
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: 17-Hydroxylase deficiency is the rarest form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, a disorder that affects steroidogenesis, causing abnormal hormone levels. Studies have shown a clear association between 17-hydroxylase deficiency and primary infertility, but a definite protocol to treat the disorder has not been determined yet.
    METHODS: Case I presents a 24-year-old Caucasian Israeli-Arab female who experienced 6 years of infertility. Before her initial visit to our clinic, she underwent three laparoscopic ovarian cystectomies, had an unsuccessful in vitro fertilization cycle, and was treated with combined oral contraceptives. Her hormonal profile was tested, and the results led to genetic counseling and the diagnosis of non-classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia. She was treated with estradiol, glucocorticoids, and transdermal testosterone. After hormonal levels were lowered, in vitro fertilization cycles were initiated, and the patient had a spontaneous ovulation. In case II, a 20-year-old Caucasian Israeli-Arab female presented for infertility evaluation owing to her oligomenorrhea. Her vitals and physical examination had normal results. The investigation of her abnormal hormonal profile led her to be referred to genetic testing, where the results showed the same genetic mutation as seen in case I.
    CONCLUSIONS: Both cases highlight the distinctiveness of the condition, where an identical mutation in the gene responsible for the same enzyme can bring about diverse phenotypes. Case I offers a potential treatment protocol for this rare disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The qualitative analysis of adipose tissue (AT) is an exciting area for research and clinical applications in several diseases and it is emerging along with the quantitative approach to research on overweight and obese people. While the importance of steroid metabolism in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has been reported, limited data exists on the effective roles of AT in pregnant women suffering from PCOS. The aim of this study was to determine association of fatty acid (FA) profiles with expression of 14 steroid genes in abdominal subcutaneous AT of PCOS vs. non-PCOS pregnant women.
    METHODS: In this case-control study, the AT samples of 36 non-PCOS pregnant women and 12 pregnant women with PCOS (3:1 ratio control: case) who underwent cesarean section were collected. Relationship of expressing gene targets and different features were performed using Pearson correlation analysis on the R 3.6.2 software. The ggplot2 package in R tool was used to draw the plots.
    RESULTS: Age (31.4 and 31.5 years, P=0.99), body mass index (BMI) (prior pregnancy 26 and 26.5 kg.m-2, P=0.62) and at delivery day (30.1 and 31, P=0.94), gestational period (264 and 267 days, P=0.70) and parity (1.4 and 1.4, P=0.42) of non-PCOS and PCOS pregnant women were similar. Expression of steroidogenic acute regulator (STAR) and 11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11BHSD2) in non-PCOS pregnant women showed the highest association with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5 n-3, r=0.59, P=0.001) and (r=0.66, P=0.001), respectively. In the all participants, STAR mRNA level showed the greatest association with the EPA fatty acid concentration (P=0.001, r=0.51).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed a link between the genes involved in steroid metabolism and fatty acids in AT of pregnant women, especially for omega-3 FA and the gene involved in the first step of steroidogenesis in subcutaneous AT. These findings warrant further studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peroxidation of unsaturated phospholipids, glycolipids, and cholesterol in biological membranes under oxidative stress conditions can underlie a variety of pathological conditions, including atherogenesis, neurodegeneration, and carcinogenesis. Lipid hydroperoxides (LOOHs) are key intermediates in the peroxidative process. Nascent LOOHs may either undergo one-electron reduction to exacerbate membrane damage/dysfunction or two-electron reduction to attenuate this. Another possibility is LOOH translocation to an acceptor site, followed by either of these competing reductions. Cholesterol (Ch)-derived hydroperoxides (ChOOHs) have several special features that will be highlighted in this review. In addition to being susceptible to one-electron vs. two-electron reduction, ChOOHs can translocate from a membrane of origin to another membrane, where such turnover may ensue. Intracellular StAR family proteins have been shown to deliver not only Ch to mitochondria, but also ChOOHs. StAR-mediated transfer of free radical-generated 7-hydroperoxycholesterol (7-OOH) results in impairment of (a) Ch utilization in steroidogenic cells, and (b) anti-atherogenic reverse Ch transport in vascular macrophages. This is the first known example of how a peroxide derivative can be recognized by a natural lipid trafficking pathway with deleterious consequences. For each example above, we will discuss the underlying mechanism of oxidative damage/dysfunction, and how this might be mitigated by antioxidant intervention.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aims. Mucinous cystic neoplasms (MCNs) are cystic neoplasms with mucinous epithelium surrounded by ovarian-like stroma. Extraovarian MCN occurring in the liver and pancreas have been well characterized. However, only rare case reports of MCN arising outside of these locations have been reported. MCNs arising in unusual locations should enter the differential diagnosis of mucinous intra-abdominal tumors and must be distinguished from more common mimics. Therefore, we aimed to examine a series of MCNs of the retroperitoneum and mesentery to characterize the clinicopathologic features of this entity. Methods and results. Seven MCNs arising in the abdominal mesentery or retroperitoneum were retrospectively identified. A clinicopathologic, histologic, and immunohistochemical (keratin 7, keratin 19, keratin 20, calretinin, inhibin-α, steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1), estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), PAX8, CDX2, and CD10) analysis was performed. All 7 MCNs were from females with a median age of 41 years old and a median size of 8 cm. All cases demonstrated mucinous with or without concomitant non-mucinous epithelium overlying spindle cell ovarian-like stroma. Luteinized cells were noted. The epithelium was positive for keratin 7 and keratin 19 in all 7 cases, while the stroma expressed ER, PR, and SF-1 in all cases stained. Calretinin was focally positive in the stroma of 3 of 7 cases, while inhibin-α was focally expressed in 5 of 6 cases. Conclusions. These results highlight the clinicopathologic, histologic, and immunophenotypic similarities between MCNs of the mesentery, retroperitoneum, pancreas, and liver. Overlapping features suggest a common histogenesis for all MCNs, which could include periductal fetal mesenchyme, aberrant migration of primordial germ cells, or abnormal differentiation or metaplasia of the embryonic coelomic epithelium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of metabolomics based on ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) now allows hundreds to thousands of metabolites to be simultaneously monitored in biological matrices. In that context, bioinformatics and multivariate data analysis (MVA) play a crucial role in the detection of relevant alteration patterns. However, sound biological interpretations must necessarily be supported by metabolite identifications to be definitive or at least have a high degree of confidence. Each compound, should be characterised by unique molecular properties. Among them, the exact mass and the chromatographic retention time are recognised as major and complementary criteria for compound identification. While the former is easily derived from the molecular structure, building generic and accurate retention time open databases still constitutes a critical issue because of the vast diversity of instruments, stationary phases and operating conditions in UHPLC-HRMS. Because several hits matching a molecular formula obtained from an exact mass and an isotopic pattern are often generated for each analyte, this methodology rarely allows a unique and unambiguous molecular identity to be gained. This work aims to provide a flexible solution to facilitate reliable compound annotation based on retention time in reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC). It proposes an innovative approach based on the chromatographic linear solvent strength (LSS) theory, allowing retention times under any gradient conditions at fixed temperature, stationary phase and mobile phase type to be predicted. Starting from a subset of the Human Metabolite Database (HMDB), a new dynamic database involving LSS parameters was developed. A real case study involving steroidogenesis alterations due to forskolin exposure was conducted using the adrenal H295R OECD reference cell model for endocrine disruptor screening. The prediction of retention times was successfully achieved, facilitating steroid identification. An automated procedure which implements the compound annotation levels encouraged by the Metabolite Standard Initiative (MSI) and the Coordination of Standards in Metabolomics (COSMOS) was also developed to speed up the process and enhance the data reusability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Triclosan is an antimicrobial agent used in a range of consumer products, such as deodorants, oral care, clothing, and household items. As with many consumer products, triclosan can be rinsed down the drain and transported to wastewater treatment plants. While most is eliminated during activated sludge sewage treatment by biodegradation and adsorption, some triclosan enters the aquatic environment and may expose wildlife. Given the potential for exposure to both humans and wildlife, resolving whether triclosan is endocrine active is important due to growing concerns about potential adverse public health and environmental effects of endocrine-disrupting substances. A weight of evidence (WoE) analysis focusing on specific hypotheses related to interaction with estrogen, androgen, and thyroid hormone pathways, and steroidogenesis was applied to triclosan. This WoE procedure involved systematic consideration of each endpoint, focused on screening level studies in the US Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program, as well as those in levels 1 through 5 of the OECD Conceptual Framework. This was followed by a semiquantitative relevance weighting of each endpoint to a given hypothesis to reach scientifically justified conclusions. Use of all relevant and reliable information and consistent observations in multiple studies strengthen support for or against each mode of action hypothesis. Using data from multiple animal species and in vitro systems, this systematic and transparent WoE assessment indicated that triclosan is not acting as an agonist or antagonist within the estrogen, androgen, thyroid, or steroidogenic pathways and is not impacting endocrine pathways as a lead or primary mode of toxicity.





