
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this perspective paper, we argue that Economics could and should contribute to the development and implementation of the One Health approach currently emerging as a relevant interdisciplinary framework to address present and future infectious diseases. We show how proven tools from Health and Environmental Economics, such as burden evaluation, can be extended to fit the One Health multisectoral perspective. This global health framework could also benefit significantly from Economics to design efficient schemes for prevention and disease control. In return, adapting Economics to the challenges of One Health issues could pave the way for exciting developments in the Economics discipline itself, across many subfields.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the ophthalmological findings in patients diagnosed with acute, subacute or chronic brucellosis and to determine the effects of this disease on ocular structures.
    METHODS: Eighty-seven patients diagnosed with brucellosis and 71 healthy cases (as a control group) were enrolled in this prospective study. All participants underwent a complete ophthalmic evaluation, including slit lamp biomicroscopic examination, Goldman applanation tonometry, specular microscopy, optical coherence tomography and fundoscopy with pupil dilation.
    RESULTS: Overall, ocular involvement was present in 47 eyes of 27 (31.03%) patients diagnosed with brucellosis and was most common in the chronic brucellosis group. In the acute brucellosis group, papillary conjunctivitis in 8 eyes of 4 patients and anterior uveitis in 10 eyes of 6 patients were noted. In the subacute brucellosis group, papillary conjunctivitis in 4 eyes of 2 patients and sequelae of anterior uveitis in 6 eyes of 3 patients were observed. In the chronic brucellosis group, panuveitis in 4 eyes of 2 patients, choroiditis in 4 eyes of 2 patients, and signs of previous anterior uveitis in 11 eyes of 6 patients were noted. Visual acuity was significantly worse in patients with acute anterior uveitis (AAU) or previous anterior uveitis (PAU) compared with the control cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ocular involvement should be kept in mind in patients with brucellosis, especially acute, and brucellosis should be included in the differential diagnosis of patients with anterior uveitis living in endemic areas, since the clinical presentation of the disease may not be overt.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The majority of research on the safety of marine edible fish has primarily focused on anisakid nematodes, neglecting the potential risks posed by other parasites, including those belonging to the family Gnathostomatidae. In Australia, there have been few reported cases of human infections with gnathostomatid parasites since 2011. However, due to the absence of a standardized diagnostic test in the country, it is believed that the actual number of infections is higher than reported. This study aimed to assess the occurrence and prevalence of infectious gnathostomatid parasites in selected commercial fish species in Australia. A total of 1947 marine fish from northern Australia, representing 9 families, 16 genera, and 30 species, were examined for gnathostomatid nematode infections. Overall, 12.3 % of the fish were found to be infected with at least one gnathostomatid larva. Among the species examined, the yellow-dabbled flounder (Branchypleura novaezeelandiae) exhibited the highest prevalence (83.3 %; n = 6) and the largest number of gnathostomatid larvae. The identification of the gnathostomatid larvae was confirmed as belonging to the genus Echinocephalus based on both morphological characteristics and sequence data. No significant correlation was observed between the prevalence, mean abundance, and mean intensity of infection with the length or weight of the examined fish species. Notably, several of the infected fish species are considered popular choices in the Australian market. Hence, it is imperative to raise awareness among relevant food safety authorities regarding the occurrence of these parasites. The findings from this study should be taken into consideration for the revision of current seafood safety protocols in the country.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Knowledge of the obligate intracellular bacteria from the Chlamydiaceae family has increased significantly in recent years. Not only new chlamydia species, such as Chlamydia avium or C. buteonis in birds have been described, but also known chlamydia in new host species, such as C. psittaci in horses. This review article provides an up-to-date overview of the zoonotic potential of C. psittaci, C. abortus, C. caviae and C. felis and summarizes current findings on other chlamydia species in different animal species; supplemented by information on optimal sampling and pathogen detection.
    BACKGROUND: Das Wissen um die obligat intrazellulären Bakterien aus der Familie der Chlamydiaceae hat sich in den letzten Jahren stark erweitert. Es wurden nicht nur neue Chlamydienspezies wie zum Beispiel Chlamydia avium oder C. buteonis bei Vögeln beschrieben, sondern auch bereits bekannte Chlamydien in neuen Wirtstierarten dokumentiert, wie C. psittaci bei Pferden. Dieser Reviewartikel gibt eine aktuelle Übersicht zum Zoonosepotential von C. psittaci, C. abortus, C. caviae und C. felis und fasst aktuelle Erkenntnisse zu weiteren Chlamydienarten bei verschiedenen Tierarten zusammen; ergänzt durch Hinweise zur optimalen Probenentnahme und zum Erregernachweis.
    BACKGROUND: Les connaissances sur les bactéries intracellulaires obligatoires de la famille des Chlamydiaceae ont considérablement augmenté ces dernières années. Non seulement de nouvelles espèces de Chlamydies, telles que Chlamydia avium ou C. buteonis chez les oiseaux, ont été décrites, mais également des Chlamydies déjà connues ont été mises en évidence chez de nouvelles espèces hôtes, telles que C. psittaci chez les chevaux. Cet article de synthèse fournit une vue d’ensemble actualisée du potentiel zoonotique de C. psittaci, C. abortus, C. caviae et C. felis et résume les connaissances actuelles sur d’autres espèces de Chlamydies chez différentes espèces animales ; il est complété par des informations sur l’échantillonnage optimal et la détection des agents pathogènes.
    BACKGROUND: La conoscenza dei batteri intracellulari obbligati della famiglia delle Chlamydiaceae è stata ampliata notevolmente negli ultimi anni. Sono state documentate non solo nuove specie di clamidia, come la Chlamydia avium o la C. buteonis negli uccelli, ma anche clamidie note in nuove specie ospiti, come la C. psittaci nei cavalli. Questo articolo di revisione mostra una panoramica aggiornata sul potenziale zoonotico di C. psittaci, C. abortus, C. caviae e C. felis e riassume le attuali scoperte su altre specie di clamidia ritrovate in diverse specie animali, ed è completato da informazioni sul campionamento ottimale e sul rilevamento dei patogeni.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Cattle births can carry the risk of transmissible and zoonotic diseases. The focus of the present study was the excretion of Coxiella (C.) burnetii during cattle births. Small ruminants are considered as the main reservoir of C. burnetii. Cattle are often subclinical carriers and their role as potential reservoir has not been fully elucidated until now, although the excretion of Coxiella has been demonstrated during cattle birth. The study recorded all births, caesarean sections and one abortion in 40 cattle at the ruminant clinic of the Vetsuisse Faculty in Bern in the study period from March 2019 to March 2020. A placenta -, milk - and fecal sample was examined for antigen diagnostics using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In addition, a serum sample was analyzed to detect C. burnetii-specific antibodies. Antigen and/or antibodies (placenta, n=8/9; milk, n=2/9; faeces, n=1/9; serology n= 3/9) were detected in 22,5 % of the cows (n=9/40) without the presence of specific clinical symptoms. It is essential to sensitize contact persons to this zoonosis, since Coxiella can trigger Q-fever in humans.
    BACKGROUND: Geburten können die Gefahr von übertragbaren Erkrankungen und Zoonosen bergen. Im Fokus der vorliegenden Untersuchung stand daher die Ausscheidung von Coxiella (C.) burnetii beim Rind unter der Geburt. Als Hauptausbreitungsquelle von C. burnetii gelten zwar Kleinwiederkäuer, die Rolle der Rinder, die oft subklinische Träger sind, ist jedoch noch nicht vollständig geklärt. Bekannt ist, dass unter der Geburt auch beim Rind Coxiellen ausgeschieden werden können. Die Studie erfasste alle Geburten und Kaiserschnitte und einen Spätabort bei n = 40 Rindern im Untersuchungszeitraum von März 2019 bis März 2020 an der Wiederkäuerklinik der Vetsuisse-Fakultät Bern. Untersucht wurden jeweils ein Stück Plazenta, eine Milch- und eine Kotprobe zur Antigen-Diagnostik mittels Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (PCR), und zur Detektion von C. burnetii-spezifischen Antikörpern auch eine Serumprobe. Es zeigte sich, dass 22,5 % der Kühe (n=9/40) Antigen und/oder Antikörper aufwiesen (Plazenta, n=8/9; Milch, n=2/9; Kot, n=1/9; Serologie n=3/9), ohne gleichzeitig entsprechend spezifische klinische Symptome zu zeigen. Da Coxiellen beim Menschen Q-Fever auslösen können, ist es wichtig, Kontaktpersonen auf diese Zoonose zu sensibilisieren.
    BACKGROUND: Les naissances chez les bovins peuvent comporter un risque de maladies transmissibles et zoonotiques. La présente étude se concentre sur l’excrétion de Coxiella (C.) burnetii lors des mises-bas de bovins. Les petits ruminants sont considérés comme le principal réservoir de C. burnetii, mais les bovins sont souvent des porteurs subcliniques et leur rôle de réservoir potentiel n’a pas été complètement élucidé jusqu’à présent, bien que l’excrétion de Coxiella ait été démontrée lors de la mise-bas. L’étude a recensé toutes les naissances, les césariennes et un avortement chez 40 bovins à la Clinique des ruminants de la Faculté Vetsuisse de Berne durant la période allant de mars 2019 à mars 2020. Un échantillon de placenta, de lait et de matières fécales a été examiné pour le diagnostic des antigènes par réaction en chaîne par polymérase (PCR). En outre, un échantillon de sérum a été analysé pour détecter les anticorps spécifiques de C. burnetii. L’antigène et/ou les anticorps (placenta, n=8/9 ; lait, n=2/9 ; fèces, n=1/9 ; sérologie n=3/9) ont été détectés chez 22,5 % des vaches (n=9/40) sans présence de symptômes cliniques spécifiques. Il est essentiel de sensibiliser les personnes de contact à cette zoonose, car Coxiella peut déclencher la fièvre Q chez l’homme.
    BACKGROUND: Il parto di bovini può comportare un rischio di malattie trasmissibili e zoonosi. L’obiettivo del presente studio è di analizzare l’escrezione di Coxiella (C.) burnetii durante il parto dei bovini. Sebbene i piccoli ruminanti siano considerati il principale serbatoio di C. burnetii, il ruolo dei bovini, che sono spesso portatori subclinici, non è ancora stato del tutto chiarito. Si è già dimostrato, che durante il parto dei bovini, vi è un’escrezione di Coxiella. Lo studio ha registrato, da marzo 2019 a marzo 2020, tutte le nascite, i parti cesarei e un aborto tardivo in 40 bovini presso la clinica dei ruminanti della Facoltà Vetsuisse di Berna. Dei campioni di placenta, latte e feci sono stati esaminati per la diagnosi dell’antigene mediante la reazione a catena della polimerasi (PCR), e si è analizzato un campione di siero per rilevare gli anticorpi specifici di C. burnetii. L’antigene e/o gli anticorpi (placenta, n=8/9; latte, n=2/9; feci, n=1/9; sierologia n=3/9) sono stati rilevati nel 22,5% delle mucche (n=9/40) senza che presentassero dei sintomi clinici specifici. È essenziale sensibilizzare le persone a contatto a questa zoonosi, poiché la Coxiella può scatenare la febbre Q nell’uomo.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: In a guinea pig herd with 26 breeding animals, several individuals of all age categories died (16/26) after three animals had been newly introduced from another herd. Furthermore, the population suffered of apathy, anorexia, severe weight loss and conjunctivitis, as well as abortions and stillbirths. At the same time, the owner experienced a SARS-CoV-2 infection with pneumonia, which was confirmed by taking a PCR test. Chlamydia caviae was detected from the conjunctiva and vagina/uterus in one juvenile animal together with an intestinal Cryptosporidium wrairi infection. Oocysts were found histologically in the small intestine, which was confirmed by PCR. C. wairi is a parasite adapted to guinea pigs with zoonotic potential, which causes diarrhoea with frequent deaths in larger guinea pig herds. C. caviae is also a zoonotic pathogen and often the cause of conjunctivitis, pneumonia and abortions in guinea pigs and can lead to upper respiratory tract disease, conjunctivitis but also severe pneumonia in humans. The increased death cases and the clinical signs could be traced back to an infection with Cryptosporidium wrairi, complicated by a co-infection of C. caviae. We suspect that the abortions were caused by C. caviae, but since the population was treated with various antibiotics effective against chlamydial infections, it was no longer possible to verify this by PCR testing. Unfortunately, more animals succumbed and finally only two animals of the originally 26 were left. With this case report, we would like to point out to veterinarians that guinea pigs can be an important source of zoonotic infections for various pathogens, especially since they are popular pets and often come into close contact with children where hygiene might not always be strictly followed.
    BACKGROUND: In einer Meerschweinchenherde mit 26 Zuchttieren starben mehrere Tiere unterschiedlicher Altersklassen (16/26) nachdem drei Tiere aus einer anderen Herde neu integriert wurden. Die Gruppe zeigte Apathie, Anorexie, starken Gewichtsverlust und Konjunktivitis sowie Aborte und Totgeburten. Chlamydia caviae konnte bei einem juvenilen Tier zusammen mit einer intestinalen Cryptosporidium wrairi-Infektion aus der Bindehaut und Vagina/Uterus nachgewiesen werden. Oozysten wurden histologisch im Dünndarm gefunden, was durch PCR bestätigt wurde. C. wairi ist ein an Meerschweinchen angepasster Parasit mit zoonotischem Potenzial, der in grösseren Meerschweinchenherden Durchfall mit häufigen Todesfällen verursacht. C. caviae ist ebenfalls ein Zoonoseerreger und häufig die Ursache von Konjunktivitis, Lungenentzündung und Aborten bei Meerschweinchen und kann beim Menschen zu Erkrankungen der oberen Atemwege, Konjunktivitis aber auch schweren Lungenentzündungen führen. Die vermehrten Todesfälle und die klinischen Symptome konnten auf eine Infektion mit Cryptosporidium wrairi zurückgeführt werden, erschwert durch eine Co-Infektion mit C. caviae. Wir vermuten, dass die Aborte durch C. caviae verursacht wurden, aber da die Meerschweinchengruppe mit verschiedenen Antibiotika behandelt wurde, die gegen Chlamydieninfektionen wirksam waren, war es nicht mehr möglich, dies durch PCR-Tests zu überprüfen. Leider verstarben weitere Tiere und schliesslich überlebten 2 von 26 Tieren. Mit diesem Fallbericht möchten wir Tierärzte darauf hinweisen, dass Meerschweinchen eine wichtige Quelle zoonotischer Infektionen für verschiedene Krankheitserreger sein können, zumal sie beliebte Haustiere sind und oft in engen Kontakt mit Kindern kommen, bei denen die Hygiene nicht immer strikt eingehalten werden kann.
    BACKGROUND: Dans un groupe de cobayes de 26 animaux reproducteurs, plusieurs individus de toutes les catégories d’âge sont morts (16/26) après l’introduction de trois animaux provenant d’un autre groupe. En outre, la population a souffert d’apathie, d’anorexie, de perte de poids sévère et de conjonctivite ainsi que d’avortements et de mortinatalité. La présence de Chlamydia caviae a pu être détectée dans la conjonctive et le vagin/utérus d’un animal juvénile, ainsi qu’une infection intestinale à Cryptosporidium wrairi. Des oocystes ont été trouvés histologiquement dans l’intestin grêle, ce qui a été confirmé par PCR. C. wairi est un parasite adapté aux cobayes avec un potentiel zoonotique, qui provoque des diarrhées avec des morts fréquentes dans les grands groupes de cobayes. C. caviae est également un agent pathogène zoonotique et est souvent à l’origine de conjonctivites, de pneumonies et d’avortements chez les cobayes ; il peut entraîner des maladies des voies respiratoires supérieures, des conjonctivites mais aussi des pneumonies graves chez l’homme. L’augmentation des cas de décès et les signes cliniques pourraient être attribués à une infection par Cryptosporidium wrairi, compliquée par une co-infection par C. caviae. Nous soupçonnons que les avortements ont été causés par C. caviae, mais comme la population a été traitée avec divers antibiotiques efficaces contre les infections à chlamydia, il n’était plus possible de le vérifier par des tests PCR. Malheureusement, d’autres animaux ont succombé et il ne restait finalement que deux animaux sur les 26 d’origine. Avec ce rapport de cas, nous aimerions attirer l’attention des vétérinaires sur le fait que les cochons d’Inde peuvent être une source importante d’infections zoonotiques pour divers pathogènes, d’autant plus qu’il s’agit d’animaux de compagnie populaires qui sont souvent en contact étroit avec des enfants avec lesquels l’hygiène n’est pas toujours strictement respectée.
    BACKGROUND: In un allevamento di porcellini d’India composto da 26 animali da riproduzione, diversi animali di diverse fasce d’età (16/26) sono morti dopo l’introduzione di tre nuovi animali provenienti da un altro allevamento. Gli animali presentavano apatia, anoressia, grave perdita di peso e congiuntivite, nonché aborti e nati morti. In un giovane animale è stata rilevata la presenza di Chlamydia caviae e di un’infezione intestinale provocata da Cryptosporidium wrairi nella congiuntiva e nella vagina/utero. Le oocisti sono state rilevate istologicamente nell’intestino tenue e la loro presenza è stata confermata via PCR. C. wairi è un parassita che si adatta ai porcellini d’India con un potenziale zoonotico che causa diarrea e frequenti decessi in grandi allevamenti di porcellini d’India. C. caviae è anche un patogeno zoonotico ed è spesso la causa di congiuntiviti, polmoniti e aborti nei porcellini d’India e può causare malattie del tratto respiratorio superiore, congiuntiviti ma anche gravi polmoniti nell’uomo. L’aumento dei decessi e dei segni clinici potrebbe essere attribuito ad un’infezione da Cryptosporidium wrairi, aggravata da una coinfezione con C. caviae. Si sospetta che gli aborti siano stati causati da C. caviae, ma poiché alla popolazione sono stati somministrati diversi antibiotici efficaci contro le infezioni da clamidia, non è stato più possibile verificare mediante test PCR. Purtroppo, altri animali sono morti e alla fine sono sopravvissuti solo 2 dei 26 animali. Con questo caso, vorremmo richiamare l’attenzione dei veterinari che i porcellini d’India possono essere un’importante fonte di infezioni zoonotiche per vari agenti patogeni, soprattutto perché sono animali domestici molto diffusi e spesso sono a stretto contatto con i bambini, la cui igiene non può essere sempre rigorosamente mantenuta.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and the subsequent COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant global impact. However, COVID-19 is just one of several high-impact infectious diseases that emerged from wildlife and are linked to the human relationship with nature. The rate of emergence of new zoonoses (diseases of animal origin) is increasing, driven by human-induced environmental changes that threaten biodiversity on a global scale. This increase is directly linked to environmental drivers including biodiversity loss, climate change and unsustainable resource extraction. Australia is a biodiversity hotspot and is subject to sustained and significant environmental change, increasing the risk of it being a location for pandemic origin. Moreover, the global integration of markets means that consumption trends in Australia contributes to the risk of disease spill-over in our regional neighbours in Asia-Pacific, and beyond. Despite the clear causal link between anthropogenic pressures on the environment and increasing pandemic risks, Australia\'s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, like most of the world, has centred largely on public health strategies, with a clear focus on reactive management. Yet, the span of expertise and evidence relevant to the governance of pandemic risk management is much wider than public health and epidemiology. It involves animal/wildlife health, biosecurity, conservation sciences, social sciences, behavioural psychology, law, policy and economic analyses to name just a few.The authors are a team of multidisciplinary practitioners and researchers who have worked together to analyse, synthesise, and harmonise the links between pandemic risk management approaches and issues in different disciplines to provide a holistic overview of current practice, and conclude the need for reform in Australia. We discuss the adoption of a comprehensive and interdisciplinary \'One Health\' approach to pandemic risk management in Australia. A key goal of the One Health approach is to be proactive in countering threats of emerging infectious diseases and zoonoses through a recognition of the interdependence between human, animal, and environmental health. Developing ways to implement a One Health approach to pandemic prevention would not only reduce the risk of future pandemics emerging in or entering Australia, but also provide a model for prevention strategies around the world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The golden jackal (Canis aureus) is a wild canid new to Switzerland. It is an officially monitored species and all deceased individuals are submitted for post-mortem examination to collect baseline health data. This includes parasitological examinations, with an emphasis on zoonotic, reportable infections, such as those caused by Trichinella spp. or Echinococcus spp. From 2016 to 2021, five golden jackals originating from four Swiss cantons were submitted for full post-mortem examination. In one case only organ samples were available, and therefore parasitological examination was not possible. Parasite stages recovered during necropsy, as well as by routine coproscopical techniques, were morphologically identified. Taeniid eggs and adult tapeworms were processed for molecular species identification. Additionally, tongue and diaphragm were analysed for Trichinella spp. by the artificial digestion technique followed by multiplex-PCR in positive cases. Of the four jackals investigated for parasites, hookworm eggs were detected in one animal, both adult worms and eggs of Echinococcus multilocularis were present in another case, and one animal was free of parasites. Eggs of E. multilocularis as well as eggs of Toxocara canis and sporocysts of Sarcocystis sp. were detected in the intestinal content, and Trichinella britovi larvae were found in the muscle samples of the last case. The health monitoring programme in place for protected carnivores in Switzerland allowed us to add the golden jackal to the list of hosts for the endemic zoonotic parasites E. multilocularis and T. britovi in this country. Hunters, farmers, and other persons who could come in contact with golden jackals should be aware of the associated health risk and handle faeces and carcasses with caution.
    BACKGROUND: Der Goldschakal (Canis aureus) ist eine neue Wildkanidenart in der Schweiz, deren Verbreitung offiziell überwacht wird. Alle toten Tiere werden einer pathologischen Untersuchung unterzogen, um Basisdaten zur Gesundheit der Tierart zu sammeln. Dabei wird auch auf Parasiten untersucht, insbesondere auf meldepflichtige, zoonotische Parasiten wie Trichinella spp. oder Echinococcus spp. Zwischen 2016 und 2021 wurden fünf tote Goldschakale aus vier Kantonen aufgefunden. In einem Fall wurden nur fixierte Organe zugeschickt, was eine parasitologische Untersuchung verunmöglichte. Alle während der Sektion oder in den koprologischen Untersuchungen gefundenen Parasitenstadien wurden morphologisch bestimmt. Taeniiden-Eier und adulte Bandwürmer wurden zudem molekularbiologisch identifiziert. Zusätzlich wurde von jedem Tier Zungen- und Zwerchfellmuskulatur mittels künstlicher Verdauung auf Trichinella spp. untersucht und dabei gefundene Larven mittels Multiplex-PCR identifiziert. Parasitologisch wurden bei einem Tier Hakenwurmeier, bei einem anderen sowohl adulte Würmer wie auch Eier von Echinococcus multilocularis und bei einem Fall keine Parasiten gefunden. Bei einem weiteren Fall wurden Eier von E. multilocularis und Toxocara canis, sowie Sporozysten von Sarcocystis sp. beobachtet. In der Muskulatur desselben Tieres wurden Larven von T. britovi nachgewiesen. Das Programm zur Gesundheitsüberwachung von geschützten Karnivoren erlaubte es, den Goldschakal als weiteren Wirt für die endemischen Parasiten E. multilocularis und T. britovi zu identifizieren. JägerInnen, LandwirtInnen und andere Personen, welche in Kontakt mit Goldschakalen kommen könnten, sollten sich diesem Gesundheitsrisiko bewusst sein und sowohl Kot wie auch Tierkörper mit Vorsicht behandeln.
    BACKGROUND: Le chacal doré (Canis aureus) est un canidé sauvage nouvellement présent en Suisse. Il s’agit d’une espèce officiellement surveillée et tous les individus morts sont soumis à un examen post-mortem afin de recueillir des données sanitaires de base. Cela inclut un examen parasitologique mettant l’accent sur les infections zoonotiques à déclaration obligatoire, telles que celles causées par Trichinella spp. ou Echinococcus spp. De 2016 à 2021, cinq chacals dorés originaires de quatre cantons suisses ont été soumis à un examen post-mortem complet. Dans un cas, seuls des échantillons d’organes ont été envoyés, l’examen parasitologique n’a pas été possible pour cet animal. Les stades parasitaires trouvés lors de l’examen pathologique et de la coprologie de routine ont été identifiés morphologiquement. Les espèces de ténias (œufs et stades adultes) ont été déterminées par des techniques de biologie moléculaire. En outre, la recherche de Trichinella spp. a été effectuée sur du tissu musculaire lingual et diaphragmatique par la technique de digestion artificielle suivie d’une PCR multiplex dans les cas positifs. Sur les quatre chacals ayant fait l’objet d’une recherche de parasites, des œufs d’ankylostomes ont été détectés chez un animal, des vers adultes et des œufs d’Echinococcus multilocularis étaient présents chez un autre animal, et aucun parasite n’a été trouvé dans un autre cas. Chez le dernier cas, des œufs d’E. multilocularis ainsi que des œufs de Toxocara canis et des sporocystes de Sarcocystis sp. ont été détectés dans le contenu intestinal, et des larves de Trichinella britovi ont été trouvées dans les échantillons de muscle. Le programme de surveillance sanitaire mis en place pour les carnivores protégés en Suisse a donc permis d’ajouter le chacal doré à la liste des hôtes des parasites zoonotiques endémiques E. multilocularis et T. britovi. Les chasseurs, agriculteurs et autres personnes susceptibles d’entrer en contact avec le chacal doré doivent être conscients du risque sanitaire associé et manipuler les fèces et les carcasses avec précaution.
    BACKGROUND: Lo sciacallo dorato (Canis aureus) è un canide selvatico nuovo per la Svizzera. È una specie sorvegliata ufficialmente e tutti gli individui morti sono sottoposti a un esame post-mortem per raccogliere dati di base sulla salute dell’animale. Questo include un esame parassitologico con particolare attenzione alle infezioni zoonotiche notificabili, come quelle causate da Trichinella spp. o Echinococcus spp. Dal 2016 al 2021, cinque sciacalli dorati di quattro cantoni svizzeri sono stati sottoposti a un esame post-mortem completo. In un caso, sono stati inviati solo campioni di organi, poiché l’esame parassitologico non era possibile per questo animale. Gli stadi dei parassiti trovati durante l’esame patologico e la coprologia di routine sono stati identificati morfologicamente. Le specie di tenie (uova e stadi adulti) sono state determinate con tecniche di biologia molecolare. Inoltre, la Trichinella spp. è stata ricercata sul tessuto muscolare linguale e diaframmatico utilizzando la tecnica di digestione artificiale seguita da PCR multiplex nei casi positivi. Tra i quattro sciacalli testati per i parassiti, sono state rilevate uova di anchilostoma in un animale, vermi adulti e uova di Echinococcus multilocularis in un altro, e nessun parassita è stato trovato nell’ultimo. Nell’ultimo caso, uova di E. multilocularis, così come uova di Toxocara canis e sporocisti di Sarcocystis sp. sono state rilevati nel contenuto intestinale mentre le larve di Trichinella britovi sono state rilevate nei campioni di muscolo. Il programma di sorveglianza sanitaria dei carnivori protetti in Svizzera ha quindi aggiunto lo sciacallo dorato alla lista degli ospiti dei parassiti zoonotici endemici E. multilocularis e T. britovi. Cacciatori, agricoltori e altri che possono entrare in contatto con lo sciacallo dorato dovrebbero essere consapevoli del rischio sanitario associato e maneggiare con cura feci e carcasse.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide occurring zoonosis caused by the obligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii). All warm-blooded species, including humans, serve as intermediate hosts. Definitive hosts are exclusively cats. Farm poultry can become infected with oocysts from contaminated feed or directly from the ground, or by pecking of e.g. infected rodents. Outdoor or free-range housing of poultry increases the risk of infection with length of time. Poulty meat must be seen as a potential source of infection for humans with the increasing popularity of humane animal husbandry practices in poultry farming. This short literature review attempts to assess the current epidemiological situation in farmed poultry and to assess the possible relevance of toxoplasmosis of poultry meat and poultry meat products for human consumption.
    BACKGROUND: Toxoplasmose ist eine weltweit auftretende Zoonose, die durch den obligat intrazellulären Parasiten Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) verursacht wird. Als Zwischenwirte dienen alle warmblütigen Spezies inklusive des Menschen. Endwirte sind ausschliesslich Katzen. Nutzgeflügel kann sich durch mit Oozysten kontaminiertes Futter, direkt mit Oozysten vom Boden sowie durch Bepicken z.B. infizierter Schadnager infizieren. Das Infektionsrisiko wird durch eine Haltung von Geflügel im Freiland bzw. in Auslaufhaltung verstärkt und steigt mit der Haltungsdauer an. Da Lebensmittel aus Geflügel in artgerechter Haltung zunehmend populär sind, ist Geflügelfleisch als potenzielle Infektionsquelle für den Menschen anzusehen. In dieser kurzen Literaturübersicht wird eine Einschätzung der aktuellen Infektionslage im Nutzgeflügel und eine Bewertung der möglichen Relevanz der Toxoplasmose des Nutzgeflügels für den Menschen als Verbraucher von Geflügelfleisch und Geflügelfleischprodukten versucht.
    BACKGROUND: La toxoplasmose est une zoonose mondiale causée par le parasite intracellulaire obligatoire Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii). Toutes les espèces animales à sang chaud, y compris les humains, servent d’hôtes intermédiaires. Les hôtes définitifs sont exclusivement les chats. Les volailles d’élevage peuvent être infectées soit par des oocystes provenant d’aliments contaminés soit directement du sol soit en picorant, par ex. des rongeurs infectés. L’élevage de volailles en plein air ou en parcours augmente le risque d’infection avec le temps. La viande de volaille doit être considérée comme une source potentielle d’infection pour les humains avec la popularité croissante des pratiques d’élevage respectueuses des animaux dans l’élevage de volailles. Cette brève revue de la littérature tente d’évaluer la situation épidémiologique actuelle chez les volailles d’élevage et d’évaluer la pertinence possible de la toxoplasmose de la viande de volaille et des produits à base de viande de volaille pour la consommation humaine.
    BACKGROUND: La toxoplasmosi è una zoonosi mondiale causata dal parassita intracellulare obbligato Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii). Tutte le specie a sangue caldo, compreso l’uomo, fungono da ospiti intermedi. Gli ospiti finali sono esclusivamente i gatti. Il pollame da reddito può essere infettato da mangime contaminato da oocisti, direttamente da oocisti dal terreno e beccando per esempio dei roditori infetti. Il rischio di infezione aumenta tenendo il pollame all’aperto o in sistemi di allevamento all’aperto e aumenta con la durata del tempo in cui sono tenuti in questo sistema. Poiché il cibo proveniente da pollame tenuto in condizioni adeguate alla specie sta diventando sempre più popolare, la carne di pollame dovrebbe essere considerata come una potenziale fonte di infezione per gli esseri umani. Questa breve recensione della letteratura cerca di valutare l’attuale situazione dell’infezione nel pollame da reddito e di valutare la potenziale rilevanza della toxoplasmosi nel pollame da reddito per gli esseri umani come consumatori di carne di pollame e prodotti a base di carne di pollame.





