Trematode Infections

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Clinostomum spp. are common parasites of piscivorous birds. Metacercaria are typically observed in the muscles or just under the skin of fish and rarely amphibians. We describe an unusually severe case of Clinostomum marginatum infection in an adult female green tree frog (Hyla cinerea) from Georgia (USA). The frog was found in November 2015 with a high number (>250) of widely disseminated, raised, subcutaneous nodules. The frog died in December. At necropsy, it was emaciated, and the skin was covered in raised uniform, tan-green, subcutaneous, ∼2-3 mm diameter nodules. Each nodule contained 1-3 C. marginatum metacercariae. Microscopically, high numbers of trematodes were within subcutaneous tissues and in coelomic and oral cavities, lung, liver, kidney, ovary, orbit and calvarium. Small to large numbers of lymphocytes and melanomacrophages were in connective tissues and epidermis. A 732 bp region of COI was 98.8-99.8% similar to numerous sequences of C. marginatum and, phylogenetically it grouped with these C. marginatum sequences. The ITS-1 region was 100% similar to a C. marginatum sample from a great egret (Ardea alba) from Mississippi. This report represents a novel finding of severe trematodiasis in a free-ranging amphibian with C. marginatum infection.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Clinostomum complanatum is a laryngeal fluke whose hosts include birds and mammals.[1] In humans, infection occurs accidentally during the consumption of raw freshwater fish.[1,2].
    METHODS: A 59-year-old female presented to our hospital with throat pain and globus sensation. The patient had been prescribed Proton Pump Inibitor for 3 weeks at another hospital. The patient continued the medication, but the discomfort persisted, and she was admitted to our hospital for further examination. The patient had eaten raw fish 24 days before, and the symptoms occurred after eating the raw fish. Endoscopy under sedation showed a fluke, with an approximate length of 8.0 mm and width of 3.2 mm, on the interaryepiglottic fold, with active motility on the mucosa.
    UNASSIGNED: It was extracted from the larynx using biopsy forceps and identified as C complanatum.
    RESULTS: After the fluke was removed, symptoms improved, and the patient was discharged. The globus symptoms completely resolved at the last follow-up visit.
    CONCLUSIONS: To the best of our knowledge, this is an endoscopically diagnosed and treated case of human infection by C complanatum in Korea after the longest period of infection. This suggests that C complanatum can survive for up to 3 weeks or more in the gastrointestinal tract. Endoscopy is a useful tool for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with atypical extraesophageal symptoms who do not respond to Proton Pump Inibitors.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Fasciolopsiasis, a food-borne intestinal parasitosis, occurs focally, and remains a significant public health problem in endemic areas. However, due to the wide spectrum of clinical presentation and unclear diagnosis or even misdiagnosis, it often goes unreported. The correlation between trematode infection and malnutrition is also often debated. We report a case of heavy infection of Fasciolopsis buski in a 4-year-old girl with severe acute malnutrition (SAM). The patient presented with a passage of many adult worms per stool following the consumption of some herbal concoction. A wet mount of the stool revealed ova of Fasciolopsis buski. She was treated successfully with praziquantel and food supplements. It raises the possibility of unidentified cases in this region and necessitates more extensive studies in the targeted population. This will also help raise awareness of fasciolopsiasis among clinicians, especially in vulnerable populations such as malnourished children.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Malabsorption is the major disease burden in tropical countries. Both primary and secondary forms exist and a secondary form overshadows the primary category. Intestinal parasitic infections lead to secondary form of tropical malabsorption in both native and travelers and presentation varies from mild glossitis to severe protein losing enteropathy. The underlying condition is often masked unless an endoscopic biopsy is performed. This is followed by a histopathological examination which unravels the etiology.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Platynosomum is a digenean trematode causing hepatobiliary disease in cats in tropical and subtropical regions. The presence of Platynosomum species in Sri Lanka has not been previously reported or investigated. In the current study, we report a clinical case of a cat suffering from hepatic and biliary complications. Fine-needle aspiration of the biliary extract revealed a large number of parasite eggs, and the morphological and molecular identification of eggs was carried out. Molecular phylogenetics was performed using the nuclear ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 (ITS2) and a portion of a mitochondrially encoded gene; Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit 1 (COX1). Through a combination of history, clinical signs, blood reports, ultrasound scanning, light microscopy of eggs from biliary aspirate and molecular studies, the disease was confirmed as parasitism caused by a Platynosomum like species. The Platynosomum species in Sri Lanka is phylogenetically related to Platynosomum illiciens reported from Costa Rica, Central America. This case emphasizes the importance of future studies in Sri Lanka regarding the prevalence and distribution of Platynosomum among cat populations. Further, the inclusion of feline platynosomiasis in the differential diagnoses list for hepatobiliary diseases is required.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Platynosomum illiciens is a liver trematode encountered infecting mainly felids although it has also been reported in birds and in additional mammalian species, including non-human primates. The current study reports a natural P. illiciens infection primate of the genus Callithrix. The diagnosis was made using a combination of copro-parasitological techniques, morphological evaluation of adult specimens recovered from the liver during necropsy, and molecular analyses. Eggs were brown in color, oval, operculated, and contained a miracidium. Adult specimens recovered during necropsy were measured and showed dimensions compatible with P. illiciens. Molecular characterization of the trematode involved amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), in combination with nucleotide sequencing, of an approximately 900 base pairs fragment corresponding to 18S-ITS1-5.8S ribosomal DNA. Sequenced amplicons showed 100% nucleotide identity with sequences deposited in the GenBank database as derived from specimens of P. illiciens recovered from cats in Malaysia and Brazil. It was concluded that the morphological and molecular analyses presented herein, confirmed the identification of the trematode recovered as P. illiciens.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Fasciolopsis buski, also called the giant intestinal fluke, is the largest intestinal fluke of the zoonotic trematode parasites and found mainly in Southeast Asian countries, including China. Fasciolopsis buski infection was formerly a common health problem in many countries, but it is now rare. Typically, it can be cured by oral drugs, but some infected patients need surgical intervention because of the severity of their condition or because of an unclear diagnosis or even misdiagnosis. Here, we report a case of a 15-year-old girl from Guizhou Province, China, presenting with recurrent upper-middle abdominal pain that was misdiagnosed as a choledochal cyst. Through laparotomy combined with postoperative histopathological examination, the source of the pain was proven to be mechanical biliary obstruction caused by F. buski infection. In the past, mechanical obstruction, especially biliary obstruction, caused by F. buski infection leading to surgery was not uncommon, but it is very rare in modern society. Moreover, delayed treatment and misdiagnosis of parasitic infection can lead to severe consequences. Therefore, we reviewed the previous literature on F. buski infection treated by surgical operation and summarized the characteristics and therapeutic strategies of these cases to raise clinicians\' awareness of this rare infection.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Sirenians are parasitized by a number of nematodes and trematodes, most which appear to be host specific. Reports of parasitism in the West Indian Manatee, Trichechus manatus, exist for several regions within the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea, but there is a lack of parasitic data existing for the manatee subspecies living in the coastal waters of Belize. Herein, we report the first published record of parasites found in a deceased adult male Antillean manatee, Trichechus manatus manatus, recovered in the Placencia Lagoon, Belize. A thorough necropsy was performed which led to the identification of one nematode species, Heterocheilus tunicatus, and 2 species of trematode, Chiorchis groscofit, and Pulmonicola cochleotrema. The abundance of parasites found here appears to be within healthy limits given previous studies. Although our results are limited, the data provides supplemental information that can assist in-country and regional monitoring efforts for an endangered species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Species of the allocreadiid genus Creptotrema are parasites of freshwater fishes in the Americas. Species in the genus possess one pair of muscular oral lobes on the oral sucker. Currently, the genus contains eight species, six distributed in South America, one in Middle America and one in North America. Genetic data are only available for the North American species, Creptotrema funduli, a parasite of fundulids originally described from Oneida Lake, New York State. In this study, we obtained 28S ribosomal DNA sequences of trematodes morphologically similar to Creptotrema agonostomi from the mountain mullet, Dajaus monticola, across a wide geographical range in Middle America. Our molecular phylogenetic analyses showed that (1) the genus Creptotrema, as currently conceived, is not monophyletic; (2) the allocreadiids in mountain mullets should be re-allocated in the genus Pseudoparacreptotrema; and (3) the allocreadiid trematodes from D. monticola across Middle America represent four morphologically similar species, three of which can be distinguished genetically. These three new species are described herein using an integrative taxonomy approach. We contend that accurate estimates of species diversity and phylogenetic relationships among allocreadiids, and most likely other species of trematodes, necessarily require an integrative taxonomy approach that should consider at least DNA sequences and scanning electron microscopy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The epicontinental fauna of the Iberian Peninsula is strongly influenced by its geographical history. As the possibilities for dispersion of organisms into and from this region were (and still are) limited, the local fauna consists almost exclusively of endemic species. Almost all Iberian freshwater fishes of the families Leuciscidae and Cyprinidae are endemic and on-going research on these taxa continually uncovers new species. Nevertheless, information on their host-specific parasites remains scarce. In this study, we investigate the diversity and phylogenetic relationships in monogeneans of the genus Dactylogyrus (gill ectoparasites specific to cyprinoid fish) in the Iberian Peninsula. Twenty-two species were collected and identified from 19 host species belonging to Cyprinidae and Leuciscidae. A high degree of endemism was observed, with 21 Dactylogyrus species reported from Iberia only and a single species, D. borealis, also reported from other European regions. Phylogenetic analysis split the endemic Iberian Dactylogyrus into two well-supported clades, the first encompassing Dactylogyrus parasitizing endemic Luciobarbus spp. only, and the second including all Dactylogyrus species of endemic leuciscids and four species of endemic cyprinids. Species delimitation analysis suggests a remarkable diversity and existence of a multitude of cryptic Dactylogyrus species parasitizing endemic leuciscids (Squalius spp. and representatives of Chondrostoma s.l.). These results suggest a rapid adaptive radiation of Dactylogyrus in this geographically isolated region, closely associated with their cyprinoid hosts. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis supports that Dactylogyrus parasites colonized the Iberian Peninsula through multiple dispersion events.






