clock genes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Breast cancer (BC) is the leading cause of cancer death among women worldwide. Women employed in shift jobs face heightened BC risk due to prolonged exposure to night shift work (NSW), classified as potentially carcinogenic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). This risk is linked to disruptions in circadian rhythms governed by clock genes at the cellular level. However, the molecular mechanisms are unclear. This study aimed to assess clock genes as potential BC biomarkers among women exposed to long-term NSW. Clock gene expression was analysed in paired BC and normal breast tissues within Nurses\' Health Studies I and II GEO datasets. Validation was performed on additional gene expression datasets from healthy night shift workers and women with varying BC susceptibility, as well as single-cell sequencing datasets. Post-transcriptional regulators of clock genes were identified through miRNA analyses. Significant alterations in clock gene expression in BC compared to normal tissues were found. BHLHE40, CIART, CLOCK, PDPK1, and TIMELESS were over-expressed, while HLF, NFIL3, NPAS3, PER1, PER3, SIM1, and TEF were under-expressed. The downregulation of PER1 and TEF and upregulation of CLOCK correlated with increased BC risk in healthy women. Also, twenty-six miRNAs, including miR-10a, miR-21, miR-107, and miR-34, were identified as potential post-transcriptional regulators influenced by NSW. In conclusion, a panel of clock genes and circadian miRNAs are suggested as BC susceptibility biomarkers among night shift workers, supporting implications for risk stratification and early detection strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prenatal alcohol-exposed (AE) infants and children often demonstrate disrupted sleep patterns, including more frequent awakenings, reduced total sleep time, and more night-to-night sleep variability. Despite the strong connection between sleep patterns and circadian rhythmicity, relatively little is known about circadian rhythm disruptions in individuals with AE. Recently, several reports demonstrated that evaluating the expression patterns of human clock genes in biological fluids could reveal an individual\'s circadian phenotype. Human saliva offers an emerging and easily available physiological sample that can be collected non-invasively for core-clock gene transcript analyses. We compared the expression patterns of core-clock genes and their regulatory genes in salivary samples of children aged 6-10 years-old with and without AE during the light cycle between ZT0-ZT11. We isolated the RNA from the samples and measured the expression patterns of core clock genes and clock regulating genes using the human specific primers with quantitative real-time PCR. Analysis of core clock genes expression levels in saliva samples from AE children indicates significantly altered levels in expression of core-clock BMAL1, CLOCK, PER1-3 and CRY1,2, as compared to those in age-matched control children. We did not find any sex difference in levels of clock genes in AE and control groups. Cosinor analysis was used to evaluate the rhythmic pattern of these clock genes, which identified circadian patterns in the levels of core clock genes in the control group but absent in the AE group. The gene expression profile of a salivary circadian biomarker ARRB1 was rhythmic in saliva of control children but was arhythmic in AE children. Altered expression patterns were also observed in clock regulatory genes: NPAS2, NFL3, NR1D1, DEC1, DEC2, and DBP, as well as chromatin modifiers: MLL1, P300, SIRT1, EZH2, HDAC3, and ZR1D1, known to maintain rhythmic expression of core-clock genes. Overall, these findings provide the first evidence that AE disturbs the circadian patten expression of core clock genes and clock-regulatory chromatin modifiers in saliva.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Substance use disorder is a major global health concern, with a high prevalence among adolescents and young adults. The most common substances of abuse include alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, nicotine, and opiates. Evidence suggests that a mismatch between contemporary lifestyle and environmental demands leads to disrupted circadian rhythms that impair optimal physiological and behavioral function, which can increase the vulnerability to develop substance use disorder and related problems. The circadian system plays an important role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle and reward processing, both of which directly affect substance abuse. Distorted substance use can have a reciprocal effect on the circadian system by influencing circadian clock gene expression. Considering the detrimental health consequences and profound societal impact of substance use disorder, it is crucial to comprehend its complex association with circadian rhythms, which can pave the way for the generation of novel chronotherapeutic treatment approaches. In this narrative review, we have explored the potential contributions of disrupted circadian rhythms and sleep on use and relapse of different substances of abuse. The involvement of circadian clock genes with drug reward pathways is discussed, along with the potential research areas that can be explored to minimize disordered substance use by improving circadian hygiene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Light-at-night is known to produce a wide variety of behavioral outcomes including promoting anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, abnormal sociability, and learning and memory deficits. Unfortunately, we all live in a 24-h society where people are exposed to light-at-night or light pollution through night-shift work - the need for all-hours emergency services - as well as building and street-lights, making light-at-night exposure practically unavoidable. Additionally, the increase in screentime (tvs and smart devices) during the night also contributes to poorer sleep and behavioral impairments. Compounding these factors is the fact that adolescents tend to be \"night owls\" and prefer an evening chronotype compared to younger children and adults, so these teenagers will have a higher likelihood of being exposed to light-at-night. Making matters worse is the prevalence of high-school start times of 8 am or earlier - a combination of too early school start times, light exposure during the night, and preference for evening chronotypes is a recipe for reduced and poorer sleep, which can contribute to increased susceptibility for behavioral issues for this population. As such, this mini-review will show, using both human and rodent model studies, how light-at-night affects behavioral outcomes and stress responses, connecting photic signaling and the circadian timing system to the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis. Additionally, this review will also demonstrate that adolescents are more likely to exhibit abnormal behavior in response to light-at-night due to changes in development and hormone regulation during this time period, as well as discuss potential interventions that can help mitigate these negative effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of mechanical strain on clock gene function in periodontal ligament (PDL) cells. Furthermore, we wanted to analyze whether effects induced by mechanical stress vary in relation to the circadian rhythm.
    METHODS: Human PDL fibroblasts were synchronized in their circadian rhythm with dexamethasone and stretched over 24 h. Unstretched cells served as controls. Gene expression of the core clock genes were analyzed at 4 h intervals by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Time points 0 h (group SI1) and 12 h (group SI2) after synchronization served as starting points of a 4 h force application period. Collagen-1α (COL-1α/Col-1α), interleukin-1β (IL1-β), and runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2/Runx2) were assessed by qRT-PCR and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) after 2 and 4 h. Statistical analysis comprised one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc tests.
    RESULTS: After synchronization, the typical pattern for clock genes was visible in control cells over the 24 h period. This pattern was significantly altered by mechanical strain. Under tensile stress, ARNTL gene expression was reduced, while Per1 and 2 gene expression were upregulated. In addition, mechanical stress had a differential effect on the expression of Col-1α and IL1‑β depending on its initiation within the circadian rhythm (group SI1 vs group SI2). For RUNX2, no significant differences in the two groups were observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that mechanical stress affects the molecular peripheral oscillator of PDL cells. Vice versa, the circadian rhythm also seems to partially influence the effects that mechanical stress exerts on PDL cells.
    UNASSIGNED: ZIEL: Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den Einfluss von mechanischer Belastung, wie sie auch im Rahmen einer kieferorthopädischen Zahnbewegung auf das Parodontalligament (PDL) appliziert wird, auf Funktionen von Clock-Genen zu untersuchen. Zusätzlich sollte analysiert werden, ob sich eine mechanische Belastung in Abhängigkeit der zirkadianen Rhythmik unterschiedlich auf wichtige Proteine der PDL-Zellen auswirkt.
    METHODS: Die periphere zirkadiane Rhythmik humaner PDL-Zellen wurde mittels Dexamethason synchronisiert und einer statischen Dehnung von 20% über bis zu 24 h ausgesetzt. Parallel wurde eine Kontrollgruppe ohne Dehnung angesetzt. In Zeitintervallen von 4 h wurde die Genexpression der Clock-Gene mittels qRT-PCR („quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction“) bestimmt. Weiter wurden die Zellen einem Dehnungsintervall von 4 h zu den Zeitpunkten 0 h (Gruppe SI1) und 12 h (Gruppe SI2) nach Synchronisation ausgesetzt. Die Expression der Gene Collagen-1α (Col-1α), Interleukin-1β (IL1-β) und Runt-verwandter Transkriptionsfaktor 2 (RUNX2) wurde jeweils nach 2 und 4 h mittels qRT-PCR und ELISA („enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay“) quantifiziert. Die statistische Analyse erfolgte über eine einseitige Varianzanalyse (ANOVA) und Post-hoc-Tests.
    UNASSIGNED: In den Kontrollzellen war nach Synchronisation das für die Clock-Gene typische Muster im Verlauf der 24 h erkennbar. Dieses wurde durch die mechanische Belastung signifikant verändert. Unter Zugbelastung wurde eine Verringerung der ARNTL-Genexpression verzeichnet, während die Per1- und Per2-Genexpression hochreguliert wurden. Die mechanische Belastung hatte abhängig von der Initiierung nach Synchronisation (Gruppe SI1 vs. Gruppe SI2) einen unterschiedlichen Einfluss auf die Expression von Col-1α und IL1‑β. Für Runx2 wurde in beiden Gruppen kein Unterschied beobachtet.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass mechanische Belastung den molekularen peripheren Oszillator der PDL-Zellen beeinflusst. Umgekehrt scheint auch die zirkadiane Rhythmik die Auswirkungen von mechanischem Stress auf PDL-Zellen teilweise zu beeinflussen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blood pressure (BP) displays a circadian rhythm and disruptions in this pattern elevate cardiovascular risk. Although both central and peripheral clock genes are implicated in these processes, the importance of vascular clock genes is not fully understood. BP, vascular reactivity, and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system display overt sex differences, but whether changes in circadian patterns underlie these differences is unknown. Therefore, we hypothesized that circadian rhythms and vascular clock genes would differ across sex and would be blunted by angiotensin II (ANG II)-induced hypertension. ANG II infusion elevated BP and disrupted circadian patterns similarly in both males and females. In females, an impact on heart rate (HR) and locomotor activity was revealed, whereas in males hypertension suppressed baroreflex sensitivity (BRS). A marked disruption in the vascular expression patterns of period circadian regulator 1 (Per1) and brain and muscle aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator like protein 1 (Bmal1) was noted in both sexes. Vascular expression of the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (Gper1) also showed diurnal synchronization in both sexes that was similar to that of Per1 and Per2 and disrupted by hypertension. In contrast, vascular expression of estrogen receptor 1 (Esr1) showed a diurnal rhythm and hypertension-induced disruption only in females. This study shows a strikingly similar impact of hypertension on BP rhythmicity, vascular clock genes, and vascular estrogen receptor expression in both sexes. We identified a greater impact of hypertension on locomotor activity and heart rate in females and on baroreflex sensitivity in males and also revealed a diurnal regulation of vascular estrogen receptors. These insights highlight the intricate ties between circadian biology, sex differences, and cardiovascular regulation.NEW & NOTEWORTHY This study reveals that ANG II-induced hypertension disrupts the circadian rhythm of blood pressure in both male and female mice, with parallel effects on vascular clock gene and estrogen receptor diurnal patterns. Notably, sex-specific responses to hypertension in terms of locomotor activity, heart rate, and baroreflex sensitivity are revealed. These findings pave the way for chronotherapeutic strategies tailored to mitigate cardiovascular risks associated with disrupted circadian rhythms in hypertension.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analyses of gene-expression dynamics in research on circadian rhythms and sleep homeostasis often describe these two processes using separate models. Rhythmically expressed genes are, however, likely to be influenced by both processes. We implemented a driven, damped harmonic oscillator model to estimate the contribution of circadian- and sleep-wake-driven influences on gene expression. The model reliably captured a wide range of dynamics in cortex, liver, and blood transcriptomes taken from mice and humans under various experimental conditions. Sleep-wake-driven factors outweighed circadian factors in driving gene expression in the cortex, whereas the opposite was observed in the liver and blood. Because of tissue- and gene-specific responses, sleep deprivation led to a long-lasting intra- and inter-tissue desynchronization. The model showed that recovery sleep contributed to these long-lasting changes. The results demonstrate that the analyses of the daily rhythms in gene expression must take the complex interactions between circadian and sleep-wake influences into account. A record of this paper\'s transparent peer review process is included in the supplemental information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most insects enter diapause, a state of physiological dormancy crucial for enduring harsh seasons, with photoperiod serving as the primary cue for its induction, ensuring proper seasonal timing of the process. Although the involvement of the circadian clock in the photoperiodic time measurement has been demonstrated through knockdown or knockout of clock genes, the involvement of clock gene cryptochrome 1 (cry1), which functions as a photoreceptor implicated in photoentrainment of the circadian clock across various insect species, remains unclear. In bivoltine strains of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, embryonic diapause is maternally controlled and affected by environmental conditions experienced by mother moths during embryonic and larval stages. Previous research highlighted the role of core clock genes, including period (per), timeless (tim), Clock (Clk) and cycle (cyc), in photoperiodic diapause induction in B. mori. In this study, we focused on the involvement of cry1 gene in B. mori photoperiodism. Phylogenetic analysis and conserved domain identification confirmed the presence of both Drosophila-type cry (cry1) and mammalian-type cry (cry2) genes in the B. mori genome, akin to other lepidopterans. Temporal expression analysis revealed higher cry1 gene expression during the photophase and lower expression during the scotophase, with knockouts of core clock genes (per, tim, Clk and cyc) disrupting this temporal expression pattern. Using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing, we established a cry1 knockout strain in p50T, a bivoltine strain exhibiting clear photoperiodism during both embryonic and larval stages. Although the wild-type strain displayed circadian rhythm in eclosion under continuous darkness, the cry1 knockout strain exhibited arrhythmic eclosion, implicating B. mori cry1 in the circadian clock feedback loop governing behavior rhythms. Females of the cry1 knockout strain failed to control photoperiodic diapause induction during both embryonic and larval stages, mirroring the diapause phenotype of the wild-type individuals reared under constant darkness, indicating that B. mori CRY1 contributes to photoperiodic time measurement as a photoreceptor. Furthermore, photoperiodic diapause induction during the larval stage was abolished in a cry1/tim double-knockout strain, suggesting that photic information received by CRY1 is relayed to the circadian clock. Overall, this study represents the first evidence of cry1 involvement in insect photoperiodism, specifically in diapause induction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The advent of artificial lighting, particularly during the evening and night, has significantly altered the predictable daily light and dark cycles in recent times. Altered light environments disrupt the biological clock and negatively impact mood and cognition. Although adolescents commonly experience chronic changes in light/dark cycles, our understanding of how the adolescents\' brain adapts to altered light environments remains limited. Here, we investigated the impact of chronic light cycle disruption (LCD) during adolescence, exposing adolescent mice to 19 h of light and 5 h of darkness for 5 days and 12 L:12D for 2 days per week (LCD group) for 4 weeks. We showed that LCD exposure did not affect circadian locomotor activity but impaired memory and increased avoidance response in adolescent mice. Clock gene expression and neuronal activity rhythms analysis revealed that LCD disrupted local molecular clock and neuronal activity in the dentate gyrus (DG) and in the medial amygdala (MeA) but not in the circadian pacemaker (SCN). In addition, we characterized the photoresponsiveness of the MeA and showed that somatostatin neurons are affected by acute and chronic aberrant light exposure during adolescence. Our research provides new evidence highlighting the potential consequences of altered light environments during pubertal development on neuronal physiology and behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bidirectional relationship between cerebral structures and the gastrointestinal tract involving the microbiota embraces the scientific concept of the microbiota-gut-brain axis. The gut microbiome plays an important role in many physiological and biochemical processes of the human body, in the immune response and maintenance of homeostasis, as well as in the regulation of circadian rhythms. There is a relationship between the higher prevalence of a number of neurological disorders, sleep disorders and changes in the intestinal microbiota, which actualizes the study of the complex mechanisms of such correlation for the development of new treatment and prevention strategies. Environmental factors associated with excessive light exposure can aggravate the gut dysbiosis of intestinal microflora, and as a result, lead to sleep disturbances. This review examines the integrative mechanisms of sleep regulation associated with the gut microbiota (the role of neurotransmitters, short-chain fatty acids, unconjugated bile acids, bacterial cell wall components, cytokines). Taking into account the influence of gut dysbiosis as a risk factor in the development of various diseases, the authors systematize key aspects and modern scientific data on the importance of microflora balance to ensure optimal interaction along the microbiota-gut-brain axis in the context of the regulatory role of the sleep-wake cycle and its disorders.
    Двустороння связь между церебральными структурами и желудочно-кишечным трактом с участием микробиоты охватывает научную концепцию оси мозг—кишечник—микробиом. Кишечный микробиом принимает важное участие во многих физиологических и биохимических процессах организма, в иммунном ответе и поддержании гомеостаза, а также в регуляции циркадианных ритмов. Отмечается взаимосвязь между более высокой распространенностью ряда неврологических расстройств, нарушений сна и изменениями в микробиоте кишечника, что актуализирует изучение сложных механизмов такой корреляции для разработки новых стратегий лечения и профилактики. Факторы внешней среды, связанные с избыточным световым воздействием, могут усугубить дисбиоз кишечной микрофлоры, и, как следствие, приводят к нарушениям сна. В настоящем обзоре рассматриваются интегративные механизмы регуляции сна, связанные с микробиотой кишечника (роль нейромедиаторов, короткоцепочечных жирных кислот, неконъюгированных желчных кислот, компонентов бактериальной клеточной стенки, цитокинов). Принимая во внимание влияние дисбиоза кишечника как фактора риска при развитии различных заболеваний, авторами систематизированы ключевые аспекты и современные научные данные о значении баланса микрофлоры для обеспечения оптимального взаимодействия по оси мозг—кишечник—микробиом в контексте с регулирующей ролью цикла сон—бодрствование и его нарушений.





