
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Bullying is recognized as one of the most significant social and health problems in the school environment for children and adolescents. In Italy, bullying involved 2 in 10 kids between 11-17 years that referred to have been bullied two or more times in a month. In Sicily, the estimated prevalence of children aged 11 to 15 that suffered at least one act of bullying in the last two months was 14% in 2011.
    METHODS: A questionnaire consisting of 30 items investigating physical, verbal and indirect bullying, observers of bullying, resiliency, and prosociality was administered to preadolescents of ten first-grade secondary schools within the Palermo Province in order to analyze prevalence and factors associated with bullying phenomenon. Also, a systematic literature review (SLR) analyzing manuscripts that reported prevalence of the bullying phenomenon worldwide was conducted.
    RESULTS: Survey: a total of 867 students, belonging to 35 s and 31 third classes of ten different schools in Palermo, Italy, were recruited in the survey. The values of physical bullying are included between the 4% of the single question method and the almost forty percent detected by the score of 7 method. Verbal bullying oscillates between 15.9% and 66.3%. Observers average values varies from 15.8% to 47.5%. SLR: the estimated prevalence showed a considerable fluctuation. The occurrence of the bullying phenomenon was low in some Northern European countries, while in Anglo-Saxon countries it affected over a quarter of the middle school student population (28% in Maryland, USA and 21% in the UK).
    CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of the bullying phenomenon recorded by this survey with the three different methods used is similar to observations in international literature. In the Sicilian context, a higher prevalence of bullying phenomena was observed in pre-adolescents attending major classes and in schools with lower socio-economic index. Though it remains difficult to obtain univocal data that clarifies the prevalence of different type of bullying, the continuous investigation of prevalence and factors associated with the phenomenon is a necessary starting point to introduce interventions and preventive measures in Public Health programs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Oestrus ovis is a dipteran parasite responsible of myiasis in small ruminants and reported as the causative agent of myiasis in humans particularly in sheep farming areas. In recent years, several human cases had been reported without any previous history of exposure to livestock or visit to rural areas.
    METHODS: We describe three clustered cases of ophthalmomyiasis externa in tourists in Sardinia and Sicily and discuss them in the light of the published literature. The patients presented ocular irritation, foreign body sensation, pain, redness, and lacrimation of the eyelids. After extraction, all the larvae were morphologically and molecularly confirmed as L1 instar of O. ovis larvae.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present study points out the need to draw attention and awareness among the physicians, and to consider ophthalmomyiasis when consulted for conjunctivitis in the summer and spring seasons.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    In the decades that followed the end of World War II, Mozzarella cheesemaking in the United States grew steadily as the pizza restaurant established an ever-expanding footprint across America and beyond. By the 1980s, Mozzarella cheesemaking had attained unprecedented scales of production, yet even as new cheese plants were coming on line across the country and production capacities were reaching extraordinary levels, the scientific and technological knowledge base needed to standardize production schedules, control product quality, and maximize cheese yields and efficiency lagged far behind industry needs. It was within this historical context that David Barbano turned his systematic and meticulous research program toward the needs of the Mozzarella cheese industry during the 1980s. By the early 1990s, Barbano was leading a team of graduate students, post-docs, technical staff, and collaborators in a systematic evaluation of every step in the Mozzarella cheesemaking process. The end product of these studies was nothing less than the transformation of what had been (to a large degree) a poorly understood \"black box\" process into a precisely controlled make procedure that lent itself to precision tailoring of cheese functionality, tight control over manufacturing schedules and efficiency, and maximization of cheese yields. Barbano\'s international collaborators included research scientists from Italy, where Mozzarella originated. Working with them, Barbano led a systematic evaluation of the scientific and technological aspects of Ragusano cheese, a traditional Protected Designation of Origin pasta filata cheese from Sicily. In the process, Barbano\'s team demonstrated a new approach to traditional artisanal practices that merged both the art and science of cheesemaking, in effect combining the best of both worlds, toward the goal of sustaining traditional cheesemakers and the working landscapes that they support. Throughout all of these studies, Barbano\'s research led to innovations in cheesemaking technology (such as improved salting methods, preacidification treatments, and strategies to improve low-fat Mozzarella functionality) that have revolutionized the Mozzarella industry worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) still represent a major public health problem, with almost 30% of the world population being exposed to the consequences of nutritional iodine deficiency (ID). In Italy, despite a sustained policy of iodine prophylaxis, more than 10% of people is still affected with goiter, and a presumably higher rate of subjects may suffer from minor cognitive deficits due to inadequate iodine supply during antenatal life. This review of systematic observational studies carried out over thirty-five years (1980-2015) in a sentinel ID area in North-eastern Sicily highlights the changing phenotypes of IDD in this region. Over the years profound improvements in nutritional iodine status in North-eastern Sicily has occurred, due to both silent and active iodine prophylaxis. Endemic cretinism, resulting from severe iodine deficiency, has been progressively replaced by less serious deficits of intellectual and cognitive abilities, which nevertheless deserve proper attention.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Currently louse-borne relapsing fever (LBRF) is primarily found in limited endemic foci in Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan; no case of imported LBRF has been reported in Europe in the 9 years prior to 2015. The aim of our paper is to describe a new case of imported LBRF detected in Sicily, Italy, and to review all cases reported in migrants arrived in Europe in the last 10 years.
    METHODS: Mini review of all published cases of louse-borne relapsing fever in Europe in the last 10 years.
    METHODS: A computerized search without language restriction was conducted using PubMed combining the terms \'(louse-borne relapsing fever or LBRF or recurrentis) and (refugee or Europe or migrant)\' without limits. Furthermore, the \'Ahead-of-Print Articles\' of the top 10 journals (ranked by Impact factor - Web of Science) of Infectious diseases and of Epidemiology were checked.
    RESULTS: Our search identified 26 cases of LBRF between July and October 2015 in migrants recently arrived in Europe: 8 had been described in Italy; 1 in Switzerland; 2 in the Netherlands; 15 in Germany. We describe data regarding the clinical characteristics, diagnostic methods, therapy and outcome of these patients and of the new case.
    CONCLUSIONS: LBRF by Borrelia recurrentis should be considered among the clinical hypotheses in migrants presenting with fever, headache, chills, sweating, arthralgia, myalgia, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The authors reviewed their own case histories of surgical thyreopathy over the last 20 years in order to establish how many multinodular goitre (MNG) patients developed hyperthyroidism during the follow-up period. In agreement with the findings reported in literature, the authors observed that 220 out of 1117 patients with MNG developed hyperthyroidism caused by the appearance of hyperfunctioning nodules after 6-18 years from the initial diagnosis of MNG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess retrospectively the epidemiological and clinical aspects of cystic echinococcosis (CE) and to evaluate follow-up and response to treatment in patients affected by CE.
    METHODS: From January 2000 to December 2010, all patients affected by CE at the Infectious Diseases Units of the University of Catania and of Basilotta Hospital in Nicosia-Enna, were enrolled as participants in the study. Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory data were collected for each patient. Diagnosis of CE was performed using clinical imaging and laboratory parameters. Response to treatment was categorized as follows: \"cure\" as the disappearance or complete calcification of cyst/s; \"improvement\" as a reduction in the diameter and/or number of existing cysts; and \"impairment\" as an increase in the diameter and/or number of existing cyst/s and the onset of relapses (i.e., the onset of new cyst/s and an increase in the diameter of previously existing cyst/s and/or complications. Immunoglobulin E (IgE) titers and eosinophil percentages were evaluated at diagnosis, at six months after the initiation of treatment and again in the case of relapse. Hyper-eosinophilia was defined as an eosinophil percentage of ≥ 6%.
    RESULTS: Thirty-two patients were diagnosed with CE in our Unit during the research period, with a male-female ratio of 2:1. At the time of diagnosis, 40% of patients presented a single CE cyst. Sixty percent showed multi-organ involvement. The liver-lung localization ratio was 2:1. Patients below the age of 50 at diagnosis were more likely to have multiple cysts (73.7% vs 35.5%, P < 0.05). Regarding treatment, 30 patients were treated medically and 16 surgically. Fourteen patients were treated both medically and surgically. Relapses were seen to be less frequent in patients treated with albendazole before and after surgery. Complete cure or an improvement was achieved in 23 patients. Impairment was observed in one patient. Two patients showed no improvement. Relapses were more frequent in those patients treated before 2005. At diagnosis, 71% of patients were positive for specific CE IgE, and 56.3% showed an eosinophil percentage of ≥ 6%. Patients who were diagnosed with hyper-eosinophilia developed complications more frequently than the other patients, but did not suffer relapses.
    CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of our results, we propose cystic echinococcosis screening for family members of patients, appropriate pre- and post-surgery treatment and the assessment of anti-echinococcus IgE titer or eosinophil percentage as a therapy response marker in settings with limited resources.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study is to evaluate 75 patients affected by childhood-onset spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), using the diagnostic criteria and classification recently suggested by the International SMA Collaboration Consortium. Sex predominance, age of onset, clinical evaluation and other relevant clinical data of the disease are reported. These findings, as well as the role of the EMG and muscle biopsy as diagnostic tools, are discussed. The study suggests that the frequency of SMA in some areas of Sicily is high, possibly correlating with a relatively high gene frequency.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The hemoglobin (Hb) lepore-Boston is a beta-globin structural variant, produced in a reduced amount and formed from the fusion of N-terminus delta-(residues 1-87) and C-terminus beta-chains (residues 116-146). This type of fusion protein is quite common in Southern Italy (Campania, Calabria, and Sicily). We report here the hematological and hemoglobin data on 96 unrelated Sicilians with Hb lepore trait. Particularly interesting are the subjects where Hb lepore occurs with Hb S or Sicilian type delta beta-thalassemia. In these individuals, striking features are clinical variability and different hematological pictures. These observations underscore the importance of thalassemia screening in these geographic areas, such as Southern Italy, principally Sicily, where the mutations in globin gene clusters are especially prevalent. Moreover, as from the second half of the last century, owing to high migratory flux from Sicily to Northern Europe, North and South America, and Australia, the Hb lepore, as well as other hemoglobin variants, have become prevalent, making the identification of the heterozygotes a problem of general interest.





