminal RING domain, which acts as an E3 ligase in ubiquitination of proteins and is the only subunit of the complex expressed only in males. Functional role of the two C-terminal domains of the MSL2 protein, enriched with proline (P-domain) and basic amino acids (B-domain), was investigated. As a result, it was shown that the B-domain destabilizes the MSL2 protein, which is associated with the presence of two lysines ubiquitination of which is under control of the RING domain of MSL2. The unstructured proline-rich domain stimulates transcription of the roX2 gene, which is necessary for effective formation of the dosage compensation complex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mechanisms of X chromosome dosage compensation have been studied extensively in a few model species representing clades of shared sex chromosome ancestry. However, the diversity within each clade as a function of sex chromosome evolution is largely unknown. Here, we anchor ourselves to the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, for which a well-studied mechanism of dosage compensation occurs through a specialized structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) complex, and explore the diversity of dosage compensation in the surrounding phylogeny of nematodes. Through phylogenetic analysis of the C. elegans dosage compensation complex and a survey of its epigenetic signatures, including X-specific topologically associating domains (TADs) and X-enrichment of H4K20me1, we found that the condensin-mediated mechanism evolved recently in the lineage leading to Caenorhabditis through an SMC-4 duplication. Intriguingly, an independent duplication of SMC-4 and the presence of X-specific TADs in Pristionchus pacificus suggest that condensin-mediated dosage compensation arose more than once. mRNA-seq analyses of gene expression in several nematode species indicate that dosage compensation itself is ancestral, as expected from the ancient XO sex determination system. Indicative of the ancestral mechanism, H4K20me1 is enriched on the X chromosomes in Oscheius tipulae, which does not contain X-specific TADs or SMC-4 paralogs. Together, our results indicate that the dosage compensation system in C. elegans is surprisingly new, and condensin may have been co-opted repeatedly in nematodes, suggesting that the process of evolving a chromosome-wide gene regulatory mechanism for dosage compensation is constrained.
    UNASSIGNED: X chromosome dosage compensation mechanisms evolved in response to Y chromosome degeneration during sex chromosome evolution. However, establishment of dosage compensation is not an endpoint. As sex chromosomes change, dosage compensation strategies may have also changed. In this study, we performed phylogenetic and epigenomic analyses surrounding Caenorhabditis elegans and found that the condensin-mediated dosage compensation mechanism in C. elegans is surprisingly new, and has evolved in the presence of an ancestral mechanism. Intriguingly, condensin-based dosage compensation may have evolved more than once in the nematode lineage, the other time in Pristionchus. Together, our work highlights a previously unappreciated diversity of dosage compensation mechanisms within a clade, and suggests constraints in evolving new mechanisms in the presence of an existing one.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: X chromosome inactivation (XCI) is an essential mechanism for dosage compensation between females and males in mammals. In females, XCI is controlled by a complex, conserved locus termed the X inactivation center (Xic), in which the lncRNA Xist is the key regulator. However, little is known about the Xic in species with unusual sex chromosomes. The genus Tokudaia includes three rodent species endemic to Japan. Tokudaia osimensis and Tokudaia tokunoshimensis lost the Y chromosome (XO/XO), while Tokudaia muenninki (TMU) acquired a neo-X region by fusion of the X chromosome and an autosome (XX/XY). We compared the gene location and structure in the Xic among Tokudaia species.
    METHODS: Gene structure of nine genes in Xic was predicted, and the gene location and genome sequences of Xic were compared between mouse and Tokudaia species. The expression level of the gene was confirmed by transcripts per million calculation using RNA-seq data.
    RESULTS: Compared to mouse, the Xic gene order and location were conserved in Tokudaia species. However, remarkable structure changes were observed in lncRNA genes, Xist and Tsix, in the XO/XO species. In Xist, important functional repeats, B-, C-, D-, and E-repeats, were partially or completely lost due to deletions in these species. RNA-seq data showed that female-specific expression patterns of Xist and Tsix were confirmed in TMU, however, not in the XO/XO species. Additionally, three deletions and one inversion were confirmed in the intergenic region between Jpx and Ftx in the XO/XO species.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that even if the Xist and Tsix lncRNAs are expressed, they are incapable of producing a successful and lasting XCI in the XO/XO species. We hypothesized that the significant structure change in the intergenic region of Jpx-Ftx resulted in the inability to perform the XCI, and, as a result, a lack of Xist expression. Our results collectively suggest that structural changes in the Xic occurred in the ancestral lineage of XO/XO species, likely due to the loss of one X chromosome and the Y chromosome as a consequence of the degradation of the XCI system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organisms with differentiated sex chromosomes must accommodate unequal gene dosage in males and females. Male fruit flies increase X-linked gene expression to compensate for hemizygosity of their single X chromosome. Full compensation requires localization of the Male-Specific Lethal (MSL) complex to active genes on the male X, where it modulates chromatin to elevate expression. The mechanisms that identify X chromatin are poorly understood. The euchromatic X is enriched for AT-rich, ∼359 bp satellites termed the 1.688X repeats. Autosomal insertions of 1.688X DNA enable MSL recruitment to nearby genes. Ectopic expression of dsRNA from one of these repeats produces siRNA and partially restores X-localization of MSLs in males with defective X recognition. Surprisingly, expression of double-stranded RNA from three other 1.688X repeats failed to rescue males. We reconstructed dsRNA-expressing transgenes with sequence from two of these repeats and identified phasing of repeat DNA, rather than sequence or orientation, as the factor that determines rescue of males with defective X recognition. Small RNA sequencing revealed that siRNA was produced in flies with a transgene that rescues, but not in those carrying a transgene with the same repeat but different phasing. We demonstrate that pericentromeric X heterochromatin promotes X recognition through a maternal effect, potentially mediated by small RNA from closely related heterochromatic repeats. This suggests that the sources of siRNAs promoting X recognition are highly redundant. We propose that enrichment of satellite repeats on Drosophilid X chromosomes facilitates the rapid evolution of differentiated sex chromosomes by marking the X for compensation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic chromatin is organized into functional domains, that are characterized by distinct proteomic compositions and specific nuclear positions. In contrast to cellular organelles surrounded by lipid membranes, the composition of distinct chromatin domains is rather ill described and highly dynamic. To gain molecular insight into these domains and explore their composition, we developed an antibody-based proximity biotinylation method targeting the RNA and proteins constituents. The method that we termed antibody-mediated proximity labelling coupled to mass spectrometry (AMPL-MS) does not require the expression of fusion proteins and therefore constitutes a versatile and very sensitive method to characterize the composition of chromatin domains based on specific signature proteins or histone modifications. To demonstrate the utility of our approach we used AMPL-MS to characterize the molecular features of the chromocenter as well as the chromosome territory containing the hyperactive X chromosome in Drosophila. This analysis identified a number of known RNA-binding proteins in proximity of the hyperactive X and the centromere, supporting the accuracy of our method. In addition, it enabled us to characterize the role of RNA in the formation of these nuclear bodies. Furthermore, our method identified a new set of RNA molecules associated with the Drosophila centromere. Characterization of these novel molecules suggested the formation of R-loops in centromeres, which we validated using a novel probe for R-loops in Drosophila. Taken together, AMPL-MS improves the selectivity and specificity of proximity ligation allowing for novel discoveries of weak protein-RNA interactions in biologically diverse domains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The oxidation of 5-methylcytosine (5mC) to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), 5-formylcytosine (5fC), and 5-carboxylcytosine (5caC), known as oxi-mCs, garners significant interest in plants as potential epigenetic marks. While research in mammals has established a role in cell reprogramming, carcinogenesis, and gene regulation, their functions in plants remain unclear. In rice, 5hmC has been associated with transposable elements (TEs) and heterochromatin. This study utilizes Silene latifolia, a dioecious plant with heteromorphic sex chromosomes and a genome with a large proportion of TEs, which provides a favourable environment for the study of oxi-mCs in individual sexes. Notably, we detected surprisingly high levels of oxi-mCs in S. latifolia comparable with mammals. Nuclei showed enrichment in heterochromatic regions, except for 5hmC whose signal was homogeneously distributed. Intriguingly, the same X chromosome in females displayed overall enrichment of 5hmC and 5fC compared with its counterpart. This fact is shared with 5mC, resembling dosage compensation. Co-localization showed higher correlation between 5mC and 5fC than with 5hmC, indicating no potential relationship between 5hmC and 5fC. Additionally, the promoter of several sex-linked genes and sex-biased TEs clustered in a clear sex-dependent way. Together, these findings unveil a hypothetical role for oxi-mCs in S. latifolia sex chromosome development, warranting further exploration.





