
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Grapheme-color synesthesia is a normal and healthy variation of human perception. It is characterized by the association of letters or numbers with color perceptions. The etiology of synesthesia is not yet fully understood. Theories include hyperconnectivity in the brain, cross-activation of adjacent or functionally proximate sensory areas of the brain, or various models of lack of inhibitory function in the brain. The growth factor brain-derived neurotrophic (BDNF) plays an important role in the development of neurons, neuronal pathways, and synapses, as well as in the protection of existing neurons in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. ELISA methods were used to compare BDNF serum concentrations between healthy test subjects with and without grapheme-color synesthesia to establish a connection between concentration and the occurrence of synesthesia. The results showed that grapheme-color synesthetes had an increased BDNF serum level compared to the matched control group. Increased levels of BDNF can enhance the brain\'s ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions, injuries, or experiences, resulting in positive effects. It is discussed whether the integration of sensory information is associated with or results from increased neuroplasticity. The parallels between neurodegeneration and brain regeneration lead to the conclusion that synesthesia, in the sense of an advanced state of consciousness, is in some cases a more differentiated development of the brain rather than a relic of early childhood.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The acquisition of reading modifies areas of the brain associated with vision and with language, in addition to their connections. These changes enable reciprocal translation between orthography and the sounds and meaning of words. Individual variability in the pre-existing cerebral substrate contributes to the range of eventual reading abilities, extending to atypical developmental patterns, including dyslexia and reading-related synaesthesias. The present study is devoted to the little-studied but highly informative ticker-tape synaesthesia, in which speech perception triggers the vivid and irrepressible perception of words in their written form in the mind\'s eye. We scanned a group of 17 synaesthetes and 17 matched controls with functional MRI, while they listened to spoken sentences, words, numbers or pseudowords (Experiment 1), viewed images and written words (Experiment 2) or were at rest (Experiment 3). First, we found direct correlates of the ticker-tape synaesthesia phenomenon: during speech perception, as ticker-tape synaesthesia was active, synaesthetes showed over-activation of left perisylvian regions supporting phonology and of the occipitotemporal visual word form area, where orthography is represented. Second, we provided support to the hypothesis that ticker-tape synaesthesia results from atypical relationships between spoken and written language processing: the ticker-tape synaesthesia-related regions overlap closely with cortices activated during reading, and the overlap of speech-related and reading-related areas is larger in synaesthetes than in controls. Furthermore, the regions over-activated in ticker-tape synaesthesia overlap with regions under-activated in dyslexia. Third, during the resting state (i.e. in the absence of current ticker-tape synaesthesia), synaesthetes showed increased functional connectivity between left prefrontal and bilateral occipital regions. This pattern might reflect a lowered threshold for conscious access to visual mental contents and might imply a non-specific predisposition to all synaesthesias with a visual content. These data provide a rich and coherent account of ticker-tape synaesthesia as a non-detrimental developmental condition created by the interaction of reading acquisition with an atypical cerebral substrate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are many different kinds of \'phantom\' percepts but it is unknown whether they are united by common mechanisms. For example, synaesthesia (e.g., numbers evoking colour) and hallucinations appear conceptually and phenomenologically similar: both result in a percept that does not have an environmental correlate. Here, people with synaesthesia (n = 66) performed a conditioned hallucinations paradigm known to be sensitive to hallucination susceptibility, and we asked whether synaesthetes would show the same behavioural profile as hallucinators in this task. Repeated pairing of checkerboards with tones, and gratings with colours encourages the participant to draw on prior knowledge when asked to report on the presence of the difficult-to-detect target stimulus. Synaesthetes show increased modelled expectancies for the stimulus association across the board, resulting in a higher number of detections at all stimulus intensities. This is in contrast to the pattern observed in hallucinators, who weigh their prior beliefs more strongly than controls, giving rise to more conditioned hallucinations. Results indicate that fundamentally different perceptual processes may be at the core of these seemingly similar experiences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The replication crisis has taught us to expect small-to-medium effects in psychological research. But this is based on effect sizes calculated over single variables. Mahalanobis D, the multivariate equivalent of Cohen\'s d, can enable very large group differences to emerge from a collection of small-to-medium effects (here, reanalysing multivariate datasets from synaesthetes and controls). The use of multivariate effect sizes is not a slight of hand but may instead be a truer reflection of the degree of psychological differences between people that has been largely underappreciated.






  • 文章类型: Dataset
    We provide a neuroimaging database consisting of 102 synaesthetic brains using state-of-the-art 3 T MRI protocols from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) which is freely available to researchers. This database consists of structural (T1- and T2-weighted) images together with approximately 24 minutes of resting state data per participant. These protocols are designed to be inter-operable and reproducible so that others can add to the dataset or directly compare it against other normative or special samples. In addition, we provide a \'deep phenotype\' of our sample which includes detailed information about each participant\'s synaesthesia together with associated clinical and cognitive measures. This behavioural dataset, which also includes data from (N = 109) non-synaesthetes, is of importance in its own right and is openly available.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Across the millennia, and across a range of disciplines, there has been a widespread desire to connect, or translate between, the senses in a manner that is meaningful, rather than arbitrary. Early examples were often inspired by the vivid, yet mostly idiosyncratic, crossmodal matches expressed by synaesthetes, often exploited for aesthetic purposes by writers, artists, and composers. A separate approach comes from those academic commentators who have attempted to translate between structurally similar dimensions of perceptual experience (such as pitch and colour). However, neither approach has succeeded in delivering consensually agreed crossmodal matches. As such, an alternative approach to sensory translation is needed. In this narrative historical review, focusing on the translation between audition and vision, we attempt to shed light on the topic by addressing the following three questions: (1) How is the topic of sensory translation related to synaesthesia, multisensory integration, and crossmodal associations? (2) Are there common processing mechanisms across the senses that can help to guarantee the success of sensory translation, or, rather, is mapping among the senses mediated by allegedly universal (e.g., amodal) stimulus dimensions? (3) Is the term \'translation\' in the context of cross-sensory mappings used metaphorically or literally? Given the general mechanisms and concepts discussed throughout the review, the answers we come to regarding the nature of audio-visual translation are likely to apply to the translation between other perhaps less-frequently studied modality pairings as well.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reading acquisition is enabled by deep changes in the brain\'s visual system and language areas, and in the links subtending their collaboration. Disruption of those plastic processes commonly results in developmental dyslexia. However, atypical development of reading mechanisms may occasionally result in ticker-tape synesthesia (TTS), a condition described by Francis Galton in 1883 wherein individuals \"see mentally in print every word that is uttered (…) as from a long imaginary strip of paper\". While reading is the bottom-up translation of letters into speech, TTS may be viewed as its opposite, the top-down translation of speech into internally visualized letters. In a series of functional MRI experiments, we studied MK, a man with TTS. We showed that a set of left-hemispheric areas were more active in MK than in controls during the perception of normal than reversed speech, including frontoparietal areas involved in speech processing, and the Visual Word Form Area, an occipitotemporal region subtending orthography. Those areas were identical to those involved in reading, supporting the construal of TTS as upended reading. Using dynamic causal modeling, we further showed that, parallel to reading, TTS induced by spoken words and pseudowords relied on top-down flow of information along distinct lexical and phonological routes, involving the middle temporal and supramarginal gyri, respectively. Future studies of TTS should shed new light on the neurodevelopmental mechanisms of reading acquisition, their variability and their disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synaesthesia has been conceptualised as a joining of sensory experiences. Taking a holistic, embodied perspective, we investigate in this paper the role of action and emotion, testing hypotheses related to (1) changes to action-related qualities of a musical stimulus affect the resulting synaesthetic experience; (2) a comparable relationship exists between music, sensorimotor and emotional responses in synaesthetes and the general population; and (3) sensorimotor responses are more strongly associated with synaesthesia than emotion. 29 synaesthetes and 33 non-synaesthetes listened to 12 musical excerpts performed on a musical instrument they had first-hand experience playing, an instrument never played before, and a deadpan performance generated by notation software, i.e., a performance without expression. They evaluated the intensity of their experience of the music using a list of dimensions that relate to sensorimotor, emotional or synaesthetic sensations. Results demonstrated that the intensity of listeners\' responses was most strongly influenced by whether or not music is performed by a human, more so than familiarity with a particular instrument. Furthermore, our findings reveal a shared relationship between emotional and sensorimotor responses among both synaesthetes and non-synaesthetes. Yet it was sensorimotor intensity that was shown to be fundamentally associated with the intensity of the synaesthetic response. Overall, the research argues for, and gives first evidence of a key role of action in shaping the experiences of music-colour synaesthesia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Grapheme-color synesthesia is a consistent and automatic perception of non-physical color when presented with a grapheme. Many previous studies focused on the synesthetic visual system, but other cognitive functions in grapheme-color synesthetes have remained unclear. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to investigate the characteristics of cognitive processing for motor execution and inhibition during Go/No-go paradigms in grapheme-color synesthesia using event-related potentials (ERPs). Six grapheme-color synesthetes and 24 non-synesthetes performed visual, auditory, and somatosensory Go/No-go paradigms. Omission errors were higher in grapheme-color synesthetes than non-synesthetes. Group-trial interactions (i.e., synesthetes-non-synesthetes × Go-No-go) were observed for the latency of the visual N2 component and amplitude of the somatosensory N2 component. Latencies of auditory and somatosensory P3 components were shorter in grapheme-color synesthetes than non-synesthetes. These findings suggest that grapheme-color synesthetes have specific cognitive processing in motor execution and inhibition as well as synesthetic color perception. Our data advance understanding of cognitive processing in grapheme-color synesthesia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synesthesia is a phenomenon where sensory stimuli or cognitive concepts elicit additional perceptual experiences. For instance, in a commonly studied type of synesthesia, stimuli such as words written in black font elicit experiences of other colors, e.g., red. In order to objectively verify synesthesia, participants are asked to choose colors for repeatedly presented stimuli and the consistency of their choices is evaluated (consistency test). Previously, there has been no publicly available and easy-to-use tool for analyzing consistency test results. Here, the R package synr is introduced, which provides an efficient interface for exploring consistency test data and applying common procedures for analyzing them. Importantly, synr also implements a novel method enabling identification of participants whose scores cannot be interpreted, e.g., who only give black or red color responses. To this end, density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) is applied in conjunction with a measure of spread in 3D space. An application of synr with pre-existing openly accessible data illustrating how synr is used in practice is presented. Also included is a comparison of synr\'s data validation procedure and human ratings, which found that synr had high correspondence with human ratings and outperformed human raters in situations where human raters were easily mislead. Challenges for widespread adoption of synr as well as suggestions for using synr within the field of synesthesia and other areas of psychological research are discussed.





