Visual perception

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Buildings are an integral part of our physical environment and have aesthetic significance with respect to the organizational integrity of architectural elements. While Gestalt principles are essential in design education, their relationship with architectural features remains understudied. The present study explored how Gestalt principles and complexity levels influence evaluations of building façades through the use of questionnaires and eye tracking. Twenty-four two-dimensional black and white façade drawings, manipulated using selected Gestalt principles (similarity and proximity) to achieve different levels of complexity (low, medium & high), were presented to 79 participants. The results suggested a negative linear relationship between aesthetic ratings and complexity levels across selected Gestalt principles. In addition, as expected, participants had the highest number of fixations, shortest fixation durations, and lowest aesthetic ratings for higher levels of complexity. Results involving Gestalt principles revealed that proximity-based designs received higher aesthetic ratings, demanded less time, elicited lower number of fixations, and resulted in shorter fixation durations. Conversely, similarity-based designs received lower aesthetic ratings, demanded more time, elicited higher number of fixations, and resulted in longer fixation durations. These findings offer insights into architectural aesthetic experiences and inform future research directions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the impact of four visual elements, namely text, colour, image, and shape, on the visual perception of Chinese consumers when observing nutrition labels, as well as to enhance their attention towards nutritional information, this study examines the visual effects of nutrition labels incorporating these elements through eye movement experiments, questionnaire surveys, subjective evaluations, and other research methods. The aim is to determine the optimal design solution. The results revealed that participants displayed the highest level of attention towards the round x image group, followed by the colour group. Thus, exceptional image design and a suitable colour scheme can significantly enhance consumers\' attention during browsing. This study offers valuable references and guidance for the redesign of food nutrition labels, while also presenting research insights for the application of visual perception in other domains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to examine the effects of a visual praxis-based occupational therapy (VPOT) programme on reading and motor skills for children with developmental dyslexia (DD). Forty-two children were included in the study. Additionally, before VPOT, the Reading-Aloud and Reading-Comprehension Test 2 (ORSRC-2) and the Bruininks-Oseretsky Motor-Proficiency-Test-2-Brief Form (BOT2-BF) were applied to the participants. According to the study design, VPOT was applied to two sessions per week for 8 weeks to group A. During this period, group B was accepted as the control group. At the end of these 8 weeks, evaluation tests were applied to both groups. Then, group A was defined as the control group and Group B as the intervention group, and VPOT was applied to Group B. At the end of another 8 weeks, evaluation tests were applied to both groups for the third time. When the final ORSRC-2 results were examined, VPOT was found to be an effective programme for improving reading skills. Additionally, when the final BOT2-BF results were examined, VPOT was determined to be effective in improving motor skills (p < 0.05). We believe that it is important to carry out comprehensive studies such as the VPOT programme to solve problems in the physical and learning activities of children with DD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Faces and bodies provide critical cues for social interaction and communication. Their structural encoding depends on configural processing, as suggested by the detrimental effect of stimulus inversion for both faces (i.e., face inversion effect - FIE) and bodies (body inversion effect - BIE). An occipito-temporal negative event-related potential (ERP) component peaking around 170 ms after stimulus onset (N170) is consistently elicited by human faces and bodies and is affected by the inversion of these stimuli. Albeit it is known that emotional expressions can boost structural encoding (resulting in larger N170 components for emotional than for neutral faces), little is known about body emotional expressions. Thus, the current study investigated the effects of different emotional expressions on structural encoding in combination with FIE and BIE. Three ERP components (P1, N170, P2) were recorded using a 128-channel electroencephalogram (EEG) when participants were presented with (upright and inverted) faces and bodies conveying four possible emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, fear) or no emotion (neutral). Results demonstrated that inversion and emotional expressions independently affected the Accuracy and amplitude of all ERP components (P1, N170, P2). In particular, faces showed specific effects of emotional expressions during the structural encoding stage (N170), while P2 amplitude (representing top-down conceptualisation) was modified by emotional body perception. Moreover, the task performed by participants (i.e., implicit vs. explicit processing of emotional information) differently influenced Accuracy and ERP components. These results support integrated theories of visual perception, thus speaking in favour of the functional independence of the two neurocognitive pathways (one for structural encoding and one for emotional expression analysis) involved in social stimuli processing. Results are discussed highlighting the neurocognitive and computational advantages of the independence between the two pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This multicenter study aimed to evaluate visual-instrumental agreement of six color measurement devices and optimize three color difference equations using a dataset of visual color differences (∆V) from expert observers.
    METHODS: A total of 154 expert observers from 16 sites across 5 countries participated, providing visual scaling on 26 sample pairs of artificial teeth using magnitude estimation. Three color difference equations (ΔE*ab, ∆E00, and CAM16-UCS) were tested. Optimization of all three equations was performed using device-specific weights, and the standardized residual sum of squares (STRESS) index was used to evaluate visual-instrumental agreement.
    RESULTS: The ΔE*ab formula exhibited STRESS values from 18 to 40, with visual-instrumental agreement between 60 % and 82 %. The ∆E00 formula showed STRESS values from 26 to 32, representing visual-instrumental agreement of 68 % to 74 %. CAM16-UCS demonstrated STRESS values from 32 - 39, with visual-instrumental agreement between 61-68 %. Following optimization, STRESS values decreased for all three formulas, with ΔE\' demonstrating average visual-instrumental agreement of 79 % and ∆E00 of 78 %. CAM16-UCS showed average visual-instrumental agreement of 76 % post optimization.
    CONCLUSIONS: Optimization of color difference equations notably improved visual-instrumental agreement, overshadowing device performance. The optimzed ΔE\' formula demonstrated the best overall performance combining computational simplicty with outstanding visual-instrumental agreement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The discovery and development of electrocochleography (ECochG) in animal models has been fundamental for its implementation in clinical audiology and neurotology. In our laboratory, the use of round-window ECochG recordings in chinchillas has allowed a better understanding of auditory efferent functioning. In previous works, we gave evidence of the corticofugal modulation of auditory-nerve and cochlear responses during visual attention and working memory. However, whether these cognitive top-down mechanisms to the most peripheral structures of the auditory pathway are also active during audiovisual crossmodal stimulation is unknown. Here, we introduce a new technique, wireless ECochG to record compound-action potentials of the auditory nerve (CAP), cochlear microphonics (CM), and round-window noise (RWN) in awake chinchillas during a paradigm of crossmodal (visual and auditory) stimulation. We compared ECochG data obtained from four awake chinchillas recorded with a wireless ECochG system with wired ECochG recordings from six anesthetized animals. Although ECochG experiments with the wireless system had a lower signal-to-noise ratio than wired recordings, their quality was sufficient to compare ECochG potentials in awake crossmodal conditions. We found non-significant differences in CAP and CM amplitudes in response to audiovisual stimulation compared to auditory stimulation alone (clicks and tones). On the other hand, spontaneous auditory-nerve activity (RWN) was modulated by visual crossmodal stimulation, suggesting that visual crossmodal simulation can modulate spontaneous but not evoked auditory-nerve activity. However, given the limited sample of 10 animals (4 wireless and 6 wired), these results should be interpreted cautiously. Future experiments are required to substantiate these conclusions. In addition, we introduce the use of wireless ECochG in animal models as a useful tool for translational research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The rubber hand illusion (RHI) is a well-established method for studying body ownership: Given adequate concordance of visual, sensory, and proprioceptive stimuli, the individual experiences a rubber hand as his or her own.
    OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of a threat to the rubber hand.
    METHODS: We created a typical RHI paradigm but added threatening pain: Both the real hand of an individual and the rubber hand were stroked with a brush, either synchronously (RHI-inducing condition) or asynchronously (control condition), but only the rubber hand was then pricked with a needle to create a threatening pain condition. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in a group of 23 typically-developed individuals. ERP effects were source-localized using low-resolution electromagnetic tomography.
    RESULTS: The individuals consistently reported experience of the RHI during the experiment when the brush strokes were applied synchronously to both the real hand and the rubber hand. ERP analysis revealed that synchronous brush stroking gave rise to higher amplitude of frontal ERPs in the 100-200 ms range than asynchronous brush stroking, which was interpreted as reflecting the RHI. In the threatening pain condition, ERPs showed a greater positivity at frontocentral electrodes, source localized in the supplementary motor area (SMA).
    CONCLUSIONS: SMA activation could reflect a control mechanism over reflexive motor activity, facilitating a possible threat-related response. Further studies should address ERP effects and the extent of the RHI to standard and threat stimuli in a correlative fashion to further elucidate the functional significance of the neurophysiological findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Glaucoma patients with irreversible visual field loss often experience decreased quality of life, impaired mobility, and mental health challenges. Perceptual learning (PL) and transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) have emerged as promising interventions for vision rehabilitation, showing potential in restoring residual visual functions. The Glaucoma Rehabilitation using ElectricAI Transcranial stimulation (GREAT) project aims to investigate whether combining PL and tES is more effective than using either method alone in maximizing the visual function of glaucoma patients. Additionally, the study will assess the impact of these interventions on brain neural activity, blood biomarkers, mobility, mental health, quality of life, and fear of falling.
    METHODS: The study employs a three-arm, double-blind, randomized, superiority-controlled design. Participants are randomly allocated in a 1:1:1 ratio to one of three groups receiving: (1) real PL and real tES, (2) real PL and sham tES, and (3) placebo PL and sham tES. Each participant undergoes 10 sessions per block (~ 1 h each), with a total of three blocks. Assessments are conducted at six time points: baseline, interim 1, interim 2, post-intervention, 1-month post-intervention, and 2-month post-intervention. The primary outcome is the mean deviation of the 24-2 visual field measured by the Humphrey visual field analyzer. Secondary outcomes include detection rate in the suprathreshold visual field, balance and gait functions, and electrophysiological and biological responses. This study also investigates changes in neurotransmitter metabolism, biomarkers, self-perceived quality of life, and psychological status before and after the intervention.
    CONCLUSIONS: The GREAT project is the first study to assess the effectiveness of PL and tES in the rehabilitation of glaucoma. Our findings will offer comprehensive assessments of the impact of these treatments on a wide range of brain and vision-related metrics including visual field, neural activity, biomarkers, mobility, mental health, fear of falling, and quality of life.
    BACKGROUND: NCT05874258 . Registered on May 15, 2023.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attention lapses (ALs) are complete lapses of responsiveness in which performance is briefly but completely disrupted and during which, as opposed to microsleeps, the eyes remain open. Although the phenomenon of ALs has been investigated by behavioural and physiological means, the underlying cause of an AL has largely remained elusive. This study aimed to investigate the underlying physiological substrates of behaviourally identified endogenous ALs during a continuous visuomotor task, primarily to answer the question: Were the ALs during this task due to extreme mind-wandering or mind-blanks? The data from two studies were combined, resulting in data from 40 healthy non-sleep-deprived subjects (20M/20F; mean age 27.1 years, 20-45). Only 17 of the 40 subjects were used in the analysis due to a need for a minimum of two ALs per subject. Subjects performed a random 2-D continuous visuomotor tracking task for 50 and 20 min in Studies 1 and 2, respectively. Tracking performance, eye-video, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) were recorded simultaneously. A human expert visually inspected the tracking performance and eye-video recordings to identify and categorise lapses of responsiveness as microsleeps or ALs. Changes in neural activity during 85 ALs (17 subjects) relative to responsive tracking were estimated by whole-brain voxel-wise fMRI and by haemodynamic response (HR) analysis in regions of interest (ROIs) from seven key networks to reveal the neural signature of ALs. Changes in functional connectivity (FC) within and between the key ROIs were also estimated. Networks explored were the default mode network, dorsal attention network, frontoparietal network, sensorimotor network, salience network, visual network, and working memory network. Voxel-wise analysis revealed a significant increase in blood-oxygen-level-dependent activity in the overlapping dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and supplementary motor area region but no significant decreases in activity; the increased activity is considered to represent a recovery-of-responsiveness process following an AL. This increased activity was also seen in the HR of the corresponding ROI. Importantly, HR analysis revealed no trend of increased activity in the posterior cingulate of the default mode network, which has been repeatedly demonstrated to be a strong biomarker of mind-wandering. FC analysis showed decoupling of external attention, which supports the involuntary nature of ALs, in addition to the neural recovery processes. Other findings were a decrease in HR in the frontoparietal network before the onset of ALs, and a decrease in FC between default mode network and working memory network. These findings converge to our conclusion that the ALs observed during our task were involuntary mind-blanks. This is further supported behaviourally by the short duration of the ALs (mean 1.7 s), which is considered too brief to be instances of extreme mind-wandering. This is the first study to demonstrate that at least the majority of complete losses of responsiveness on a continuous visuomotor task are, if not due to microsleeps, due to involuntary mind-blanks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The visual attentional deficits in delirium are poorly characterized. Studies have highlighted neuro-anatomical abnormalities in the visual processing stream but fail at quantifying these abnormalities at a functional level. To identify these deficits, we undertook a multi-center eye-tracking study where we recorded 210 sessions from 42 patients using a novel eye-tracking system that was made specifically for free-viewing in the (ICU); each session lasted 10 min and was labeled with the delirium status of the patient using the Confusion Assessment Method in ICU (CAM-ICU). To analyze this data, we formulate the task of visual attention as a hierarchical generative process that yields a probabilistic distribution of the location of the next fixation. This distribution can then be compared to the measured patient fixation producing a correctness score which is tallied compared across delirium status. This analysis demonstrated that the visual processing system of patients suffering from delirium is functionally restricted to a statistically significant degree. This is the first study to explore the potential mechanisms underpinning visual inattention in delirium and suggests a new target of future research into a disease process that affects one in four hospitalized patients with severe short and long-term consequences.





