amino acid substitution

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytochrome P450 enzymes have attracted much interest over the years given their ability to insert oxygen into saturated carbon-hydrogen bonds, a difficult feat to accomplish by traditional chemistry. Much of the activity in this field has centered on the bacterial enzyme CYP102A1, or BM3, from Bacillus megaterium, as it has shown itself capable of hydroxylating/acting upon a wide range of substrates, thereby producing industrially relevant pharmaceuticals, fine chemicals, and hormones. In addition, unlike most cytochromes, BM3 is both soluble and fused to its natural redox partner, thus facilitating its use. The industrial use of BM3 is however stifled by its instability and its requirement for the expensive NADPH cofactor. In this work, we added several mutations to the BM3 mutant R966D/W1046S that enhanced the turnover number achievable with the inexpensive cofactors NADH and NBAH. These new mutations, A769S, S847G, S850R, E852P, and V978L, are localized on the reductase domain of BM3 thus leaving the oxidase domain intact. For NBAH-driven reactions by new mutant NTD5, this led to a 5.24-fold increase in total product output when compared to the BM3 mutant R966D/W1046S. For reactions driven by NADH by new mutant NTD6, this enhanced total product output by as much as 2.3-fold when compared to the BM3 mutant R966D/W1046S. We also demonstrated that reactions driven by NADH with the NTD6 mutant not only surpassed total product output achievable by wild-type BM3 with NADPH but also retained the ability to use this latter cofactor with greater total product output as well.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A review of the British Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (BSHI) Guideline \'HLA matching and donor selection for haematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation\' published in 2016 was undertaken by a BSHI appointed writing committee. Literature searches were performed and the data extracted were presented as recommendations according to the GRADE nomenclature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Enzymatic quantification of creatinine has become an essential method for clinical evaluation of renal function. Although creatinase (CR) is frequently used for this purpose, its poor thermostability severely limits industrial applications. Herein, we report a novel creatinase from Alcaligenes faecalis (afCR) with higher catalytic activity and lower KM value, than currently used creatinases. Furthermore, we developed a non-biased phylogenetic consensus method to improve the thermostability of afCR.
    RESULTS: We applied a non-biased phylogenetic consensus method to identify 59 candidate consensus residues from 24 creatinase family homologs for screening afCR mutants with improved thermostability. Twenty-one amino acids of afCR were selected to mutagenesis and 11 of them exhibited improved thermostability compared to the parent enzyme (afCR-M0). Combination of single-site mutations in sequential screens resulted in a quadruple mutant D17V/T199S/L6P/T251C (M4-2) which showed ~ 1700-fold enhanced half-life at 57 °C and a 4.2 °C higher T5015 than that of afCR-M0. The mutant retained catalytic activity equivalent to afCR-M0, and thus showed strong promise for application in creatinine detection. Structural homology modeling revealed a wide range of potential molecular interactions associated with individual mutations that contributed to improving afCR thermostability.
    CONCLUSIONS: Results of this study clearly demonstrated that the non-biased-phylogenetic consensus design for improvement of thermostability in afCR is effective and promising in improving the thermostability of more enzymes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among several key protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions within the replisome, the interaction between β-clamp and the DNA polymerase (Pol) III is of crucial importance. This interaction is mediated by a five or six-residue conserved sequence of the DnaE subunit of Pol III, referred to as the Clamp Binding Motif (CBM). In E. coli, DnaE contains two CBMs designated as e-CBM and i-CBM. A consensus sequence (QL[S/D]LF) for the CBMs has previously been proposed and studies involving mutagenesis of both the CBMs have evaluated their protein-binding properties. Surface Plasmon Resonance has been used to show that replacing i-CBM in DnaE with the consensus sequence enhances its binding to β-clamp 120-fold.
    The current study was aimed to evaluate in vivo interaction between DnaE bearing the consensus i-CBM and β-clamp.
    The C-terminal 405 residues of DnaE, bearing either the consensus i-CBM or the WT i-CBM, with β-clamp were co-expressed in E. coli followed by co-purification of the protein complexes. The interaction was assessed by the ability of the co-expressed proteins to form stable complexes during both affinity and gel filtration chromatography.
    The interaction of β-clamp with DnaEΔ755M containing the consensus i-CBM was found to be more stable than with WT DnaEΔ755, consistent with the in vitro data previously reported.
    The presence of the pieces of sheared DNA generated during sonication promote the interaction of DnaEΔ755M with β-clamp by binding the OB-fold of DnaEΔ755M and β-clamp and serves as a bridge between them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A methyl parathion hydrolase (MPH) gene, bjmpd, was cloned from a newly isolated MP-degrading bacterial strain, Burkholderia jiangsuensis MP-1T and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). Although the amino acid sequence of the bjmpd-encoded enzyme, named BjMPH, differed from that of MPH from Pseudomonas sp. WBC-3 (PsMPH) in only three residues, Ser132, Val247 and Ala267, a significantly higher specific activity towards MP was exhibited by BjMPH than PsMPH. Among them, Ala267 was identified as a key site affecting the catalytic efficiency, and it was rather conservative (Ala or Ser) in homologous proteins, suggesting that a simple substitution of the residue in conservative site with another conservative residue based on the consensus sequence approach might possibly enhance the catalytic efficiency of the MP-degrading enzyme. Inspired by such an observation, we identified a new mutant, BjMPHT64N, exhibiting 3.78-fold higher catalytic efficiency (kcat/KM) towards MP than its wild-type, reaching 4.20×106M-1s-1. The mutant BjMPHT64N also displayed enhanced reactivities (kcat/KM) towards other organophosphorus pesticides. Homology-modelling analysis indicates that enhanced polar contacts of the 64th residue in this mutant may contribute to stabilizing the structure of the enzyme and promote the interactions between enzyme and substrate. This study generated an efficient MP-degrading enzyme, and provides useful information for enhancing the catalytic efficiency of MPHs via conservative residue substitution based on the consensus approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thermostable variants of the Cellulomonas sp. NT3060 glycerol kinase have been constructed by through the introduction of ancestral-consensus mutations. We produced seven mutants, each having an ancestral-consensus amino acid residue that might be present in the common ancestors of both bacteria and of archaea, and that appeared most frequently at the position of 17 glycerol kinase sequences in the multiple sequence alignment. The thermal stabilities of the resulting mutants were assessed by determining their melting temperatures (Tm), which was defined as the temperature at which 50% of the initial catalytic activity is lost after 15 min of incubation, as well as when the half-life of the catalytic activity occurs at a temperature of 60°C (t1/2). Three mutants showed increased stabilities compared to the wild-type protein. We then produced five more mutants with multiple amino acid substitutions. Some of the resulting mutants showed thermal stabilities much greater than those expected given the stabilities of the respective mutants with single mutations. Therefore, the effects of mutations are not always simply additive and some amino acid substitutions, which do not affect or only slightly improve stability when individually introduced into the protein, show substantial stabilizing effects in combination with other mutations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Catalytically inactive oxidized O2-sensitive [NiFe]-hydrogenases are characterized by a mixture of the paramagnetic Ni-A and Ni-B states. Upon O2 exposure, enzymes in a partially reduced state preferentially form the unready Ni-A state. Because partial O2 reduction should generate a peroxide intermediate, this species was previously assigned to the elongated Ni-Fe bridging electron density observed for preparations of [NiFe]-hydrogenases known to contain the Ni-A state. However, this proposition has been challenged based on the stability of this state to UV light exposure and the possibility of generating it anaerobically under either chemical or electrochemical oxidizing conditions. Consequently, we have considered alternative structures for the Ni-A species including oxidation of thiolate ligands to either sulfenate or sulfenic acid. Here, we report both new and revised [NiFe]-hydrogenases structures and conclude, taking into account corresponding characterizations by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), that the Ni-A species contains oxidized cysteine and bridging hydroxide ligands instead of the peroxide ligand we proposed earlier. Our analysis was rendered difficult by the typical formation of mixtures of unready oxidized states that, furthermore, can be reduced by X-ray induced photoelectrons. The present study could be carried out thanks to the use of Desulfovibrio fructosovorans [NiFe]-hydrogenase mutants with special properties. In addition to the Ni-A state, crystallographic results are also reported for two diamagnetic unready states, allowing the proposal of a revised oxidized inactive Ni-SU model and a new structure characterized by a persulfide ion that is assigned to an Ni-\'Sox\' species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Consensus-sequence engineering has generated protein variants with enhanced stability, and sometimes, with modulated biological function. Consensus mutations are often interpreted as the introduction of ancestral amino acid residues. However, the precise relationship between consensus engineering and ancestral protein resurrection is not fully understood. Here, we report the properties of proteins encoded by consensus sequences derived from a multiple sequence alignment of extant, class A β-lactamases, as compared with the properties of ancient Precambrian β-lactamases resurrected in the laboratory. These comparisons considered primary sequence, secondary, and tertiary structure, as well as stability and catalysis against different antibiotics. Out of the three consensus variants generated, one could not be expressed and purified (likely due to misfolding and/or low stability) and only one displayed substantial stability having substrate promiscuity, although to a lower extent than ancient β-lactamases. These results: (i) highlight the phenotypic differences between consensus variants and laboratory resurrections of ancestral proteins; (ii) question interpretations of consensus proteins as phenotypic proxies of ancestral proteins; and (iii) support the notion that ancient proteins provide a robust approach toward the preparation of protein variants having large numbers of mutational changes while possessing unique biomolecular properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    TRIM5α is a type I interferon-stimulated anti-retroviral restriction factor expressed in most primates and homologous proteins are expressed in other mammals. Through its C-terminal PRYSPRY (B30.2) domain, TRIM5α binds to incoming and intact post-fusion retroviral cores in the cytoplasm. Following this direct interaction, the retroviral capsid core is destabilized and progression of the virus life cycle is interrupted. Specific recognition of its viral target by TRIM5α also triggers the induction of an antiviral state involving the activation of transcription factors NF-κB- and AP-1. In addition to PRYSPRY, several other TRIM5α domains are important for anti-retroviral function, including a RING zinc-binding motif. This domain has \"E3\" ubiquitin ligase activity and is involved in both the direct inhibition of incoming retroviruses and innate immune activation. A highly conserved sumoylation consensus site is present between the RING motif and the N-terminal extremity of TRIM5α. No clear role in restriction has been mapped to this sumoylation site, and no sumoylated forms of TRIM5α have been observed. Here we confirm that mutating the putatively sumoylated lysine (K10) of the Rhesus macaque TRIM5α (TRIM5αRh) to an arginine has only a small effect on restriction. However, we show that the mutation significantly decreases the TRIM5α-induced generation of free K63-linked ubiquitin chains, an intermediate in the activation of innate immunity pathways. Accordingly, K10R decreases TRIM5α-mediated activation of both NF-κB and AP-1. Concomitantly, we find that K10R causes a large increase in the levels of ubiquitylated TRIM5α. Finally, treatment with the nuclear export inhibitor leptomycin B shows that K10R enhances the nuclear localization of TRIM5αRh, while at the same time reducing its level of association with nuclear SUMO bodies. In conclusion, the TRIM5α sumoylation site appears to modulate the E3 ubiquitin ligase activities of the adjacent RING domain, promoting K63-linked ubiquitin chains at the expense of auto-ubiquitylation which is probably K48-linked. Consistently, we find this sumoylation site to be important for innate immune activation by TRIM5α. In addition, lysine 10 regulates TRIM5α nuclear shuttling and nuclear localization, which may also be related to its role in innate immunity activation.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    This article presents the results of group discussion among experts from SIE, SIES and GITMO societies aimed at highlighting unmet challenges in the management of Ph-neg myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs). The issues analyzed were: diagnosis of prefibrotic myelofibrosis; diagnosis of Ph-neg MPNs in the setting of splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT); management of low-risk PV and low-risk ET patients with JAK2V617F mutation; molecular biomarkers in the prognostic evaluation of myelofibrosis (MF); ruxolitinib therapy in low-risk MF; therapy in patients with SVT-associated Ph-neg MPN; indications of splenectomy in MF. For each of these issues, proposals for advancement in clinical research were addressed.





