
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the most remarkable adaptations to survive attacks from predators is to detach an appendage-a process known as autotomy. This occurs in a variety of animals, including lizards (tail), crabs (legs), and starfish (arms). There has been extensive investigation of the evolution, ecology, and biomechanical impact of autotomy,1,2,3 but little is known about neural mechanisms controlling autotomy in animals. However, evidence for the existence of a peptide that acts as an autotomy-promoting factor in starfish has been reported.4 While investigating in vivo effects of a sulfakinin/cholecystokinin-type neuropeptide (ArSK/CCK1) in the starfish Asterias rubens,5,6 we observed that this peptide triggered arm autotomy in some animals. Furthermore, when injection of ArSK/CCK1 was combined with mechanical clamping of an arm, autotomy of the clamped arm occurred in 85% of animals tested, with 46% also autotomizing one or more other arms. In contrast, no autotomy was observed in clamped animals that were injected with water (control). To examine the physiological relevance of these findings, we analyzed expression of ArSK/CCK1 in the autotomy plane, a specialized region at the base of the arms in A. rubens.7,8 In accordance with its in vivo effects, nerve fibers expressing ArSK/CCK1 were revealed in the tourniquet muscle, a band of muscle that mediates constriction of the arm during and after autotomy. We conclude that ArSK/CCK1 acts as an autotomy-promoting factor in starfish and as such it is the first neuropeptide to be identified as a regulator of autotomy in animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Basement membranes (BMs) are thin layers of extracellular matrix that separate epithelia, endothelia, muscle cells, and nerve cells from adjacent interstitial connective tissue. BMs are ubiquitous in almost all multicellular animals, and their composition is highly conserved across the Metazoa. There is increasing interest in the mechanical functioning of BMs, including the involvement of altered BM stiffness in development and pathology, particularly cancer metastasis, which can be facilitated by BM destabilization. Such BM weakening has been assumed to occur primarily through enzymatic degradation by matrix metalloproteinases. However, emerging evidence indicates that non-enzymatic mechanisms may also contribute. In brittlestars (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea), the tendons linking the musculature to the endoskeleton consist of extensions of muscle cell BMs. During the process of brittlestar autotomy, in which arms are detached for the purpose of self-defense, muscles break away from the endoskeleton as a consequence of the rapid destabilization and rupture of their BM-derived tendons. This contribution provides a broad overview of current knowledge of the structural organization and biomechanics of non-echinoderm BMs, compares this with the equivalent information on brittlestar tendons, and discusses the possible relationship between the weakening phenomena exhibited by BMs and brittlestar tendons, and the potential translational value of the latter as a model system of BM destabilization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Noxious chemicals, coupled with morphine treatment, are often used in studies on pain in vertebrates. Here we show that injection of morphine caused several behavioural changes in the crab, Carcinus maenas, including reduced pressing against the sides of the enclosure and more rubbing and picking at the mouth parts and, at least for a short time, more defensive displays. Subsequent injection of acetic acid into one rear leg caused rubbing of the injected leg and the injected leg was held vertically off the ground. These activities directed at or involving the specific leg are consistent with previous observations of directed behaviour following noxious stimuli and are consistent with the idea that decapods experience pain. Further, acetic acid but not injection of water induced autotomy of the injected leg in these animals. Because autotomy is temporally associated with directed behaviour, it is possible that the autotomy is a pain-related response. Acetic acid is clearly a noxious substance when applied to decapods. However, morphine had no effect on the activities associated with acetic acid injection and thus there is no evidence for an analgesic effect. Further, the injection of acetic acid did not interfere with behavioural effects of morphine. The activities directed towards the site of injection are like those observed with injection, or with external application, of various noxious substances and the present study adds to a growing body of knowledge about possible pain in decapods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autotomy refers to self-amputation where the loss of a limb or organ is generally said to be (1) in response to stressful external stimuli; (2) voluntary and nervously mediated; (3) supported by adaptive features that increase efficiency and simultaneously mediate the cost; and (4) morphologically delineated by a predictable breakage plane. It is estimated that this phenomenon has evolved independently nine different times across the animal kingdom, appearing in many different taxa, including vertebrate and invertebrate as well as aquatic and terrestrial animals. Marine invertebrates use this behaviour in a diversity of manners that have yet to be globally reviewed and critically examined. Here, published data from marine invertebrate taxa were used to explore instances of injury as an evolutionary driver of autotomy. Findings suggest that phyla (e.g. Echinodermata and Arthropoda) possibly experiencing high rates of injury (tissue damage or loss) are more likely to be able to perform autotomy. Additionally, this review looks at various morphological, physiological and environmental conditions that have either driven the evolution or maintained the behaviour of autotomy in marine invertebrates. Finally, the use of autotomic abilities in the development of more sustainable and less ecologically invasive fisheries is explored.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animals have evolved behavioral and morphological traits that allow them to respond to environmental challenges. However, these traits may have long-term consequences that could impact an animal\'s performance, fitness, and welfare. Several species in a group of the arachnid order of Opiliones release their legs voluntarily to escape predators. These animals use their legs for locomotion, sensation, and reproduction. Here, we first compile data across species in the suborder Eupnoi, showing that more than half of individuals are found missing legs. Then, we review recent work on the ultimate and proximate implications of leg loss in Opiliones. Field and laboratory experiments showed that leg loss (a) did not affect their survival or mating success and (b) compromised the kinematics and energetics of locomotion, but individuals recovered velocity and acceleration quickly. These findings demonstrate that these animals display robustness, i.e., the ability to withstand and overcome the potential consequences of bodily damage. This may explain why leg loss is so common and prevalent in Opiliones. Additionally, we encourage researchers to consider expanding their hypotheses beyond traditional adaptationist and ableist lenses and incorporate a comprehensive examination of animal welfare when studying animals\' responses to bodily damage. Finally, we highlight avenues for future research in Opiliones, namely assessing how individuals move in three-dimensional environments, the neural plasticity aiding recovery post-leg loss, applications for bio-inspired design, and evidence-based animal welfare measures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological organisms exhibit phenomenal adaptation through morphology-shifting mechanisms including self-amputation, regeneration, and collective behavior. For example, reptiles, crustaceans, and insects amputate their own appendages in response to threats. Temporary fusion between individuals enables collective behaviors, such as in ants that temporarily fuse to build bridges. The concept of morphological editing often involves the addition and subtraction of mass and can be linked to modular robotics, wherein synthetic body morphology may be revised by rearranging parts. This work describes a reversible cohesive interface made of thermoplastic elastomer that allows for strong attachment and easy detachment of distributed soft robot modules without direct human handling. The reversible joint boasts a modulus similar to materials commonly used in soft robotics, and can thus be distributed throughout soft robot bodies without introducing mechanical incongruities. To demonstrate utility, the reversible joint is implemented in two embodiments: a soft quadruped robot that self-amputates a limb when stuck, and a cluster of three soft-crawling robots that fuse to cross a land gap. This work points toward future robots capable of radical shape-shifting via changes in mass through autotomy and interfusion, as well as highlights the crucial role that interfacial stiffness change plays in autotomizable biological and artificial systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regeneration is widespread across all animal taxa, but patterns of its distribution and key factors determining regeneration capabilities stay enigmatic. A comparative approach could shed light on the problem, but its efficacy is limited by the fact that data is only available on a few species from derived taxa. Pycnogonida are nested basally within the Chelicerata. They can shed and replace their walking legs and have a high regeneration capacity. In this work, we carried careful observation on leg appendotomy and regeneration processes in a sea spider under laboratory settings. The limb structure and in vivo observation reveal autotomy as the most likely appendotomy mechanism. High regeneration capabilities were ascertained: an anatomically normal but small leg appeared in a single molting cycle and the full functionality regained in 2-3 cycles. Wound closure after appendotomy in N. brevirostre primarily relies on hemolymph coagulation, which apparently differs from both xiphosurans and crustaceans. Regeneration is provided by proliferation in the leg cutpiece. Regenerative morphogenesis resembles the normal ontogenetic morphogenesis of a walking leg, but accelerated. Unlike in most arthropods, in N. brevirostre, regeneration does not necessarily correspond to the molting cycle, inferring a plesiomorphic state.






  • 文章类型: Video-Audio Media
    Temperature profoundly impacts all living creatures. In spite of the thermodynamic constraints on biology, some animals have evolved to live and move in extremely cold environments. Here, we investigate behavioral mechanisms of cold tolerance in the snow fly (Chionea spp.), a flightless crane fly that is active throughout the winter in boreal and alpine environments of the northern hemisphere. Using thermal imaging, we show that adult snow flies maintain the ability to walk down to an average body temperature of -7°C. At this supercooling limit, ice crystallization occurs within the snow fly\'s hemolymph and rapidly spreads throughout the body, resulting in death. However, we discovered that snow flies frequently survive freezing by rapidly amputating legs before ice crystallization can spread to their vital organs. Self-amputation of freezing limbs is a last-ditch tactic to prolong survival in frigid conditions that few animals can endure. Understanding the extreme physiology and behavior of snow insects holds particular significance at this moment when their alpine habitats are rapidly changing due to anthropogenic climate change. VIDEO ABSTRACT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prey capture and subjugation are complex behaviors affected by many factors including physiological and behavioral traits of both the predator and the prey. The western banded gecko (Coleonyx variegatus) is a small generalist predator that consumes both evasive prey items, such as spiders, wasps, and orthopterans, and non-evasive prey items, including larvae, pupae, and isopterans. When consuming certain prey (e.g., scorpions), banded geckos will capture and then rapidly oscillate, or shake, their head and anterior part of their body. Banded geckos also have large, active tails that can account for over 20% of their body weight and can be voluntarily severed through the process of caudal autotomy. However, how autotomy influences prey capture behavior in geckos is poorly understood. Using high-speed 3D videography, we studied the effects of both prey type (mealworms and crickets) and tail autotomy on prey capture and subjugation performance in banded geckos. Performance metrics included maximum velocity and distance of prey capture, as well as velocity and frequency of post-capture shaking. Maximum velocity and distance of prey capture were lower for mealworms than crickets regardless of tail state. However, after autotomy, maximum velocity increased for strikes on mealworms but significantly decreased for crickets. After capture, geckos always shook mealworms, but never crickets. The frequency of shaking mealworms decreased after autotomy and additional qualitative differences were observed. Our results highlight the complex and interactive effects of prey type and caudal autotomy on prey capture biomechanics.





