assistive technology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Assistive technologies (ATs) have the potential to promote the quality of life and independent living of older adults and, further, to relieve the burden of formal and informal caregivers and relatives. Technological developments over the last decades have led to a boost of available ATs. However, evidence on the benefits and satisfaction with ATs in real-world applications remains scarce.
    UNASSIGNED: This prospective, real-world, pilot study tested the perceived benefit and satisfaction with different ATs in the real-world environment.
    UNASSIGNED: Community-dwelling adults aged ≥65 and their relatives tested a tablet computer with a simplified interface or a smartwatch with programmable emergency contacts for 8 weeks in their everyday life. Perceived benefits and satisfaction with ATs were assessed by all older adults and their relatives using different assessment tools before and after the intervention. Outcome measures included the Technology Usage Inventory, Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with Assistive Technology 2.0, and Canadian Occupational Performance Measure.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 17 older adults (tablet computer: n=8, 47% and smartwatch: n=9, 53%) and 16 relatives (tablet computer: n=7, 44% and smartwatch: n=9, 56%) were included in the study. The number of participants that were frail (according to the Clinical Frailty Scale) and received care was higher in the smartwatch group than in the tablet computer group. Older adults of the smartwatch group reported higher technology acceptance (Technology Usage Inventory) and satisfaction (Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with Assistive Technology 2.0) scores than those of the tablet computer group, although the differences were not significant (all P>.05). In the tablet computer group, relatives had significantly higher ratings on the item intention to use than older adults (t12.3=3.3, P=.006). Identified everyday issues with the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure included contact/communication and entertainment/information for the tablet computer, safety and getting help in emergency situations for the smartwatch, and the usability of the AT for both devices. While the performance (t8=3.5, P=.008) and satisfaction (t8=3.2, P=.01) in these domains significantly improved in the smartwatch group, changes in the tablet computer group were inconsistent (all P>.05).
    UNASSIGNED: This study highlights the remaining obstacles for the widespread and effective application of ATs in the everyday life of older adults and their relatives. While the results do not provide evidence for a positive effect regarding communication deficits, perceived benefits could be shown for the area of safety. Future research and technical developments need to consider not only the preferences, problems, and goals of older adults but also their relatives and caregivers to improve the acceptability and effectiveness of ATs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individuals with intellectual disabilities often fail to learn complex tasks. Modified Goal Management Training (mGMT) or Errorless Learning combined with assistive technology (App + EL) can help. The goal is to demonstrate the effectiveness of mGMT and/or App + EL in learning complex tasks. We employed a randomized controlled crossover design. One group started with mGMT (N = 16), and the other with App + EL (N = 15). We compared their performance with that of a passive control group (N = 15). The training consisted of six sessions of 30 minutes each. Success was analyzed using the Goal Attainment Scale (GAS). Three different tasks were assessed before and after each intervention period: \"Practiced\", \"Non-Practiced\", or \"Previously Practiced\". Generalization was evaluated through neuropsychological tests. Results indicated that both interventions significantly improved \"Practiced\" tasks compared with \"Non-Practiced\" tasks and the control group. Crossing the intervention did not interfere with the stable performance on the \"Previously Practiced\" task. However, starting with mGMT reduced, but did not eliminate, the efficacy of App + EL after crossing, but this pattern was not observed for the reverse sequence. Only the Tower of London task documented improvements related to interventions. In conclusion, the mGMT and App + EL were effective in learning complex tasks and retaining performance after learning a second task.Trial registration: German Clinical Trials Register identifier: DRKS00021674.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are commonly used by children with cerebral palsy (CP), but traditional solutions are unable to address the heterogeneity and evolving needs amongst children with CP. One key limitation lies in the inability of current passive devices to customize the torque-angle relationship, which is essential to adapt the support to the specific individual needs. Powered alternatives can provide customized behavior, but often face challenges with reliability, weight, and cost. Overall, clinicians find certain barriers that hinder their prescription. In recent work, the Variable Stiffness Orthosis (VSO) was developed, enabling stiffness customization without the need for motors or sophisticated control.
    METHODS: This work evaluates a pediatric version of the VSO (inGAIT-VSO) by investigating its impact on the walking performance of children with CP and its potential to be used as a tool for assessing the effect of variable stiffness on pathological gait. Data was collected for three typical developing (TD) children and six pediatric participants with CP over two sessions involving walking/balance tasks and questionnaires.
    RESULTS: The sensors of the inGAIT-VSO provided useful information to assess the impact of the device. Increasing the stiffness of the inGAIT-VSO significantly reduced participants\' dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. Despite reduced range of motion, the peak restoring torque increased with stiffness. Overall the participants\' gait pattern was altered by reducing crouch gait, preventing drop-foot and supporting body weight. Participants with CP exhibited significantly lower (p < 0.05) physiological cost when walking with the inGAIT-VSO compared to normal condition (own AFO or shoes only). Generally, the device did not impair walking and balance of the participants compared to normal conditions. According to the questionnaire results, the inGAIT-VSO was easy to use and participants reported positive experiences.
    CONCLUSIONS: The inGAIT-VSO stiffnesses significantly affected participants\' plantarflexion and dorsiflexion and yielded objective data regarding walking performance in pathological gait (e.g. ankle angle, exerted torque and restored assistive energy). These effects were captured by the sensors integrated in the device without using external equipment. The inGAIT-VSO shows promise for customizing AFO stiffness and aiding clinicians in selecting a personalized stiffness based on objective metrics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Dementia impairs the ability of people with dementia to be autonomous and independent. They need support from third parties, who should ideally respect their autonomy and independence as much as possible. Supporting people with dementia can be very burdensome for caregivers and numbers of patients increase while numbers of potential caregivers decline. Digital assistive technologies (DATs) that directly support patients or their caregivers may help bridging the increasing gap between need of support and available resources. DATs have the potential to preserve the autonomy and independence of people with dementia and promote their abilities, if they are properly designed in close interaction with future users. In our study, we focused on ethical concerns, technological requirements, and implementation criteria for DAT in general and specifically to support outdoor mobility of people with dementia.
    METHODS: We applied a qualitative approach and conducted a World Café (2 tables, n = 7) and an online focus group (n = 6) with people with dementia, relatives, healthcare professionals, scientists, ethics experts, and experts for digitally-assisted medical care. We descriptively analyzed the data using a content analysis approach.
    RESULTS: The participants reported technological (e.g., lack of Wi-Fi), financial (e.g., expensive devices or lack of budget for DATs), political (e.g., legal hurdles such as the European Medical Device Law or data protection regulations) as well as user-related hurdles (e.g., lack of digital competence) for the implementation of DAT in dementia care. Among the issues discussed were the importance of autonomy, independence, safety, privacy, and questions of decision making capacity in DAT\'s use. Participants identified opportunities and benefits in self-learning, situation-aware DATs and wished for dementia-friendly communities. They emphasized the value of personal interaction that should not be replaced, but rather supported by DAT.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results revealed multiple hurdles and ethical concerns for DAT use and provided recommendations for designing and implementing DATs. Further investigations are needed on the impact of DAT on personal interactions in caregiving and the role of DAT in dementia-friendly communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Spaced retrieval is a learning technique that involves engaging in repeated memory testing after increasingly lengthy intervals of time. Spaced retrieval has been shown to improve long-term memory in Alzheimer disease (AD), but it has historically been difficult to implement in the everyday lives of individuals with AD.
    OBJECTIVE: This research aims to determine, in people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) due to AD, the efficacy and feasibility of a mobile app that combines spaced retrieval with a machine learning algorithm to enhance memory retention. Specifically, the app prompts users to answer questions during brief daily sessions, and a machine learning algorithm tracks each user\'s rate of forgetting to determine the optimal spacing schedule to prevent anticipated forgetting.
    METHODS: In this pilot study, 61 participants (young adults: n=21, 34%; healthy older adults: n=20, 33%; people with MCI due to AD: n=20, 33%) used the app for 4 weeks to learn new facts and relearn forgotten name-face associations. Participation during the 4-week period was characterized by using the app once per day to answer 15 questions about the facts and names. After the 4-week learning phase, participants completed 2 recognition memory tests approximately 1 week apart, which tested memory for information they had studied using the app as well as information they had not studied.
    RESULTS: After using the mobile app for 1 month, every person with MCI due to AD demonstrated improvements in memory for new facts that they had studied via the app compared to baseline (P<.001). All but one person with MCI due to AD (19/20, 95%) showed improvements of more than 10 percentage points, comparable to the improvements shown by young adults and healthy older adults. Memory for name-face associations was similarly improved for all participant groups after using the app but to a lesser degree. Furthermore, for both new facts and name-face associations, we found no memory decay for any participant group after they took a break of approximately 1 week from using the app at the end of the study. Regarding usability, of the 20 people with MCI due to AD, 16 (80%) self-adhered to the app\'s automated practice schedule, and half of them (n=10, 50%) expressed an interest in continuing to use it.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate early evidence that spaced retrieval mobile apps are both feasible for people with early-stage AD to use in their everyday lives and effective for supporting memory retention of recently learned facts and name-face associations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Disability influences activities of daily living, leading to unsafe conditions, poor quality of life, and dependence on others and assistive technologies. Despite limited access and unmet needs, assistive technology enables users to participate in education and be independent members of their community. Students with disabilities in higher education face many challenges in their day-to-day activities and evidence is limited in the study area. Therefore, this study aimed to explore assistive technology experience and daily living challenges among students with disabilities in higher education.
    UNASSIGNED: A descriptive qualitative study design was employed at the University of Gondar, Gondar, Ethiopia, between December 20, 2022, and January 20, 2023. A purposive sampling method was employed to recruit 14 students with disabilities. An in-depth interview was employed using semi-structured questionnaires. Open Code version 4 software for coding and reflexive thematic analysis approach was employed for the analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 14 students with disabilities were included in an in-depth interview. Four main themes emerged, which included activities of daily living, attitudes toward people with disabilities, barriers to accessibility, and access to assistive technology.
    UNASSIGNED: Barriers to activities of daily living among students with disabilities were poor accessibility of infrastructural facilities, lack of teaching/learning materials in an accessible format, and negative attitudes. The present study\'s finding is needed to support students in higher education for their academic achievement and to design appropriate rehabilitation strategies and policies on the accessibility of physical infrastructures, inclusive education, and the provision of assistive technology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Home automation can deliver important outcomes for people with disabilities, including enhanced independence. Despite the millions of dollars spent on home automation in Australia and other developed nations, to date, there has been no economic evaluation of this type of assistive technology.
    METHODS: A social return on investment analysis of home automation study was undertaken. Primary data were collected using qualitative interviews with home automation consumers and other key stakeholders, including occupational therapists, a spinal rehabilitation physician, peer support advocate, and managers and technical personnel from home automation providers (n = 17). The analysis was supported by (1) secondary data from a scoping review on outcomes from home automation and (2) additional literature searches to identify suitable financial proxies and to make estimates of the proportion of home automation users expected to experience each outcome. A scenario approach was used with three home automation scenarios developed with increasing complexity and costs to calculate the social return on investment.
    RESULTS: Eight outcomes from the use of home automation were identified, including reduced reliance on carers and family members, increased independence, and improved energy and comfort. The social return on investment ranged from $38.80 (low cost) to $15.10 (high cost) for every $1 invested across a 10-year benefit period, with the financial proxy for reduced care attendant hours contributing the most to the social return ratio. Even the highest cost scenario was repaid in social value within the first year of the benefit period.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that home automation represents a sound investment and has a significant impact on the overall quality of life of people with disabilities. Focusing on the financial savings in care attendant hours alone should be compelling evidence for funders to recognise home automation\'s value and continue to fund this assistive technology.
    UNASSIGNED: A consumer representative was a member of the project steering group, which supported the research team at all stages of the project.
    CONCLUSIONS: When people get injured, their disability can stop them doing things around the home that they used to be able to do. Technology can help people with disabilities do things like open and close doors and turn off taps by pressing a button, so they do not have to wait for someone to help them. This technology can be expensive, but no one has looked at if it is worth the money. We spoke to some people with disabilities who used this type of technology, and they told us their lives were better now they used this technology. For example, they told us they were able to do things for themselves, they did not need carers as much, and they had better mental health. We spoke to businesses about the costs of different types of technology that can be used in the home. We then put a dollar value on the ways people with disabilities told us their lives were better. For example, for better mental health, we worked out how much it would cost to see a psychologist for 1 year. We found that the dollar value of the ways in which people with disabilities\' lives were improved was at least 15 times more than the costs of the technology. This study therefore shows that this technology is worth the money and improves the lives of people with disabilities following serious injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies report that speech-to-text applications (STT) may support students with writing difficulties in text production. However, existing research is sparse, shows mixed results, and lacks information on STT interventions and their applicability in schools. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate whether a systematic and intensive assistive technology intervention focusing on STT can improve text production. A modified multiple-baseline across-subject design was used involving eight middle school students, four Norwegian and four Swedish. Their STT-produced narrative texts were collected during and after the intervention and the productivity, accuracy, and text quality were analysed. Keyboarding was the baseline control condition. The results demonstrated that seven of the eight students increased text productivity and that the proportion of word-level accuracy was maintained or improved. The use of punctuation progressed in participants with poor baseline skills. Most students\' STT-produced texts had at least a similar ratio of meaningfulness and text quality as keyboarding. However, the magnitude of the changes and development patterns varied, with three students showing the most notable impacts. In conclusion, this study\'s intervention seemed beneficial in initially instructing STT, and the progress monitoring guided individually adapted future interventions such as balancing productivity and formal language aspects. Removing the spelling barrier with STT provided an opportunity for students to improve their higher-order skills, such as vocabulary diversity and overall text quality. Furthermore, visible progress, such as the ability to produce longer texts, might motivate continued STT usage. However, such development may not always be immediate.
    Speech-to-text (STT) may be an effective tool for developing text production in students with severe reading and writing difficulties. For example, enhanced text length can provide teachers with more material for feedback, guiding students towards improved text production.Text-to-speech may further enhance the usefulness of STT in text production by facilitating the revision process through listening to produced sentences and texts.By continuously monitoring students’ STT usage and text production, teachers can tailor the content for further interventions to address individual needs such as sentence construction and text planning.Early STT intervention seems beneficial, allowing more time to practise advanced skills in text production when bypassing spelling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Additive manufacturing (3D printing) is increasingly utilized in healthcare. Some rehabilitation professionals employ 3D printing for orthoses, prostheses, and assistive technologies (AT). However, anecdotal evidence suggests that many practitioners have reservations about adopting 3D printing into their practices, and empirical research in this area is limited. The aim of the study was to document my experience while learning 3D printing. In this autoethnographic study, journal entries and photos of the artifacts were collected during the process of learning 3D printing. These data were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Three themes were identified: Being motivated to learn 3D printing, Experiencing challenges and implementing possible solutions, and Achieving developmental milestones in learning 3D printing. These milestones offered practical insights and solutions for new learners by providing a roadmap for navigating the journey of learning 3D printing. This personal experience offered opportunities and posed challenges in the context of learning to use 3D printing in the rehabilitation field. It is hoped that this study will inspire others to explore 3D printing and potentially contribute to the development of 3D printing training programs for students and rehabilitation professionals.
    The study contributes to understanding of 3D printers use for individuals with disabilities, whether in occupational therapy or non-occupational therapy contexts.By highlighting the issues and challenges documented in this study, individuals with no prior exposure to 3D printing can better manage their expectations when embarking on their own 3D printing journey.This experience can serve as an inspiration for occupational therapy students and other students in rehabilitation programs to share their own stories about their encounters with 3D printing, potentially sparking new approaches to practice.The knowledge and experience gained through 3D printing might help to develop a 3D printing training workshop.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to examine the characteristics of assistive device users and influencing factors among disabled elderly in China.
    METHODS: A total of 13,510 disabled elderly in Sichuan Province were surveyed. Disability was assessed using the Barthel Activities of Daily Living Scale, mental status, sensory perception, and social engagement evaluation. Univariate analysis and logistic regression analysis were employed to identify the impact factors.
    RESULTS: The prevalence of assistive device utilization among participants was 79.2% (10,700/13,510, 95% CI 78.5%-79.9%), with the wheelchair being the most commonly used device. Various factors were found to influence the usage of the device, including disability level, somatic disability, age, caregivers, income, caregiver fees, and living situation (p < .05). Additionally, several factors were identified associated with the frequency of device usage, such as somatic disability, education background, income, caregiver fees, living situation, access to acquire assistive devices, duration of assistive device usage, education on assistive devices, and satisfaction level (p < .05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of assistive devices among elderly individuals in China is prevalent. There are many factors that affect the use of assistive devices, which can provide a reference for the formulation of policies in the field of assistive devices.





