Self-managed abortion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In 2006, a Constitutional Court ruling partially decriminalized abortion in Colombia, allowing the procedure in cases of rape, risk to the health or life of the woman, and fetal malformations incompatible with life. Despite this less prohibitive law, some women and pregnant people preferred self-managing their abortions outside the formal healthcare system, often without accurate information. In 2018, we undertook a study to understand what motivated women to self-manage using medications that they acquired informally. Colombia has since adopted a progressive law in 2022, permitting abortion on request through the 24th week of pregnancy. However, the implementation of this law is still underway. Examining the reasons why women chose to informally self-manage an abortion after 2006 may not only highlight how barriers to legal services persisted at that time, but also could inform strategies to increase knowledge of the current abortion law and improve access to services going forward.
    METHODS: In-depth interviews were conducted in 2018 with 47 women aged 18 and older who used misoprostol obtained outside of health facilities to induce an abortion, and who were receiving postabortion care in two private clinics. Interviews explored what women knew about the 2006 abortion law which was then in effect, and the reasons why they preferred informal channels for abortion care over formal healthcare services.
    RESULTS: Women\'s motivations to use misoprostol obtained outside the formal healthcare system were influenced by lack of trust in the healthcare system along with incomplete and inaccurate knowledge of the abortion law. Conversely, women considered misoprostol obtained outside the healthcare system to be effective, affordable, and easier to access.
    CONCLUSIONS: Obtaining misoprostol outside the formal healthcare system offered a more accessible and appealing prospect for some women given fears of legal repercussion and stigma toward abortion. Though this preference will likely continue despite the more liberal abortion law, strategies should be implemented to broaden knowledge of the recent change in law and to combat misinformation and stigma. This would support knowledge of and access to legal abortion for those who wish to avail themselves of these services.
    UNASSIGNED: En el 2006 la Corte Constitucional de Colombia despenalizó el aborto en casos de violación, riesgo para la salud o vida de la mujer y malformaciones fetales. A pesar de ello, algunas mujeres y personas con capacidad de gestar continuaron obteniendo abortos fuera del sistema de salud. En el año 2018, realizamos un estudio para comprender qué las motivaba a hacerlo. Desde entonces Colombia ha adoptado un marco legal más progresista, permitiendo en el año 2022 el aborto a solicitud hasta la semana 24 de embarazo. Sin embargo, la implementación de este marco legal aún está en curso. Examinar las razones por las que las mujeres recurrieron a auto inducirse un aborto de manera informal después del 2006 no solo informa sobre las barreras a los servicios legales en ese periodo, sino también ayuda a desarrollar estrategias para aumentar el conocimiento del marco legal actual y mejorar el acceso a los servicios MéTODOS: Durante el 2018 entrevistamos a 47 mujeres mayores de 18 años que compraron misoprostol fuera del sistema de salud para inducirse un aborto, y que recibieron atención postaborto. En las entrevistas exploramos lo que sabían sobre el marco legal de ese momento –el del 2006–, y las razones por las cuales recurrieron a fuentes informales para abortar.
    RESULTS: Las motivaciones de las mujeres para usar misoprostol obtenido de fuentes informales resultan de la desconfianza hacia el sistema de salud y un conocimiento incompleto del marco legal. En contraste, las mujeres consideran que el misoprostol obtenido por fuentes alternativas ofrece eficacia y asequibilidad, y es más fácil de obtener.
    CONCLUSIONS: Obtener misoprostol fuera del sistema de salud formal es una alternativa más llamativa para algunas mujeres dadas las preocupaciones sobre las repercusiones legales y el estigma asociado al aborto. Aunque esta preferencia persista a pesar del cambio del marco legal, se deben implementar estrategias para ampliar el conocimiento sobre la despenalización y combatir la desinformación y el estigma. Esto garantizaría que las mujeres estén informadas y puedan acceder a servicios legales de aborto de calidad si así lo desean.
    Despite the availability of legal services, pregnant individuals in Colombia have continued to seek abortion outside of the formal healthcare system. Understanding their knowledge of the abortion law and their perceptions of legal abortion services may provide insight into what motivates them to seek alternative routes of abortion.Women who obtained misoprostol outside of the formal healthcare system were interviewed in 2018, twelve years after abortion was partially decriminalized in Colombia (and prior to the full decriminalization of abortions up to 24 weeks in 2022). A combination of factors led women to seek misoprostol in this manner: incomplete knowledge of the abortion law, fear of legal consequences, fear of social stigma, and a desire for a faster and private process.Self-management with informally obtained medication can offer pregnant individuals the opportunity to have an abortion on their own terms, especially when abortion in the formal healthcare system appears to be unavailable, proves difficult to access, or is accompanied by social and legal risks. While increasing awareness that abortion is legal in Colombia might empower pregnant people to seek formal care, judgment from their community, healthcare providers, and law enforcement may still serve as powerful hindrances to obtaining these services unless there are efforts made to combat abortion stigma as well.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Entertainment television is an influential source of health information, including about reproductive health. We investigated the association between exposure to television plotlines about medication abortion on audience awareness and beliefs about medication abortion.
    We administered a national cross-sectional online survey from December 2021 to January 2022 with a probability-based sample of people assigned female at birth. We asked respondents to select plotlines they had seen from a list of seven that portrayed medication abortion. Among the 3425 people who responded to plotline items, 3340 responded to our outcome measures. Using weighed multivariable analyses, we examined adjusted relationships between exposure to specific types of abortion plotlines and awareness of and beliefs about medication abortion medical safety.
    We found that audience exposure to medication abortion plotlines in which the medication abortion was obtained from a clinic and portrayed as safe was associated with greater awareness of medication abortion compared to nonexposure (RR: 1.68; 95% CI: 1.17, 2.40). Exposure to plotlines that portrayed MA or self-managed MA as safe was associated with audience beliefs that medication abortion is safe.
    This study demonstrates that the content of abortion plotlines and exposure to accurate information may be connected to audience awareness of and beliefs about abortion.
    In a climate of misinformation about abortion, audience exposure to medically accurate television plotlines about medication abortion may be an effective way to increase awareness of medication abortion and influence beliefs about medication abortion safety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This an exploratory study aimed to describe methods and outcomes of comprehensive community-led abortion care in the United States and Canada.
    This community-based participatory research study recruited community abortion providers from the United States and Canada through existing confidential networks. They participated through in-person and online collaboration to design and implement a data collection tool for abortion methods, outcomes, and motivations from clients. We implemented significant security measures to protect participant confidentiality.
    Thirty community providers were recruited, five withdrew, and 12 provided data for 167 at-home abortions. Most abortions occurred between 6 and 10 weeks (104 [62%]). Abortions between 13 and 21 weeks represent 39 cases (23%). Misoprostol only was the most common method (n = 125 [75%]), followed by herbs alone (n = 12 [7%]) and aspiration (n = 12 [7%]). Complications were rare (n = 3 [1.8%]), with 163 complete abortions (98%). The primary motivation for seeking community-led abortion care was avoiding a clinic.
    Community providers employed various abortion methods with safety and effectiveness profiles comparable to those reported for clinical and community-based abortion care. Clients wanting a different model of abortion care seek out community-led abortions, regardless of whether clinics are legal and accessible.
    Community-led abortion is a viable choice for patients. Community providers should be recognized for their contributions to abortion access and high-quality, person-centered care. This study demonstrates a broader range of abortion providers and diverse options meeting the need for individualized abortion care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estimation of abortion incidence, particularly in settings where most abortions occur outside of health facility settings, is critical for understanding information gaps and service delivery needs in different settings. However, the existing methods for measuring out-of-facility abortion incidence are plagued with methodological challenges. Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) may offer a methodological improvement in the estimation of abortion incidence.
    In this study, we tested the feasibility of using RDS to recruit participants into a study about abortion and estimated the proportion of people who ever attempted abortion as well as 1-year and 5-year incidence of abortion (both in-facility and out-of-facility settings) among women of reproductive age in Soweto, South Africa.
    Participants were eligible if they identified as a woman; were aged between 15 and 49 years; spoke English, Tswana, isiZulu, Sotho, or Xhosa; and lived in Soweto. Working with community partners, we identified 11 seeds who were provided with coupons to refer eligible peers to the study. Upon arrival at the study site, the recruits completed an interviewer-administered questionnaire that solicited information about demographic characteristics, social network composition, health behaviors, sexual history, pregnancy history, and experience with abortion; recruits also received 3 recruitment coupons. Recruitment was tracked using coupon numbering. We used the RDS-II estimator to estimate the population proportions of demographic characteristics and our primary outcome, the proportion of people who ever attempted abortion.
    Between April 4, 2018, and December 17, 2018, 849 eligible participants were recruited into the study. The estimated proportion of people who ever attempted abortion was 12.1% (95% CI 9.7%-14.4%). A total of 7.1% (95% CI 5.4%-8.9%) reported a facility-based abortion, and 4.4% (95% CI 3.0%-5.8%) reported an out-of-facility abortion.
    The estimated proportion of people who ever attempted abortion of 12% (102/849) in our study likely represents a substantial underestimation of the actual proportion of abortion attempts among this study population-representing a failure of the RDS method to generate more reliable estimates of abortion incidence in our study. We caution against the use of RDS to measure the incidence of abortion because of persistent concerns with underreporting but consider potential alternative applications of RDS with respect to the study of abortion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Bangladesh, abortion is illegal, except to save a woman\'s life. However, menstrual regulation (MR) to induce menstruation up to 12 weeks from the last menstrual period is permitted. Although safe and legal MR services are available, many women choose to self-manage their abortions. The prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) in Bangladesh is high. Whether IPV is associated with self-managed abortion is unknown. Between January and December 2019 we administered cross-sectional surveys to women presenting for MR or post-abortion care (PAC) services at facilities in six cities in Bangladesh assessing if women had ever experienced IPV and if they attempted to self-manage their abortion. We used multivariable logistic regression to assess the association between IPV and self-managed abortion and multinomial logistic regression to the association between IPV by type: (none, any physical, any sexual, or both) and self-managed abortion. Among 2679 women who presented for MR or PAC care and participated in the survey, 473 (17.7%) had previously attempted to self-manage abortion. Women who had ever experienced any IPV were more likely to attempt self-managed abortion prior to presenting for MR or PAC (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 1.52, 95% CI 1.24, 1.87). Women who ever experienced physical IPV were more likely to attempt self-managed abortion (adjusted relative risk ratio (aRRR) = 1.62, 95% CI 1.30, 2.03). Women who have ever experienced physical IPV may be more likely to attempt a self-managed abortion because they seek more covert ways of ending a pregnancy out of fear for their safety, or because of limited mobility or lack of resources. Interventions to support women to safely self-manage abortion should focus on populations with higher rates of IPV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: With increasing restrictions on abortion across the United States, we sought to understand whether people seeking abortion would consider ending their pregnancy on their own if unable to access a facility-based abortion.
    METHODS: From January to June 2019, we surveyed patients seeking abortion at 4 facilities in 3 US states. We explored consideration of self-managed abortion (SMA) using responses to the question: \"Would you consider ending this pregnancy on your own if you are unable to obtain care at a health care facility?\" We used multivariable Poisson regression to assess associations between individual sociodemographic, pregnancy and care-seeking characteristics and prevalence of considering SMA. In bivariate Poisson models, we also explored whether consideration of SMA differed by specific obstacles to abortion care.
    RESULTS: One-third (34%) of 741 participants indicated they would definitely or probably consider ending the pregnancy on their own if unable to obtain care at a facility. Consideration of SMA was higher among those who reported no health insurance (adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR] = 1.66; 95% Confidence Interval [CI] 1.12-2.44), described the pregnancy as unintended (aPR = 1.53; 95% CI 1.08-2.16), were seeking abortion due to concerns about their own physical or mental health (aPR = 1.50, 95% CI 1.02, 2.20), or experienced obstacles that delayed their abortion care seeking (aPR = 2.26, 95% CI 1.49, 3.40). Compared to those who would not consider SMA, participants who would consider SMA expressed higher difficulty finding an abortion facility (35 vs. 27%, p = 0.019), figuring out how to get to the clinic (29 vs 21%, p = 0.021) and needing multiple clinic visits (23 vs 17%, p = 0.044).
    CONCLUSIONS: One in three people seeking facility-based abortion would consider SMA if unable to obtain abortion care at a facility. As abortion access becomes increasingly restricted in the US, SMA may become more common. Future research should continue to monitor people\'s consideration and use of SMA and ensure that they have access to safe and effective methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Access to abortion throughout much of Mexico has been restricted. Fondo Maria is an abortion accompaniment fund that provides informational, logistical, financial, and emotional support to people seeking abortion care in Mexico. This cross-sectional study examines the factors that influenced decision-making and contributed to delays in accessing care and explores experiences with Fondo Maria\'s support among women living outside Mexico City (CDMX). We describe and compare the experiences of women across the sample (n = 103) who were either supported by Fondo Maria to travel to CDMX to obtain an abortion (n = 60), or self-managed a medical abortion in their home state (n = 43). Data were collected between January 2017 and July 2018. Seventy-seven percent of participants reported that it was difficult to access abortion care in their home state and 34% of participants indicated they were delayed in accessing care, primarily due to a lack of financial support. The majority of participants (58%) who travelled to CDMX for their abortion did so because it seemed safer. The money/cost of the trip was the most commonly cited reason (33%) why participants who self-managed stayed in their home state. Eighty-seven percent of participants said Fondo Maria\'s services met or exceeded their expectations. Our data suggest that people seeking abortion and living outside CDMX face multiple and overlapping barriers that can delay care-seeking and influence decision-making. Abortion accompaniment networks, such as Fondo Maria, offer a well-received model of support for people seeking abortion in restrictive states across Mexico.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Acompañantes are activists who accompany women who have medication abortions outside of clinical settings. We describe models of accompaniment across 3 states in Mexico with diverse abortion laws, access, and acompañantes, and describe how acompañantes conceptualize the benefits and challenges of their work.
    METHODS: In this exploratory, qualitative study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 14 participants about their experiences as acompañantes, in 2 states with restrictive abortion legislation (Baja-California, Chiapas) at the time of research and Mexico City, where abortion is legal upon request in the first trimester. We used a feminist ethnography approach and analyzed data using a priori categories which included perceived benefits of and challenges of the accompaniment model.
    RESULTS: Participants described similar steps and general characteristics of the accompaniment process regardless of the setting, supporting the concept of an overarching definition of the holistic accompaniment model for these acompañantes. Holistic accompaniment is a horizontal model that involves trusting women, not asking for the reasons for their abortion, preventing criminalization, economic support, respecting autonomy, emotional accompaniment, and being flexible. Participants described perceived advantages, including safety, even in settings otherwise unsafe, such as where women may be stigmatized and / or criminalized. Participants described benefits of autonomous abortion compared to in-clinic medication abortion or surgical abortion, and benefits specifically related to accompaniment, such as the potential to make the abortion a positive experience.
    CONCLUSIONS: We describe components of a holistic accompaniment model in Mexico which has specific characteristics that may benefit women who opt for out-of-clinic abortion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Medical abortion (MA) is recommended by the WHO as a safe and effective pregnancy termination method in the first trimester. From a feminist perspective, it is a non-medicalised, self-managed, emancipating procedure allowing persons seeking abortion to be more in control of their abortion, as opposed to surgical procedures. In European countries where MA is legal, the proportion of MA (relative to surgical abortions) varies greatly. We hypothesised that this ratio may be partly explained by country-level dimensions of gender equality. We assessed the association between MA ratios and gender equality in Europe in correlation and regression analyses, using several country-level gender equality indices. The relevance of other factors, i.e. date of introduction of MA and pregnancy week until which MA is permitted, was also investigated. MA ratios ranged from 24.4% (Italy) to 97.7% (Finland). MA was more frequent relative to surgical abortion in countries with higher levels of gender equality. All gender equality indices were associated with MA ratios (e.g. Global Gender Gap Index corr. coeff: 0.761, p < 0.0001). Specifically, markers of economic and political gender equality seemed to drive the correlations. The pregnancy week until which MA is permitted was associated with both gender equality and MA ratios. Our study suggests that women\'s participation in the economic and political sphere may have repercussions on the methods offered and used through abortion services. It highlights the link between feminist perspectives, reproductive health policies and practices, and gender equality, especially in terms of access to economic resources and political representation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Studies on self-managed abortion conducted at abortion clinics may exclude those facing the greatest barriers to care. We aimed to assess association of attempted self-managed abortion with reported barriers to abortion care.
    METHODS: We used data from the Google Ads Abortion Access Study, a prospective cohort study that recruited people searching for abortion care on Google between August 2017 and April 2018. We used a stratified sampling design recruiting by state to ensure representation from all 50 states. Participants completed an online baseline survey and follow-up 4 weeks later. We modeled the adjusted odds of attempting self-managed abortion using multivariable logistic regression, with random effects for state of residence. We assessed attempted self-managed abortion at follow-up by asking: \"Did you take or try to do any of the following to try to end this pregnancy?\" with a closed-ended list of methods.
    RESULTS: Among 856 participants with follow-up data, 28% (95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 25%-31%) reported attempting self-managed abortion. Most common methods used were: herbs, supplements, or vitamins (52%); emergency contraception or many contraceptive pills (19%); mifepristone and/or misoprostol (18%); and abdominal or other physical trauma (18%). Participants still seeking abortion at 4 weeks were more likely to attempt self-management (33%) than those planning to carry to term (20%, p < 0.001). Reporting having to keep the abortion a secret, fearing for one\'s safety/well-being, needing to gather money for travel or the abortion, or living further from an abortion facility as barriers were associated with higher odds of attempts.
    CONCLUSIONS: Attempted self-managed abortion is higher among people facing barriers to abortion care.
    CONCLUSIONS: Reducing financial and distance barriers, such as by removing legal restrictions on abortion, could help reduce attempted self-managed abortion. Additionally, removing restrictions on telehealth for abortion could reduce attempted self-managed abortion. Efforts are needed to permanently remove United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations and state policies prohibiting telehealth for medication abortion, thereby allowing individuals to end their pregnancies without a clinic visit.





