conservation genetics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long-term genetic studies of wild populations are very scarce, but are essential for connecting ecological and population genetics models, and for understanding the dynamics of biodiversity. We present a study of a wild wheat population sampled over a 36-year period at high spatial resolution. We genotyped 832 individuals from regular sampling along transects during the course of the experiment. Genotypes were clustered into ecological microhabitats over scales of tens of metres, and this clustering was remarkably stable over the 36 generations of the study. Simulations show that it is difficult to determine whether this spatial and temporal stability reflects extremely limited dispersal or fine-scale local adaptation to ecological parameters. Using a common-garden experiment, we showed that the genotypes found in distinct microhabitats differ phenotypically. Our results provide a rare insight into the population genetics of a natural population over a long monitoring period.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Although ex situ collections of threatened plants are most useful when they contain maximal genetic variation, the conservation and maintenance of genetic diversity in collections are often poorly known. We present a case study using population genomic analyses of an ex situ collection of Karomia gigas, a critically endangered tropical tree from Tanzania. Only ~43 individuals are known in two wild populations, and ex situ collections containing 34 individuals were established in two sites from wild-collected seed. The study aimed to understand how much diversity is represented in the collection, analyze the parentage of ex situ individuals, and identify efficient strategies to capture and maintain genetic diversity.
    UNASSIGNED: We genotyped all known individuals using a 2b-RADseq approach, compared genetic diversity in wild populations and ex situ collections, and conducted parentage analysis of the collections.
    UNASSIGNED: Wild populations were found to have greater levels of genetic diversity than ex situ populations as measured by number of private alleles, number of polymorphic sites, observed and expected heterozygosity, nucleotide diversity, and allelic richness. In addition, only 32.6% of wild individuals are represented ex situ and many individuals were found to be the product of selfing by a single wild individual.
    UNASSIGNED: Population genomic analyses provided important insights into the conservation of genetic diversity in K. gigas, identifying gaps and inefficiencies, but also highlighting strategies to conserve genetic diversity ex situ. Genomic analyses provide essential information to ensure that collections effectively conserve genetic diversity in threatened tropical trees.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Solitary bees, such as the red mason bee (Osmia bicornis), provide important ecosystem services including pollination. In the face of global declines of pollinator abundance, such haplodiploid Hymenopterans have a compounded extinction risk due to the potential for limited genetic diversity. In order to assess the genetic diversity of Osmia bicornis populations, we developed microsatellite markers and characterised them in two populations.
    RESULTS: Microsatellite sequences were mined from the recently published Osmia bicornis genome, which was assembled from DNA extracted from a single male bee originating from the United Kingdom. Sequences were identified that contained dinucleotide, trinucleotide, and tetranucleotide repeat regions. Seventeen polymorphic microsatellite markers were designed and tested, sixteen of which were developed into four multiplex PCR sets to facilitate cheap, fast and efficient genotyping and were characterised in unrelated females from Germany (n = 19) and England (n = 14).
    CONCLUSIONS: The microsatellite markers are highly informative, with a combined exclusion probability of 0.997 (first parent), which will enable studies of genetic structure and diversity to inform conservation efforts in this bee.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies provide opportunities to gain novel insights into the genetic basis of phenotypic trait variation. Yet to date, progress in our understanding of genotype-phenotype associations in nonmodel organisms in general and natural vertebrate populations in particular has been hampered by small sample sizes typically available for wildlife populations and a resulting lack of statistical power, as well as a limited ability to control for false-positive signals. Here we propose to combine a genome-wide association study (GWAS) and FST -based approach with population-level replication to partly overcome these limitations. We present a case study in which we used this approach in combination with genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data to identify genomic regions associated with Borrelia afzelii resistance or susceptibility in the natural rodent host of this Lyme disease-causing spirochete, the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). Using this combined approach we identified four consensus SNPs located in exonic regions of the genes Slc26a4, Tns3, Wscd1 and Espnl, which were significantly associated with the voles\' Borrelia infectious status within and across populations. Functional links between host responses to bacterial infections and most of these genes have previously been demonstrated in other rodent systems, making them promising new candidates for the study of evolutionary host responses to Borrelia emergence. Our approach is applicable to other systems and may facilitate the identification of genetic variants underlying disease resistance or susceptibility, as well as other ecologically relevant traits, in wildlife populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic diversity is essential for populations to adapt to changing environments. Measures of genetic diversity are often based on selectively neutral markers, such as microsatellites. Genetic diversity to guide conservation management, however, is better reflected by adaptive markers, including genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Our aim was to assess MHC and neutral genetic diversity in two contrasting bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) populations in Western Australia-one apparently viable population with high reproductive output (Shark Bay) and one with lower reproductive output that was forecast to decline (Bunbury). We assessed genetic variation in the two populations by sequencing the MHC class II DQB, which encompasses the functionally important peptide binding regions (PBR). Neutral genetic diversity was assessed by genotyping twenty-three microsatellite loci. We confirmed that MHC is an adaptive marker in both populations. Overall, the Shark Bay population exhibited greater MHC diversity than the Bunbury population-for example, it displayed greater MHC nucleotide diversity. In contrast, the difference in microsatellite diversity between the two populations was comparatively low. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that viable populations typically display greater genetic diversity than less viable populations. The results also suggest that MHC variation is more closely associated with population viability than neutral genetic variation. Although the inferences from our findings are limited, because we only compared two populations, our results add to a growing number of studies that highlight the usefulness of MHC as a potentially suitable genetic marker for animal conservation. The Shark Bay population, which carries greater adaptive genetic diversity than the Bunbury population, is thus likely more robust to natural or human-induced changes to the coastal ecosystem it inhabits.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular genetic estimates of population effective size (Ne ) lose accuracy and precision when insufficient numbers of samples or loci are used. Ideally, researchers would like to forecast the necessary power when planning their project. neogen (genetic Ne for Overlapping Generations) enables estimates of precision and accuracy in advance of empirical investigation and allows exploration of the power available in different user-specified age-structured sampling schemes. neogen provides a population simulation and genetic power analysis framework that simulates the demographics, genetic composition, and Ne , from species-specific life history, mortality, population size, and genetic priors. neogen guides the user to establish a tractable sampling regime and to determine the numbers of samples and microsatellite or SNP loci required for accurate and precise genetic Ne estimates when sampling a natural population. neogen is useful at multiple stages of a study\'s life cycle: when budgeting, as sampling and locus development progresses, and for corroboration when empirical Ne estimates are available. The underlying model is applicable to a wide variety of iteroparous species with overlapping generations (e.g., mammals, birds, reptiles, long-lived fishes). In this paper, we describe the neogen model, detail the workflow for the point-and-click software, and explain the graphical results. We demonstrate the use of neogen with empirical Australian east coast zebra shark (Stegostoma fasciatum) data. For researchers wishing to make accurate and precise genetic Ne estimates for overlapping generations species, neogen facilitates planning for sample and locus acquisition, and with existing empirical genetic Ne estimates neogen can corroborate population demographic and life history properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Domestication has been influenced by formal plant breeding since the onset of intensive agriculture and the Green Revolution. Despite providing food security for some regions, intensive agriculture has had substantial detrimental consequences for the environment and does not fulfill smallholder\'s needs under most developing countries conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to look for alternative plant production techniques, effective for each environmental, socio-cultural, and economic conditions. This is particularly relevant for countries that are megadiverse and major centers of plant domestication and diversification. In this white paper, a Mexico-centered initiative is proposed, with two main objectives: (1) to study, understand, conserve, and sustainably use the genetic diversity of domesticated plants and their wild relatives, as well as the ongoing evolutionary processes that generate and maintain it; and (2) to strengthen food and forestry production in a socially fair and environmentally friendly way. To fulfill these objectives, the initiative focuses on the source of variability available for domestication (genetic diversity and functional genomics), the context in which domestication acts (breeding and production) and one of its main challenges (environmental change). Research on these components can be framed to target and connect both the theoretical understanding of the evolutionary processes, the practical aspects of conservation, and food and forestry production. The target, main challenges, problems to be faced and key research questions are presented for each component, followed by a roadmap for the consolidation of this proposal as a national initiative.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here, we explore the historical and contemporaneous patterns of connectivity among Encholirium horridum populations located on granitic inselbergs in an Ocbil landscape within the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, using both nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite markers. Beyond to assess the E. horridum population genetic structure, we built species distribution models across four periods (current conditions, mid-Holocene, Last Glacial Maximum [LGM], and Last Interglacial) and inferred putative dispersal corridors using a least-cost path analysis to elucidate biogeographic patterns. Overall, high and significant genetic divergence was estimated among populations for both nuclear and plastid DNA (ΦST(n) = 0.463 and ΦST(plastid) = 0.961, respectively, p < .001). For nuclear genome, almost total absence of genetic admixture among populations and very low migration rates were evident, corroborating with the very low estimates of immigration and emigration rates observed among E. horridum populations. Based on the cpDNA results, putative dispersal routes in Sugar Loaf Land across cycles of climatic fluctuations in the Quaternary period revealed that the populations\' connectivity changed little during those events. Genetic analyses highlighted the low genetic connectivity and long-term persistence of populations, and the founder effect and genetic drift seemed to have been very important processes that shaped the current diversity and genetic structure observed in both genomes. The genetic singularity of each population clearly shows the need for in situ conservation of all of them.







  • 文章类型: Review
    Inbreeding depression (reduced fitness of individuals with related parents) has long been a major focus of ecology, evolution, and conservation biology. Despite decades of research, we still have a limited understanding of the strength, underlying genetic mechanisms, and demographic consequences of inbreeding depression in the wild. Studying inbreeding depression in natural populations has been hampered by the inability to precisely measure individual inbreeding. Fortunately, the rapidly increasing availability of high-throughput sequencing data means it is now feasible to measure the inbreeding of any individual with high precision. Here, we review how genomic data are advancing our understanding of inbreeding depression in the wild. Recent results show that individual inbreeding and inbreeding depression can be measured more precisely with genomic data than via traditional pedigree analysis. Additionally, the availability of genomic data has made it possible to pinpoint loci with large effects contributing to inbreeding depression in wild populations, although this will continue to be a challenging task in many study systems due to low statistical power. Now that reliably measuring individual inbreeding is no longer a limitation, a major focus of future studies should be to more accurately quantify effects of inbreeding depression on population growth and viability.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Documented fatalities of bats at wind turbines have raised serious concerns about the future impacts of increased wind power development on populations of migratory bat species. However, for most bat species we have no knowledge of the size of populations and their demographic trends, the degree of structuring into discrete subpopulations, and whether different subpopulations use spatially segregated migratory routes. Here, we utilize genetic data from eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis), one of the species most highly affected by wind power development in North America, to (1) evaluate patterns of population structure across the landscape, (2) estimate effective population size (Ne ), and (3) assess signals of growth or decline in population size. Using data on both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA variation, we demonstrate that this species forms a single, panmictic population across their range with no evidence for the historical use of divergent migratory pathways by any portion of the population. Further, using coalescent estimates we estimate that the effective size of this population is in the hundreds of thousands to millions of individuals. The high levels of gene flow and connectivity across the population of eastern red bats indicate that monitoring and management of eastern red bats must integrate information across the range of this species.





