Sexual Development

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite with sexual reproduction in the intestinal epithelium of felines. The depletion of two gene repressors, AP2XI-2 and AP2XII-1, induces merozoite formation and gene expression towards sexual commitment. Based on RNA-seq datasets of AP2XI-2 and AP2XII-1 knock downs we identified subtelomeric (ST) TgB12 and hypothetical (HP) genes upregulated. Some of the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) are arranged in ST clusters. These DEG products are characterized by high isoelectric points (pI) and may encode small proteins. The potential roles of these clusters of DEG ST genes in environmental resistance or parasite sexual development of T. gondii is discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Exploring the physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying goat sexual maturation can enhance breeding practices and optimize reproductive efficiency and is therefore substantially important for practical breeding purposes. As an essential neuroendocrine organ in animals, the hypothalamus is involved in sexual development and other reproductive processes in female animals. Although microRNAs (miRNAs) have been identified as significant regulators of goat reproduction, there is a lack of research on the molecular regulatory mechanisms of hypothalamic miRNAs that are involved in the sexual development of goats. Therefore, we examined the dynamic changes in serum hormone profiles and hypothalamic miRNA expression profiles at four developmental stages (1 day (neonatal, D1, n = 5), 2 months (prepubertal, M2, n = 5), 4 months (sexual maturity, M4, n = 5), and 6 months (breeding period, M6, n = 5)) during sexual development in Jining grey goats.
    RESULTS: Transcriptome analysis revealed 95 differentially expressed miRNAs (DEMs) in the hypothalamus of goats across the four developmental stages. The target genes of these miRNAs were significantly enriched in the GnRH signalling pathway, the PI3K-Akt signalling pathway, and the Ras signalling pathway (P < 0.05). Additionally, 16 DEMs are common among the M2 vs. D1, M4 vs. D1, and M6 vs. D1 comparisons, indicating that the transition from D1 to M2 represents a potentially critical period for sexual development in Jining grey goats. The bioinformatics analysis results indicate that miR-193a/miR-193b-3p-Annexin A7 (ANXA7), miR-324-5p-Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A1 (ADGRA1), miR-324-3p-Erbb2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2 (ERBB2), and miR-324-3p-Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 3 (RAPGEF3) are potentially involved in biological processes such as hormone secretion, energy metabolism, and signal transduction. In addition, we further confirmed that miR-324-3p targets the regulatory gene RAPGEF3.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results further enrich the expression profile of hypothalamic miRNAs in goats and provide important insights for studying the regulatory effects of hypothalamic miRNAs on the sexual development of goats after birth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Differences of sex development (DSD) are congenital conditions in which chromosomal, gonadal, or phenotypic sex is atypical. In more than 50% of human DSD cases, a molecular diagnosis is not available. In intensively farmed pig populations, the incidence of XX DSD pigs is relatively high, leading to economic losses for pig breeders. Interestingly, in the majority of 38, XX DSD pigs, gonads still develop into testis-like structures or ovotestes despite the absence of the testis-determining gene (SRY). However, the current understanding of the molecular background of XX DSD pigs remains limited.
    METHODS: Anatomical and histological characteristics of XX DSD pigs were analysed using necropsy and HE staining. We employed whole-genome sequencing (WGS) with 10× Genomics technology and used de novo assembly methodology to study normal female and XX DSD pigs. Finally, the identified variants were validated in 32 XX DSD pigs, and the expression levels of the candidate variants in the gonads of XX DSD pigs were further examined.
    RESULTS: XX DSD pigs are characterised by the intersex reproductive organs and the absence of germ cells in the seminiferous tubules of the gonads. We identified 4,950 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from non-synonymous mutations in XX DSD pigs. Cohort validation results highlighted two specific SNPs, \"c.218T > C\" in the \"Interferon-induced transmembrane protein 1 gene (IFITM1)\" and \"c.1043C > G\" in the \"Newborn ovary homeobox gene (NOBOX)\", which were found exclusively in XX DSD pigs. Moreover, we verified 14 candidate structural variants (SVs) from 1,474 SVs, identifying a 70 bp deletion fragment in intron 5 of the WW domain-containing oxidoreductase gene (WWOX) in 62.5% of XX DSD pigs. The expression levels of these three candidate genes in the gonads of XX DSD pigs were significantly different from those of normal female pigs.
    CONCLUSIONS: The nucleotide changes of IFITM1 (c.218T > C), NOBOX (c.1043 C > G), and a 70 bp deletion fragment of the WWOX were the most dominant variants among XX DSD pigs. This study provides a theoretical basis for better understanding the molecular background of XX DSD pigs. DSD are conditions affecting development of the gonads or genitalia. These disorders can happen in many different types of animals, including pigs, goats, dogs, and people. In people, DSD happens in about 0.02-0.13% of births, and in pigs, the rate is between 0.08% and 0.75%. Pigs have a common type of DSD where the animal has female chromosomes (38, XX) but no SRY gene, which is usually found on the Y chromosome in males. XX DSD pigs may look like both males and females on the outside and have testis-like or ovotestis (a mix of ovary and testis) gonads inside. XX DSD pigs often lead to not being able to have piglets, slower growth, lower chance of survival, and poorer meat quality. Here, we used a method called whole-genome de novo sequencing to look for variants in the DNA of XX DSD pigs. We then checked these differences in a larger group of pigs. Our results reveal the nucleotide changes in IFITM1 (c.218T > C), NOBOX (c.1043 C > G), and a 70 bp deletion fragment in intron 5 of the WWOX, all linked to XX DSD pigs. The expression levels of these three genes were also different in the gonads of XX DSD pigs compared to normal female pigs. These variants are expected to serve as valuable molecular markers for XX DSD pigs. Because pigs are a lot like humans in their genes, physiology, and body structure, this research could help us learn more about what causes DSD in people.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the major factors driving the currently ongoing biodiversity crisis is the anthropogenic spread of infectious diseases. Diseases can have conspicuous consequences, such as mass mortality events, but may also exert covert but similarly severe effects, such as sex ratio distortion via sex-biased mortality. Chytridiomycosis, caused by the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is among the most important threats to amphibian biodiversity. Yet, whether Bd infection can skew sex ratios in amphibians is currently unknown, although such a hidden effect may cause the already dwindling amphibian populations to collapse. To investigate this possibility, we collected common toad (Bufo bufo) tadpoles from a natural habitat in Hungary and continuously treated them until metamorphosis with sterile Bd culture medium (control), or a liquid culture of a Hungarian or a Spanish Bd isolate. Bd prevalence was high in animals that died during the experiment but was almost zero in individuals that survived until the end of the experiment. Both Bd treatments significantly reduced survival after metamorphosis, but we did not observe sex-dependent mortality in either treatment. However, a small number of genotypically female individuals developed male phenotype (testes) in the Spanish Bd isolate treatment. Therefore, future research is needed to ascertain if larval Bd infection can affect sex ratio in common toads through female-to-male sex reversal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the approach taken by clinicians involved in the diagnosis and management of individuals with Differences of Sex Development (DSD), particularly with regard to genomic testing, and identify perceived gaps/strengths/barriers in current practice.
    METHODS: An anonymous online survey was developed, with questions exploring demographics, perceptions of genomic testing, availability of genetics services and opinions on the role and utility of genomic testing in DSD. All responses were anonymous. Clinicians involved in the diagnosis and management of individuals with DSD were recruited from relevant societies and departments across Australia and New Zealand.
    RESULTS: 79 eligible clinicians commenced the survey, with 63 completing it and 16 providing a partial response. The perceived benefit of having a genetic diagnosis for DSD was almost unanimous (97%). Almost half (48%) of respondents reported barriers in genomic testing. 81% of respondents reported they order genomic tests currently. Approaches to genomic testing when faced with four different clinical scenarios varied across respondents. Clinicians perceived genomic testing to be underutilised (median 36 on sliding scale from 0 to 100).
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite 97% of respondents reporting benefit of a genetic diagnosis for individuals with DSD, this was not reflected throughout the survey with regard to clinical implementation. When faced with clinical scenarios, the recommendations for genomic testing from respondents was much lower, indicating the discrepancy between perception and clinical practice. Genomic testing in the context of DSD is seen as both beneficial and desired, yet there are multiple barriers impacting its integration into standard clinical care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    From the mid-eighteenth century onward, French vitalists started to re-theorize the bodily clock of maturation. Archaic notions of precocity as an ill omen and ancient constructions of sexual timing as ethnic markers now acquired an increasingly physiological profile. Regulatory conceptions of sexual and psychosexual \"development\" widely animated German literature in the closing decades of the century. Here is evidence of new interdisciplinary problematizations of pubescence (Mannbarkeit) as the coordination in time of the mental apparatus (Seele, Character) and the sex drive (Geschlechtstrieb). New developmental-physiological frames for sexual maturity and psychosexuality readily extended to the fate of Nationalcharacter, sponsoring various roundtables concerning etiological questions.
    À partir du milieu du XVIIIe siècle, les vitalistes français ont commencé à théoriser à nouveau l\'horloge corporelle de la maturation. Les représentations archaïques de la précocité, considérée comme un mauvais présage, et les anciennes constructions du calendrier sexuel, perçues sous l\'angle des marqueurs ethniques, ont acquis un profil de plus en plus physiologique. De fait, les conceptions réglementaires du « développement » sexuel et psychosexuel ont largement animé la littérature allemande au cours des dernières décennies du XVIIIe siècle. On y trouve des preuves de nouvelles problématisations interdisciplinaires de la puberté (Mannbarkeit) en tant que coordination dans le temps de l\'appareil mental (Seele, Character) et de la libido (Geschlechtstrieb). Les nouveaux cadres développementaux et physiologiques de la maturité sexuelle et de la psychosexualité ont également influencé le Nationalcharacter, qui a parrainé diverses tables rondes sur les questions étiologiques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Cut Homeobox 1 (CUX1) gene has been implicated in a number of developmental processes and has recently emerged as an important cause of developmental delay and impaired intellectual development. Individuals with variants in CUX1 have been described with a variety of co-morbidities including variations in sex development (VSD) although these features have not been closely documented.
    METHODS: The proband is a 14-year-old male who presented with congenital complex hypospadias, neurodevelopmental differences, and subtle dysmorphism. A family history of neurodevelopmental differences and VSD was noted. Microarray testing and whole exome sequencing found the 46,XY proband had a large heterozygous in-frame deletion of exons 4-10 of the CUX1 gene.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our review of the literature has revealed that variants in CUX1 are associated with a range of VSD and suggest this gene should be considered in cases where a VSD is noted at birth, especially if there is a familial history of VSD and/or neurodevelopmental differences. Further work is required to fully investigate the role and regulation of CUX1 in sex development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a common condition among individuals with differences of sexual development (DSD) and results from germline allelic variants in the androgen receptor (AR) gene. Understanding the phenotypic consequences of AR allelic variants that disrupt the activation function 2 (AF2) region is essential to grasping its clinical significance.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to provide insights into the phenotypic characteristics and clinical impact of AR mutations affecting the AF2 region in AIS patients. We achieve this by reviewing reported AR variants in the AF2 region among individuals with AIS, including identifying a new phenotype associated with the c.2138T>C variant (p.Leu713Pro) in the AR gene.
    METHODS: We comprehensively reviewed AR variants within the AF2 region reported in AIS and applied molecular dynamics simulations to assess the impact of the p.Leu713Pro variant on protein dynamics.
    RESULTS: Our review of reported AR variants in the AF2 region revealed a spectrum of phenotypic outcomes in AIS patients. Molecular dynamics simulations indicated that the p.Leu713Pro variant significantly alters the local dynamics of the AR protein and disrupts the correlation and covariance between variables.
    CONCLUSIONS: The diverse phenotypic presentations observed among individuals with AR variants in the AF2 region highlight the complexity of AIS. The altered protein dynamics resulting from the p.Leu713Pro variant further emphasize the importance of the AF2 region in AR function.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides valuable insights into AR mutations\' phenotypic characteristics and clinical impact on the AF2 region in AIS. Moreover, the disruption of protein dynamics underscores the significance of the AF2 region in AR function and its role in the pathogenesis of AIS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Germ cells are regulated by local microenvironments (niches), which secrete instructive cues. Conserved developmental signaling molecules act as niche-derived regulatory factors, yet other types of niche signals remain to be identified. Single-cell RNA-sequencing of sexual planarians revealed niche cells expressing a nonribosomal peptide synthetase (nrps). Inhibiting nrps led to loss of female reproductive organs and testis hyperplasia. Mass spectrometry detected the dipeptide β-alanyl-tryptamine (BATT), which is associated with reproductive system development and requires nrps and a monoamine-transmitter-synthetic enzyme Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) for its production. Exogenous BATT rescued the reproductive defects after nrps or aadc inhibition, restoring fertility. Thus, a nonribosomal, monoamine-derived peptide provided by niche cells acts as a critical signal to trigger planarian reproductive development. These findings reveal an unexpected function for monoamines in niche-germ cell signaling. Furthermore, given the recently reported role for BATT as a male-derived factor required for reproductive maturation of female schistosomes, these results have important implications for the evolution of parasitic flatworms and suggest a potential role for nonribosomal peptides as signaling molecules in other organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prevalence of hormone-related health issues caused by exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) is a significant, and increasing, societal challenge. Declining fertility rates together with rising incidence rates of reproductive disorders and other endocrine-related diseases underscores the urgency in taking more action. Addressing the growing threat of EDCs in our environment demands robust and reliable test methods to assess a broad variety of endpoints relevant for endocrine disruption. EDCs also require effective regulatory frameworks, especially as the current move towards greater reliance on non-animal methods in chemical testing puts to test the current paradigm for EDC identification, which requires that an adverse effect is observed in an intact organism. Although great advances have been made in the field of predictive toxicology, disruption to the endocrine system and subsequent adverse health effects may prove particularly difficult to predict without traditional animal models. The MERLON project seeks to expedite progress by integrating multispecies molecular research, new approach methodologies (NAMs), human clinical epidemiology, and systems biology to furnish mechanistic insights and explore ways forward for NAM-based identification of EDCs. The focus is on sexual development and function, from foetal sex differentiation of the reproductive system through mini-puberty and puberty to sexual maturity. The project aims are geared towards closing existing knowledge gaps in understanding the effects of EDCs on human health to ultimately support effective regulation of EDCs in the European Union and beyond.





