Visual perception

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Buildings are an integral part of our physical environment and have aesthetic significance with respect to the organizational integrity of architectural elements. While Gestalt principles are essential in design education, their relationship with architectural features remains understudied. The present study explored how Gestalt principles and complexity levels influence evaluations of building façades through the use of questionnaires and eye tracking. Twenty-four two-dimensional black and white façade drawings, manipulated using selected Gestalt principles (similarity and proximity) to achieve different levels of complexity (low, medium & high), were presented to 79 participants. The results suggested a negative linear relationship between aesthetic ratings and complexity levels across selected Gestalt principles. In addition, as expected, participants had the highest number of fixations, shortest fixation durations, and lowest aesthetic ratings for higher levels of complexity. Results involving Gestalt principles revealed that proximity-based designs received higher aesthetic ratings, demanded less time, elicited lower number of fixations, and resulted in shorter fixation durations. Conversely, similarity-based designs received lower aesthetic ratings, demanded more time, elicited higher number of fixations, and resulted in longer fixation durations. These findings offer insights into architectural aesthetic experiences and inform future research directions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When studying the working memory (WM), the \'slot model\' and the \'resource model\' are two main theories used to describe how information retention occurs. The slot model shows that WM capacity consists of a certain number of predefined slots available for information storage. This theory explains that there is a binary condition during information recall in which information is either wholly maintained within a slot or forgotten. The resource model has a resolution-based approach, suggesting a continuous resource able to be distributed among a number of items in WM capacity. Recently hybrid models have been introduced, suggesting that WM may not strictly conform to only one model. Accordingly, to understand the relationship between two of the most widely used paradigms in WM evaluation, we implemented a correlational assessment in two different psychophysics tasks, an analog recall paradigm with sequential bar presentation and a delayed match-to-sample (DMS) task with checkerboard stimuli. Our study revealed significant correlations between WM performance in the DMS task and recall error, precision, and sources of errors in the sequential paradigm. Overall, the findings emphasize the importance of considering both tasks in understanding WM processes, as they shed light on the debate between the slot and resource models by revealing overlapping elements in both theories and the tasks used to evaluate WM capacity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A social individual needs to effectively manage the amount of complex information in his or her environment relative to his or her own purpose to obtain relevant information. This paper presents a neural architecture aiming to reproduce attention mechanisms (alerting/orienting/selecting) that are efficient in humans during audiovisual tasks in robots. We evaluated the system based on its ability to identify relevant sources of information on faces of subjects emitting vowels. We propose a developmental model of audio-visual attention (MAVA) combining Hebbian learning and a competition between saliency maps based on visual movement and audio energy. MAVA effectively combines bottom-up and top-down information to orient the system toward pertinent areas. The system has several advantages, including online and autonomous learning abilities, low computation time and robustness to environmental noise. MAVA outperforms other artificial models for detecting speech sources under various noise conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Art research has long aimed to unravel the complex associations between specific attributes, such as color, complexity, and emotional expressiveness, and art judgments, including beauty, creativity, and liking. However, the fundamental distinction between attributes as inherent characteristics or features of the artwork and judgments as subjective evaluations remains an exciting topic. This paper reviews the literature of the last half century, to identify key attributes, and employs machine learning, specifically Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDT), to predict 13 art judgments along 17 attributes. Ratings from 78 art novice participants were collected for 54 Western artworks. Our GBDT models successfully predicted 13 judgments significantly. Notably, judged creativity and disturbing/irritating judgments showed the highest predictability, with the models explaining 31% and 32% of the variance, respectively. The attributes emotional expressiveness, valence, symbolism, as well as complexity emerged as consistent and significant contributors to the models\' performance. Content-representational attributes played a more prominent role than formal-perceptual attributes. Moreover, we found in some cases non-linear relationships between attributes and judgments with sudden inclines or declines around medium levels of the rating scales. By uncovering these underlying patterns and dynamics in art judgment behavior, our research provides valuable insights to advance the understanding of aesthetic experiences considering visual art, inform cultural practices, and inspire future research in the field of art appreciation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our understanding of the neurobiology underlying cognitive dysfunction in persons with cerebral palsy is very limited, especially in the neurocognitive domain of visual selective attention. This investigation utilized magnetoencephalography and an Eriksen arrow-based flanker task to quantify the dynamics underlying selective attention in a cohort of youth and adults with cerebral palsy (n = 31; age range = 9 to 47 yr) and neurotypical controls (n = 38; age range = 11 to 49 yr). The magnetoencephalography data were transformed into the time-frequency domain to identify neural oscillatory responses and imaged using a beamforming approach. The behavioral results indicated that all participants exhibited a flanker effect (greater response time for the incongruent compared to congruent condition) and that individuals with cerebral palsy were slower and less accurate during task performance. We computed interference maps to focus on the attentional component and found aberrant alpha (8 to 14 Hz) oscillations in the right primary visual cortices in the group with cerebral palsy. Alpha and theta (4 to 7 Hz) oscillations were also seen in the left and right insula, and these oscillations varied with age across all participants. Overall, persons with cerebral palsy exhibit deficiencies in the cortical dynamics serving visual selective attention, but these aberrations do not appear to be uniquely affected by age.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Visual perceptual learning (VPL) may improve visual field defects (VFDs) after chronic stroke, but the optimal training duration and location remain unknown. This prospective study aimed to determine the efficacy of 8 weeks of VFD-customized visual discrimination training in improving poststroke VFDs.
    METHODS: Prospectively enrolled patients with poststroke VFDs initially received no training for 8 weeks (no-training phase). They subsequently underwent our customized VPL program that included orientation-discrimination tasks in individualized blind fields and central letter-discrimination tasks three times per week for 8 weeks (training phase). We analyzed the luminance detection sensitivity and deviation as measured using Humphrey visual field tests before and after the no-training and training phases. The vision-related quality of life was assessed at baseline and at a 16-week follow-up using the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire-25 (NEI-VFQ-25).
    RESULTS: Changes in mean total deviation (MTD) scores were greater during the training phase than during the no-training phase (defective hemifield, p=0.002; whole field, p=0.004). The MTD scores improved during the training phase (defective hemifield, p=0.004; whole field, p=0.016), but not during the no-training phase (defective hemifield, p=0.178; whole field, p=0.178). The difference between the improved and worsened areas (≥6 dB changes in luminance detection sensitivity) was greater during the training phase than during the no-training phase (p=0.009). The vision-specific social functioning subscore of the NEI-VFQ-25 improved after the 16-week study period (p=0.040).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our 8-week VFD-customized visual discrimination training protocol may effectively improve VFDs and vision-specific social functioning in chronic stroke patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most research on visual search has used simple tasks presented on a computer screen. However, in natural situations visual search almost always involves eye, head, and body movements in a three-dimensional (3D) environment. The different constraints imposed by these two types of search tasks might explain some of the discrepancies in our understanding concerning the use of memory resources and the role of contextual objects during search. To explore this issue, we analyzed a visual search task performed in an immersive virtual reality apartment. Participants searched for a series of geometric 3D objects while eye movements and head coordinates were recorded. Participants explored the apartment to locate target objects whose location and visibility were manipulated. For objects with reliable locations, we found that repeated searches led to a decrease in search time and number of fixations and to a reduction of errors. Searching for those objects that had been visible in previous trials but were only tested at the end of the experiment was also easier than finding objects for the first time, indicating incidental learning of context. More importantly, we found that body movements showed changes that reflected memory for target location: trajectories were shorter and movement velocities were higher, but only for those objects that had been searched for multiple times. We conclude that memory of 3D space and target location is a critical component of visual search and also modifies movement kinematics. In natural search, memory is used to optimize movement control and reduce energetic costs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In environments teeming with distractions, the ability to selectively focus on relevant information is crucial for advanced cognitive processing. Existing research using event-related potential (ERP) technology has shown active suppression of irrelevant stimuli during the consolidation phase of visual working memory (VWM). In previous studies, participants have always been given sufficient time to consolidate VWM, while suppressing distracting information. However, it remains unclear whether the suppression of irrelevant distractors requires continuous effort throughout their presence or whether this suppression is only necessary after the consolidation of task-relevant information. To address this question, our study examines whether distractor suppression is necessary in scenarios where consolidation time is limited. This research investigates the effect of varying presentation durations on the filtering of distractors in VWM. We tasked participants with memorizing two color stimuli and ignoring four distractors, presented for either 50 ms or 200 ms. Using ERP technology, we discovered that the distractor-induced distractor positivity (PD) amplitude is larger during longer presentation durations compared to shorter ones. These findings underscore the significant impact of presentation duration on the efficacy of distractor suppression in VWM, as prolonged exposure results in a stronger suppression effect on distractors. This study sheds light on the temporal dynamics of attention and memory, emphasizing the critical role of stimulus timing in cognitive tasks. These findings provide valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying VWM and have significant implications for models of attention and memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the evolutionary history and cultural significance of visual art, the structure of aesthetic experiences it evokes has only attracted recent scientific attention. What kinds of experience does visual art evoke? Guided by Semantic Space Theory, we identify the concepts that most precisely describe people\'s aesthetic experiences using new computational techniques. Participants viewed 1457 artworks sampled from diverse cultural and historical traditions and reported on the emotions they felt and their perceived artwork qualities. Results show that aesthetic experiences are high-dimensional, comprising 25 categories of feeling states. Extending well beyond hedonism and broad evaluative judgments (e.g., pleasant/unpleasant), aesthetic experiences involve emotions of daily social living (e.g., \"sad\", \"joy\"), the imagination (e.g., \"psychedelic\", \"mysterious\"), profundity (e.g., \"disgust\", \"awe\"), and perceptual qualities attributed to the artwork (e.g., \"whimsical\", \"disorienting\"). Aesthetic emotions and perceptual qualities jointly predict viewers\' liking of the artworks, indicating that we conceptualize aesthetic experiences in terms of the emotions we feel but also the qualities we perceive in the artwork. Aesthetic experiences are often mixed and lie along continuous gradients between categories rather than within discrete clusters. Our collection of artworks is visualized within an interactive map ( ), revealing the high-dimensional space of aesthetic experiences associated with visual art.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) refers to individuals\' perceived decline in memory and/or other cognitive abilities relative to their previous level of performance. Sensory decline is one of the main manifestations of decline in older adults with SCD. The efficient integration of visual and auditory information, known as audiovisual integration, is a crucial perceptual process. This study aims to evaluate audiovisual integration in older adults with SCD.
    METHODS: We adopted the audiovisual detection task, the Colavita task, and the Sound-Induced Flash Illusion (SIFI) task to evaluate the audiovisual integration by examining both redundant and illusory effects. Older adults diagnosed with SCD (N = 50, mean age = 67.8 years) and a control group of non-SCD older adults (N = 51, mean age = 66.5 years) were recruited. All participants took part in the three aforementioned experiments.
    RESULTS: The outcomes showed that a redundant effect occurred in both SCD and non-SCD older adults, with SCD older adults gaining more benefits in audiovisual detection task. Moreover, an equivalent amount of the visual dominance effect was observed among both SCD and non-SCD older adults in Colavita task. In addition, older adults with SCD perceived an equal fission illusion but a bigger fusion illusion compared with non-SCD older adults in SIFI task.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, older adults with SCD exhibit increased audiovisual redundant effects and stronger fusion illusion susceptibility compared to non-SCD older adults. Besides, visual dominance was observed in both groups via the Colavita task, with no significant difference between non-SCD and SCD older adults. These findings implied that audiovisual integration might offer a potential way for the identification of SCD.





