
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Any action capable of creating expectations about product quality would be able to modulate experienced pleasantness. In this context, during the 2022 edition of the Internet Festival (Pisa, Italy) a \'social experiment\' was promoted to set up an affordable and reliable methodology based on wearable sensors to measure the emotions aroused in a live context on consumers by different kinds of wines. Therefore, five wines (two faulty ones and three high-quality samples) were proposed to 50 non-selected consumers in an arousing context with live jazz music as background. Both explicit (questionnaires) and two different approaches for implicit methods (electrocardiogram (ECG) recorded by wearable sensors vs. smartphones), the latter performed on a subgroup of 16, to measure the emotions aroused by wines and music were utilized synergistically.
    RESULTS: According to our findings: (i) wine undoubtedly generates a significant emotional response on consumers; (ii) this answer is multifaceted and attributable to the quality level of the wine tasted. In fact, all things being equal, while drinking wine even untrained consumers can perfectly recognize good wines compared to products of lower quality; (iii) high-quality wines are able to induce a spectrum of positive emotions, as observed by the analysis of ECG signals, especially when they are coupled with background music.
    CONCLUSIONS: The framework has certainly played to the advantage of good-quality wines, fostering their positive emotional characteristics on the palate even of some less experienced consumers, thanks to a dragging effect towards a positive mood generated by the surrounding conditions (good music in a beautiful location). © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reading acquisition is enabled by deep changes in the brain\'s visual system and language areas, and in the links subtending their collaboration. Disruption of those plastic processes commonly results in developmental dyslexia. However, atypical development of reading mechanisms may occasionally result in ticker-tape synesthesia (TTS), a condition described by Francis Galton in 1883 wherein individuals \"see mentally in print every word that is uttered (…) as from a long imaginary strip of paper\". While reading is the bottom-up translation of letters into speech, TTS may be viewed as its opposite, the top-down translation of speech into internally visualized letters. In a series of functional MRI experiments, we studied MK, a man with TTS. We showed that a set of left-hemispheric areas were more active in MK than in controls during the perception of normal than reversed speech, including frontoparietal areas involved in speech processing, and the Visual Word Form Area, an occipitotemporal region subtending orthography. Those areas were identical to those involved in reading, supporting the construal of TTS as upended reading. Using dynamic causal modeling, we further showed that, parallel to reading, TTS induced by spoken words and pseudowords relied on top-down flow of information along distinct lexical and phonological routes, involving the middle temporal and supramarginal gyri, respectively. Future studies of TTS should shed new light on the neurodevelopmental mechanisms of reading acquisition, their variability and their disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synesthesia occurs more commonly in individuals fulfilling criteria for an autism spectrum diagnosis than in the general population. It is associated with autistic traits and autism-related perceptual processing characteristics, including a more detail-focused attentional style and altered sensory sensitivity. In addition, these characteristics correlate with the degree of grapheme-color synesthesia (consistency of grapheme-color associations) in non-synesthetes. We investigated a predominantly non-synesthetic twin sample, including individuals fulfilling criteria for an autism spectrum diagnosis or other neurodevelopmental disorders (n = 65, 14-34 years, 60% female). We modelled linear relationships between the degree of grapheme-color synesthesia and autistic traits, sensory sensitivity, and visual perception, both within-twin pairs (22 pairs) where all factors shared by twins are implicitly controlled (including 50-100% genetics), and across the entire cohort. We found that the degree of grapheme-color synesthesia was associated with autistic traits within the domain of Attention to Details and with sensory hyper-, but not hypo-sensitivity. These associations were stronger within-twin pairs than across the sample. Further, twins with a higher degree of grapheme-color synesthesia were better than their co-twins at identifying fragmented images (Fragmented Pictures Test). This is the first twin study on the association between synesthesia and autism-related perceptual features and traits. The results suggest that investigating these associations within-twin pairs, implicitly adjusting for potential confounding factors shared by twins, is more sensitive than doing so in non-related individuals. Consistent with previous findings, the results suggest an association between the degree of grapheme-color synesthesia and autism-related perceptual features, while utilizing a different measure for sensory sensitivity. The novel finding of enhanced fragmented picture integration in twins with a higher degree of grapheme-color synesthesia challenges the view of a generally more detail-focused attentional style in synesthesia and might be related to enhanced memory or mental imagery in more synesthetic individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Grapheme-color synesthesia is a condition in which the visual perception of letters or numbers induces a specific color sensation. The consistency of grapheme-color association has been considered as a fundamental characteristic of synesthesia. However, recent studies have indicated that this association can change across the adult lifespan, and it has become necessary to investigate the factors behind the changes within each synesthete. We conducted a longitudinal study of Japanese adult synesthetes to investigate long-term (5-8 years) changes in color responses to 300 graphemes (alphanumeric and Japanese characters). Graphemes with lower long-term consistency of synesthetic association also tended to have lower short-term consistency, indicating that grapheme-color association\'s consistency is determined for each grapheme. Further, less familiar graphemes had less consistent associations with their synesthetic colors. These findings suggest that a stronger grapheme-color association is formed for more familiar graphemes, leading to the consolidation of synesthetic color for such graphemes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synesthesia is an atypical perceptual phenomenon that has been associated with generalized differences in other cognitive and perceptual domains. Given similarities in the qualitative nature of synesthetic experiences to visual imagery perceptions, several studies have sought to examine whether synesthetes demonstrate increased visual imagery abilities. Using subjective imagery questionnaires, some studies have identified superior imaging abilities in synesthetes, while others have not. However, because most research on synesthesia uses un-blinded group membership prior to data collection, such methods for studying group differences may be prone to participant and experimenter biases (e.g., a motivated synesthete may rate themselves as having stronger visual imagery abilities due to their own bias and perceived experimenter expectations). To address this issue, we demonstrate the feasibility of double-blind designs in synesthesia research, applied here to examine differences in subjectively reported levels of imagery usage and intensity. Prior to identifying synesthetes\' and non-synesthetes\' group membership (in order to eliminate the potential for bias), subjects completed two common measures of visual imagery experiences. Using this approach, we replicated findings of greater visual imagery usage in synesthetes on the Spontaneous Use of Imagery Scale (SUIS) measure, but not of enhanced imagery abilities on the standardized Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire (VVIQ) measure. The present study strengthens prior evidence that synesthesia is associated with heightened visual imagery and demonstrates the utility of double-blind designs in order to limit biases and promote further replicability of other findings in research on synesthesia.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In synaesthesia, a specific sensory dimension leads to an involuntary sensation in another sensory dimension not commonly associated with it; for example, synaesthetes may experience a specific colour when listening or thinking of numbers or letters. Large-scale behavioural studies provide a rich description of different synaesthesia phenotypes, and a great amount of research has been oriented to uncovering whether a single or multiple brain mechanisms underlie these various synaesthesia phenotypes. Interestingly, most of the synaesthetic inducers are conceptual stimuli such as numbers, letters, and months. However, the impact of these concepts on the synaesthetic brain remains largely unexplored. Numbers appear as the most typical inducer in two common types of synaesthesia: grapheme-colour and sequence-space. Numbers are symbols that denote quantity information and their processing recruits a specific neural network. Therefore, numbers may play an important role in the brain mechanisms underlying some types of synaesthesia. We used voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to compare grey matter (GM) volume in synaesthetes and controls. Relative to controls, synaesthetes showed increase in GM in the right amygdala and in the left cerebellum. Within the synaestheste group, comparing synaesthetes who reported numbers as the inducer with synaesthetes who reported other stimuli as the inducer revealed increase in GM in the left angular gyrus, which is associated with the verbal aspect of number processing. These results reveal neuroanatomical differences between synaesthetes and controls, and show the impact of the type of inducer in the synaesthetic brain. We discuss these findings in line with current neurobiological models of synaesthesia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Auditory-visual (AV) synesthesia is a rare phenomenon in which an auditory stimulus induces a \"concurrent\" color sensation. Current neurophysiological models of synesthesia mainly hypothesize \"hyperconnected\" and \"hyperactivated\" brains, but differ in the directionality of signal transmission. The two-stage model proposes bottom-up signal transmission from inducer- to concurrent- to higher-order brain areas, whereas the disinhibited feedback model postulates top-down signal transmission from inducer- to higher-order- to concurrent brain areas. To test the different models of synesthesia, we estimated local current density, directed and undirected connectivity patterns in the intracranial space during 2 min of resting-state (RS) EEG in 11 AV synesthetes and 11 nonsynesthetes. AV synesthetes demonstrated increased parietal theta, alpha, and lower beta current density compared to nonsynesthetes. Furthermore, AV synesthetes were characterized by increased top-down signal transmission from the superior parietal lobe to the left color processing area V4 in the upper beta frequency band. Analyses of undirected connectivity revealed a global, synesthesia-specific hyperconnectivity in the alpha frequency band. The involvement of the superior parietal lobe even during rest is a strong indicator for its key role in AV synesthesia. By demonstrating top-down signal transmission in AV synesthetes, we provide direct support for the disinhibited feedback model of synesthesia. Finally, we suggest that synesthesia is a consequence of global hyperconnectivity. Hum Brain Mapp 39:522-531, 2018. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This study was a case investigation of grapheme-texture synestheste TH, a female who subjectively reported experiencing a visual association between grapheme and colour/texture. First, we validated the existence of a synesthetic association in an objective manner. Involuntarily elicited experience is a major hallmark that is common to different types of synesthetes. Our results indicated interference between physical and synesthetic texture, suggesting the involuntary occurrence of synesthetic textural experience. We analysed the behavioural measures using the EZ diffusion model. The result suggested that TH\'s synesthetic experience was dissociable from that of briefly trained associative processing of non-synesthetes. Second, we investigated how the synesthetic experience of colour and texture dimensions was bound in the visual representation. We found that the interference effects of colour and texture were not independent. This suggested that in the elicited experience, the colour and texture features construct an integrated representation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We aim to elucidate misophonia, a condition in which particular sounds elicit disproportionally strong aversive reactions.
    A large online study extensively surveyed personal, developmental, and clinical characteristics of over 300 misophonics.
    Most participants indicated that their symptoms started in childhood or early teenage years. Severity of misophonic responses increases over time. One third of participants reported having family members with similar symptoms. Half of our participants reported no comorbid clinical conditions, and the other half reported a variety of conditions. Only posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was related to the severity of the misophonic symptoms. Remarkably, half of the participants reported experiencing euphoric, relaxing, and tingling sensations with particular sounds or sights, a relatively unfamiliar phenomenon called autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR).
    It is unlikely that another \"real\" underlying clinical, psychiatric, or psychological disorder can explain away the misophonia. The possible relationship with PTSD and ASMR warrants further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We propose a hypothesis concerning the neural basis of the mental \'calendar\' we all carry around in our brains, based on observations we made on a 25year old \'projector synaesthete\', EA, who displays some novel and instructive features. In addition to her grapheme-color synaesthesia, she has a circular \'calendar line\', laid out vividly in front of her in the horizontal plane with December 31st passing through the middle of her chest and other months arranged in clockwise sequence ending with December on her right (July was 3 feet in front of her). Her access to episodic memories felt, subjectively, as if it was facilitated by her calendar line. Intriguingly, if she turned her sideways to look to the right, the calendar remained \'stuck to the chest\' - meaning that it was body centered rather than head centered. Even more surprising is how, when she rotated her head rightward, the left portion of her calendar became \"fuzzy\", and memories of February and March became less accessible; a striking example of embodied cognition - memories gated by information from neural networks representing the activity of neck muscles. We postulate that the human calendar is mediated by connections between the angular gyrus and hippocampal place and time cells-via the inferior longitudinal fasciculus. Other aspects of EA\'s synaesthesia were also explored. The colors evoked by graphemes spread outside the grapheme itself, but the spread could be blocked by real as well as illusory contours. These interactions might be mediated by cells signaling illusory contours (in V2) and color/texture sensitive cells in (V4). Tastes also evoked colors, but, intriguingly, the colors were experienced inside her mouth rather than out there in the world. We discuss the deeper implications of these findings for understanding the nature of quale, and the manner in which the self anchors itself in space and time.





