
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    These updated guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Community of Practice of the American Society of Transplantation review the diagnosis, prevention, and management of HSV in the pre- and post-transplant period. A majority of transplant recipients are seropositive for HSV-1 or 2. Compared with immunocompetent persons, SOT recipients shed HSV more frequently, have more severe clinical manifestations, and are slower to respond to therapy. Most HSV infection is diagnosed on clinical grounds, but patients may present with atypical lesions and/or other clinical manifestations. Acquisition from the donor is rare. Polymerase chain reaction is the preferred diagnostic test unless culture is needed for resistance testing. For limited mucocutaneous lesions, oral therapy can be used; however, in severe, disseminated, visceral or CNS involvement, acyclovir doses of up to 10 mg/kg every 8 hours intravenously should be initiated. Acyclovir-resistant HSV is less common in SOT patients than in HSCT and can be treated with foscarnet, though other novel therapies are currently under investigation. HSV-specific prophylaxis should be considered for all HSV-1 and HSV-2-seropositive organ recipients who are not receiving antiviral medication for CMV prevention that has activity against HSV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To describe serological and molecular tools available for genital and neonatal herpes, and their use in different clinical situations.
    METHODS: Bibliographic investigations from MedLine database and consultation of international clinical practice guidelines.
    RESULTS: Virological confirmation of genital herpes during pregnancy or neonatal herpes must rely on PCR (Professional consensus). HSV type-specific serology (IgG) will allow determining the immune status of a patient (in the absence of clinical lesions). However, there is currently no evidence to justify universal HSV serological testing during pregnancy (Professional consensus). In case of genital lesions in a pregnant woman that do not report any genital herpes before, it is recommended to perform a virological confirmation by PCR and HSV type-specific IgG in order to distinguish a true primary infection, a non-primary infection associated with first genital manifestation, from a recurrence (Grade C). HSV IgM is useless for diagnosis of genital herpes (Grade C). If a pregnant woman has personal history of genital herpes but no lesions, whatever the gestational age, it is not recommended to perform genital sampling nor serology (Professional consensus). In case of recurrence, if the lesion is characteristic of herpes, virological confirmation is not necessary (Professional Agreement). However, if the lesion is not characteristic, virological confirmation by PCR should be performed (Professional consensus). At birth, HSV PCR samples should be collected as soon as neonatal herpes is suspected (symptomatic neonate) (best before beginning antiviral treatment but must not delay the treatment), or after 24hours of life in case of asymptomatic neonate born to a mother with herpes lesions at delivery (Professional consensus). Clinical samples for virological confirmation should include at least blood and a peripheral location. In case of clinical manifestations of herpes in the neonate, first samples PCR positive, preterm birth, or maternal primary infection or non-primary infection associated with first genital manifestation at delivery, CSF should also be collected as well as samples of lesions in the neonate if present (Professional consensus). Sampling should be repeated in case of PCR negative but strong evidence of neonatal herpes (Professional consensus). HSV serology is useless for diagnosis of neonatal herpes (Grade C).
    CONCLUSIONS: Virological confirmation for diagnosis of genital herpes during pregnancy or neonatal herpes must rely on PCR. PCR assays available in France are very reliable. Specific IgG are dedicated to restricted indications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To provide recommendations for the management of genital herpes infection in women who want to get pregnant or are pregnant and for the management of genital herpes in pregnancy and strategies to prevent transmission to the infant.
    RESULTS: More effective management of complications of genital herpes in pregnancy and prevention of transmission of genital herpes from mother to infant.
    METHODS: Medline was searched for articles published in French or English related to genital herpes and pregnancy. Additional articles were identified through the references of these articles. All study types and recommendation reports were reviewed.
    METHODS: Recommendations were made according to the guidelines developed by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care.
    CONCLUSIONS: VALIDATION: These guidelines have been reviewed and approved by the Infectious Diseases Committee of the SOGC.
    BACKGROUND: The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A physician has to perform a benefit-risk assessment each time acyclovir is prescribed \"off label\" for children. A group of Polish infectious disease experts was created to develop evidence-based guidelines on the use of acyclovir in the treatment and prevention of varicella zoster and herpes simplex infections. In primary varicella zoster virus infections, oral acyclovir treatment is recommended in children over 12 years of age and should be considered in younger children who fall into one of the groups at risk of severe varicella. Intravenous acyclovir therapy in varicella is recommended in patients with immune deficiencies, newborns and in complicated cases. When there is a justified need for prevention of varicella, oral acyclovir prophylaxis may be considered if immunoglobulin cannot be administered, and if it is too late for vaccination. Oral acyclovir treatment of herpes zoster may be beneficial to otherwise healthy patients with a rash in places other than the trunk and in patients over 50 years of age. In immunocompetent patients with herpes simplex infections, indications for treatment with oral acyclovir include primary (genital herpes, skin herpes in children with atopic dermatitis, ocular herpes simplex, severe gingivostomatitis, paronychia and pharyngitis) and recurrent infections. Intravenous acyclovir should be administered for herpes infections in neonates, immunocompromised patients and patients who develop complications including neurological.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is rare in neonates but carries significant morbidity and mortality in that group. Emergency department (ED) clinicians have little guidance to decide when to test for HSV and give acyclovir. We created an institutional guideline to provide guidance in patients younger than 6 weeks. Our objective was to evaluate whether guideline implementation affected the ED\'s decision to test for HSV, and ED use of HSV polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) and acyclovir.
    METHODS: We reviewed charts for patients 1 year before implementation and 1 year after implementation of our guideline. Inclusion criteria were younger than 60 days, admitted through the ED, symptom onset younger than 6 weeks, and any one of the following criteria: (1) ED blood culture obtained, (2) ED or inpatient HSV PCR obtained, and (3) ED or inpatient acyclovir treatment. Premature patients and transfer patients were excluded. We compared whether the decision to initiate HSV testing, ED use of HSV PCRs, serum alanine aminotransferase, and acyclovir use changed post-guideline implementation.
    RESULTS: We reviewed 173 charts pre-implementation and 129 post-implementation. We found a significant decrease in ED testing for HSV among patients who did not meet guideline criteria (P < 0.01). We saw an improvement in the use of alanine aminotransferase among patients who met criteria for testing (P = 0.02), but no change in the use of HSV PCRs or acyclovir use among tested patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Guideline implementation reduced HSV evaluations in low-risk patients, but did not improve test utilization or acyclovir administration among those tested. Additional work is needed to improve guideline utilization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In India, genital ulcer disease (GUD) syndrome is clinically classified as herpetic or nonherpetic and managed accordingly; laboratory support is unavailable at most health facilities. We undertook a study to determine the etiology of GUDs in men presenting to sexually transmitted infection (STI) clinics and assess the performance of the national algorithm for syndromic management of herpetic and nonherpetic GUDs in India.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among men with complaints of genital ulcers attending 8 STI clinics in 4 states. Ulcer swabs were collected and tested by the multiplex polymerase chain reaction method to determine the etiology of GUD.
    RESULTS: Of the 194 men recruited, etiology was confirmed in 121 GUD cases (62%). Herpes simplex virus (48%) was the most common etiological agent identified, followed by Treponema pallidum (23%) and mixed infections (9%). One case of Haemophilus ducreyi was confirmed in this series. The overall sensitivity and specificity of the national syndromic management algorithm for GUD were 68% and 52%, respectively. Using the national algorithm, 52 (42%) cases clinically misclassified as either herpetic (18 cases) or nonherpetic (34 cases) GUD resulting in incorrect treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest a revision of existing national STI treatment guidelines in India to include treatment of syphilis infections of all GUD patients. Periodic studies are required to monitor changing spectrum of GUD etiologies in India.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this guideline is to provide recommendations to gynaecology health care providers on optimal management of genital herpes.
    RESULTS: More effective prevention of complications and transmission of genital herpes.
    METHODS: Medline was searched for articles published in French and English related to genital herpes and gynaecology. Additional articles were identified through the references of these articles. All study types and recommendation reports were reviewed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    These guidelines provide strategies, based on scientific principles and clinical experience, for reducing the risk of virus transmission in couples seeking treatment for infertility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • DOI:
    文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To identify 6 major human herpesviruses with consensus primers and to explore its clinical application.
    METHODS: Based on the highly-homogeneous regions of DNA polymerase gene in human herpesviruses,Two pairs of primer were synthesized. One pair was designed to amplify herpes simplex virus type 1, type 2, Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus; and another was used to amplify varicella-zoster virus or human herpesvirus 6. Virus species identification was performed by restriction enzyme digestion with BamH I and BstU I. Thirty-eight CSF specimens of clinically diagnosed viral encephalitis,and 49 blood specimens from 27 confirmed cases and 22 clinically diagnosed ones were tested for herpes virus DNA using the PCR-RFLP assay with these primers.
    RESULTS: Thirteen out of 38 CSF specimens (34.2%) were herpes virus positive. All blood specimens from 27 confirmed cases showed positive results, while for 22 clinically diagnosed cases 16 (72.7%) were positive. The types of herpes virus were determined using restriction enzyme digestion with BamH I and BstU I. Two CSF specimens from the patients, who were treated with aciclovir for 2 - 3 days, were still positive for herpes virus DNA by this method. None of the control blood or CSF controls were positive for herpesvirus by PCR.
    CONCLUSIONS: The PCR-RFLP method used in this study is a specific, sensitive and practicable one for diagnosis of herpes virus infection.





