World War II

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A comparative analysis of 26 petrous bones and epiphyses of metacarpals from the Second World War era revealed no significant differences in DNA yield or success in STR typing. This unexpected parity in DNA preservation between the petrous bone, a renowned source of endogenous DNA in skeletal remains, and the epiphyses of metacarpals, which are porous and susceptible to taphonomic changes, is surprising. In this study, we introduced ATR-FTIR spectroscopy as an approach to unravel the correlation between bone molecular structure and DNA preservation. Metacarpals and petrous bones with same taphonomic history were sampled and prepared for DNA analyses. While one portion of the sample was used for DNA analysis, the other underwent ATR-FTIR spectroscopic examination. The normalized spectra and FTIR indices between the epiphyses of metacarpals and petrous bones were compared. Because the taphonomic history of the remains used is relatively short and stable, the ATR-FTIR spectroscopy unveiled subtle structural differences between the two bone types. Petrous bones exhibited higher mineralization, whereas epiphyses contained more organic matter. The unexpected preservation of DNA in the epiphyses of metacarpals can likely be attributed to the presence of soft tissue remnants within the trabeculae. Here observed differences in the molecular structure of bones indicate there are different mechanisms enabling DNA preservation in skeletal tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While risk factors for age-related diseases may increase multimorbidity (MM), early life deprivation may also accelerate the development of chronic diseases and MM.
    This study explores the prevalence and pattern of MM in 65-71 year-old individuals born before, during, and after World War II in Southern Germany based on two large cross-sectional KORA (Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg) -Age studies in 2008/9 and 2016. MM was defined as having at least two chronic diseases, and birth periods were classified into five phases: pre-war, early war, late war, famine, and after the famine period. Logistic regression models were used to analyze the effect of the birth phases on MM with adjustment for sociodemographic and lifestyle risk factors. Furthermore, we used agglomerative hierarchical clustering to investigate the co-occurrence of diseases.
    Participants born during the late war phase had the highest prevalence of MM (62.2%) and single chronic diseases compared to participants born during the other phases. Being born in the late war phase was significantly associated with a higher odds of MM (OR = 1.83, 95% CI: 1.15-2.91) after adjustment for sociodemographic and lifestyle factors. In women, the prevalence of joint, gastrointestinal, eye diseases, and anxiety was higher, while heart disease, stroke, and diabetes were more common in men. Moreover, three main chronic disease clusters responsible for the observed associations were identified as: joint and psychosomatic, cardiometabolic and, other internal organ diseases.
    Our findings imply that adverse early-life exposure may increase the risk of MM in adults aged 65-71 years. Moreover, identified disease clusters are not coincidental and require more investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Epidemiological studies in different traumatised samples indicate an increased risk for numerous physical and mental diseases. It is suspected that this is due to chronic changes in fundamental processes in the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems, which take years to manifest pathologically. Previous studies have considered intervals of a few decades. However, little is known about whether a link between trauma and physical and mental health can be established over very long periods of time and in the oldest old population.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 1,299 German citizens aged 80 and above were interviewed about on-going suffering from the effects of traumatic World War II (WWII) events as well as about physical and mental health. Multiple linear and logistic regression models were used to assess the impact of suffering from the effects of traumatic events on general health, several medical conditions, multimorbidity, pain, and depression.
    UNASSIGNED: 43.94% of the oldest old were still suffering from the effects of traumatic events in connection with WWII. Participants who were still suffering from the effects of traumatic events were more likely to be treated for heart failure, blood diseases, bladder problems, back pain, respiratory or lung diseases, and sleep disorders. They also had poorer general health, higher multimorbidity, more pain, and higher depression scores.
    UNASSIGNED: Findings suggest that chronic psychological suffering from the effects of traumatic events in early life is associated with impaired physical and mental health even seven decades after the events.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    The genetic identification of skeletal remains found in Second World War mass graves is complicated because of the poor quality of the samples. The aim of this study was to set up a workflow for STR typing of such samples combining PCR/CE and PCR/NGS technologies. To this end, 57 DNA samples from an equal number of 75-year-old femurs were studied. After a first round of PCR typing using GlobalFiler CE, 42 samples yielded a full profile and were therefore submitted to our standard workflow. The 15 samples that yielded no or a limited number (2-17/21) of autosomal STR markers as well four bone control samples that provided a full profile with the conventional PCR/CE test were typed in duplicate by the GlobalFiler NGS kit. Despite the degradation of the samples, which resulted in lower coverage and a lower % of on-target reads, reliable sequencing data were obtained from 16/19 samples. The use of a threshold of 30× for the locus call led to a consensus profile (cp) of 20-31/31 STR autosomal loci in 10 samples and to a cp of 8-10/31 loci in two samples, whereas the four control samples yielded a cp of 26-31/31 loci. Finally, the data of the NGS typing were combined with those of the CE typing. This last task allowed us to recover (on average) three alleles per sample and to increase the number of the heterozygous patterns in 37 cases. In total, the combined approach proposed here made possible the genetic typing of 65-100% of the autosomal STR markers in 10/15 (66.6 %) skeletal remains that yielded no or very poor results with the conventional PCR/CE approach. However, because several artefacts (such as allelic drop-out and allelic drop-in) were scored, the risk of mistyping cannot be neglected.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    The present study focuses on the group of pathologists who (1) were appointed honorary members or bearers of the Rudolf Virchow Medal by the German Society for Pathology (DGP) and (2) experienced the Third Reich as a citizen of the Third Reich. In particular, it examines the relationship between those distinguished persons and National Socialism, and, at the same time, the criteria of the professional society when awarding such honors. Specifically, it is important to clarify what role the DGP officials ascribed to the political stance or experience of the candidates in the Nazi dictatorship during the selection process: were there victims of the Nazis among the honorees whose repressive experiences and personal fates were intended to be acknowledged in this way? Of equal interest is the counter-question: were pathologists honored who had made (party) political commitments to National Socialism during the Third Reich?A total of nine Virchow medallists and three honorary members met the inclusion criteria. None of those affected belonged to the group of pathologists who suffered injustice during the Third Reich or who could be described as victims of the Nazis. On the other hand, four of the nine German Virchow medal winners and one of the three honorary members had joined the National Socialist Party and to some extent other Nazi organisations. Obviously, previous closeness to National Socialism was not a decisive factor in the selection of honorary members and Virchow medallists and, in particular, was not an exclusion criterion.The aforementioned results correspond to the findings of a parallel study, in which the political past of the German DGP chairmen appointed up to 1986 was examined. This showed that two thirds of them had joined the National Socialist Party during the Third Reich.
    UNASSIGNED: Die vorliegende Studie richtet den Fokus auf den Kreis der Pathologen, die (1) von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie (DGP) zu Ehrenmitgliedern oder zu Trägern der Rudolf-Virchow-Medaille ernannt wurden und (2) das „Dritte Reich“ als erwachsene Personen erlebt haben. Sie untersucht insbesondere das Verhältnis der Ausgezeichneten zum Nationalsozialismus und damit zugleich die Kriterien der Fachgesellschaft bei der Vergabe derartiger Ehrungen. Konkret gilt es zu klären, welche Rolle die DGP-Verantwortlichen beim Auswahlprozess der politischen Haltung bzw. Erfahrung der Kandidaten in der NS-Diktatur beimaßen: Finden sich unter den Geehrten NS-Opfer, deren repressive Erfahrungen und Lebensschicksale man auf diese Weise würdigen wollte? Ebenso interessiert die Gegenfrage: Wurden Pathologen geehrt, die sich im „Dritten Reich“ (partei)politisch zum Nationalsozialismus bekannt hatten?Insgesamt erfüllen neun Virchow-Medaillenträger und drei Ehrenmitglieder die Einschlusskriterien. Keine der betreffenden Personen gehört zum Kreis der Pathologen, die im „Dritten Reich“ Unrecht erlitten hatten bzw. als NS-Opfer bezeichnet werden können. Demgegenüber waren vier der neun deutschen Virchow-Medaillenträger bzw. eines der drei Ehrenmitglieder der NSDAP und z. T. weiteren NS-Organisationen beigetreten. Offenkundig war die frühere Nähe zum Nationalsozialismus bei der Auswahl der Ehrenmitglieder und Virchow-Medaillenträger kein maßgeblicher Gesichtspunkt und insbesondere kein Ausschlusskriterium.Besagte Ergebnisse korrespondieren mit den Resultaten einer parallel durchgeführten Studie, in der die politische Vergangenheit der bis 1986 berufenen deutschen DGP-Vorsitzenden untersucht wurden. Diese ergab, dass sich zwei Drittel derselben im „Dritten Reich“ der Partei der Nationalsozialisten angeschlossen hatten.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Studies on the complicity of the medical profession in the crimes of the Third Reich are on the rise. This also applies to the question of the extent to which doctors were brought to justice in international trials after World War II. This topic, however, has hardly been considered-let alone systematically investigated-with respect to German dentists. It is precisely this gap that this article will address. First, we quantitatively identify all dentists who were brought to justice in the post-war period. Second, we give a profile of this group. We focus on the following questions: Who among the group was brought to trial, and when? What crimes were they accused of, which sentences were handed down, and how did these sentences affect their future lives? Our study is based primarily on archival sources, which we analyzed with respect to the relevant secondary literature. Contrary to the widely-held assumption that dentists had almost never had been made to stand trial after the end of the war, we identified 48 dentists who were accused in court. The prototypical accused dentist was male, lived in a traditional family model, belonged to the National Socialist Workers\' Party (NSDAP) and the Waffen-SS (Schutzstaffel), and was part of the so-called Kriegsjugendgeneration. The most frequent allegations made against these men were the theft of dental gold of murdered Nazi victims, an accusation unique to dentists; (accessory to) murder or manslaughter; and involvement in the deadly selections made in the concentration camps. In total, eight dentists were executed. Generally speaking, the earlier these proceedings and the sentencing took place, the harsher the sentence was. Many of those who received prison sentences subsequently found their way back into the dental profession.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    The present study focuses on the group of pathologists who (1) were appointed honorary members or bearers of the Rudolf Virchow Medal by the German Society for Pathology (DGP) and (2) experienced the \"Third Reich\" as a citizen of the \"Third Reich\". In particular, it examines the relationship between those distinguished persons and National Socialism, and, at the same time, the criteria of the professional society when awarding such honours. Specifically, it is important to clarify what role the DGP officials ascribed to the political stance or experience of the candidates in the Nazi dictatorship during the selection process: were there victims of the Nazis among the honourees whose repressive experiences and personal fates were intended to be acknowledged in this way? Of equal interest is the counter-question: were pathologists honoured who had made (party)political commitments to National Socialism during the \"Third Reich\"?A total of 9 Virchow medallists and 3 honorary members met the inclusion criteria. None of those affected belonged to the group of pathologists who suffered injustice during the \"Third Reich\" or who could be described as victims of the Nazis. On the other hand, 4 of the 9 German Virchow medal winners and 1 of the 3 honorary members had joined the National Socialist Party and to some extent other Nazi organisations. Obviously, previous closeness to National Socialism was not a decisive factor in the selection of honorary members and Virchow medallists and, in particular, was not an exclusion criterion.The aforementioned results correspond to the findings of a parallel study, in which the political past of the German DGP chairmen appointed up to 1986 was examined. This showed that two thirds of them had joined the National Socialist Party during the \"Third Reich\".






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    During World War Two, a group of Dutch nurses chose to join the Nederlandse Ambulance (\'Easternfront Ambulance\'), a controversial though currently relatively unknown field hospital for the eastern front. In doing so, they supported the German war effort. This case study elaborates on the motives of these women to make a choice that was ultimately determined as \'wrong\', by emphasising their unique gender role of nurse in the public sphere. By providing an insight into a relatively small group of \'wrong\' women, this article aims to act as a call for further research into the gender context of limitations and opportunities of Dutch women during the German occupation. These nurses appear to have had various intentional and unintentional motives for enlisting. Nearly all of them later claimed they had pursued a \'calling\'. They had all been Nazi or Nationalist Socialist Movement in the Netherlands sympathisers and they had all enjoyed material benefits due to their position with the field hospital. In a few cases, it seems they had longed for interaction with soldiers, or men in general, and sometimes they had simply craved for an adventurous life far from home.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morbidity trends may result from cohort experiences in critical developmental age. Our objective was to compare the health status of 65-71 year-olds who were in critical developmental age before (1937-June 1945), during (June 1945-June 1948) and after (June 1948-1950) the early reconstruction and food crisis (ERFC) period in Germany following World War II. Data originate from the KORA (Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg)-Age study in Southern Germany. We used the 2008 baseline sample born 1937-1943 and the 2015 enrichment sample born 1944-1950. Health status was assessed as the number of accumulated health deficits using a Frailty Index (FI). Cohorts were defined based on co-occurrence of critical developmental age (gestation and the first 2 years of life) and the ERFC period. Cohort, age and sex effects on older-age health status were analyzed using generalized linear models. We included 590 (53% male) pre-war and war (PWW), 475 (51% male) ERFC and 171 post-currency reform (PCR) cohort participants (46% male). Adjusted for covariates, FI levels were significantly higher for the ERFC (Ratio 1.14, CL [1.06, 1.23]) but not for the PCR (Ratio 1.06, CL [0.94, 1.20]) as compared to the PWW cohort. Being in critical developmental age during the ERFC period increased FI levels in adults aged 65-71 years. Covariates did not explain these effects, suggesting a direct detrimental effect from being in critical developmental age during the ERFC period on older-age health. This expansion of morbidity in Germany was not detected in the PCR cohort.






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    文章类型: Letter





