
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Sensory nerve transfers may be performed to restore protective sensation and tactile perception after peripheral nerve injury in the upper extremity. There is a paucity of literature on the available donor-recipient configurations for sensory nerve transfers. This article presents a systematic review of reported sensory nerve transfers in the upper extremity.
    METHODS: Original articles published between 1982 and 2022 were searched in MEDLINE and EMBASE. Articles describing a sensory nerve transfer were included if patient sensory outcomes were reported. Outcomes were categorized according to the modified British Medical Research Council scale, with an outcome of S3 or better defined as satisfactory.
    RESULTS: Of 1,049 articles, 39 met inclusion and quality criteria. Twenty-seven articles were primary research studies reporting on 197 patients who underwent 11 unique nondigital sensory donor nerve transfers and 24 unique digital donor nerve transfer procedures. The most reliable recipient nerve for restoring sensation to the ulnar border of the small finger was proper ulnar digital nerve of the small finger (38 patients, 89% satisfactory sensory outcome). The best available donors for transfer into the proper ulnar digital nerve of the small finger were proper ulnar digital nerve of the long finger (16 patients, 87.5% good sensory outcome) and palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve (15 patients, 100% good sensory outcome). To restore sensation along the ulnar border of the thumb and radial aspect of the index finger, the best available donor was the superficial branch of the radial nerve, regardless of transfer into common digital nerve 1 (38 patients, success rate 63%) or directly to proper ulnar digital nerve of the thumb or proper radial digital nerve of the index finger (nine patients, success rates 67%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Outcomes after sensory nerve transfers are generally good. Surgeons should transfer into a digital nerve recipient when attempting to reconstruct sensation.
    METHODS: Therapeutic IV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To review findings related to phantom genital sensation, emphasizing phantom sensation in the transgender and gender diverse (TGD) population. We discuss prevalence, presentation and potential implications for sensory outcomes in genital gender-affirming surgery.
    RESULTS: There is a high prevalence of phantom genital sensations in the TGD population. The prevalence varies by body part, approaching 50% in the most frequently reported transgender phantom - the phantom penis. Unlike genital phantoms that occur after trauma or surgery which are often painful, transgender phantoms are typically neutral and often erogenous in experience. Phantom sensation in the TGD population can be an affirming experience and important part of sexual well being and embodiment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Recent studies have begun to characterize the prevalence and presentations of phantom genital sensations in TGD people, informing our evolving understanding of the sensory experiences of the transgender and gender diverse population. Targeting integration of these centrally-mediated phantom genital sensations with the peripherally generated sensation from genital stimulation may represent one potential avenue to improve sensation and embodiment following genital gender-affirming surgical procedures. Additionally, emerging techniques in modern peripheral nerve surgery targeting phantom pain may offer potential treatment options for painful phantom sensation seen after cases of genital surgery or trauma.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    The objective was to perform a systematic review of those performance outcomes (HRD) tools that assess sensitivity in post-stroke subjects, as well as to know which of all is the most reliable and viable. The design was a systematic review. The following were included: HRD, developed in post-stroke subjects, of any etiology and period of evolution; 18 years of age or older and testing for sensitivity; results on psychometric properties. Excluded: self-reported results, the report of cross-cultural adaptation, designed through computerized means. 19 HRD were acquired. The psychometric properties analyzed were reliability, internal consistency, measurement error, construct validity, content validity, and sensitivity to change, the first being the most studied. Psychometric properties were identified, assessed, compared, and summarized. Of all of them, we recommend the use of the modified Erasmus Nottingham Sensory Assessment, as it presents the best degree of confidence in the evidence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This review investigated the extant literature regarding the relationship between eating disorder diagnoses and sensory processing as measured by validated and reliable self-report inventories. Increasing evidence highlights the role of sensory processing in cognitive functions. Sensory processing is implicated in mental-ill health, including eating disorders (ED) and body image disturbances. However, the pathophysiological underpinnings of sensory processing, encompassing exteroception and interoception, in relation to ED remain underexplored.
    METHODS: We included studies involving participants aged 15 years or older with an eating disorder diagnosis confirmed by semi-structured or structured interviews. We further limited inclusion to articles using validated and reliable self-report instruments to measure sensory processing. Our meta-analysis focused on studies using the interoceptive awareness subscale from the second version of the Eating Disorder Inventory. We used the Critical Appraisal checklist for quasi-experimental studies to assess the quality of included articles.
    RESULTS: There were 19 studies that met our inclusion criteria. Most studies showed moderate-to-high quality. Anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) were associated with heightened exteroception. Moreover, people with AN reported a heightened sense of taste compared to those with BN. Our meta-analysis comprising 10 studies, 19 samples, and 6382 participants revealed that AN (binge-purge subtype) and BN were associated with increased interoceptive difficulties compared to AN (restrictive subtype) or binge-eating disorder.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, this review emphasizes the need for a deeper investigation into sensory processing, spanning both exteroception and interoception, in relation to ED. This may prove important for individualizing person-centered care.
    UNASSIGNED: How people process internal, for example, hunger, and external, for example, taste and sensations is known to influence cognition and mental-ill health, including ED and body image disturbances. However, the ways in which sensory processing may contribute to ED are incompletely understood. We found that individuals with AN or BN experienced heightened exteroception, while people with an eating disorder characterized by purging reported increased interoceptive difficulties. These patterns could inform the development of more personalized treatments.
    OBJECTIVE: Esta revisión investigó la literatura existente sobre la relación entre los diagnósticos de trastornos de conducta alimentaria y el procesamiento sensorial, medido mediante inventarios de autoreporte validados y fiables. Cada vez hay más evidencia que destaca el papel del procesamiento sensorial en las funciones cognitivas. El procesamiento sensorial está implicado en la salud mental, incluidos los trastornos de conducta alimentaria y las alteraciones de la imagen corporal. Sin embargo, los fundamentos fisiopatológicos del procesamiento sensorial, que abarcan la exterocepción y la interocepción, en relación con los trastornos alimentarios permanecen poco explorados. MÉTODO: Incluimos estudios con participantes de 15 años o más con un diagnóstico de trastorno de conducta alimentaria confirmado por entrevistas semiestructuradas o estructuradas. Además, limitamos la inclusión a artículos que utilizaran instrumentos de autoreporte validados y fiables para medir el procesamiento sensorial. Nuestro metaanálisis se centró en estudios que utilizaron la subescala de conciencia interoceptiva de la segunda versión del Inventario de Trastornos de Conducta Alimentaria. Utilizamos la lista de verificación de Evaluación Crítica para estudios cuasiexperimentales para evaluar la calidad de los artículos incluidos.
    RESULTS: Hubo 19 estudios que cumplieron con nuestros criterios de inclusión. La mayoría de los estudios mostraron una calidad moderada a alta. La anorexia nerviosa y la bulimia nerviosa se asociaron con una exterocepción elevada. Además, las personas que padecían anorexia nerviosa reportaron de un sentido del gusto más agudizado en comparación con aquellas que padecían bulimia nerviosa. Nuestro metaanálisis, que comprendió 10 estudios, 19 muestras y 6382 participantes, reveló que la anorexia nerviosa (subtipo atracones‐purga) y la bulimia nerviosa se asociaron con dificultades interoceptivas aumentadas en comparación con la anorexia nerviosa (subtipo restrictivo) o el trastorno por atracón. DISCUSIÓN: En general, esta revisión enfatiza la necesidad de una investigación más profunda sobre el procesamiento sensorial, abarcando tanto la exterocepción como la interocepción, en relación con los trastornos de conducta alimentaria. Esto puede ser importante para personalizar la atención centrada en la persona.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    BACKGROUND: Flap neurotisation is a promising solution to restore the diminished or complete loss of sensation following mastectomy. This systematic review compared sensory outcomes in neurotised versus non-neurotised abdominal-based autologous breast reconstructions to establish its benefit in routine clinical practice.
    METHODS: A literature search was performed according to the PRISMA guidelines. Medline, PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane databases were queried for relevant studies. Pressure sensitivity, measured using Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments (SWM) or the pressure-specified sensory device (PSSD), was the primary outcome measure.
    RESULTS: A total of 12 studies comprising 367 neurotised and 295 non-neurotised flap reconstructions were included, with 8 studies included in the meta-analysis. Neurotised flaps demonstrated superior sensory outcomes over non-neurotised flaps, with significant differences in SWM scores (mean difference [MD], -1.552 95% CI, -2.351 to -0.7535; p = 0.0001) and PSSD (MD -13.36; 95% CI, -26.41 to -0.3117; p = 0.0448) at follow-up (range 8 to 77 months). The differences in total skin sensation (native and flap skin combined) were statistically significant in the SWM group (p = 0.0010) but not in the PSSD group (p = 0.0649). Investigation on the factors impacting sensation recovery in neurotised flaps yielded inconclusive outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Neurotised flaps consistently demonstrated superior sensation outcomes compared with non-neurotised flaps, irrespective of flap type or neurotisation technique. However, further research is essential to elucidate the factors that impact sensory recovery and standardise neurotisation practices for more optimal post-mastectomy reconstruction outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Review
    OBJECTIVE: A contributing factor to the gap between research publication and clinical implementation is the lack of specificity used when reporting findings.
    OBJECTIVE: This scoping review used the Rehabilitation Treatment Specification System (RTSS) to determine which elements of specificity are most often present and omitted from research using Ayres Sensory Integration® (ASI).
    METHODS: The following databases were searched: PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, and ERIC.
    METHODS: Eligible studies used ASI in an outpatient setting with children who had sensory integration or processing difficulties. Studies selected were quantitative (Level 1, 2, 3, or 4), available in full text, peer reviewed, and published in English within the past 20 yr.
    RESULTS: Of the 22 studies that met inclusion criteria, 100% included ingredients (actions of the therapist), 63% included mechanisms of action (reasoning behind these actions), 86% included targets, and 23% described client progression. We also found that 49% of all ingredients were listed in conjunction with a target, 15% were listed in conjunction with a mechanism of action, and 11% were listed in conjunction with both a target and a mechanism of action.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings indicate that many studies list ingredients but often omit the mechanism of action. This omission makes replication of the intervention increasingly difficult and prevents a deeper understanding of the clinical reasoning process behind the intervention. Plain-Language Summary: Gaps identified in this scoping review highlight inconsistencies in the reporting of treatment specificity that may affect the replication and translation of Ayres Sensory Integration® (ASI) research into practice.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Patients with a disturbed sense of limb ownership (DSO) offer a unique window of insight into the multisensory processes contributing to the sense of body ownership. A limited amount of past research has examined the role of sensory deficits in DSO, and even less is known regarding the role of patient self-reported somatosensory sensations in the pathogenesis of DSO. To address this lack of knowledge we first conducted a systematic scoping review following PRISMA-SR guidelines, examining current research into somatosensory deficits and patient self-reported somatosensory sensations in patients with DSO. Eighty studies, including 277 DSO patients, were identified. The assessment of sensory deficits was generally limited in scope and quality, and deficits in tactile sensitivity and proprioception were most frequently found. The reporting of somatosensory sensations was even less frequent, with instances of paraesthesia (pins-and-needles), stiffness/rigidity, numbness and warmth, coldness and heaviness amongst the deficits recorded. In a second part of the study, we sought to directly address the lack of evidence concerning the impact of patient self-reported somatosensory sensations in DSO by measuring DSO and self-reported somatosensory sensations in a large (n = 121) sample of right-hemisphere stroke patients including N = 65 with DSO and N = 56 hemiplegic controls. Results show that feelings of coldness and stiffness modulate DSO symptoms. Sense of heaviness and numbness are more frequent in patients with DSO but do not have a clear impact on disownership symptomology. Although preliminary, these results suggest a role of subjective sensations about the felt body in the sense of limb ownership.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When listening to music, we naturally move our bodies rhythmically to the beat, which can be pleasurable and difficult to resist. This pleasurable sensation of wanting to move the body to music has been called \"groove.\" Following pioneering humanities research, psychological and neuroscientific studies have provided insights on associated musical features, behavioral responses, phenomenological aspects, and brain structural and functional correlates of the groove experience. Groove research has advanced the field of music science and more generally informed our understanding of bidirectional links between perception and action, and the role of the motor system in prediction. Activity in motor and reward-related brain networks during music listening is associated with the groove experience, and this neural activity is linked to temporal prediction and learning. This article reviews research on groove as a psychological phenomenon with neurophysiological correlates that link musical rhythm perception, sensorimotor prediction, and reward processing. Promising future research directions range from elucidating specific neural mechanisms to exploring clinical applications and socio-cultural implications of groove.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper aims to provide an overview and critique of the newly updated Sensory Processing Measure - second edition (SPM-2) to assist clinicians in understanding its strengths and limitations and in selecting an appropriate sensory processing scale that best meets their clients\' needs. Using four established research methodological quality critique tools, the SPM-2\'s family of age-related versions was evaluated by administering the tools separately and discussed their scoring and findings to reach a consensus on all ratings. The tools identified several strengths and weaknesses of the SPM-2. The SPM-2\'s items on its age-related versions scored well in the criteria of internal consistency, test-retest reliability, explanation of the instrument design, construct validity, content validity, criterion validity and ease of administration, and scoring. However, a lack of normative data for participant groups outside of the United States, methodological limitations, and a lack of investigation into some important psychometric properties, particularly responsiveness, were identified as notable weaknesses of the SPM-2\'s items on its age-related versions based on the critique criteria. Overall, despite the areas needing further development and investigation, the SPM-2 is considered a psychometrically sound tool that provides a reliable and valid approach to measuring aspects of the sensory processing construct across the lifespan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rising global life expectancy has underlined the necessity of designing novel and tasty food products, suitable for seniors and people with impaired oral and swallowing functions. For developing these products, texture should be optimised from rheological, colloidal, tribological, and masticatory points of view. The current review provides an overview of different studies based on shear rheological, tribological, and in vitro mastication properties of model or real food systems intended for the elderly and/or people with swallowing dysfunctions, with special emphasis on the relation between the instrumental measurements and sensory perceptions of foods. Several works demonstrated that instrumental data from shear rheological and tribological tests complement the sensory evaluations of foods, providing useful information when designing food commodities for specific populations. Conversely, only few works correlated the instrumental data obtained from artificial mouths and/or simulated masticators with the sensory attributes generated by trained assessors. Broaden knowledge of these topics will help in formulating and adapting foods with enhanced functionalities for people with impaired oral and swallowing capabilities. Shear rheology, soft oral tribology, and simulated mastication tests are crucial in designing safe- and easy-swallowing food products.





