
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enchondromas (EC) are frequent incidental findings on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed for the diagnosis of joint pathology, especially observed on MRI examinations of the knee and shoulder. Enchondroma has potential for malignant transformation to chondrosarcoma (CS), and it may be difficult to distinguish EC from low-malignant CS on the basis of imaging or histopathology studies. Therefore, EC is mostly followed up to monitor any growth and/or changes indicating aggressive tumor.There is no consensual evidence on when and how to follow up patients with EC with regard to potential malignant transformation. Therefore, the Danish Multidisciplinary Cancer Groups initiated and supported the elaboration of Danish guidelines in 2020 based on a literature review. The guidelines are presented here, in addition to a summary of the background literature.
    UNASSIGNED: Enchondrome (EC) sind häufig Zufallsbefunde bei einer Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT), die zur Diagnostik einer pathologischen Veränderung eines Gelenks durchgeführt wird, insbesondere werden sie bei MRT-Untersuchungen von Knie und Schulter beobachtet. Bei einem Enchondrom kann es zur malignen Transformation in ein Chondrosarkom (CS) kommen, und es kann schwierig sein, ein EC von einem niedrig malignen CS auf der Basis bildgebender oder histopathologischer Untersuchungen zu unterscheiden. Daher erfolgt bei einem EC meistens eine Nachuntersuchung, um ein Wachstum und/oder auf einen aggressiven Tumor hinweisende Veränderungen zu erfassen. Es gibt keine allgemein akzeptierte Evidenz dazu, wann und wie die Nachuntersuchung von Patienten mit EC in Bezug auf eine potenzielle maligne Transformation erfolgen soll. Daher initiierten und unterstützten die Danish Multidisciplinary Cancer Groups im Jahr 2020 die Entwicklung dänischer Leitlinien auf der Grundlage einer Literaturübersicht. Die Leitlinien werden hier vorgestellt, daneben gibt es eine Zusammenfassung der Hintergrundliteratur.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Carney\'s triad--gastric leiomyosarcoma, pulmonary chondroma, and extra-adrenal paraganglioma--is a syndrome that occurs primarily in young women. To date, 28 patients with at least two of these individually unusual or rare neoplasms have been described. This updated case report of one of the originally described patients with Carney\'s triad highlights several clinically important features of this unusual syndrome: (1) the multicentricity of both the paragangliomas and the epithelioid leiomyosarcomas, (2) the often indolent progression of metastatic leiomyosarcoma, (3) the potential for late recurrences, and (4) the importance of distinguishing intra-adrenal from periadrenal catecholamine-producing tumors (paragangliomas). Localization of paragangliomas is facilitated by two relatively new techniques--131I-metaiodobenzylguanidine scanning (a scintigraphic technique with high specificity for catecholamine-producing tumors) and two-dimensional echocardiography (which can noninvasively localize and demonstrate the anatomic relationships of aorticopulmonary paragangliomas). In patients with this syndrome, new or recurrent tumors frequently manifest after unusually long asymptomatic intervals. We outline an approach for continued follow-up of patients with one or more of the three neoplasms that constitute the syndrome. Rigorous long-term screening of these patients should not only lead to early recognition and resection of recurrent or new tumors but also enhance our understanding of this intriguing syndrome.





