assisted reproductive treatment

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study is to examine the influence of antenatal factors such as anxiety, depression, perceived stress, marital satisfaction, maternal antenatal attachment, and social support on postnatal maternal attachment and competence in women who received assisted reproductive treatment. A prospective longitudinal cohort design was adopted with two groups-50 women who received assisted reproductive treatment and 50 women who had natural conception. Both the groups were assessed using self-report measures over three time points: T1, 7th month of pregnancy; T2, 2 weeks postpartum; and T3, 3 months postpartum. A final sample of 44 women who had assisted conception and 47 women who had natural conception completed assessments across all three time points. Descriptive, bivariate analyses, and stepwise multiple linear regression analyses were carried out. In the assisted conception group, maternal antenatal attachment, depression, and marital satisfaction significantly predicted postnatal maternal-infant attachment. Perceived social support, depression, and duration of marriage significantly predicted postnatal maternal competence. In the naturally conceived group, maternal antenatal attachment and social support significantly predicted postnatal maternal-infant attachment; perceived stress significantly predicted postnatal maternal competence. Antenatal depressive symptoms and relational factors significantly influenced postnatal maternal attachment and competence highlighting the need for screening and targeted psychological interventions during pregnancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of infertility in gender differences on psycho-traumatological, sexological, relational and emotional aspects and gender differences in couples requiring assisted reproductive treatment.
    METHODS: 151 couples were recruited with a mean age of 36.7 ± 4.8 years for women and 39.8 ± 6.6f or men. 43% of women and 34% of men had already received the diagnosis of infertility. To recruited subjects was administered the following psychometric tests: Sexological and Emotional in Infertility questionnaire (SEIq), Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX), the Orgasmomether and the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ).
    RESULTS: There was a significant difference in traumatic symptoms between men and women (t = 5,859, p < 0.05). Gender differences were found in the sexological dimension of the SEIq (t = 7,858, p < .001) and in the total ASEX score (t = 3,979, p < .001). Specifically, significant correlations emerged between the ASEX domains and the emotional and sexological aspects related to infertility only in women. The reaction to the diagnosis was negatively correlated with the emotional area of ​​the couple (r = -0.683, p < .001) and positively with the couple relationship (r = 0.815, p < .001). Multiple regression revealed that the overall functioning of the couple, rather than the single scales, is the main predictor of sexuality (R2 = 0.77).
    CONCLUSIONS: A clear impact of infertility on the couple\'s psycho-traumatological, psycho-sexological and relational aspects emerged. It could be useful to promote targeted support interventions on the most compromised areas of couple functioning in assisted reproductive centers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Couples undergoing assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are prone to sexual dysfunction and lower quality of life (QoL), but whether the incidence of these problems differs with the type of ART is unknown. As such, we conducted this cross-sectional survey to compare the sexual function and QoL of 75 couples undergoing intrauterine insemination (IUI), and 160 couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). They completed an anonymous questionnaire which included: (i) demographic characteristics; (ii) female sexual function index (FSFI) or (iii) international index of erectile function-5 (IIEF-5); and (iv) fertility QoL questionnaire (FertiQoL). Overall, 22.6% of wives and 39.1% of husbands were at risk for sexual dysfunction, and the risk was similar in IUI and IVF groups. Mean core/treatment/total FertiQoL scores of husbands were higher than wives: 74.98 vs. 68.24/70.02 vs. 65.87/73.52 vs. 67.54 (all p < 0.001). FertiQoL scores were similar in IUI and IVF groups except wives\' treatment FertiQoL score was significantly higher in the IUI group (68.93 vs. 64.44; p = 0.009). This study confirms that risks for sexual dysfunction were similar in IUI and IVF couples. Wives undergoing IVF had significantly lower treatment FertiQoL score. In both IUI and IVF groups, husbands\' QoL was better than wives\' QoL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased risk of abnormal pregnancy implantation leading to obstetric complications such as pre-eclampsia and fetal growth restriction. However, the effect of vitamin D on reproductive treatment outcomes in couples undergoing assisted reproductive treatment is poorly understood. This study investigates the association between vitamin D and reproductive treatment outcomes in women undergoing assisted reproductive treatments?
    METHODS: A prospective cohort study conducted at a large tertiary teaching hospital, United Kingdom. Five hundred women undergoing assisted reproductive treatment were recruited between September 2013 and September 2015. All participants had their serum vitamin D measured and their reproductive treatment outcomes collated. Women were categorised in to three groups: vitamin D replete (> 75 nmol/L), insufficient (50-75 nmol/L) and deficient (< 50 nmol/L) according to Endocrine Society guidance. The primary outcome was live birth. Secondary outcomes included biochemical pregnancy, clinical pregnancy and pregnancy loss rates.
    RESULTS: Vitamin D deficiency was found in 53.2% (266/500) of participants and vitamin D insufficiency was found in 30.8% (154/500) of participants. Only 16% (80/500) of women were vitamin D replete. The live birth rates for vitamin D deficient, insufficient and replete women were 23.2% (57/246), 27.0% (38/141) and 37.7% (29/77) respectively (p = 0.04). The respective live birth rates for vitamin D deficient, insufficient and replete women were 24.3, 27.1, 34.4% after adjustment for key prognostic factors (p = 0.25).
    CONCLUSIONS: Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency are common in women undergoing assisted reproductive treatments. The crude live birth rate achieved in women undergoing assisted reproductive treatments are associated with serum vitamin D, although statistical significance is lost when adjusting for important prognostic variables. Vitamin D deficiency could be an important condition to treat in women considering fertility treatment. A research trial to investigate the benefits of vitamin D deficiency treatment would test this hypothesis.
    BACKGROUND: - NCT02187146 .







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: To compare the cumulative pregnancy rate (CPR) for experienced clinicians and trainees naive to the skill of embryo transfer (ET) during an assisted reproductive treatment (ART) cycle. To establish the minimum number of procedures required to achieve consistent outcomes. Method: A non-interventional retrospective observational cohort study looking at all consecutive ETs undertaken over a 5-year study period. The CPR was determined by a self-reported urinary home pregnancy test undertaken 16 days after oocyte retrieval. Results: The CPR did not differ between an experienced clinician (39%) and trainee (45%) for the first 50 (p=0.41) and last 50 (40.7% versus 42.7%) (p=0.81) ET procedures. The CPR for the individuals remained consistent with their peaks and troughs mirroring the overall success rate of the unit. This pattern continued when the data was further stratified for co-variables (age [≤37 years of age], catheter type [soft] and embryo quality [expanded blastocyst of grade ≥2]): CPRs for experienced clinicians was 65.7% (first 50 transfers) and 40.9% (last 50 transfers); CPR for trainees was 66.7% (first 50 transfers) and 53.6% (last 50 transfers); p=0.95 and p=0.37, respectively. The trainees, however, were more likely to use a stylet catheter with a 2-step transfer technique, with a cost over clinical implication. Furthermore, patients expressed a preference for an experienced clinician to perform their procedure, despite being informed that the grade of the clinician had no impact on the cycle outcome after an analysis of the unit\'s data. Conclusion: The clinician\'s grade and duration of service have not been shown to significantly impact the outcome of the ART cycle. The findings, however, should be interpreted with caution, as they reflect the culture of training in the unit, where there is a strong emphasis on adequate direct and indirect supervision. Furthermore, the relationship between the volume of work and outcomes is established in postgraduate medical education, with the exact number required to achieve clinical competence being dependent on the procedure and intensity of the workload.
    Hintergrund: Embryotransfer (ET) ist die letzte kritische Phase innerhalb des assistierten reproduktiven Behandlungszyklus (ART). Es wird zunehmend deutlich, dass ein atraumatisches Verfahren wichtig für das Erzielen eines erfolgreichen Ergebnisses ist, und somit sollten theoretisch die Erfolgsraten zwischen Kliniksärzten variieren, basierend auf ihrer Position und ihrem Dienstalter, die beide Maßeinheiten klinischer Erfahrung sind. Diese Studie vergleicht die kumulative Schwangerschaftsrate (CPR) erfahrener Kliniker mit der von Ärzten in der Ausbildung, die mit den Fertigkeiten des ET nicht vertraut sind.Methode: Nicht-interventionelle retrospektive beobachtende Kohortenstudie, die über einen 5-Jahres-Zeitraum alle durchgeführten konsekutiven ETs untersucht. Die CPR wurde durch einen Urinschwangerschaftstest festgestellt, der 16 Tage nach der Gewinnung der Oozyte durchgeführt wurde.Ergebnisse: Die CPR zeigte keine Unterschiede zwischen erfahrenen Kliniksärzten (39%) und Ärzten in der Ausbildung (45%) bei den ersten 50 (p=0,41) und den letzten 50 Verfahren (40,7% versus 42,7%) (p=0,81). Die CPR blieb für diese Personen konsistent hinsichtlich Spitzen und Tiefpunkten, die die Erfolgsrate der Abteilung widerspiegelten. Dieses Muster setzte sich fort, als nach Co-Variablen stratifiziert wurde (Alter [≤37 Jahre], Kathetertyp [weich] und Embryoqualität [ausgedehnte Blastozysten von Grad ≥2]): die CPR für erfahrene Kliniker lag bei 65,7% (erste 50 Transfers) und 40,9% (letzte 50 Transfers); die CPR für Ärzte in der Ausbildung lag bei 66,7% bzw. 53,6%; p=0,95 bzw. p=0,37. Ärzte in der Ausbildung neigten eher dazu, einen Mandrinkatheter mit 2-stufiger Transfertechnik zu verwenden mit klinischen Auswirkungen bzgl. Mehrkosten. Darüber hinaus präferierten die Patienten, das ein erfahrener Kliniker bei ihnen das Verfahren durchführen sollte, obwohl sie darüber informiert worden waren, dass nach Analyse der Daten die Dienstposition keinen Einfluss auf das Zyklusergebnis hat.Schlussfolgerung: Dienstliche Position und Dienstalter wirkten sich nicht signifikant auf das Ergebnis des ART-Zyklus aus. Die Ergebnisse sollten jedoch mit Vorsicht interpretiert werden, da sie die Ausbildungskultur in der Abteilung reflektieren, wo großer Wert auf adäquate direkte und indirekte Supervision gelegt wird. Außerdem wird das Verhältnis zwischen Arbeitsvolumen und Ergebnissen in der postgraduierten ärztlichen Ausbildung mit einer genauen Anzahl festgelegt, die nötig ist, um klinische Kompetenz zu erreichen in Abhängigkeit von Verfahren und Intensität des Arbeitsaufwands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Improvements in success rates of assisted reproduction led to predictions that infertility surgery in both women and men would become extinct in developed countries. We sought to identify the changes in reproductive surgery that occurred between 2001 and 2015 to determine whether these predictions have been accurate.
    The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) national procedural dataset and the Australian Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) claims database were searched for procedure data for male and female reproductive surgery and assisted reproduction from January 2001 to December 2015. The denominators were based on annual point estimates of the total population aged 25-44 years (female) and 25-55 years (male) from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). This dataset provides procedures undertaken but not their indications.
    Over the study period the incidence of tubal surgery fell by 66%, vasectomy reversal by 33%, and surgical varicocoelectomy by 50%. In contrast, the rate of hysteroscopic myomectomy increased by 48%, hysteroscopic septoplasty by 125%, and laparoscopy for severe endometriosis increased by 84%. In vitro fertilisation oocyte retrievals increased by 90%. The rate of abdominal myomectomy was unchanged.
    Fertility surgery is not dead but has evolved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of embryo quality on pregnancy outcomes.
    METHODS: This retrospective analysis included 80 live singleton births, resulting from morphologically good-quality embryo transfers, and 25 live singleton births that resulted from morphologically poor-quality embryo transfers between January, 2008 and December, 2014. Cleavage embryos that were graded as ≥2, according to the Veeck classification system, and blastocysts that were graded as ≥3BB, according to the Gardner classification system, were defined as good quality. The obstetric and neonatal outcomes were compared between the poor- and good-quality embryo transfer groups.
    RESULTS: The mean maternal age between the groups was similar. The blastocyst transfer rate was higher in the good-quality, than in the poor-quality, embryo transfer group. Other characteristics, including parity, infertility duration, the intracytoplasmic sperm injection rate, frozen-thawed embryo transfer rate, endometrial thickness, and hormone values before the embryo transfer, were similar between the groups. The obstetric and neonatal outcomes of live births between the two groups were not different in terms of preterm delivery, birthweight, small or large size for gestational age, malformation, umbilical artery cord pH of <7.20, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus, chorioamnionitis, placenta previa, and placental abruption.
    CONCLUSIONS: The obstetric and neonatal outcomes of live births between the poor- and good-quality embryo transfers were equivalent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Improvements in cancer diagnosis and treatment in patients of a reproductive age have led to significant improvements in survival rates; however, a patient\'s fertility can be affected by both cancer and its treatment. As survival rates improve, there is an expectation by clinicians and patients that patient\'s reproductive potential should be considered and protected as much as possible. However, there is a lack of data about current fertility preservation (FP) uptake as well as accurate data on the acute or permanent reproductive risks of cancer treatment, complications of FP in cancer patients, and the use and success of assisted reproductive technology by cancer survivors. FP remains a major gap in acute cancer management with lifelong implications for cancer survivors. The FUTuRE Fertility research team has established the first binational multisite Australasian Oncofertility Registry, which is collecting a complete oncofertility data set from cancer and fertility centers in Australia and New Zealand. Outcomes from the research study will monitor referral, uptake, and complications of FP, document patient\'s reproductive potential after treatment, and collect data on the use of assisted reproductive technology following cancer treatment. The data will be linked to other routine health and administrative data sets to allow for other research projects to be carried out. The changes in oncofertility care will be benchmarked against the Australasian Oncofertility Charter. The data will be used to develop evidence-based guidelines and resources, including development of accurate risk projections for patients\' risk of infertility, allowing clinicians to make recommendations for FP or assisted reproductive technology. Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Number-12615000221550.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine how infertility and subsequent assisted reproductive treatment (ART) affect a woman\'s childbirth experience.
    METHODS: Prospective multicenter case-control study.
    METHODS: We recruited women pregnant with a singleton fetus after either ART (n = 324) or spontaneous conception (n = 304) from five infertility clinics and one university maternity clinic in Finland.
    METHODS: We studied their childbirth experience with the Delivery Satisfaction Scale. We compared how psychosocial and obstetric factors affected satisfaction and dissatisfaction with childbirth between and within the ART and the control group. Logistic regression was then used to analyse the most important contributors to the experienced dissatisfaction.
    RESULTS: Dissatisfaction with childbirth was as common in the ART group (11%) as in the control (10%) group. In the ART group, the women\'s education level, cesarean section (CS) and their partner\'s absence from the delivery were associated with dissatisfaction. In the control group, significant factors for dissatisfaction were nulliparity, severe pregnancy-related anxiety, emergency CS, recalled intense pain and the partner\'s absence from the delivery. According to adjusted logistic regression analysis of the whole sample, the independent risk factors were elective CS [odds ratio (OR) 5.7; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.2-14.1] and emergency CS (OR 2.9; 95% CI 1.3-6.5), recalled intense pain (OR 6.8; 95% CI 3.3-16.2) and the partner\'s absence from the delivery (OR 2.7; 95% CI 1.1-7.3).
    CONCLUSIONS: ART is not a risk factor for dissatisfaction with childbirth by itself. However, the contributors to an unsatisfactory childbirth differ partly between women conceiving with ART and those conceiving spontaneously.





