
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Korean Association of Urogenital Tract Infection and Inflammation and the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency regularly update, revise, and develop new content for the Korean sexually transmitted infection (STI) guidelines. These professional bodies respond to changing epidemiological trends and evolving scientific evidence, and consider advances in laboratory diagnostics and research. The principal recommendations of the 2023 Korean STI guidelines in terms of viral infection follow: 1) If genital herpes recurs more than 4-6 times annually, suppressive therapy with acyclovir 400 mg orally 2 times/day or famciclovir 250 mg orally 2 times/day or valacyclovir 500 mg orally once a day (for patients with <10 episodes/year) or valacyclovir 1 g orally once daily (for patients with ≥10 episodes/year) is recommended to prevent recurrence; 2) molecular human papillomavirus (HPV) testing is not recommended as a routine test for STI status, nor for determination of HPV vaccination status; and 3) patients should inform their current sexual partners about anogenital warts because the types of HPV that cause such warts can be passed to partners. These guidelines will be updated every 5 years and will be revised when new knowledge on STIs becomes available and there is a reasonable need to improve the guidelines. Physicians and other healthcare providers can use the guidelines to assist in the prevention and treatment of STIs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This guideline is an update of the 2011 European Guideline for the Management of Anogenital Warts. It is intended to support best practice in the care of patients with anogenital warts by including evidence-based recommendations on diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and advice to patients. It is intended for use by healthcare professionals in sexual healthcare or dermato-venereology clinics in Europe but may be adapted for use in other settings where the management of anogenital warts is undertaken. As a European guideline, recommendations should be adapted according to national circumstances and healthcare systems. Despite the availability of vaccine to prevent HPV types 6 and 11, the cause of >95% anogenital warts, they remain an important and frequent health problem. The previous systematic review of randomized controlled trials for anogenital warts was updated. The changes in the present guideline include the following: Updated background information on the prevalence, natural history and transmission of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and anogenital warts. Key recommendations for diagnosis and treatment have been graded according to the strength of the recommendation and the quality of supporting evidence. 5-fluorouracil, local interferon and photodynamic therapy have been evaluated and included as potential second-line treatment options. Evidence of the impact of HPV vaccination on the incidence of anogenital warts has been updated.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The treatment of condyloma is generally a challenge in clinical practice. Although the spontaneous resolution rate is high, a significant proportion of patients seek treatment, not because of symptomatology, but mainly for aesthetic issues and concerns related to the transmission or worsening of existing lesions. The available treatments should be applied only for clinically evident macroscopic lesions. Ideally, available therapies should have rapid action onset and clearance, resolve symptoms, reduce recurrence rate and viral load, be effective in treating small lesions, and be well tolerated. However, none of the currently available treatments is clearly more effective than the others and there is no ideal treatment for all patients or for all condyloma. Therefore, the therapeutic decision should be based on the clinician\'s experience, available resources, lesion morphology, size, number and location, primary or recurrent lesions, disease severity, patient preference and expectations, patient\'s immune competence, convenience, tolerance, cost of treatment and results of previous therapies. The available treatments are divided into three groups: applied by the patient himself (imiquimod 3.75 or 5%, podophyllotoxin .5%, synecatekines 10% or 15%), applied by the health care provider (bi- and tricloacetic acids 80%-90%, intralesional interferon alpha, cryotherapy, surgical removal, electrofulguration, laser ablation) and experimental or alternative therapies (topical cidofovir, intralesional bleomycin, photodynamic therapy). Treatment methodologies can be further divided into their action - ablative or destructive treatment (cryotherapy, electrofulguration, laser ablation, surgical excision), cytotoxic or proapoptotic treatments (podophyllotoxin .5%, 5-fluoruracil, bleomycin) and immunomodulatory treatments (imiquimod 3.75% or 5%, synecatekines 10% or 15%, intralesional interferon alpha). The overall success rate of the various treatments available ranges from 23% to 94%. Only treatments that include cryotherapy or surgical excision are suitable in condyloma with any anatomical location and that have the highest success rate in monotherapy. Recurrences are common regardless of the treatment received. In contrast, immunomodulatory therapies despite having lower initial clearance rates appear to have higher probabilities of cure in the medium term, with low recurrence rates. Some treatments may be combined with each other and the effectiveness of combined therapies appears to be superior to monotherapy (proactive sequential treatment). The consensuses for the treatment of HPV also consider special situations: immunocompromised patients, meatus and intraurethral lesions and treatment of the partner.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    HPV infection affects about 50% of sexually active individuals at least once in a lifetime. Diagnosis is made on careful inspection of the genital area and can be divided into benign lesions (genital warts or condyloma acuminatum) and pre-malignant lesions (intraepithelial neoplasia) that can lead to cancer (invasive neoplasia). Diagnostic recommendations are reviewed in Male, Female, Couple and in the immunocompromised host. Recent histological concepts are also discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) periodically develops consensus documents for its members concerning various aspects of dermatologic surgery. Advances in photodynamic therapy (PDT) have been many and PDT use has been established in a variety of skin conditions.
    OBJECTIVE: The ASDS board of directors proposed a committee of experts in the field to develop consensus documents on different treatments. An expert panel reviewed the literature on PDT and discussed the findings. The consensus was reached with evidence-based recommendations on different clinical applications for PDT.
    METHODS: This consensus document includes discussions regarding PDT, including different photosensitizers and various light source activators, historical perspective, mechanism of action, various therapeutic indications and expected outcomes, pre- and post-care, and management of adverse outcomes.
    RESULTS: Photodynamic therapy is highly effective for pre-cancerous lesions, superficial nonmelanoma skin cancers, inflammatory acne vulgaris and other conditions. New protocols including laser mediated PDT significantly improve results for several indications.
    CONCLUSIONS: The ASDS consensus document on PDT will be helpful for educating members on safe and effective PDT for a variety of indications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Pediatric skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) constitute a significant number of office-based pediatric visits. With SSTIs on the rise, it is not only important to effectively treat the individual, but to do so appropriately and cost-consciously. In this article, we highlight new research related to the treatment of bacterial skin infections, molluscum contagiosum, and cutaneous warts, with the goal of guiding pediatricians in their practice against these common skin conditions.
    RESULTS: Recent data supports the use of topical antibiotics for noncomplicated impetigo. Systemic antibiotics covering gram-positive cocci are recommended for complicated cases of impetigo and deeper nonpurulent SSTIs. Localized purulent bacterial SSTIs can be treated with incision and drainage alone but more systemic involvement warrants treatment with systemic antibiotics covering Staphylococcus aureus species, especially community acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus. For the treatment of molluscum contagiosum, topical cantharidin has a high satisfaction rate among patients and providers. Potassium hydroxide solution is a potentially effective and cheap form of molluscum contagiosum treatment. Imiquimod, however, has an unfavorable efficacy and safety profile as a therapy for molluscum contagiosum. Regarding warts, high-risk human papilloma virus strains have been detected in cutaneous warts in children.
    CONCLUSIONS: The high-risk human papilloma virus vaccine may play a role in treating pediatric cutaneous warts in the future, and topical squaric acid dibutylester may effectively treat recalcitrant warts. Finally, both molluscum contagiosum and warts have a high rate of resolution after an extended period of time without any intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    Polymerase chain reaction-based bovine papillomavirus (BPV) detection methods using a combination of two primer sets, subAup/subAdw and subBup/subBdw, have enabled the broad-spectrum detection of most characterized BPV types. These methods were used to detect the partial L1 nucleotide sequence of BPV types from 167 cutaneous warts in cattle. Three potentially new viruses were detected using subBup/subBdw primer sets. The partial nucleotide sequences of these viruses were most similar to BPV-4, -6 and -9. Whole genome sequencing of one sample defines a new BPV type in the genus Xipapillomavirus, designated BPV-11.






  • 文章类型: Guideline
    BACKGROUND: Solid-organ transplant recipients have a high incidence of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and often develop multiple and aggressive tumors. There are few published studies or reviews, which provide guidance to the clinician in the treatment of these patients.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective was to develop useful clinical guidelines for the treatment of skin cancer in organ transplant recipients (OTRs).
    METHODS: The members of the Guidelines Committee of the International Transplant-Skin Cancer Collaborative (ITSCC) carried out a computerized search utilizing the databases of the National Library of Medicine for reports in the literature on SCC in OTRs. These reports were collectively examined by the group and combined with experiences from the members\' clinical practices in the development of the guidelines.
    RESULTS: More than 300 articles relating to SCC in OTRs were reviewed. In general, reports concerning the prevention and treatment of SCC in OTRs are of individual cases or small case series. They are retrospective in nature, statistically nonrigorous, and lack the complete epidemiologic data necessary to derive definitive conclusions. Combining these studies and collective clinical experience, however, is at present the best available method for devising guidelines for the treatment of SCC in OTRs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Guidelines developed for the treatment of skin cancer in OTRs, supported by the best available data and collective clinical experience, may assist in the management of OTRs with SCC. The development of clinical pathways and complete documentation with rigorous prospective study is necessary to improve and refine future guideline development.






  • 文章类型: Comment





