
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While mobility in older age is of crucial importance for health and well-being, it is worth noting that currently, there is no German language framework for measuring walkability for older adults that also considers the functional status of a person. Therefore, we combined the results of an expert workshop, a literature review, and a Delphi consensus survey. Through this, we identified and rated indicators relevant for walkability for older adults, additionally focusing on their functional status. The expert workshop and the review led to an extensive list of potential indicators, which we hope will be useful in future research. Those indicators were then adapted and rated in a three-stage Delphi expert survey. A fourth additional Delphi round was conducted to assess the relevance of each indicator for the different frailty levels, namely \"robust,\" \"pre-frail,\" and \"frail.\" Between 20 and 28 experts participated in each round of the Delphi survey. The Delphi process resulted in a list of 72 indicators deemed relevant for walkability in older age groups, grouped into three main categories: \"Built environment and transport infrastructure,\" \"Accessibility and meeting places,\" and \"Attractiveness and sense of security.\" For 35 of those indicators, it was suggested that functional status should be additionally considered. This framework represents a significant step forward in comprehensively covering indicators for subjective and objective walkability in older age, while also incorporating aspects of functioning relevant to older adults. It would be beneficial to test and apply the indicator set in a community setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Trauma guidelines on spinal motion restriction (SMR) have changed drastically in recent years. An international group of experts explored whether consensus could be reached and if guidelines on SMR performed by trained lifeguards and prehospital EMS following in-water traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) should also be changed.
    METHODS: An international three-round Delphi process was conducted from October 2022 to November 2023. In Delphi round one, brainstorming resulted in an exhaustive list of recommendations for handling patients with suspected in-water TSCI. The list was also used to construct a preliminary flowchart for in-water SMR. In Delphi round two, three levels of agreement for each recommendation and the flowchart were established. Recommendations with strong consensus (≥ 85% agreement) underwent minor revisions and entered round three; recommendations with moderate consensus (75-85% agreement) underwent major revisions in two consecutive phases; and recommendations with weak consensus (< 75% agreement) were excluded. In Delphi round 3, the level of consensus for each of the final recommendations and each of the routes in the flowchart was tested using the same procedure as in Delphi round 2.
    RESULTS: Twenty-four experts participated in Delphi round one. The response rates for Delphi rounds two and three were 92% and 88%, respectively. The study resulted in 25 recommendations and one flowchart with four flowchart paths; 24 recommendations received strong consensus (≥ 85%), and one recommendation received moderate consensus (81%). Each of the four paths in the flowchart received strong consensus (90-95%). The integral flowchart received strong consensus (93%).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study produced expert consensus on 25 recommendations and a flowchart on handling patients with suspected in-water TSCI by trained lifeguards and prehospital EMS. These results provide clear and simple guidelines on SMR, which can standardise training and guidelines on SMR performed by trained lifeguards or prehospital EMS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Rare and complex epilepsies encompass a diverse range of disorders characterized by seizures. We aimed to establish a consensus on key issues related to these conditions through collaboration among experienced neurologists, neuropediatricians, and patient advocacy representatives.
    METHODS: Employing a modified Delphi method, a scientific board comprising 20 physicians and 4 patient advocacy representatives synthesized existing literature with their expertise to formulate statements on contentious topics. A final 32-member expert panel, representing diverse regions of Italy, validated these statements through a two-round voting process, with consensus defined as an average score ≥7.
    RESULTS: Sixteen statements reached a consensus, emphasizing the necessity for epidemiological studies to ascertain the true prevalence of rare epilepsies. Etiology emerged as a crucial factor influencing therapeutic strategies and outcome prediction, with particular concern regarding prolonged and tonic-clonic seizures. The importance of early implementation of specific drugs and non-pharmacological interventions in the treatment algorithm for developmental and epileptic encephalopathies (DEEs) was underscored. Multidisciplinary care involving experts with diverse skills was deemed essential, emphasizing non-seizure outcomes in adolescence and adulthood.
    CONCLUSIONS: This national consensus underscores the imperative for personalized, comprehensive, and multidisciplinary management of rare epilepsies/DEEs. It advocates for increased research, particularly in epidemiology and therapeutic approaches, to inform clinical decision-making and healthcare policies, ultimately enhancing patients\' outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The modified Delphi method is broadly used to evaluate debated topics. In this work, we sought the consensus on integrated and social care in epilepsy management. Both representatives of high-level epilepsy centers and patients\' caregivers were directly involved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: As a result of conflicting, inadequate or controversial data in the literature, several issues concerning the management of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) remain unanswered. The aim of this international, expert-based Delphi Consensus document was to provide some guidance for clinicians on these controversial topics.
    METHODS: A 3-Round Delphi Consensus document was produced with 44 experts on 6 pre-specified topics regarding the management of AAAs. All answers were provided anonymously. The response rate for each round was 100%.
    RESULTS: Most participants (42 of 44; 95.4%) agreed that a minimum case volume/year is essential (or probably essential) for a center to offer open/endovascular AAA repair (EVAR). Furthermore, 33 of 44 (75.0%) believed that AAA screening programs are (probably) still clinically effective and cost-effective. Additionally, most panelists (36 of 44; 81.9%) voted that surveillance after EVAR should be (or should probably be) lifelong. Finally, 35 of 44 (79.7%) participants thought that women smokers should (or should probably/possibly) be considered for screening at 65 years of age similar to men. No consensus was achieved regarding lowering the threshold for AAA repair and the need for deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis in patients undergoing EVAR.
    CONCLUSIONS: This expert-based Delphi Consensus document provides guidance for clinicians regarding specific unresolved issues. Consensus could not be achieved in some topics, highlighting the need for further research in those areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The implementation of youth care guidelines remains a complex process. Several evidence-based frameworks aid the identification and specification of implementation determinants and strategies. However, the influence of specific strategies on certain determinants remains unclear. Therefore, we need to clarify which active ingredients of strategies, known as behaviour change techniques (BCTs), elicit behaviour change and improve implementation outcomes. With this knowledge, we are able to formulate evidence-based implementation hypotheses. An implementation hypothesis details how determinants and in turn, implementation outcomes might be influenced by specific implementation strategies and their BCTs. We aimed to identify (1) determinants relevant to the implementation of youth care guidelines and (2) feasible and potentially effective implementation hypotheses.
    METHODS: A four-round online modified Delphi study was conducted. In the first round, experts rated the implementation determinants based on their relevance. Next, experts formulated implementation hypotheses by connecting BCTs and implementation strategies to determinants and were asked to provide a rationale for their choices. In round three, the experts reconsidered and finalised their hypotheses based on an anonymous overview of all formulated hypotheses, including rationales. Finally, the experts rated the implementation hypotheses based on their potential effectiveness and feasibility.
    RESULTS: Fourteen experts completed the first, second, and third rounds, with 11 completed the final round. Guideline promotion, mandatory education, presence of an implementation leader, poor management support, knowledge regarding guideline use, and a lack of communication skills were reported as most relevant determinants. In total, 46 hypotheses were formulated, ranging from 6 to 9 per determinant. For each determinant, we provide an overview of the implementation hypotheses that were most commonly deemed feasible and potentially effective.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study offers valuable insights into youth care guideline implementation by systematically identifying relevant determinants and formulating hypotheses based on expert input. Determinants related to engagement and to knowledge and skills were found to be relevant to youth care guideline implementation. This study offers a set of hypotheses that could help organisations, policymakers, and professionals guide the implementation process of youth care guidelines to ultimately improve implementation outcomes. The effectiveness of these hypotheses in practice remains to be assessed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Current literature lacks consensus on initial assessments and routine follow-up care of patients with alpha-mannosidosis (AM). A Delphi panel was conducted to generate and validate recommendations on best practices for initial assessment, routine follow-up care, and integrated care coordination of patients with AM.
    METHODS: A modified Delphi method involving 3 rounds of online surveys was used. An independent administrator and 2 nonvoting physician co-chairs managed survey development, anonymous data collection, and analysis. A multidisciplinary panel comprising 20 physicians from 12 countries responded to 57 open-ended questions in the first survey. Round 2 consisted of 11 ranking questions and 44 voting statements. In round 3, panelists voted to validate 60 consensus statements. The panel response rate was ≥95% in all 3 rounds. Panelists used 5-point Likert scales to indicate importance (score of ≥3) or agreement (score of ≥4). Consensus was defined a priori as ≥75% agreement with ≥75% of panelists voting.
    RESULTS: Consensus was reached on 60 statements, encompassing 3 key areas: initial assessments, routine follow-up care, and treatment-related follow-up. The panel agreed on the type and frequency of assessments related to genetic testing, baseline evaluations, quality of life, biochemical measures, affected body systems, treatment received, and integrated care coordination in patients with AM. Forty-nine statements reached 90% to 100% consensus, 8 statements reached 80% to 85% consensus, and 1 statement reached 75% consensus. Two statements each reached consensus on 15 baseline assessments to be conducted at the initial follow-up visit after diagnosis in pediatric and adult patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first Delphi study providing internationally applicable, best-practice recommendations for monitoring patients with AM that may improve their care and well-being.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: New highly effective drugs for moderate-to-severe cutaneous psoriasis are regularly marketed, and the hierarchy of treatments thus requires frequent review.
    OBJECTIVE: A Delphi method was used to enable a structured expert consensus on the use of systemic treatments and phototherapy among adults with moderate-to-severe psoriasis.
    METHODS: The Delphi method consists in achieving a convergence of opinions among a panel of experts using several rounds of questionnaires with controlled feedback between rounds. A two-part Delphi questionnaire was administered online to French psoriasis experts. In the first part, 180 items related to the prescription of systemic treatments and phototherapy for adult patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis were grouped into 21 sections covering different lines of treatment and different forms of cutaneous psoriasis. The experts voted on each proposal using an ordinal 7-point Likert scale. The second part comprised 11 open-ended questions about special indications for each therapeutic class. These were converted into 101 questions for subsequent rounds. Consensus was deemed to have been reached if more than 80% of the experts agreed with a given proposal.
    RESULTS: Three rounds of questionnaires were sequentially sent to 35 participants between November 2021 and March 2022. Thirty-three (94%) completed all three rounds. For plaque psoriasis, only methotrexate was recommended by the experts as first-line systemic treatment (89% of votes). Cyclosporin was advocated in pustular and erythrodermic psoriasis, and acitretin was suggested for hyperkeratotic and palmoplantar psoriasis. In the event of failure of or intolerance to non-biological systemic treatments, guselkumab, risankizumab, ixekizumab or secukinumab were recommended by more than 80% of the experts. Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) inhibitors remain useful for patients with cardiovascular risk factors. Special indications were provided for each therapeutic class (methotrexate/narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy, psoralen/ultraviolet A phototherapy, cyclosporin, acitretin, apremilast, TNF inhibitors, interleukin (IL)-12/23 inhibitors, IL-17(R)A inhibitors, and IL-23 inhibitors).
    CONCLUSIONS: This expert consensus statement indicate that newly available IL-17 and IL-23 inhibitors may be favored over TNF and IL-12/23 inhibitors as first-line biologics. The Centre of Evidence of the French Society of Dermatology has drawn up a decision-making algorithm to guide clinicians in the therapeutic management of moderate-to-severe psoriasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) may result in great impact on patients\' quality of life, social relationships, and work productivity. The use of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in routine care could help capture disease burden to guide SLE management and optimize disease control. We aimed to explore the current situation, appropriateness, and feasibility of PROMs to monitor patients with SLE in routine care, from healthcare professionals\' and patients\' perspectives.
    METHODS: A scientific committee developed a Delphi questionnaire, based on a focus group with patients and a literature review, including 22 statements concerning: 1) Use of PROMs in routine care (n = 2); 2) PROMs in SLE management (n = 13); 3) Multidisciplinary management of patients with SLE (n = 4), and 4) Aspects on patient empowerment (n = 3). Statements included in Sects. 2-4 were assessed from three perspectives: current use, appropriateness, and feasibility (with currently available resources). For each statement, panellists specified their level of agreement using a 7-point Likert scale. A consensus was reached when ≥ 70% of the panellists agreed (6,7) or disagreed (1,2) on each statement.
    RESULTS: Fifty-nine healthcare professionals and 16 patients with SLE participated in the Delphi-rounds. A consensus was reached on the value of PROMs to improve SLE management (83%) and the key role of healthcare professionals (77%) and the need for a digital tool connected to the electronic medical record (85%) to promote and facilitate PROMs collection. PROMs most frequently used in clinical practice are pain (56%), patient\'s global assessment (44%) and fatigue (39%), all on visual analogue scales. Panellists agreed on the need to implement multidisciplinary consultation (79%), unify complementary tests (88%), incorporate pharmacists into the healthcare team (70%), and develop home medication dispensing and informed telepharmacy programmes (72%) to improve quality of care in patients with SLE. According to panellists, patient associations (82%) and nurses (80%) are critical to educate and train patients on PROMs to enhance patient empowerment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although pain, fatigue, and global assessment were identified as the most feasible, PROMs are not widely used in routine care in Spain. The present Delphi consensus can provide a road map for their implementation being key for SLE management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Invasive fungal disease (IFD) has become a serious threat to human health in China and around the world, with high mortality and morbidity. Currently, the misdiagnosis rate of IFD is extremely high, compounded with the low quality of prescription antifungals and the high incidence of adverse events associated with IFD treatment, resulting in lengthy hospitalization, low clinical response, and high disease burden, which have become serious challenges in clinical practice. Antifungal stewardship (AFS) can not only significantly increase the early diagnosis rate of IFD, reduce inappropriate utilization of antifungal drugs, improve patient prognosis, but can also improve therapeutic safety and reduce healthcare expenses. Thus, it is urgent to identify key AFS metrics suitable for China\'s current situation.
    UNASSIGNED: Based on metrics recommended by international AFS consensuses, combined with the current situation of China and the clinical experience of authoritative experts in various fields, several metrics were selected, and experts in the fields of respiratory diseases, hematology, intensive care units (ICUs), dermatology, infectious diseases, microbiology laboratory and pharmacy were invited to assess AFS metrics by the Delphi method. Consensus was considered to be reached with an agreement level of ≥80% for the metric.
    UNASSIGNED: Consensus was reached for 24 metrics, including right patient metrics (n=4), right time metrics (n=3), and right use metrics (n=17). Right use metrics were further subdivided into drug choice (n=8), drug dosage (n=4), drug de-escalation (n=1), drug duration (n=2), and drug consumption (n=2) metrics. Forty-six authoritative experts assessed and reviewed the above metrics, and a consensus was reached with a final agreement level of ≥80% for 22 metrics.
    UNASSIGNED: This consensus is the first to propose a set of AFS metrics suitable for China, which helps to establish AFS standards in China and is also the first AFS consensus in Asia, and may improve the standard of clinical diagnosis and treatment of IFD, and guide hospitals to implement AFS, ultimately promoting the rational use of antifungal drugs and improving patient prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: An increasing number of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) now have access to improved standard of care and disease modifying treatments, which improve the clinical course of DMD and extend life expectancy beyond 30 years of age. A key issue for adolescent DMD patients is the transition from paediatric- to adult-oriented healthcare. Adolescents and adults with DMD have unique but highly complex healthcare needs associated with long-term steroid use, orthopaedic, respiratory, cardiac, psychological, and gastrointestinal problems meaning that a comprehensive transition process is required. A sub-optimal transition into adult care can have disruptive and deleterious consequences for a patient\'s long-term care. This paper details the results of a consensus amongst clinicians on transitioning adolescent DMD patients from paediatric to adult neurologists that can act as a guide to best practice to ensure patients have continuous comprehensive care at every stage of their journey.
    METHODS: The consensus was derived using the Delphi methodology. Fifty-three statements were developed by a Steering Group (the authors of this paper) covering seven topics: Define the goals of transition, Preparing the patient, carers/parents and the adult centre, The transition process at the paediatric centre, The multidisciplinary transition summary - Principles, The multidisciplinary transition summary - Content, First visit in the adult centre, Evaluation of transition. The statements were shared with paediatric and adult neurologists across Central Eastern Europe (CEE) as a survey requesting their level of agreement with each statement.
    RESULTS: Data from 60 responders (54 full responses and six partial responses) were included in the data set analysis. A consensus was agreed across 100% of the statements.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is hoped that the findings of this survey which sets out agreed best practice statements, and the transfer template documents developed, will be widely used and so facilitate an effective transition from paediatric to adult care for adolescents with DMD.





